Design of a room for two teenagers (boys, girls or children of different sexes) in a modern style

Wallpaper for walls in the nursery

Posters and stickers look good on walls in a calm style. Examples of children's room design can be seen in the photo. The premises look light and spacious, creating a feeling of light and freedom. If the interior of a nursery for two children is designed rationally, then maintaining order is very simple. You should use only environmentally friendly materials that are natural, durable, and easy to care for. All furniture must have no sharp corners. Remember that happy children grow up in a properly decorated room.

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Modular parquet with oak strips is chosen for the main hall because of its beauty, and for the nursery because of its resistance to high loads. Before laying the parquet, the floor in the loggia needed to be insulated. The insulation was polyethylene in foil and expanded polystyrene boards. Afterwards, the screed was poured, setting its height using metal beacons. A stiff brush was used to remove air bubbles from the self-leveling gypsum cement mixture.

The presence of insulation in the loggia floor will not provide it with the required temperature, so a floor heating system was installed. Reflective material was placed on the screed, and a heating film was rolled out on top. After this, laminate flooring imitating oak boards was laid.

In the room itself, the first layer was laid out as a substrate of moisture-resistant chipboards. The flooring of the children's room is represented by modular parquet with chamfers. The look is completed by a high plinth made of lightweight and durable LDF board.

Each half of the room has its own color scheme in pastel colors; the combination of colors on the wall, decorated in patchwork style, allows you to combine the two halves into a single whole.

We had to get rid of the old wall decoration along with the old furniture. The walls required leveling, which ensured successive layers of primer, plaster and plaster. The last stage of preparation for finishing work was the finishing layer of snow-white vinyl-based putty.

To place vertical and horizontal lines when decorating panels using the patchwork technique, we used a professional laser. To create the required pattern, we used viscose wallpaper with a special dirt-repellent impregnation.

Decoration in various styles

The classic style is quite an advantageous solution for decorating a nursery. Such an interior involves the installation of wooden beds, decorated with beautiful carved details, the use of various accessories and a royal color palette, making the atmosphere truly magical and fabulous.

The photo shows the design of a modern bedroom for teenage girls.

Coming from France, the romantic Provence style will perfectly complement the bedroom of two girls aged 10 to 12 years. The design often includes natural lilac, pink, soft blue and other pastel palettes, floral prints in wallpaper, pastel linen, curtains and other textiles. Furniture items generally have a lighter and lighter design.

Loft style is more suitable for teenagers from 14 to 16 years old who strive for self-expression and personal development. This interior is distinguished by a very stylish and original look, discreet shades, slightly rough finishes and the use of street decor, such as graffiti.

It is also not recommended for two children to purchase furniture in different styles. If there is some rivalry between them, then this moment can escalate hostility.

Dark colors should not be used in small rooms, because... They already visually reduce the space. Always choose wallpaper colors and textures that are age appropriate. Classic neutral shades and styles will always help parents out: for babies, for schoolchildren, and for teenagers.

Consult with your children on all design issues. The child can independently choose whatever he likes. You shouldn’t contradict or insist on your own if the small owners of the room are unhappy with something. After all, you are trying for them. Give a unique interior, and with it a happy childhood!

Choosing a color palette and wall decoration

Correctly selected color combinations in the design of a nursery for children of different sexes can visually expand the bedroom, harmoniously divide it into zones, and also highlight everyone’s personal space. Below is a table of optimal color options for children, depending on gender and age.

Gender Age category Design options Girls Up to 3 years old Children of this age need to decorate the interior in light, pastel colors, avoiding bright and flashy shades. For example: all shades of beige; Ivory; lilac; lilac; pale pink.

Schoolchildren and preschoolers Preferably calm colors using one catchy accent. Teenagers Walls painted white look advantageous, and highlight one of them with an additional bright pattern, for example, a geometric pattern, stencil flowers. Boys Up to 3 years old Soft pastel colors will provide a calm environment and allow the younger generation to develop harmoniously

Here it is recommended to give preference to such colors as: blue; pale green; all shades of beige.

Schoolchildren and preschoolers At this age, you can use some catchy accents on the walls, but a sense of proportion is important. Oversaturation with bright details will visually reduce a small area. Teenagers Here you can use different color options, combining them with expressive patterns, for example, geometric ones.

When choosing a color scheme, take into account the preferences of children and the recommendations of psychologists

Advice! If you do not have a large area for a nursery, you should give preference to light colors in the design, since dark colors will visually reduce the already small area.

In a children's room with a small area we do not recommend using dark colors

Color scheme in a room for two girls

Girls love pink and purple, as everyone knows, but you shouldn't limit yourself to two standard colors. It makes more sense to choose a delicate shade from a pastel range and diversify it with bright decorative elements.

This can be either bright hearts, ruffles, stars, animals and flowers on curtains, wallpaper and bed linen - for preschool-aged sisters, or bright furniture for older children.

The sleeping area should be decorated exclusively in calm tones so that the child can relax in such an environment.

When choosing a color scheme for your design, take a closer look at the following colors: light olive, apricot, blue, soft pink, mint, pistachio, ivory and baked milk, greenish yellow, light green, beige, peach, vanilla, golden.

From the point of view of child psychologists, these are ideal shades for a nursery.

If the height of the room is at least 2.5 m, a glossy stretch ceiling will look very stylish, allowing you to visually expand the space. By coordinating the design with the sisters, you can turn an ordinary ceiling into a night or morning sky, painting it in dark blue with golden stars or delicate azure with snow-white clouds.

The latter option will help visually expand the space and add light to the room.

Attention should be paid to the psychological aspect of colors: for example, red in a nursery is unacceptable, as it causes excitement and even aggression. It can be used exclusively for melancholic and passive babies who need stimulation, and only in play and work areas

If you want bright accents, it is better to use yellow, orange, lilac or hot pink.

It is important not to overdo it with purple and blue colors, especially in bright versions: psychologists say that their abundance can tire and depress children, and sometimes even cause depression


One room for two teenagers is always an additional challenge. After all, when decorating, parents will have to take into account the individual characteristics of each child, create a holistic interior and harmoniously combine the play, work and sleeping areas.

The children's room should combine functional areas, furniture, colors and decor.

There are usually four main zones in a nursery:

  1. For storing things. Of course, the ideal option would be to install two separate cabinets. If the area of ​​the room does not allow this, you will have to be content with one, but symmetrical, so that the same number of shelves and hangers is intended for each child.
  2. For learning. Again, it is important that each student has his own workspace. Only in exceptional cases is it possible to use one table for two. By the way, the problem of a small area can be solved by transforming furniture or folding tables, which are simply removed after completing homework.
  3. A place to play. Another pitfall for parents. When highlighting this zone, it is very important to take into account the interests and preferences of each boy, even if one of them is very small. When designing a place for games, be sure to discuss this with your children; they themselves will tell you what will be more important to them: a basketball hoop or a gymnastics mat.
  4. Bedroom. Each child should have his own place for proper rest. Having the right mattress is important. In addition, make sure that the child does not “outgrow” his bed; change this interior detail in a timely manner. To save space, purchase bunk models or transformable beds.

You can divide a room in different ways. For example:

  • Parallel. In this case, study tables and beds are located parallel to each other.
  • Diagonally. Sleeping places and work areas are located diagonally.
  • Total area. Most often, chairs and a sofa or a computer desk are chosen for this.

Advice from experienced designers will help you create a beautiful and functional room.

Nursery design for girls: harmony in everything

The gender of children is perhaps the most important factor that must be taken into account in order to obtain a comfortable interior. Listen, first of all, to your own feelings and take the individual characteristics of your children as a basis. No one knows them better than you, and only you can decide in what space they should grow. Whether your daughters are princesses or pirates with a passion for adventure, it doesn’t matter if the main goal is to create a harmonious, comfortable and safe interior. The design of a children's room for a girl should be a continuation of her temperament, the embodiment of her dreams and favorite fairy tales.

Interior created by Soul-Concrete studio

Regardless of the gender and age of children, their room should be well lit and decorated in a color scheme rich in variety. It is better to use warm shades of any of the colors you choose. This will help calm even the most active and restless child. The ceiling can be made completely white or painted in heavenly colors; you should not use dark shades.

Girls room

Fairytale nursery

The author of the project is WhiteRoom studio

If your girls like to lie in bed, then it is better to give their gaze the opportunity to linger on the drawings on the ceiling and walls - this is much more interesting than a strict plain surface. Use framed posters - they will help add variety and bright details to the interior. But remember: the older the children get, the less appropriate the landscapes and drawings around them will become. But a contrasting wall or part of it against the general background will look interesting, will emphasize the division of thematic zones and will give the nursery some structure.

Remember that girls are just as active as boys, so try to provide each of them with their own space for creativity. If it is not possible to separate the playing areas, then consider the placement of the beds in the room in such a way that they can have privacy and hide from prying eyes. They should have their own place to store toys and valuables. These can be niches in the bed or separate shelves on the wall or in the closet.

If there is not much free space, and the children are still small, then the closet can be replaced with a small chest of drawers, which, in turn, will serve as a separator of two zones if placed between the beds.

Characteristics of temperament, tastes and hobbies, as well as age - these are the main criteria that must be followed when creating a room for girls. If they are already going to school, then there will be more writing instruments and books than toys familiar to early childhood. The role of sports and hobbies in their lives should be directly reflected in the interior of the room in which they will spend a lot of time.

Children's room design for two children

Children's room 12 sq. m

Children's room in the attic

When choosing a color scheme, ask each child what color he would like to see his room in and which characters would be best to make his neighbors. The older the child, the more information on this issue he will provide you with, and your task should be to combine different (and perhaps even opposite) tastes into one harmonious picture.

Nursery design for two children

Design by ReRoom studio

Children's room with bunk bed

The interior is the work of Chango & Co studio

Children's room for two boys

A room for twin boys does not require complex design, just use simple tips:

  1. To save space, install a bunk bed, but if the area of ​​the room allows you to accommodate 2 separate beds, you can choose this option.
  2. Little brothers should have a common play area with common toys.
  3. Everyone should have their own workplace, racks, shelves and cabinets, so that the children can store their things and be responsible for maintaining order.

Dark walls will benefit from daylight from large windows

A table in the form of a bar between the beds will help to divide the space and at the same time unite the children for a common task.

The interests of the child influence the design of his personal space in the room

A bunk bed will help save space in a small bedroom

Plain wall covering in soft pastel colors

An interesting version of a bunk bed in the form of a house, you can play and relax in it

Beautiful bunk bed for boys

Room color scheme

When arranging a children's room for a boy, it is important to adhere to a certain color scheme that emphasizes the gender of the owner of the room. Traditionally, two colors are considered girlish – lilac and pink; parents should avoid them when designing a fashionable interior design for a boy’s room.

There are no restrictions in other colors; you can combine several color options, both from the same range and from a contrasting one

Traditionally, two colors are considered girlish – lilac and pink; parents should avoid them when designing a fashionable interior design for a boy’s room. There are no restrictions in other colors; you can combine several color options, both from the same range and from contrasting ones.

A soft carpet is a must-have detail in the interior of a baby’s room.

Functional and practical interior of a children's room for two boys

The gaming area is best placed in that part of the room that receives maximum natural light

Setting up a work area near the window is the right decision

The color scheme in the interior of a children's room should directly depend on the age of the child. Delicate pastel shades are ideal for a baby. For schoolchildren - bright colors of brown, blue, gray or light blue. For teenagers, the best option would be a combination of blue and white or blue and gray.

An equally important criterion when choosing a color palette is the level of natural light in the room. For a sunny room, cool colors are best - blue, white, blue. If the room is shaded, a combination of brown with yellow and milky colors would be a good choice.

Brutal guitarist's room in loft style

Beautiful white wallpaper with black letters will be a wonderful addition to your workplace

Natural wood is undoubtedly a material for the manufacture of children's furniture

Thematic design of a children's room for a boy

Basically, the thematic design of a children's room for a boy this year is represented by the following design ideas:

  • Cartoon characters;
  • Race tracks;
  • Treasures and tropical islands;
  • Motorcycles;
  • Pirate ships, sailboats;
  • Cars;
  • Superheroes.

Interesting design of a children's room for a young car enthusiast

A successful combination of blue, white and red colors in the interior of a children's room

To do this, one of the walls can be covered with photo wallpaper depicting a geographical map, a clock in the form of a steering wheel can be hung on the other side, and a chest “lined with iron” will serve as a place for storing things.

Advice! When choosing a marine style, give preference to the use of three colors - gray, blue and white.

Amazingly beautiful room for a teenage boy in a nautical style

With good natural light, cool shades of blue will look more cozy

A children's bed in the shape of a boat is every boy's dream

Whatever the design of a children's room for a boy, the main thing is that the child feels comfortable and cozy in it. We hope that our ideas, tips and photos will help you create the perfect interior for your baby.

Girl, boy or shared nursery?

Layout of a children's room 10 sq. m. largely depends on the number of children and their gender. A wall bars, a bed in the shape of a car, a motorcycle or a dinosaur would be appropriate in a boy’s room.

Photo wallpaper here can reflect space, astronomical or sports themes. The windows of a boy's room are usually closed with blinds or straight, plain curtains.

The design of a girl's room has its own nuances. Here, a mandatory piece of furniture is a dressing table, because even little princesses love to preen themselves in front of a mirror.

Girls are the future guardians of the family hearth, which is why most of them all want to take care of someone.

An aquarium or a cage with a pet can be located here.

If two children live in the room, a bunk bed will help save space. The main thing is to provide each child with a separate personal space for games and hobbies.


A children's bedroom must have:

  • beds or sofa for sleeping;
  • sofa for daytime reading;
  • ergonomic desk, chair for it;
  • bedside chairs for laying clothes.

A bright room filled with high-quality and comfortable furniture will be an ideal place for your baby to spend time.

The second point is controversial. Every parent knows that you need to read while sitting at the table, with an even posture. But children at their age are not assiduous. Therefore, it is better to immediately properly arrange the sofa for reading books. It is installed so as to provide good illumination during the day, and at night - free penetration of light from a chandelier or floor lamps.

Designers advise paying more attention to the child’s opinion when choosing the image of the future room.

Look at the selection of photographs accompanying the article. There's sure to be something there just for you.

Choosing shades

It has already been invented before us that blue is a boy’s color and pink is a girl’s color. But in a small room, such contrasting colors should not be used to divide the room into two halves.

In this case, it is better to give preference to a neutral range of colors, while it can be bright (even desirable) or pastel.

Beware of using black, brown or any other dark colors - the nursery should be joyful and positive. Look at the photo - the diverse interiors should inspire you.

  • Lilac, lavender, green, and blue shades are good for a bright, warm room with windows facing south.
  • Yellow, warm lavender, beige tones will “warm” a room located in the north.
  • White color is good in any room. But will it be practical and not boring? You can complement it with accents of red, electric blue or bright green – generously, without skimping.
  • You should be careful with black. They can only adjust the room - visually “raise” the ceilings or divide the room into zones.

It’s another matter if the size of the nursery allows it to be divided into two equal parts. This is the simplest nursery design for children of different sexes. Precisely on the same ones to avoid quarrels. Then, using a partition we divide the room.

Such a room will be comfortable for small children, schoolchildren, adult teenage children, and children of different ages.

The general color design can be in three styles.

  1. Monochrome. Each zone is painted in its own shade, but belonging to the same color spectrum: plum and lilac, lilac and fuchsia, violet and violet. But you will definitely need to dilute this monochrome with bright details - pillows, lampshades, textiles, furniture fronts.
  2. General background. The whole room is decorated in the same color. In this case, it is zoned with the help of decor - posters, stencil drawings on the walls, the same textiles, furniture, screen or curtain.
  3. A game of contrast. For the girl's and boy's parts of the room, opposite shades are chosen that are in harmony with each other: lilac and gray, pink and green, yellow and dark blue, gray and pink, light purple and green, sand and brown, etc.

You can stylistically connect two zones separated by a partition with accessories. Boys' paintings are framed in wine or yellow frames, and girls have blue pillows on the bed. Another connecting link in the interior can be shelves of the same color and configuration, present on both the women's and men's sides.

Photo of room design for two boys

What a blessing it is to have two boys in a family! They need their own room, which will be convenient, comfortable, safe and able to withstand active games, because the guys destroy and sweep away everything in their path! In this article we will talk about what a children's room should be like for two boys.

A sailors' dream and a good option for active children

Not every family can afford to pay for the work of an expensive designer. But there are a lot of tricks for creating a comfortable room that everyone can do. A nursery for boys should be spacious, have a certain set of colors, and have a specially selected style that matches the characters of each of them.

˃ In order for little owners to be comfortable, the room should seem as spacious as possible. If this is not a huge room, in which there is initially a lot of space, then light will visually expand the space, as in the photo. Large windows on the sunny side will perfectly fill the children's room with space. Light curtains and pastel-colored curtains are also suitable; you should not hang heavy curtains.

Convenient place to do homework by the window Combination of light and space

It is important to make the most of the sun's rays. For example, you can position the desk so that the light falls in front of the child

Natural lighting is soft and pleasing to the eye.

The sun's rays will fill the room with a warm and gentle play of light, which is necessary for psychological relief. If there is not enough natural light, you need to use more built-in lamps

They should be placed evenly, preferably in a checkerboard pattern, with special attention paid to the working and playing parts of the room

Thinking through the interior of a room for two boys is not an easy task. After all, every boy has his own taste and hobbies, everyone would like to see something of their own in the room. To make it easier to decide on a design, we recommend that you watch the video presented, which shows the most popular interiors of rooms for two boys:

Room zoning

Zoning In a children's room, it is necessary to allocate three zones: a play area, a work area and a relaxation area. Of course, the division will be conditional, but it should be visible at first glance (see example in the photo). When working on the design of a nursery for two boys, they adhere to the following principle: the children’s play and work areas are shared, and the recreation area must be allocated separately for each young inhabitant.

  • The work area is the place where the child will engage in a wide variety of activities: do homework, sculpt, etc., and also store all the necessary supplies. Accordingly, the work area will need good lighting and as many secret drawers and all kinds of shelves as possible.
  • A play area for two boys, ideally, contains enough space. The entire area from floor to ceiling should be occupied with useful exercise equipment, and the remaining spaces should be used for storing toys. Boys need plenty of space where they can expend their restless energy.
  • The resting and sleeping area should be as comfortable as possible for both. To save space, you can equip a bunk bed. If the choice fell on two beds, then they should be identical and stand at a certain distance (at least half a meter) from one another. Here children relax, take a break from the surrounding bustle and from each other.

All zones are diluted with decorative elements. Boyish pictures and stickers are used everywhere for this, trust your imagination

It is important to decorate the room with photographs of boys that can tell something about them

cork covering

Color spectrum

Successful combination of colors With the help of color it is easy to set the desired theme in the interior. You shouldn’t use one favorite color completely; it can be diluted with different shades.

For ambitious boys, it is better to use cool tones - shades of blue and steel gray, and also add calmness with greenery. Tame boys can be cheered up with rich blue combined with bright elements.

Color combination for boys The interior of a nursery for two boys is selected in the same thematic colors, you can play with light contrast. This will add brightness and originality to the room.

Make your children's dreams come true

Stars on the ceiling, balls on the wall, favorite cartoon characters - there can be many motifs in a children's room for brothers, but which one should you choose? First of all, take the children's interests into account. If you have an athlete at home, decorate his space with a rug that imitates a green lawn and paint one of the walls the same shade. Instead of a chair, use a pouf in the shape of a soccer ball

If you have an athlete at home, decorate his space with a rug that imitates a green lawn and paint one of the walls the same shade. Instead of a chair, use a pouf in the shape of a soccer ball.

Don't forget about posters of your favorite players - print your chosen photos and hang them in frames, and the green wall will become a great backdrop for them. If your child wins medals or cups, place them in a designated area.

Not only sports, but also space is the passion of many young people. Create a starry sky with colorful paints and decorate them with a moon sticker - the fluorescent gadget will shine at night.

Paint the wall near the bed with a planet pattern - this is a characteristic element, so use it only on one surface and paint over the rest with white paint.

Useful tips

  • It is better to purchase a bunk bed and a sports corner from trusted manufacturers. The safety of your children depends on this.
  • It is better not to use stretch ceilings in a children's room for babies. This ceiling design is best used for children of school age.
  • Let the furniture be made of natural wood or metal. Do not choose wood chips - this is an unreliable material, moreover, it can cause allergies.
  • There should be enough light in the work area. If you doubt that this is the case, it is better to install an additional lamp.
  • It is recommended to install a sconce or a night light with dim light in the recreation area. Or you can give preference to modern lamps that are mounted on a bracket and that can be moved closer or further.
  • Avoid a lot of black, purple and bright red shades when decorating a children's room for two teenagers. This palette contributes to rapid fatigue and negatively affects the child’s psyche.

Parents may not like everything about the designs their teens choose, but it's probably time to trust their kids. In addition, it is important to respect their right to personal space and some secrets from their parents. This means that it is quite possible to install a latch on the door so that the child, if necessary, can be completely alone.

Finishing materials suitable for a children's room must be environmentally friendly - not emit harmful substances and not emit strong odors.

Furniture as a nursery base for two children

When two children of opposite sexes live in a room, they will always find a way to be together. The parents' task is to give them the opportunity for at least relative privacy.

Because The children's area is usually small, making partitions is not an option. Zoning is done by the arrangement of furniture: beds, tables, cabinets. Therefore, let's start with the shape and design of furniture.

White furniture

Because The interests of different sexes and especially different ages differ greatly; it is better to make furniture in a neutral color. And here is a trap - furniture cannot be made in ordinary wood colors. The nursery will still have a lot of bright, saturated colors, and they won’t go with the natural wood browns and yellows. This is why most children's rooms look terrible.

I discussed in detail the importance of white furniture in children's rooms in previous thematic materials. Be sure to check out:

  1. Children's room for a boy
  2. For two boys
  3. Children's room for girls
  4. For two girls

And in general, the most important material I strongly advise you to read: How to combine colors in the interior.

To keep it simple, the only color left for the furniture is completely neutral – white. White goes perfectly with any, even bright colors, it is in fashion, it looks stylish. It is also advisable to choose the color of the laminate flooring with low saturation (i.e., without obvious shifting into shades). Cool example of a nursery for two children, 13 square meters with white furniture:

You can add brightness with wallpaper, accessories and toys. But because children of different sexes, the topic should be neutral, and preferably long-lasting.

Neutral themes from children's cartoons or a superhero theme work well. Interesting design in antique or Scandinavian style, a kind of children's Provence. The latter will be relevant until adulthood.


If your two children, in addition to gender, also differ in age, the design of the nursery should be made for the older one.

When a child is small, he sees a fairy tale in everything and does not experience any discomfort from ordinary design. But in adolescence, being in an overly childish room is bad. This can cause problems during an already difficult period of personal development. Read more in the material about the design of rooms for teenagers. Photo example of a nursery for two, where one teenager is 17.8 sq. m..

Or more stylish options:

Color solutions in a children's room for two boys

The choice of color schemes in the design of a children's room should be based not only on personal preferences. According to psychologists, the colors used in the interior can often reveal certain character qualities and even talents of children

Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the selection of shades. In the first years of life, it is more beneficial for both boys and girls to be in a nursery with a calm interior

For example, a good color scheme would be beige, pale blue, pink, or ivory. In the room of children over four years old, bright and saturated colors may appear.

Let's look at the current shades that are often used in decoration:

  • Blue. It has a positive effect on physical condition and reduces muscle tension. It is better for blue to be present as an accent, a decorative element, in borders, curtains or toys. But you shouldn’t overdo it with this color, because the abundance of such a cold tone can cause depression.
  • Red. This shade usually has a stimulating effect on the psyche and even helps to increase blood pressure. Therefore, you should not choose it as the main color. It is enough to limit yourself to a few red accessories in the form of pillows, photo frames, flower pots, etc. The excessive presence of a red tint in a children's room will negatively affect the psyche of boys and girls. Headaches and sleep disturbances may occur.
  • The whole spectrum of green. This color has the ability to maintain normal eye pressure, helps stabilize breathing, increases concentration and has a sedative effect on the body, which promotes health and improves sleep. Green can be present in the room of two boys not only in decorative elements, but also as the main color.
  • The whole palette of yellow. This range has a positive effect on vision function, improves mood, and helps activate brain processes. Yellow can be the sides of the bed, individual elements, or the entire interior of the room. If your child is highly impulsive, then it is not recommended to choose bright colors when decorating a room; it is better to stick to warm shades.
  • Orange. Has a beneficial effect on digestion and increases appetite. It is better if this color is present in individual details. For example, in pillows or toys. If there is too much orange in the room, it can make children feel tired and sometimes dizzy.

The choice of decorating style for a nursery is significantly influenced by the age of the child. Until about 9 years old, children love interiors designed in accordance with some theme, cartoons, or book plots. As teenagers, they already like all kinds of design styles, including loft, hi-tech, etc. Let children become active participants in the process of decorating their bedroom.

Based on the theme of the interior, the area of ​​the room and the amount of natural light, you can begin to determine the desired shades and tones of the decor. If the room has large windows, then it would be a good idea to experiment with bright colors. In cases where there is not enough lighting, it is better to give preference to a light design. One way or another, we advise you to choose not one, but several shades, with which you can divide the room into zones.

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