Children's room for children of different sexes: zoning, interior photos

Types of wallpaper

A children's room requires special attention in choosing finishing materials, since there should be no negative impact not only on physical, but also mental health. Therefore, it is better to consider the pros and cons of wallpaper:

  1. Paper. These are environmentally friendly canvases, made from natural materials. Drawings and applications are easily applied to them, providing an opportunity to implement fresh and interesting ideas. Disadvantage: it is difficult to remove dirt from surfaces and are prone to mechanical damage.
  2. Vinyl. Paper or non-woven fabric is used for the base, and a vinyl layer is used on top. Such coatings hide imperfections in walls well and do not fade in the sun. Durable, so there will be no need for frequent repairs. Cheap options may release harmful substances.
  3. Non-woven. They have high strength and ductility, a pleasant texture to the touch, and high moisture resistance. Disadvantages include the use of synthetic materials for production and a small selection of pictures.
  4. Liquid wallpaper. Such coatings are easy to paint and are environmentally friendly. Thanks to the microporous texture, they provide high noise and heat insulation. They are expensive.
  5. Glowing wallpaper. Create real silhouette images after lighting the light bulb. Such canvases are pasted over according to the principle of photo wallpaper and are most often used to decorate accent walls.
  6. Photo wallpaper. These coverings create bright accents on the walls; with their help it is convenient to divide the space into zones for a girl and a boy. Popular wallpaper themes include Disney cartoon characters, pictures of space, and stars.
  7. Cork. This is wallpaper that provides high sound insulation, is made from natural materials, is pleasant to the touch, strong, and durable.

What wallpaper is suitable for a nursery for children of different sexes, look at the photo.

Which furniture and accessories to choose

The modern market offers a huge selection of furniture. When arranging a small nursery, it is good to use bleached oak products. They will fill the room with light, and it will be rare to use artificial devices for these purposes.

The effect will be enhanced by light wallpaper on the wall, flooring and light curtains on the window.

Interior design helps to generalize the preferences of children of different sexes. This happens rarely and the boundaries of each of its inhabitants are visible in the room. This allows them to assert themselves and learn to be loyal to the interests of others. Thus, the future model of adult life is formed.

Girls from the age of three begin to pay special attention to their appearance. A mirror and a closet in which they store beautiful dresses, beads and other jewelry help them in this.

It is necessary to take care of the presence of these pieces of furniture in the room.

The tastes and preferences of girls and boys are different. Despite this, the requirements for furniture are the same for everyone. It should be comfortable and ergonomic. We are talking about cabinets, furniture sets and accessories.

In the nursery, you need to pay special attention to the place where the toys will be stored. Boxes, baskets, cabinets are used for this.

A spacious box will suit girls well. It can be used as a table and serve as storage for various items.

This will allow you to use free space more efficiently.

Finishing principles

  1. The interior of the nursery should be varied, and the materials for pasting should be combined with each other and not contradict the general style.
  2. A universal solution for decorating a nursery for children of different sexes is neutral shades of wallpaper. Canvases in yellow, green and orange are suitable for boys and girls' rooms. Children of different age groups can appreciate the bright and positive design. The main thing is to use saturated shades proportionally.

  3. Screens of unusual shapes or curtains are used as zone dividers for boys and girls.

  4. It is advisable to add a bright accent to the interior; this can be done with the help of colorful patterns and designs on the wallpaper.
  5. Leave space for children's imagination. On one of the walls you can paste canvases in calm tones and allocate free space for everyone. Posters, photographs and other decorative elements are welcome.
  6. It is not necessary to separate zones with relief canvases; it is enough to combine wallpaper of different colors. It is important that their intensity is approximately the same. Combined wallpaper for a boy and a girl in the photo below:

What wallpaper you can choose for a nursery for a boy or a girl, look at the photo.

Sleeping area

A school-age girl will not only competently explain to her parents what color and wallpaper pattern she prefers, but will also help her choose it. You can hear a detailed story from her about popular stories, modern wallpaper trends, but with little ones it’s more difficult, because sometimes it’s not easy for them to explain their desires.

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Girls are little dreamers, always ready to travel around their dreamland. Their room is a castle for them, in which a real princess lives, and this illusion helps them grow in an atmosphere of love and tenderness.

Walt Disney

They will be hooligans or creative bullies, so wallpaper for a children’s room for girls should be selected based on the characteristics of these qualities. Let's look at the factors that cause the choice of one or another base for the walls.

If you have boys and girls of different ages, then different rules apply. A seven-year-old boy will not like the paintings that his 12-year-old brother chose. What to do and what can be done in such situations?

When buying wallpaper for a children's room of mixed-sex children, you should adhere to the following strategy. It is advisable to explain to your elder why wallpaper in aggressive colors or with a scary image will be harmful to his little brother/sister. Perhaps it is worth agreeing on compromise options - not choosing a canvas with drawings, but turning your attention to geometric patterns, appliqués, or even solid shades.

Solid colors for children of different sexes

To please the youngest, you shouldn’t cover the surface exclusively with “children’s” patterns. The elder should understand that this room is also his territory. The ideal solution is zoning the room, where everyone has their own place, which fully corresponds to age and hobbies.

The room can be divided into 2 equal zones so that no one is offended. To do this, you can use different options for partitions and a closet. Organize the area for your son with one color scheme, and for your daughter with another. In this case, it is better to put separate beds.

If the room is incredibly small, install a bed of 2 tiers. But first, you should discuss with the children who will occupy which floor. The difference can be decorated with drawings on the wall.

Be sure to choose bedding in different colors. For example, for a boy - darker, for a girl - lighter. If the kids are very small, and you decide to install a bed of 2 tiers, organize play elements that will surely bring brother and sister closer together.

There should definitely be a lot of space for this, especially if the kids are still very small. For boys, it is important to prepare a place where they can play sports; an excellent option would be to install a wall bars that will not take up too much space.

As a rule, girls are calmer. For them, the play area is a place where they have doll tea parties and read books. In this case, the best option will be a folding table type. By the way, both kids can use it if, for example, they play some board toys.

Let us repeat once again that everyone should have a personal computer so that you do not have to separate your children every day. It is not at all necessary that there are two large tables in the room.

These can be modular systems, for example, a modern loft bed, where there is a bed on the second tier and a workplace below. If the room is very small and there is no way to place two such beds in it, then we recommend making sure that there is one long tabletop, but at the same time providing two people with a working area at once.

If the age difference between the children is large, it may not be necessary to install two tables. Here you should think over and organize a place for the elder to study, as well as a play area for the younger.

Some people mistakenly believe that a room for a teenage girl should be decorated in pink. In fact, a large amount of this color begins to irritate over time. If you have already made a room for a newborn in bright pink colors, be prepared for the fact that in the girl’s room you will already have to change the color scheme.

It is recommended to use light shades when decorating a room. It can be olive, beige, creamy, sand, blue. Pink can also be present in the interior, but in small quantities.

The choice of wallpaper color and design depends on your daughter's temperament. If she is a dreamy and romantic person, one of the walls or some part of it can be covered with pink wallpaper. They will go well with sky blue wallpaper.

If your child is energetic and active, then the color of the wallpaper may be brighter. In such an interior there is a place for orange and yellow colors. If a girl loves creativity: she draws, embroiders or writes poetry, the wallpaper can be completely or partially gold. It is this color that promotes creativity and inspires.

The main thing is not to forget a simple rule: the older your child, the less bright the wallpaper should be. If she is 15-16 years old, then you should not make the walls bright yellow, orange or green.

To decorate a girl's room, you can use wallpaper with a geometric print.

Color spectrum

  1. White, cream, gray wallpaper is suitable for a nursery only if the interior has a lot of bright elements.
  2. Children perceive cold tones negatively, so there should be as few of them as possible. It is allowed to use only dark inserts against the background of light wallpaper.
  3. Gradient wallpaper with smooth transitions from one color to another looks beautiful in a nursery space for children of different sexes.
  4. To expand the room, use light background wallpaper with small patterns or designs.
  5. The boy's area can be covered with blue, light blue, and green wallpaper; for girls, pink, lavender, and mint colors are suitable. These shades are used to zone the room, but it is better to find a compromise between the preferences of both children and paste the room in the same type, as shown in the photo:

  6. If the nursery is small and it is not possible to allocate space for each of the children, use neutral shades of wallpaper: beige, white, sand, golden color, a good example in the photo:

How color combinations of wallpaper look in a nursery for children of different sexes, look at the photo.

Color palette

Most parents believe that bright colors have a bad effect on the child’s psyche, that children quickly get bored and use white and pastel colors when decorating. However, this color scheme is relevant when focusing on bright details, which can be bookshelves, paintings, photographs. And yet, when decorating a room for children, it is advisable to use warm, rich colors. Avoid wallpaper in dull shades, as they have no place in a room where children will spend all their free time.

When a decent amount of square meters is available, a room for children of different sexes can be divided into zones by choosing certain colors for this. The interior in a boy's area can harmoniously combine blue and light green shades, while for girls lavender, mint, and soft pink tones are preferable. Be careful not to overuse cool shades. If you can’t do without them, then limit yourself to small inserts and inserts. They will reduce the child’s activity and help him relax. An excellent option would be a smooth flow of colors into one another.

If the space in the room for mixed-sex children is limited, try to visually expand it with the help of light background wallpaper interspersed with small patterns and inserts. With age, children's color preferences change, especially often during adolescence. However, this change in taste cannot be ignored; in this case, wallpaper, on which you can apply a layer of paint, will help. Remember that the top shade should not be lighter. The ideal option is to use similar shades, 1-2 shades darker.

The design of each zone should take into account its purpose.

Game ZoneBright patterned wallpaper with an interesting ornament is suitable; it is best if the pattern is children's themed.
Sleep zoneIt is decorated with pleasant, calm shades that do not cause aggression and are not perceived negatively. For example, in no case should the color pink be present in a boy’s sleeping area, as it will only irritate him.
Work zoneThe study area should have wallpaper in neutral shades, preferably without any patterns. Neutral plain wallpaper will not distract from your studies.

Design of a zone for a boy

Popular wallpaper themes for boys:

  • adventure (landscapes with ships, submarines, pictures with pirates, aliens from outer space);
  • sports (wallpaper with images of soccer balls, a football field, athletes);
  • technical (racing cars, high-speed locomotives, sports aircraft);
  • automotive (wallpapers with sports cars, characters from the cartoon “Cars”);
  • marine (ships, fish, underwater world, dolphins, islands, seagulls);
  • cosmic (wallpaper with space maps, galaxies, constellations);
  • animal (images of animals);
  • urban (wallpaper with skyscrapers, night bridges, architectural objects);
  • natural (mountains, ponds, sky, forest, ocean).

Age categories

Preschool boys prefer that the walls near their bed be decorated with images of cartoon characters, among which Shrek, Cars, Spider-Man, and pirates are popular.

Children will appreciate the themed design; they will be happy if their sleeping area turns into a ship cabin, a space station or an underwater world.

It is advisable to use such drawings that will introduce the baby to sports or studies. Walls decorated with images of famous athletes, geographical maps, drawings of books or soccer balls will contribute to the development of the child. Space and marine styles involve the use of shades of blue and cyan; the main color for a football theme is green.

The design of a teenage room should be more restrained, so you should get rid of some thematic elements. The general direction of the design does not need to be changed. Pay attention to the photo.

Decorating the boy's territory

Future men from a very early age value concrete subjects more than abstraction. Toddlers prefer calm, uncomplicated pictures, but as the child grows up, his preferences begin to differ. Preschoolers will love wallpapers with cartoon characters; it is better to choose famous characters familiar to the child. It could be Shrek, Spider-Man, Disney pirates, heroes or favorite heroes Cheburashka, Leopold the cat. The boys will love the themed design of the room, especially if their part of the room turns into a space starship or submarine.

It is better for a student to choose wallpaper that puts him in the mood for studying and playing sports. In this case, wallpaper with athletes, sports equipment, and geographic maps will look great in the nursery.

Dividing into zones for children of different sexes is appropriate if you have a large room, because when creating a personal corner for one child, you must create similar conditions for the other. If you are limited in space, then you can either choose neutral patterns or correctly combine color divisions. At the same time, it is very important to take into account the age of the children, because the older the child, the more individuality can be added to the interior of the nursery.


Decorating the area for girls

Popular themes for girls:

  • photo wallpapers with musical performers, artists;
  • landscape sketches of Paris, Venice, and other European cities;
  • images of flowers and plant drawings;
  • romantic pictures in light colors: pink, pastel, coral.

For girls 0-3 years old, choose wallpaper in calm shades. You can use stripes, geometric patterns, images of flowers; designs with stars and teddy bears are popular. You can place Disney characters on the walls: princesses, Little Mermaids, Barbie dolls. No less popular are the heroes of Madagascar, Tom and Jerry, and Nemo the fish. Pay attention to the photo.

When choosing wallpaper for the room of school-age children, consider their entertainment and preferences. You can find stylish canvases with musical performers or actors, wallpaper with bright floral arrangements or hearts. Shades of pink, peach, light yellow, and lilac are popular. Look at the photo.

In adolescence, romantic design options will become popular. On the walls of a teenage girl, as a rule, there are wide landscape paintings and bouquets of flowers. You can opt for plain wallpaper with a deep shade.

Functional design of a children's room for a boy and a girl in the photo below:


This is the most common way to decorate a children's room, which provides children with maximum comfort. Zoning takes into account the gender differences in children's interests, inherent in nature itself. The parts of a boy’s and a girl’s room are visually different from each other:

1. By color.

Blue, light blue, and green are the usual palette for a boy’s corner. Pink, lavender, peach, and mint can be used as the basis for half of the girl.

How to balance such different wall decorations in one space? How to soften the transition from one color to another? Call for help curtains, a closet or a shelf that will hide the border of the wallpaper and separate one part from the other. Furniture, a unified design, and a common theme for children of different sexes will help to unite the colors. Maybe this is the deck of a ship that is traveling around the world. Or you found yourself in a cartoon that both children loved so much.

2. According to preference.

Toys, school supplies, books will immediately reveal the owner of a part of the room. Children will also choose wall decoration in accordance with their hobbies. Zoning allows you to separate from each other not only the sleeping places of the boy and girl, but also the work areas. It is better that children of different sexes have their own: their own table, chair, bedside table. Then they will have no reason to quarrel.

3. By age.

It is very important to consider the age of the children. Dividing the room into zones helps to implement this recommendation. Each part can be decorated differently. Half of your little brother or sister will look completely different. Fairytale motifs may appear on the walls when the teenager’s half is more neutral.

When decorating a nursery, listen to the opinions of children of different sexes. When choosing wallpaper, take into account their interests and preferences, and not what you have imagined. Otherwise, children will not appreciate your concern, no matter how stylish and expensive wallpaper you purchase.

Girl's corner

What do little girls like? Flowers, hearts, dolls, princesses, teddy bears, sweets. Let them move to the wallpaper and create the feeling of a real fairy tale. If the girl has grown up and playing with dolls is left behind, stylish prints, photo wallpapers with portraits of musicians, cities, and landscapes would be an excellent option. Although feminine flowers would be no less appropriate for a teenage girl.

Boy's half

Any boy’s hobby can be reflected in decorating the walls of the room. They like to imagine themselves as superheroes, robots, and are fond of dinosaurs and technology (planes, cars, ships). Wallpaper with bright images of cars, robots or some new technology will look modern. But with such a bright print it is worth decorating one wall of the boy’s half, and covering the other with a plain material.

Why not please him with a picture of his pet on the wall of his room? Today you will find photo wallpapers with any hero.

Psychologists recommend decorating walls not with photo wallpaper, but with wallpaper with an ornate pattern. A large drawing that a child sees every day deprives him of creative development. When children create their own drawings in their imagination from the elements of a pattern.

It is much more difficult to zone a room using wallpaper if a bunk bed was purchased for children of different sexes. It certainly saves space. But in this case we are not talking about separate half of a boy and half of a girl. Then try to allocate for the children that part of the room where they prepare their homework. Decorate them in different colors. You will help them feel their space.

Parents will successfully cope with the difficult task of dividing a room for children of different sexes if they divide identical parts for a boy and a girl and create a cozy atmosphere. In their half of the nursery, they should feel like full owners.

Selection and arrangement of furniture

In the children's room for children of different sexes there are three options for arranging beds:

  • wall;
  • angular;
  • perpendicular to the walls.

To organize free space, separate the beds with other pieces of furniture. If there is not enough free space in the room, you can equip it with two-tier models. How to choose the right furniture to match the wallpaper in a nursery for children of different sexes, look at the photo.

If space allows, place two desks so that each child has personal space. Be sure to use furniture, areas on the walls between cabinets and the bed.

The lighting of the room should be as bright as possible; this is necessary for the proper formation of the children’s character. Natural and artificial lighting is used; as a rule, a general lamp and lighting for the play, sleeping and work areas are installed in the room.

A variant of wallpaper in neutral colors in the interior of a children's room for a boy and a girl in the photo below:

Wall coverings in a nursery for children of different sexes should be selected taking into account their preferences. Look for compromise options, then you won’t have to share the space in the room! Use our tips and create interesting and convenient design projects for children's rooms. Create and imagine! I wish you all success!

More options for interior design of a children's room for children of different sexes can be found in the following video:

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Wallpaper for a children's room for girls - create your own kingdom for a little princess

Girls are little dreamers, always ready to travel around their dreamland. Their room is a castle for them, in which a real princess lives, and this illusion helps them grow in an atmosphere of love and tenderness.

Walt Disney

They will be hooligans or creative bullies, so wallpaper for a children’s room for girls should be selected based on the characteristics of these qualities. Let's look at the factors that cause the choice of one or another base for the walls.

Gradation by age

The breakdown here is the same as for boys, but there are some peculiarities.

from 0 to 2During this period, you can experiment with color. Do not use aggressive tones (orange, red), but friendly shades like green, yellow or pink will always come in handy. Don’t place illustrations next to the bed, but in play areas, try hanging wallpaper with large pictures.

from 2 to 4During this period, the skill of attention to detail develops. That is why, at the age of 2 to 4 years, it is recommended to look at various small parts of the design, including wallpaper. These are flowers, bows, dolls. Drawings that are too large will be perceived negatively.

from 4 to 6Preschoolers become more active, which results in drawing on the walls. We recommend making the upper part of the walls inviolable (the baby won’t reach there anyway), and the lower part easy to clean.

from 6 to 9For the first time, the baby begins to think about impressing everyone around her. Warm shades, simple but bright, will be a wonderful solution. The girl will go to school, and it is advisable that nothing distracts her while doing her homework. Wallpaper with vertical stripes looks good - they are not only visually beautiful, but also do not interfere with concentration.

from 9 to 11The young lady already decides what she wants. Discuss this issue with her, and this will help avoid dissatisfaction if you buy the wrong wallpaper. Keep in mind that at the age of 9-12 a lady has idols, so posters, placards and other fan paraphernalia will be glued onto the canvases. Based on this, it is advisable to choose a dense base for the walls.

What does your daughter want?

As is the case with boys, girls are passionate about something interesting - dancing, music, magical stories, stars. It is important to understand that the baby is growing and at some point her hobbies will change. Therefore, it is important to purchase the right canvases for a teenage girl so that you do not have to change them very often.

It is advisable to buy neutral wallpaper - it will stay on the walls a little longer. If a little princess sees herself, for example, exclusively as a ballerina, and devotes a lot of time and effort to this hobby, give your little star additional motivation on the way to her dream, buy canvases with the appropriate landscape.

Photos of successful stylistic solutions

Below are a selection of children's wallpapers for a girl's room. Having familiarized yourself with them, it becomes clear how big the imagination can be when it comes to decorating an abode for a little lady.

Pink tones

For princesses

Your own house

Cartoon characters

It's time to build your kingdom!

Paris in the room

Children's wallpaper

Green tint

Flowers on the walls in

Pink shades

Room zoning idea

The overall perception of the room as a whole is a very important aspect, but it is still a little more interesting to an adult visitor, while children are less likely to pay attention to such things. For kids, what is much more important is how their part of the room looks, how adapted it is to their immediate needs

Sometimes you can slightly disrupt the integrity of the image of the entire room in favor of unusual solutions for the child - if this does not make one person stand out. For this reason, it is always worth starting from the design of each child’s sleeping place.

The parents' task is to try their best and find some interest that would be common to both

In the case of younger children, this issue can be resolved quite easily - you just need to pay attention to what cartoon the kids like to watch together, and stick it in the play area with the image of their favorite characters

How can a brother and sister live in the same nursery?

Boys and girls differ not only in physical characteristics, but also in preferences, interests, and psychological development. It is quite difficult for brother and sister to get along in the same room. Parents can help with this by properly designing the nursery.

If everything is done correctly, there will be no conflict of interest.

Girls love dolls, boys love transport and robots. It is necessary for each child to choose his own place for storing toys. Shelves and cabinets are indispensable for solving this problem. If you delimit the territory, there will be no reason for disputes to arise.

Thus, the room is divided into two parts. It’s better to be equal, so as not to provoke resentment.

The main requirement for the interior is the integrity of the room. A trick to achieve this is to mix styles in a pointwise manner. On your sister's pink sofa, you can place pillows in the same color as your brother's bed.

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