Black and white curtains - TOP 180 photos and video reviews of black and white curtains in the interior of the living room, kitchen, bedroom. Combination of colors and fabric textures

The beauty of black and white window treatments

It would seem that black and white are self-sufficient, each on their own. The colors are antagonistic but work well together to make great combinations. The combination of black and white looks festive. The classic combination of clothing immediately comes to mind: light top, dark bottom.

Combining black and white in a single window design will help hide design flaws. A pair of completely different colors will hide the shortcomings of the interior composition. By combining shades you can create accents.

The presence of black and white in the design is recognized as a classic. This pair is suitable for day and night protection of window openings. There are many combinations to combine colors beautifully. They use both plain textiles and various variations with patterns.

What curtains are best for a black and white kitchen?

Curtains play one of the most important roles in the kitchen design process. They help create protection from the penetration of sunlight and are considered an important decorative detail.

In the case of a black and white design, the curtains must be successfully synchronized with these contrasting colors.

It is not necessary to use only black or white colors for curtains in this case; an option with a gray tint is also suitable.

But it is imperative to adhere to color saturation, but it should not go beyond the general harmony. You can use any length of kitchen curtains.

It may depend only on the height of the kitchen ceiling. A high ceiling necessarily means low curtains.

To visually stretch out the kitchen, you should try placing curtains along the entire length of the curtain, fixed at the base of the ceiling.

Various combinations of black and white shades are considered quite strict, which is why the use of delicate lines or flowers is unacceptable here.

It is best to use curtains created in white or bed color complemented with suitable strict patterns. It would be appropriate to use white curtains, decorated with horizontal lines, painted in black based on different thicknesses.

It is best to provide sun protection with white curtains due to the density of the material selected for them. It’s good if it is possible to create them to order so that there is sufficient protection from the sun’s rays.

It is important to remember that the design of a kitchen based on black and white should be ensured in strict balance between the two colors. If the walls or floor are made in one of them, then everything else needs to be done in the other.

Psychological aspects of a pair of flowers

Together, black and white look solemn, majestic, and strict. The light shade is responsible for the purity and tenderness of the image. White fills the space with light, making the room look more spacious. The color has a high degree of neutrality.

Black has a completely opposite meaning. It perfectly emphasizes the boundaries and acts as an accent. You can’t do without black if you need to protect yourself from bright light or prying eyes.

Separately, each representative of the couple looks empty and aloof. White appears faded and black appears gloomy. The combination of shades gives rise to magnificent combinations that attract the eye and can interest. The design with black and white curtains is multifunctional and practical.

Decorating a bedroom with black and white curtains

Bedroom is a room designed for rest, sleep, relaxation. If black tones predominate in it, this will set the owners up for a sound, restful sleep, and in combination with white, it will eliminate gloom and dullness and add light and nobility. Dark curtains will protect you from the morning rays and help you sleep.

Curtains with the same print as on the bedding set will look great. In the design of a bedroom with black and white curtains, you can use models such as Roman blinds, patterned panels with voluminous lambrequins.

A more practical option is a curtain made of translucent material and a dark curtain. In the morning and at night, the windows are tightly closed with curtains so that the sun does not disturb you in the morning and the moon at night. During the daytime, the curtains are drawn back and tied at the sides with elegant tiebacks.

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Traditional pair: tulle and curtains

Classic curtains for the living room are incomplete without tulle. In this case, it is customary to use a light veil in light colors and thick curtains in a dark design. The black and white design of the pair becomes a good solution.

Any item from the duet can be equipped with a two-color pattern. If there are patterns on every product, then the appearance will seem overly colorful and clumsy. You can’t refuse the presence of texture or monochrome pattern.

Curtains for the living room

A sophisticated option would be black curtains in the living room. By adding more white, you can get a soft and elegant room that will be pleasant and cozy to be in.

Wallpaper in this case is suitable in the following colors: lilac, light blue and olive.

If you choose striped curtains, they can visually increase the height of the room.

The black and white print adds rigor to the design, no banality - only clean, straight lines, without unnecessary details. This print is suitable for a minimalist room, although it also suits other styles quite well.

Other variations of typical paired designs

Window decoration can be represented not only by a classic pair of light tulle and dark curtains. The colors of the elements can be changed. The result will be an unusual composition.

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The option is most suitable for rooms on the sunny side. Dark tulle adds variety and shades the space during the day. Thick white curtains will reliably hide from prying eyes at night, refreshing the atmosphere of the interior.

Instead of thick curtains, you can use a veil of a couple of shades. Black and white canvases can be hung alternately in stripes. The window will look unusual. It is permissible to use 1 of a pair of colors locally. It will serve as a decoration for black and white curtains.

How to choose the right ratio

Dark-colored walls are the rage in modern minimalist interiors, like high-tech or avant-garde. When executed correctly, the color black is not associated with mourning, but rather expresses the individuality of the owners. However, to achieve the correct perception, it is necessary to adhere to a number of criteria. Black and white combinations are used everywhere, because this is one of the easiest combinations to execute - even an inexperienced person in design will find it difficult to ruin something.

Healthy! An animalistic black and white print will be reminiscent of safari, and abstract patterns will indicate an attitude towards art deco.

Bedroom in black and white Source
Designers advise sticking to one color background in the interior, using related neutral tones for walls, curtains and large furniture. A bright (or not so bright) color accent is acceptable in a very limited amount of small decor.

A good option would be a kitchen with black walls combined with light green curtains. To lift your mood, you can use orange or yellow curtains in a soft, restrained tone. It is not recommended to use red, dark blue, purple and brown curtains to decorate this room.

In order for curtains to look harmonious against the background of black and white wallpaper, when choosing them you need to avoid sharp contrasts.

Important! If you use only black and white colors when decorating the interior, this approach will make the room rough, uncomfortable, and give the “taste” of a cold office (although they don’t do them like that anymore). Home is a place where you want comfort and relaxation. Therefore, it is worth softening the palette, no matter how much you like only black and white.

Tandem with white curtains

White curtains and black and white wallpaper are a classic combination. Many people choose snow-white curtains, but this, according to many designers, is a mistake. It is better to choose an ivory, champagne or ivory color with a small, unobtrusive pattern. They are able to soften the severity of the overall color scheme and make the home interior cozy.

Combination with white curtains Source

In bedrooms it is better to give preference to black velvet curtains with the obligatory addition of snow-white tulle. This will dilute the dark shade and make the room lighter and more comfortable.

Healthy! When choosing curtains for black and white wallpaper, use light, white material. Try to create a contrast effect. An excellent alternative would be light brown, light beige, cream and milky colors.

Double curtains

Modern variations of curtains based on the “blackout” principle are popular. It is a dense fabric with light and dark sides. You can sew double curtains yourself from fabrics of different colors.

Do not exclude the use of 2 pairs of standard curtains at the same time. There is 1 set of white curtains on the cornice, 1 set in black.

Interior decoration

When decorating, take into account not only the tone of the curtains for black and white wallpaper, but also the shades of the floor and furniture.

White walls give the room a light and airy effect. Against their background, curtains with a black pattern, dark furniture and shiny details will look perfect.

By shading the white background with dark details, you can focus attention on specific elements.

Black curtains will decorate the room, but only in an ensemble with whitish tulle. Drawings and patterns for tulles should be selected that are the same as the curtains. In order not to create confusion in a diachrome interior, the pattern on the curtains should be voluminous.

Presence of a drawing

The most common way to combine a pair of opposite shades is through drawing. In black and white, stripes, checks, zigzags, flowers, and ornate patterns look harmonious.

Photo printing and graphics attract special attention. Drawings can be both small and large. It is permissible to choose a uniform distribution of color or to give preference to the predominance of a certain shade.


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Harmony of opposites - ideas for the living room

A floral pattern like the one in the photo is great for a living room or bedroom.

When choosing curtains from these colors, the main thing is not to allow equal proportions. One of them must prevail. And it doesn't have to be white. Completely black curtains in some situations can find their place in the living room interior. But they will still “ask” for white tulle. In such a living room, you can make the cornice, furniture parts black, and include this color in the pattern on the self-leveling floor.

Another option for black curtains for the living room is two curtains, trimmed along the inner edge with a strip of transparent fabric with a black and white pattern. Light gray walls and a black leather sofa will complement this “brutal” interior.

Can black and white curtains decorate a living room? Quite. But in this case, the leading role in such a color tandem should be given to white. If you decorate the curtains with swags, throws, use tiebacks and additional curtains in a contrasting color, then your black and white curtain will turn out very beautiful and elegant.

Curtains of this color combination can be chosen for wallpaper in shades other than white, beige or gray. In this case, wall colors such as:

  • light lilac;
  • pale blue;
  • olive;
  • blue.

Beige, white, gray plain walls are in perfect harmony with the black and white pattern of the curtains.

Interior harmony with black and white curtains

Curtains in black and white colors are suitable for interiors in different styles. These can be both modern trends and classics. The design of the room does not have to be kept in similar colors; different options are possible.

Features of using curtains in such an interior

Black and white design is attractive for its versatility: if desired, you can create very bright, contrasting, bold or soft design solutions against its background:

  • On a black and white basis, by changing only the tone of the curtains and textile accessories, you can bring the desired atmosphere to the interior design: summer heat, spring freshness, blue of a winter morning.
  • Black and white colors perfectly combine objects into a single ensemble. Curtains in such an interior become more voluminous.
  • A modest room in black and white becomes elegant, spacious and bright when using plain curtains in light colors.
  • The shiny surfaces of the curtains in a monochrome interior look intimate, while the matte surfaces look more airy and voluminous.

Using bright inserts for laconic white curtains, you can emphasize the geometry of the window and visually change the parameters of the room.
By changing curtains and decorative elements, you can easily change the style of a black and white interior:

  • Curtains with animal prints create a.
  • Abstract patterns on the curtains accentuate the art deco direction.
  • Curtains with stripes or checkerboard prints highlight the minimalist design of the room.
  • Plain drapes with contrasting edge trim create a classic or modernist interior.
  • Curtains with floral and plant patterns add elegance and accentuate the classic feel of the room.

Kingdom of the classics

Window decoration in a classic style is necessarily lush. It is important to adhere to the traditional scheme of framing openings. Use white tulle and dark curtains.

The presence of gilding will add special chic to the design. These can be tassels, a pattern on curtains, or the reverse side of the curtains, which are coquettishly folded in during daylight hours.

In the hall and living room

Black and white living rooms are a characteristic feature of the high-tech style, where a combination of light and rich graphite shades is used as the base colors, but such combinations are also appropriate in classic interiors - Empire, Neo-Baroque.

When choosing black and white curtains for the room, decide what you want to get as a result - a laconic and functional modern design or a solemn classic setting. Both the style of the curtains used and the decorative elements used to decorate it will depend on this.

The best black and white curtains for a living room decorated in a modern style are Japanese panel curtains. They look especially advantageous when applying drawings using 3D printing technology - a detailed black image, contrasting with a snow-white background, will become a real highlight of the room’s interior.

A universal option for curtains in a black and white room of any stylistic design is straight dark curtains. In modern interiors, use laconic panels without provocative decorative elements, hang them on a steel cornice and complement them with accessories - place a shiny lamp nearby or hang a picture in a chrome frame.

With a classic approach to the design of the living room, to give the curtains solemnity, decorate them with black fringe, use tiebacks and black and white lambrequins that contrast with the shade of the curtains. To sew curtains, choose noble fabrics - silk, velvet, jacquard.

In classic interiors, special attention is paid to patterns on curtains - aristocratic monograms, chessboard, and floral motifs look beautiful.

Features of ethnic directions

Black and white curtains will look great in interiors with an ethnic twist. For African design, imitation zebra skin is suitable. Curtains with traditional patterns look ideal in a Japanese-style room. Checkered textiles on the windows will fit perfectly into the American interior.


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Black gilding in the interior

If the white color in the wallpaper is replaced with gold, then such a combination will give the rooms greater luxury and the space volume and depth. In addition to this, muted or diluted gold color will ideally replace natural brown in the design of apartments decorated exclusively in modern interior styles:

  • avant-garde;
  • loft;
  • high tech;
  • modern;
  • constructivism.

You may also be interested in: Using green tulle in the interior

It is in the above-mentioned styles of decoration of residential premises that black wallpaper is most applicable, which does not create alienation from the living space and the effect of an industrial premises. However, the combination of black and lead walls and gold curtains on the windows is more suitable for the interior of living rooms and bedrooms in the classicism, art nouveau and empire styles.

Golden tapestries will very picturesquely emphasize the depth of the bedroom, as if embracing the black color from the inside. A neat drapery with a golden or silver coating on the fabric will give the walls of an office or bedroom covered with dark gray or black wallpaper greater lightness, eliminating the deliberate gloom of the room.

Simplicity of rustic style

It seems that black and white curtain design is not relevant for a rustic interior.

If you want to cool down the diversity of the situation, then such a solution is appropriate. Be sure to use textiles with floral patterns.

Fight of opposites

Combinations of contrasting shades in designs are gaining popularity in modern interiors; black and white options are ideal for neo-baroque, hi-tech or minimalism.

When using two opposing colors, the interior becomes more expressive, and the smallest details become of great importance, emphasizing the overall image of the design. Therefore, every element should be thought through.

Black and white design is not limited to just two colors. After all, black color can range from graphite to achromatic. Also white: from milky to ivory. Even when using a monochromatic color scheme in the interior, you can get a lot of colors to make any fantasy come true.

Black/white option – for intellectuals or ascetics:

  • Black color in various cultures is considered the color of power, knowledge and asceticism (monasticism).
  • White always personifies chastity, purity of thoughts, and brings peace.

It is important to achieve balance, harmony of two opposites. You can use one basic color on the walls, floor and ceiling, and gradually dilute it with contrasting colors with interior details (curtains, textiles, trinkets).

Black and white curtains can effectively add balance. They will fit perfectly into a monochrome design or with combinations of bright colors. Such curtains will not look “superfluous” in a room saturated with bright shades. They will combine different tones into one whole, giving it completeness.

Curtains with stripes can change the geometry of the room:

  • Vertical stripes will raise low ceilings, perfect for a small room with a lot of furniture.
  • Horizontal black stripes on a snow-white background will enlarge the window and give it volume. This is necessary for “Khrushchev” or panel houses.
  • If the curtains have contrasting patterns, one of the shades should be the main one in the interior.

Brightness of Art Nouveau

Black and white tones, which are irrelevant for modernism, are appropriate in curtains of unusual design. Simple plain fabrics are not used. Stylish curtains with stripes, zigzags, and interesting patterns are suitable. Against the backdrop of bright walls and unusual furnishings, such solutions look amazing.

With the right approach to choosing black and white curtains, the room will always look beautiful and harmonious. The design of such an interior seems interesting and stylish. At the same time, curtains, as an insignificant detail, are of great importance.

How to correctly use black and white gamma?

Curtains of this color palette perform the following functions: the white part creates a clean background that emphasizes the other elements, making them more voluminous, the black adds contrast and sharpness.

In order for curtains to perform the above functions, the following rules must be taken into account when designing the interior:

When purchasing black and white curtains for a bedroom or living room, you need to take into account the fact that all interior details and furniture against their background will become more expressive and contrasting. If there are bright elements (pillows, tablecloth, bedspread), dilute the curtains or curtains with a neutral gray shade. It will reduce the contrast level in the room.

Listen to your inner self, it will tell you how not to “clutter” the room and what is better to choose. If from the very beginning something does not attract you in the created image of the room, it is better to change everything in the initial stages. If you still can’t do anything, then a specialist will help you with the design of the room.

If you have a monochrome room, then you will find a complex selection of curtains or curtains in black and white. Usually, if the interior is nondescript, ordinary, boring, then only bright, colorful elements, furniture, and not just changing the curtains will save it.

Let's look at photos of black and white curtains in the interior of the kitchen, bedroom and living room.

Photo of black and white curtains

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