All about white wallpaper for walls: color features, rules of use in the interior

Pros and cons of white wallpaper

Light shades of the room add not only visual space, but also freedom in the soul. You will want to return to such a room for relaxation or work. Let's consider the advantages of white wallpaper in the interior.

  • The versatility of the shade, white color can be combined with any bright, pastel or dark shade, emphasizing its advantages without losing its own.
  • Changing bright or contrasting accessories will lead to a complete change of interior, since white color favorably highlights the features of neighboring shades.
  • Possibility to renovate a room in most styles, which will suit the white color of the walls. Classic, Moroccan style, minimalism are the most common using white shades.
  • A simple change of interior when painting the walls, a white tint will not make any adjustments to the final tone of the wall.

But it is important to remember the disadvantages of white wallpaper in order to make the right choice of finishing materials. The disadvantages of using white in the interior include:

  • High degree of soiling, white color is not dirt-resistant. If white wallpaper is planned for the kitchen or children's room, consider purchasing vinyl wallpaper with a washable surface.
  • The presence of glossy surfaces, mirrors and large windows in the room along with white wallpaper will put a lot of strain on the eyes. To prevent this from happening, choose matte shades of white wallpaper for a room with plenty of natural light.

Stylish white wallpaper in the interior: positive aspects of design

A very subtle and sensitive white color, present to a greater or lesser extent in every room. Consciously or not, we introduce it into our interior during finishing work, buying furniture or home accessories. And if you look around, you will notice that there is more white in the house.

White wallpaper is not used very often in the interior, and practically for one reason - they are considered too soiled and cold.

But why then did our grandmothers paint the hay white for a long time? And nothing was smeared, and no one died from the cold. Modern designers treat white color in the interior with respect and reverence. In their opinion, it has a number of positive aspects.

Advantages of white color in the interior of rooms:

  • Even the smallest room with white wallpaper will have walls that go to infinity;
  • White rooms lend themselves to decoration with lighting like no other;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the human psyche;
  • Promotes stress relief and proper rest;
  • Goes well with almost any color found in nature;
  • Against the background of white walls, pieces of furniture and decor retain their individuality.

If you are still afraid of dirt on white wallpaper, then opt for vinyl or non-woven options. They can always be wiped down, washed, and in the most hopeless cases, painted.

Advantages of decorating a living room with white wallpaper

  • First of all, white is an expander and magnifier color. A room covered with such wallpaper will seem larger. This factor is especially important for small rooms, but in a spacious living room, white wallpaper is not at all superfluous; with their help, an ordinary room can turn into a large hall.
  • Another important plus is the increase in illumination, because white perfectly reflects light. Thus, living rooms with small windows, windows shaded by vegetation or facing north will only benefit from the use of white wallpaper.
  • A significant advantage of “white” design is the ability to radically change the interior with the help of decor, which is much easier than re-pasting wallpaper. White wallpaper in the living room interior allows you to even change the color scheme according to the season, adding “cool” blue tones in the summer, “warm” yellow in the fall, soft pink in the spring and bright green in the summer. This can be easily done by changing decorative pillows on the sofa, curtains on the windows, and carpet on the floor.

Advice: Storage systems, if provided, should be made the same color as the walls, then they will not “dissolve” in the interior. It is better if the cabinet furniture is also white; exceptions are allowed if these are antique items.

Choose white color

White wallpaper is chosen by those who dream of creating a harmonious and romantic atmosphere in the room. White wallpaper, complemented by a silver pattern and delicate flowers, will help to visually expand the space in the apartment. An example of this design is shown in the photo.

In addition, white wallpaper decorated with a silver pattern and turquoise flowers will fill the room with natural light (pictured).

Advice! For a small room, you can choose white wallpaper with turquoise or gold patterns.

Bedroom interior

A fairly common way to decorate a bedroom space is white wallpaper. To make such an interior look more refined, the wall at the head of the bed is covered with canvases with a contrasting pattern. The main thing is to choose wallpaper that is the same in texture, then such a composition will be a single whole.

It is not recommended to wallpaper the bedroom only with white wallpaper. Such a space will become monotonous and boring, causing weakness and depression. However, if there are still no other options, then you need to give preference to bright furniture, but with one condition - not to oversaturate the interior with colors.

The ideal option would be white wallpaper with a small pattern. Their color should be repeated in decorative or textile elements. For example, curtains, lampshade, bedspread, chair upholstery, etc. Using such a design solution, you can achieve maximum harmony.

What wallpaper will suit light-colored furniture: wallpaper on a white background as an indicator of taste

If you purchased light-colored furniture, then wallpaper of a similar color will match it. It was mentioned earlier that with white furniture and wallpaper you can very easily go overboard and “turn” the room into a hospital room. It’s easy to avoid this problem: you can buy wallpaper with an unusual pattern - this way you can defuse the boring atmosphere, making it more attractive. In addition to this option, you can simply buy expensive light wallpaper: they will really look elegant and aristocratic.

Related article: Canopy over the bed: types, pros and cons

Light cream-colored furniture will look good against a brown background: this color combination will create a warm atmosphere in any home

It will be much more difficult with perfectly white furniture: mostly white wallpaper will go with it. Black wallpaper will not look good with white furniture, as it will simply make you sad. In turn, white walls can make your interior soft and relaxing.


The black and white interior of a room or studio apartment can be very attractive. This combination of colors harmoniously fits into the most diverse styles. It is always easy to “adjust” the brightness and saturation of such a combination, changing it to your taste. In most cases, especially in small-sized housing, the starting point is a light design. The fact is that the predominance of black tones visually reduces the room and has a negative impact on the psyche.

Although in some cases a black background is also used. But all successful projects of this kind are implemented solely thanks to the efforts of trained designers. Inexperienced designers often create a “chessboard” instead of a proper black and white interior. It’s easy to eliminate such an error: you just need to give unconditional priority to one of the two colors. Well-designed rooms always use contrast between furniture and walls.

Any pattern or simply ornament is applied only to monochrome surfaces. Gray details are actively used to soften visual transitions. By increasing their number, designers only benefit - this way they can achieve a smoother design. A black and white interior can be easily complemented with yellow and red tones.

An important feature of black and white compositions is that the importance of furniture cannot be underestimated. It depends on it whether full harmony will be created, or whether the overall impression will be hopelessly spoiled

They try to select the furniture material in accordance with the overall style. In any case, it should not be colorful, otherwise the expressiveness of the design will be lost.

As for finishing, there are almost no restrictions. The only rule is to take into account the functions of the room. However, the same should be done not only in black and white interiors.

Features of white wallpaper

It is gray and white shades that professional designers recognize as an ideal option for radically transforming an existing design. Let us highlight their distinctive characteristics. Gray-white, gray, white canvases are appropriate in the Scandinavian style.

They make it possible to obtain the effect of visually expanding the space in the room. This is especially true if the room is small.

In addition, gray-white, gray tones have a positive effect on the illumination of the room. Psychologists are convinced that it is gray-white and gray shades with small patterns that have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, soothe, relax, and improve mood. In the photo you see an option for using gray and white tones in a Scandinavian style.

Designing a room in gray and white tones with a green pattern allows you to create interesting contrasts and highlight certain accents.

Advice! Fans of modern interior styles can glue voluminous roses onto gray wallpaper, or immediately choose gray wallpaper with a bright pattern.

You can select one wall in the room for decoration, and cover the remaining walls with gray-pink canvases, which is quite acceptable in the Scandinavian style.

When choosing gray canvases, bright roses, Scandinavian ornaments, you need to pay special attention to the theme being created. For example, you can choose gray wallpaper with green floral patterns for country and Provence style. Gray and white striped options are appropriate in a classic style, and gray plain materials fit into minimalism; they will also be interesting in a loft style.

How to choose interior colors

“The pursuit of fashion trends can be left behind and all provocative color schemes can be preferred to pastel colors in interior decoration”

Start by finding a basic color that is pleasant to you personally, and then select companions to match it. You should not make rainbow color combinations. It is quite enough to choose one or two, but ideally suitable companions. The main color should be made the background color, that is, all global surfaces in the room should be painted in it.

An interior is considered optimally solved if 75% of the finish is given to the main color, 20% is given to additional shades, and the remaining 5% is distributed among color accents.

75% of the finish is given to the main color

The house should be a place of increased comfort, where you would like to return, because everything there is arranged exactly as you dreamed of it. This means that the pursuit of fashion trends can be left behind and all provocative color schemes can be preferred to pastel colors in interior decoration. It won’t be difficult to create a contrasting environment. It will be enough to add colorful accessories and bright furniture.

Colorful accessories will add contrast to the atmosphere

If color is involved in the interior in spatial zoning, then you need to take care of the smooth transitions of shades from one to another, otherwise there will never be a harmonious atmosphere in the room. It will never be possible to imagine it as a single whole. The interior will be as if chopped with an ax.

Optimal rooms

In some rooms, using black wallpaper will be a really good move, but in others it is not very applicable. Let's look at several rooms and try to understand which of them are optimal for using black.

  • Bedroom. This is the room in which black wallpaper is most suitable. Dark tones are ideally combined with the purpose of this room - in it you want to quickly immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the night and fall asleep faster. An interesting solution for the bedroom would be to combine this color with glow-in-the-dark phosphor stars decorating the ceiling and/or walls.
  • Living room. This is where they usually try to apply color as neutrally as possible. Therefore, the achromatic scale will be very suitable. It will be conducive to neutral gatherings - what else do you need from a living room?
  • Cabinet. If you have an office, then it will have approximately the same situation as the living room.

Black is often combined with white on wallpaper.
You should never use black in the hallway, because this area should not be strict and gloomy - this is the first thing that people see when they enter the room. And their impressions should be less neutral. Also, you should not use black wallpaper for children's rooms.

The only exception is zoning, if there is not much black in the children's room, then you can use it, it will be appropriate. When black is used in the kitchen, it should not be used throughout its entire area, it is enough to use it on one wall, otherwise it may have a bad effect on the appetite of the people who cook there. Choose a wall that is most likely to get dirty when cooking.

Black wallpaper in the bedroom - creating an alternative interior using black wallpaper, choosing the right colors for companions, optimal solutions specifically for the bedroom.

Terms of use

Dark colors can either improve or ruin the overall appearance of the room. Following these rules will help prevent this problem:

  1. Combination of colors. The combination of light and dark tones will eliminate the limitation of space. A win-win option is to use a dark finish for one wall or two opposite walls;
  2. Selection of light accents. They can be stripes of pastel or cream colors, light decor and furniture, flooring;
  3. Choice of finishes with patterns. Pearl, silver and gold ornaments set off the blackness of the background and make the finish more refined;
  4. Careful selection of the pasting location. Dark colors attract the eye and distract. They are not recommended for finishing the walls behind the desk, opposite the seating area;
  5. High quality lighting. The more light there is in a dark room, the more comfortable it will be to be in it.

Combination options

Of course, you can combine shades as you wish, but if you want the room to be created in good taste, then the choice of colors must be justified. The black color on the walls cannot be accidental; it is determined by the palette of the room. The palette is compiled according to the image. Accordingly, the second shade of the wallpaper will also be part of the palette.

Here, the color of the floor “asks” for brown, but for the wall a pattern that can be of different shades is better suited. Let's learn how to choose the right one.

Light color should create air. And the walls are the foundation and frame. Therefore, a light color on the walls can create shapelessness, which is exactly what all Soviet interiors “sin” about. Blatant bad taste occurs when the wall is a boring color or with a boring pattern. That is, in this case, do not take gray-blue wallpaper, they will greatly simplify the interior.

Of course, the designer should distribute the colors of the palette, but if you are a designer yourself, then choose an expressive ink-orange pattern for the wall. And the lampshade of the sconce can be blue; blue pillows on a blue bedspread will also look great in this palette.

With different wallpapers

Since two-color wallpaper with a pattern is a rich decor of the room, to relieve the perception, they can be pasted on one of the walls. Accordingly, the most successful option would be a combination with single-color wallpaper.

The combination of a patterned surface, for example, inky blue with dark graphite wallpaper, makes the interior more dramatic, accordingly, such a room is more suitable as a room for active recreation. Maybe it will be a room for receiving guests. If you make the main color of the walls blue, then such an interior will be suitable for a teenager’s room, and a patterned wall will be suitable for decorating a desk; you can also place diplomas in frames on the wall with an ornament.

If you are new to design, then remember that combined wallpapers should be of only two types, and the second wallpaper should combine one of the colors of the first. And that's all, that will be enough. It is very simple and effective; any complications will help waste your money and ruin the interior.

With photo wallpaper

One of the profitable options for independent design can be choosing a palette for a room based on photo wallpaper. When wallpaper is combined in color with photo wallpaper, it creates a special atmosphere in the room, it becomes whole. Therefore, photo wallpapers can include night landscapes.

Suitable image options:

  • rock on the beach;
  • tree trunk;
  • night city;
  • coffee with chocolate.

With other decorative elements

It’s easy to combine wall coverings under the ceiling plinth. The main rule is that the baseboard exactly matches the shade of the door.

Combination of shades

When deciding what color the wallpaper should be in your room, do not lose attention to the features of combining shades. All kinds of wallpaper color palettes can be combined very advantageously with each other, flaunting the best features of home design.

The traditional and simplest option is a combination of black and white shades in the interior. This can be wallpaper pasted onto a single surface, wallpaper and furniture, or a combination of wall coverings and textiles.

Remember! Dark and overly bright colors must be combined with light shades, otherwise you will not be able to emphasize the comfort of the created interior.

Some beautiful wallpaper colors can be combined with almost every shade: these include beige, brown, gray, and white. It is better to choose wallpapers of other shades, thinking through the smallest details of the combination.

So that you can figure out what color the wallpaper in the house should be, look at the shades already present in the room:

  • Yellow, white, lavender, turquoise and other natural tones are suitable for blue;
  • red elements will look impressive against a background of pink and white tones;
  • purple wallpaper is combined with blue, lavender, gray, yellow, pink and many other shades;
  • green can be combined with yellow or orange, as well as with light brown elements that will emphasize the natural theme of the interior.

The remaining colors of the wallpaper in the interior are combined with the shades that originate from them. Experts say that one of the most effective and original ways of combining is a combination of wallpapers that differ from each other by only 1-2 tones. This decor is useful for zoning, creating smooth transitions, influencing the size of the space, and creating a cozy, relaxing environment in the rooms.

How to apply black and white wallpaper in a bedroom interior

With the right choice of black and white wallpaper for the bedroom, it will create a stylish and at the same time calm interior that will be conducive to relaxation. The main thing is to correctly observe the proportions, the pattern on the wallpaper, and think through the lighting.

The style of wallpaper is also important; many designers believe that the best choice for a bedroom is materials in the Art Nouveau style containing geometric patterns. But it is best to refuse modern wallpaper, which is more suitable for hi-tech or minimalism style.

To prevent the bedroom from being too gloomy, you should choose wallpaper that has more white and a small amount of black. If people prefer dark colors in the bedroom interior and black plays a major role in finishing materials, then in this case it is worth placing more lighting fixtures in the bedroom so that it does not look too gloomy. Together with black and white wallpaper, you can use other shades of colors in the bedroom interior.

For example:

  • Grey;
  • Red;
  • And even shades such as green, yellow and wood.

The main thing when combining them is to know when to stop and not turn the bedroom into an abstraction. To finalize such a bedroom, you can hang milky curtains in it. This color will harmonize perfectly with the overall interior of the bedroom. As for the furniture, it should be dark or light shades, depending on what color of wallpaper is prevalent in the bedroom. The furniture itself should have no sharp corners and smooth outlines.

Secrets of using white wallpaper

Designers share tips on using white wallpaper in the interior of a living space.

  • You should not strive for the maximum amount of white in the room. Dilute the color with bright or contrasting shades of furniture, textiles, accessories and interior items. Just remember that combining white in one room is only allowed with warm or cold tones.
  • When decorating a bedroom, dilute the white shade of the walls with functional bright areas at the head of the bed.
  • If you don't know what style to resort to, use a classic combination of white wallpaper and accessories made in different shades of wood.
  • White wallpaper is available not only in glossy or matte form. A wide variety of reliefs will make the interior unique and attractive.
  • When choosing white wallpaper for the kitchen, imagine the placement and shades of the facades of the kitchen unit. Don't be afraid to use a geometric or floral print on the wallpaper so that the set doesn't get lost on the white surface.
  • For a children's room, experts advise using a two-level finish. Cover the lower level with inexpensive paper wallpaper, which will not be difficult to replace if necessary. White wallpaper is suitable to fill the top level.
  • Let your imagination run wild in the living room. This room is used for receiving guests; it would benefit from freedom and space, bright colors and contrasting combinations.

The choice of white wallpaper for your apartment is wide and varied; do not limit yourself to plain white wallpaper, use relief and different shades to achieve your goals.

White living room

White wallpaper in the living room interior simply calls for elegance. They will be a good complement to the stately white leather sofa, softened by a carpet and a sand-colored blanket.

When choosing a cabinet, take into account that closed options are best done in light colors, which will blend in with the wallpaper as much as possible. But the open shelving may well be in contrasting shades - for example, black and white.

To achieve an extraordinary impression, bright furniture is placed in the living room, but it should be one large thing and two or three smaller ones. For example, a red sofa and two red vases. Or a sofa combined with a carpet. In spacious rooms you can combine a sofa and two armchairs in a catchy color.

When decorating a bright living room, it is better to avoid bright and heavy curtains. If possible, limit yourself to white tulle. Do not forget that the center of the composition invariably remains the sofa, and too bright window decoration introduces dissonance into the room. In addition, heavy curtains reduce the flow of light.

Key principles of combination

The combination of black and white is considered the most beautiful example of contrast; these colors are like positive and negative on film. But, they combine perfectly with each other and are available to one degree or another in virtually any design. The most important thing, as we said above, is to use these colors competently.

Here are the specifics and basic principles of their combination that you need to know when decorating a room:

  • First of all, you need to find which color will be dominant in the design. The determining factor when choosing the main shade is the size of the room; for example, black color has the property of visually bringing the surface closer, and white has the property of moving it away. In the end, using this characteristic, you can make the space of the room larger or, on the contrary, make it smaller.
  • White can make a room appear opener and brighter, but a room decorated in shades of light color will appear cooler.
  • Black color, although it reduces space, makes the living space more “warm” and comfortable.
  • The dominance of dark shades in the pattern will help create an atmosphere of privacy and security.

Advice! Instead of black, you can use gray shades. Its intensity will make it possible to adjust the contrast of the room.

Application of gray wallpaper

Also, you need to decide in advance what you want to achieve from the design of the room - make it much more comfortable, fashionable or add more space.

Room decoration

We have already noted that black light walls can highlight a romantic setting. Most often they try to achieve this effect when decorating a bedroom. Black wallpaper in the bedroom should correspond to the overall style of the interior, not overload the design and act as a small accent against the overall background.

So that the black color does not catch the eye and does not put pressure on the decor, it is advisable to choose wallpaper complemented by other shades. One of the most successful options in this case is to use wallpaper with white, beige or red flowers on a black background.

Where should I place this wallpaper? Experts recommend creating black accents in the area behind the bed, since this is the main part of the bedroom in the interior. If your room is divided into several zones, you can decorate other walls: at night, a black background will merge with the dark surroundings and will not interfere with a restful sleep.

Tip: black is often used to decorate a teenage boy’s room. Dilute it with bright blue, light blue, white or green shades - and the atmosphere will no longer be so gloomy.

A living room with black wallpaper does not look aesthetically pleasing, especially if this shade is present on all the walls in the space. In this case, it is also advisable to create an accent on one of the walls: for example, behind the sofa, near the fireplace or in the balcony area.

In addition to the standard option, which involves completely covering the walls with wallpaper of the same color, black wallpaper in the living room can be used to create horizontal combinations. In this case, the lower part of the walls will have a black tint, and the upper part will be light and calm (the use of wallpaper with bright patterns and strict geometry is allowed).

If you think that an interior decorated with black wallpaper looks boring or gloomy, try refreshing the atmosphere by correctly placing lamps around the entire perimeter of the room. When sunny or artificial colors fall on such wallpaper, especially if you have chosen glossy finishes, the room will become more harmonious.

Kitchen interiors decorated with black wallpaper for the walls should reflect modern style trends: high-tech, modern or minimalism. Wallpaper of this color can be combined with black and white floor tiles, and the dark palette can be diluted with light furniture or bright accents on the walls.

If you have a spacious kitchen, with the help of such wallpaper you can divide the space into two zones: the first will serve as a dining room (in this case, a black wall will allow you to focus attention on the dining table), and the second will be intended for cooking (in this case, black wallpaper will protect the walls from dirt ). The zoned space should differ in contrast: if one zone is decorated in black, then the second should be decorated in beige, white, blue or other light colors

The zoned space should differ in contrast: if one zone is decorated in black, then the second should be decorated in beige, white, blue or other light colors.

Tip: Black photo wallpaper in modern kitchens and other interiors will be an excellent option for decorating empty walls. In addition, such scenes will not overshadow the situation, since they already contain shades of different saturation.

Black wallpaper in the hallway is used quite rarely: firstly, such rooms usually have limited sizes, and secondly, there are no wide windows to fill the gloomy interior with additional light, and besides, not all furniture is suitable for such coverings. But in corridors, black wallpaper can be advantageously used in horizontal combinations: this way you will protect the lower part of the walls from dirt, and the horizontal boundaries will allow you to extend the space in width.

If you are a supporter of non-standard approaches to interior decoration and design, you are not afraid to experiment with shades, and dark colors on the walls do not seem like a bad idea to you - you can safely put into practice the methods we have proposed for using such wallpaper.

The individuality and originality of your room will be guaranteed, and the black color will allow you to highlight not only individual parts of the walls, but also niches, ledges, partitions and other structures in the space.

White wallpaper for light and comfort

For most people, white is a wonderful shade for creating a beautiful interior. With them you can imagine in a big way because they provide a blank slate for your ideas. But the average consumer may be a little intimidated by this color. Of course, they have a predisposition to rapid contamination, but this is still not something to be afraid of.

Now this is not a problem, since the market for construction products can offer you countless options for wallpaper that can be washed in different colors and textures.

Using white wallpaper in the interior

White color fills the room with space, light and significantly enhances it visually. It is considered a symbol of purity and harmony, thanks to this you will always feel very calm and peaceful in the room.

You can combine it with your favorite shades, since white is a neutral color. Its versatility makes it possible to use it in different interior styles, since white color will always be combined with all details.

Of course, a room covered exclusively with pure white wallpaper may look a little dreary. To eliminate this, it is necessary to use opposite parts that have rich colors.

There are a lot of options for creating contrast: a combination of white wall coverings with colored ones, white wallpaper with an interesting pattern, or walls in the same tone and different furniture.

For painting, you can use fiberglass wallpaper or much more affordable fiberglass canvas.

Rules for using white wall coverings

  1. Unnecessary richness of white color in the interior can lead to unpleasant feelings and nervousness. To exclude this possibility, it is necessary to very carefully change the interior with color decoration. For this purpose, you can use bright decorative elements made of fabric, chandeliers, paintings, colorful bedspreads and more.

  1. White wallpaper looks advantageous on the surface of the wall to the side from the south of the room. On a sunny day, they will sparkle with edges and make the room bright and cozy.

  1. You need to keep in mind that white wallpaper is very dirty, so it is not recommended to use it for apartment interiors where there are small children or animals. If you still really want to stick white wallpaper, then you need to choose from a selection of washable options.

Features of white color

How is white so different from other shades, what are its features? It is a neutral color that can be equally well complemented with bright, rich colors or soft pastel shades. Essentially, by sticking white wallpaper on a wall, the designer creates a blank canvas on which to paint a picture. This color has its own characteristics, which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage.

  • It has a pronounced ability to reflect other colors. If you place a red sofa against a white wall, you will find that the wallpaper has changed color slightly. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. We will consider below how to avoid the negative impact of this “reflective” property.
  • A lot of white color has a depressing effect on the psyche. Monotony causes boredom and constant associations with a hospital ward.
  • Against a light background of walls, colors look brighter, and the outlines of objects acquire special clarity.

Secrets of using white wallpaper

Designers share tips on using white wallpaper in the interior of a living space.

  • You should not strive for the maximum amount of white in the room. Dilute the color with bright or contrasting shades of furniture, textiles, accessories and interior items. Just remember that combining white in one room is only allowed with warm or cold tones.
  • When decorating a bedroom, dilute the white shade of the walls with functional bright areas at the head of the bed.
  • If you don't know what style to resort to, use a classic combination of white wallpaper and accessories made in different shades of wood.
  • White wallpaper is available not only in glossy or matte form. A wide variety of reliefs will make the interior unique and attractive.
  • When choosing white wallpaper for the kitchen, imagine the placement and shades of the facades of the kitchen unit. Don't be afraid to use a geometric or floral print on the wallpaper so that the set doesn't get lost on the white surface.
  • For a children's room, experts advise using a two-level finish. Cover the lower level with inexpensive paper wallpaper, which will not be difficult to replace if necessary. White wallpaper is suitable to fill the top level.
  • Let your imagination run wild in the living room. This room is used for receiving guests; it would benefit from freedom and space, bright colors and contrasting combinations.

The choice of white wallpaper for your apartment is wide and varied; do not limit yourself to plain white wallpaper, use relief and different shades to achieve your goals.

Features of white wallpaper in the interior

The white interior allows the room to visually enlarge its entire space. Such wallpaper can be pasted not only in the living room or bedroom, but even in the hallway and in the children's room. It is not necessary to use only white color in the interior; it can be diluted with bright colors.

White color is considered universal and goes well with other shades.

The kitchen, if it is small in size, will look harmonious in light shades. At the same time, it is not necessary to make the kitchen in pure white. You can use finishing material with any geometric or floral pattern. To dilute the white color, you need to add contrast in the form of dark furniture, for example, you can make a tabletop in dark shades. You can even zone the space in the dining area, paste wallpaper with a colored pattern, and in another place in the kitchen with a geometric pattern. To create solemnity in the living room, white will be the best color. It visually increases the space of the room. And if the living room is furnished with contrasting furniture in dark shades, and the overall interior is diluted with quite warm and bright colors, for example, pillows, beautiful vases and other beautiful accessories.

White wallpaper can be produced:

  • Glossy;
  • Matte;
  • And also with different relief and prints;
  • Various white shades.

This allows you to choose a white finishing material for the room according to your taste. But you shouldn’t completely cover the room in white colors; you should dilute the color with some other shades.


Curtains and textiles are not separate decorative elements, and must fit harmoniously into the overall appearance of the room. Curtains are usually not made to be contrasting or too colorful. Quiet monochrome models are more often chosen. Light white curtains look great in combination with dark drapes, and the use of vertical stripes can visually increase the height of the ceilings.

Textiles are a logical continuation of the interior and are selected in accordance with the chosen style. Fabrics with various patterns and black and white ornaments will help to dilute the interior in a minimalist style. Classic requires a monochrome addition, baroque implies luxurious details and emphasized texture.

Living room in black and white

Beautiful room interior in black and white

Two-color textiles should be used carefully to avoid bad taste. It is better to make do with contrasts with furniture and decoration.


Pure white wallpaper is very rarely used as a stand-alone decoration for a bedroom. A favorite design technique is white wallpaper with a contrasting wall at the head of the bed. This can be a strict black pattern on a light background or wallpaper of a similar texture, but of a different color. They can cover the entire wall or make an insert.

The feeling of austerity from white in the bedroom is smoothed out by using cozy natural materials in warm colors: linen, wool, wood.

Geometric patterns in black and white will help recreate the fashionable atmosphere of the 60s of the last century. By adding chairs and lamps in the appropriate style to the room, you will get an interesting and current interior.

Combination of shades

The standard option, which is suitable for decorating almost any interior, since it is universal, is to create stylish combinations with black and white. Black and white walls allow you to expand the space, make the atmosphere in your room more fresh and cheerful, and maintain color balance in the interior.

Remember! When creating combinations using white and black wallpaper, try to properly think through the alternation of these shades (it should not be too frequent). If combined incorrectly, additional pressure on vision may occur, and the interior will not be perceived as comfortable.

The combination of black and white wallpaper is most often used in interiors decorated in modern styles, and allows for the use of accessories in bright colors (for example, red, orange or yellow). However, often this design turns out to be too strict, so other shades are used for combination in the living room or bedroom.

If you decide to use gray wallpaper to dilute black shades in the interior, you should be aware that such a palette will not allow you to maintain coziness in your living spaces. That is why black and gray combinations are typical only for work spaces: offices and study rooms in the house.

One of the main features of the black shade in the interior is the ability to harmoniously combine it with any color. In some cases, to create a balanced design you will have to use several colors at once, however, you can choose absolutely any palette to match the black tone.

Bright colors (red, burgundy, blue, orange, green, etc.), used on the walls to create contrast against a black background, will be perceived as even more saturated and cheerful, and therefore are only suitable for decorating individual zones in interiors. This could be a play area or a reception area: here black and bright colors are diluted with neutral ones, like white or beige.

Tip: If you want to use bright colors to combine with a black shade, you can create an accent wall in the interior by hanging wallpaper with large black flowers

Such patterns will emphasize the luxury of your design, and the rich color scheme will allow you to concentrate attention on this area of ​​the room. Combining black wallpaper with dark coatings is permissible, again, only in the case of additional use of light colors

Otherwise, your room will look too dull and dull, and this design cannot be saved even with expensive accessories and pieces of furniture. That is why experts advise using less saturated shades from the palette you like for contrast: for example, purple can be replaced with light lilac, and dark green with turquoise

Combining black wallpaper with dark coatings is permissible, again, only in the case of additional use of light colors. Otherwise, your room will look too dull and dull, and this design cannot be saved even with expensive accessories and pieces of furniture. That is why experts advise using less saturated shades from the palette you like for contrast: for example, purple can be replaced with light lilac, and dark green with turquoise.

The compatibility of the chosen colors plays a huge role. If you think that bright shades do not look harmonious enough with black, choose black coatings with patterns of the same color scheme. For example, on a black background, plant compositions, classical and geometric patterns look impressive, which will fit into both ancient and modern styles, depending on the design.

The most successful combination of shades in an interior decorated with black wallpaper is the use of light and calm tones: beige, pink, blue, soft yellow, peach and others. Such wallpaper will not only increase the space, but will also allow you to create an accent on a dark wall, as evidenced by many photos of black wallpaper in the interior.

Special attention should be paid to the choice of furniture for such rooms. It is desirable that interior items have light shades

An additional effect can be achieved by using light wood (not only on furniture, but also on the floor), glossy coatings, glass, mirrors, and metal elements in the design.

Application options

To prevent a room with white wallpaper from looking boring and monotonous, it is recommended to place emphasis on contrasting, color-saturated elements. For example, combine a white shade with furniture and accessories in bright, rich colors (yellow, red, orange).

A little less often in the interiors of modern houses, a combination of white and black colors with the addition of bright accents is used. With a properly designed design, such a scheme looks unusual and quite original.

It is recommended to combine white wallpaper either with “warm” shades, or only with “cold” shades.

To decorate a bedroom, the technique of highlighting the bed area is often used. The area at the head of the bed is decorated with wallpaper in bright colors, with relief or patterns, while the rest of the walls in the room are covered with white canvas. For the bedside area, wallpaper with black patterns for the walls can be used.

In the bedroom, you can use any type of wallpaper to decorate the walls, non-woven or non-woven for painting, as well as liquid wallpaper, which has a number of advantages over roll wallpaper.

Interiors where white wallpaper is used as a background are very common, while furniture, carpets, pastels, and accessories have natural colors of wood, linen or wool.

Large geometric wall patterns combined with bright accents will create an attractive interior that takes you back to the 60s of the 20th century.

Light walls for the kitchen are a rather rare interior option. In most cases, white walls are accented with bright patterns or geometric shapes, matching items in the kitchen, such as countertops or stools.

If you want to decorate the nursery in light colors, you can combine white walls and multi-colored paper borders glued along the bottom of the wall. This design will create a cozy atmosphere in the room and protect the walls from premature contamination.

The real scope for imagination unfolds when decorating the living room. The main condition is that the room should look simple, bright and solemn.

Examples of design and pattern combinations

With flowers

The combination with a floral print is relevant for a classic, Provence or modern interior. The combination can be with plain wallpaper companions or with coverings with a different pattern. The color scheme for companion wallpaper should be chosen based on the shade of the floral pattern and its background.

The flower pattern is combined with smooth, plain surfaces, textured or striped wallpaper. A good finishing option would be to highlight an accent wall with companion wallpaper with flowers. For example, a three-dimensional image of roses above the head of the bed or sakura flowers above the seating area in the living room.

The photo shows a bedroom in neoclassical style. The walls are decorated with companion wallpaper in a horizontal manner.


Striped companion wallpaper can be combined with other images, patterns or textured surfaces. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, the strip visually adjusts the space of the room; depending on its direction, the room appears wider or higher.

When combined with voluminous images, companion wallpaper with stripes should choose a calm color palette that will echo the color of the picture. In combination with textured or non-patterned wallpaper, you can choose a bolder shade

White wallpaper in the kitchen

When choosing white wallpaper for your kitchen, its quality and ease of washing are important. Fortunately, the choice of washable white wallpaper is large, so much so that it’s easy to get confused in the choice.

White wallpaper in this case means absolutely any kitchen set in style and color. They can be combined with similar ones of a different tone and companions, while the room will remain light, spacious and harmonious.

For the kitchen, it is better to choose wallpaper that can be easily washed.

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