Hallway in Country style - the best ideas, features of design choice and rules for decorating the hallway (95 photos + video)

The hallway is the room that first welcomes guests. The design of the apartment as a whole is judged by its design. Therefore, it is very important to arrange the vestibule as comfortable and beautiful as possible.

The best choice would be a country-style hallway design.

Subtleties of design

The country style that appeared in America has long spread throughout the world. What is he like? This direction betrays the spirit of the countryside with its leisurely, simplicity and unpretentiousness.

But there are some subtleties. Here they are:

  • the use of natural materials both in decoration and in interior items;
  • rough matte surfaces;
  • minimum decor on furniture;
  • the use of pastel, natural shades;
  • ban on the use of flashy colors;
  • use of handmade textiles.

Surface finishing

You need to start finishing work with the design of the ceiling. No tension structures! They are not acceptable.

The best solution would be plaster or paint. Paper wallpaper is also appropriate. If possible, you can use wooden beams.

As you can see in the photo of a country-style hallway, wallpaper or wood panels are often chosen for wall decoration. The use of natural stone is allowed.

As for colors, it is preferable to stick to a light, warm palette. This will make the room seem cozier and brighter.

The floor in the country hallway can be laid with ceramic tiles or made of planks. Again, there should be no shine or gloss present.


Country implies the use of neutral, calm colors. The most popular shades here are milky, beige and brown. Accents can be green, red and yellow tones.

As for the color design of furniture facades, it is advisable to choose a cream, olive, light blue and white palette.


Lighting plays an important role in the interior of a country-style hallway. It should be represented by both a central ceiling lamp and point light sources.

All lighting fixtures must be selected so that they match the style with the overall design.

It’s just ideal if you buy handmade lamps, or make them yourself using glass, wood, stone, and forged elements.

The emphasis is on the form - it should be as unusual as possible and fully reveal the rustic design.

Interior elements

Country style is characterized by furniture made from natural wood; it is usually painted in light shades, so you can use:

  • olive;
  • cream;
  • white;
  • blue;
  • beige.

Article on the topic: Decorating a small hallway in a Khrushchev apartment: techniques for visually enlarging the room

Rough shapes are the highlight of the rustic style; furniture of this type will fit better into the overall design of the room than modern furnishings. The following would fit ideally into a country-style hallway: a massive antique chest of drawers, if space allows; beautiful wicker baskets; antique-finished hangers; boxes decorated in the same way. For convenience when dressing, you can place a regular wooden bench or shoe box on which you can sit.

Various little things that complement the interior will be very useful, the corridor can be decorated with paintings with images on a rustic theme, be sure to have wooden frames, put several clay pots with natural flowers, various thematic figurines will also be appropriate. You can also cover the floor with rugs; textiles will add a more homely feel to the rustic style: curtains for hanging shelves, pillows on a bench or shoe box, and so on.

Do not clutter the hallway, free space is the most important feature of country music, if the corridor is small, there are no large objects, you can even get rid of the closet in favor of ordinary hangers.

Photos of country hallways

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Russian country style in the hallway

This type is famous for its fabulous atmosphere, a huge number of wood products, including country decor and furniture in the hallway.

In most cases, the interior strongly resembles simple wooden houses, which are furnished with great taste with a minimum amount of decor.

This method of decorating living space is very well represented in Soviet cartoons and fairy tales.

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