Yellow living room: beautiful combinations with other colors in the interior

A yellow living room in the imagination of the average person is perceived as something bright and frivolous. But don't be fooled by popular thinking; in fact, if you use the right design, you can turn mundane wallpaper, furniture, walls, carpets and curtains into a work of art that can brighten up your life. There is no need to remain among the dull gray-dirty walls, if using yellow color in the interior of the living room, you can achieve amazing results.

Gray and white accents in a yellow living room

Pink and yellow accents in the living room

The influence of yellow color on the human psyche

The yellow part of the spectrum, like blue and red, are considered basic colors. Psychologists say that the color yellow is a stimulant of brain activity, increases heart rate and creates a positive background specifically for an active environment. But it is worth considering that natural, in too bright colors, it has too irritating effect on the psyche, and it should not be left without inclusions of other colors and shades. The design of your living room should be based on color combinations, especially since yellow harmonizes well with the rest of the palette. Softer versions of yellow feel like something warm and are associated with a sunny day, which has a positive effect on a person surrounded by yellow walls.

Large white and yellow living room

Muted yellow and brown in the living room

Yellow furniture in the living room

Yellow countertop in the living room-kitchen

Yellow walls in the living room

Yellow wall and chairs in the living room

Yellow walls in the living room

With jeans

Blue denim is a timeless casual style classic and will help introduce trendy colors into your wardrobe staples. Freshen up your usual look by pairing your favorite jeans with a yellow sweater or blazer.

Complete the outfit with functional accessories - a black leather belt and white sneakers will do the trick.

Rules for decorating walls and ceilings in yellow

It is worth limiting the use of bright yellow color in the design of horizontal surfaces, since the design of the floor and ceiling is too eye-catching, irritates the psyche and interferes with complete relaxation. It is recommended to decorate the ceiling in light blue or white colors. It is also possible to combine light green and white in the design of the ceiling. The floor can be painted brown to imitate a wooden surface.

The yellow part of the wall in the living room
The walls can be painted yellow. There is no need to make them too bright. For decoration you can use wallpaper, paint or wall panels. However, the design of your walls should not be completely yellow; it is recommended to stick yellow wallpaper on one part of the wall, thus highlighting this area, and apply various shades of other colors in the rest of the space.

When using yellow color in the design of the living room, it is worth remembering the following rules:

  • No need to overdo it with yellow. It looks too rude and frivolous;
  • In the living room, where everything, including curtains, furniture and wallpaper, is bright yellow, it is harder to breathe and the temperature seems higher;
  • Too saturated a shade does not allow you to calmly concentrate on intellectual activity, it becomes difficult to read.

Yellow walls and ceiling in the living room

Yellow armchairs in the living room with a fireplace

Yellow accents in the living room

Muted yellow in the living room

Yellow Accents in a Cream and White Living Room

Yellow sofas and carpet in the living room

Yellow curtains in the living room

Successful style solutions

It will not be difficult for an experienced designer to determine the purpose of each of the possible shades in a particular interior, taking into account its style. However, not everyone has the appropriate education, but everyone wants to turn their home into the most comfortable place in the world. A few tips will help you determine how best to use yellow in combination with the most popular styles.


In a room where everything literally breathes sea freshness, tones of ocher, apricot and sand look attractive on curtains, decorative pillows, carpets, paintings, upholstery of chairs and armchairs. You shouldn’t overdo it, since the bright and sunny shade plays the role of an accent and is used sparingly.

High tech

Golden or lemon on a beige or white wall background - such tiles or wallpaper can be used as a base. Canary or curry goes well with the metallic shine of chrome and the matte shine of aluminum. An impressive touch is the ornament in yellow and black colors; it can be used in textile elements and the decor of lamps.


The use of shades such as mustard, honey, and sand will allow you to get an attractive result without overstepping the bounds of appropriateness. In combination with any type of natural wood, this range looks really chic. You can direct shades of the sun onto wallpaper (especially with an embossed texture), floor coverings and window draperies, but cannot be used on furniture facades.


An interior is considered truly successful when the viewer gets the impression that the room is flooded with sunlight. Amber and curry are just color strokes, next to which pink, brown, blue and white shimmer. Curtains, wallpaper, lamp shades, paintings, dishes, tiles - they may well be some shade of yellow.


For this style, naturalness comes first, which is why yellow is not used in its pure form. Light wood, straw, natural stone, rattan, bamboo and handmade paper - their natural colors look wonderful in any light. Expressiveness is achieved not through brightness, but by experimenting with textures and shapes.

Ambiguous, but so natural and cozy - the yellow color in the house always strives to take a leading position in the palette of available colors. It will help brave and extraordinary individuals create an ideal atmosphere for creativity and relaxation.

Shades of yellow

It must be remembered that bright yellow color affects the human psyche, stimulating it too much, but it has many calm shades, such as:

  • Sand:
  • Ocher;
  • Golden;
  • Pastel yellow;
  • Mustard.

Their use in decorating the living room, no matter what it is, golden curtains or sand-colored walls, will not have too strong a negative impact on guests and your family, but will allow them to feel a surge of warmth.

Pastel yellow wall in the living room

Bright yellow wardrobe in the living room

Yellow accents in the living room

Yellow wall in the living room interior

Yellow curtains and lampshade in the living room

Yellow accents in the interior of the living-dining room

Yellow wall in the living room-kitchen

Unusual living room with yellow accents

Yellow dishes

The kitchen is a great place to incorporate a glowing hue. Designers suggest experimenting with yellow accessories for food and cooking: cutlery, dishes, napkins for serving.

The optimistic shade is combined with fresh greenery and living plants. In spring and summer, yellow ceramic vases should be decorated with seasonal flowers - this method will help update the interior following the change of seasons and bring the energy of nature into it.

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The right color combinations when decorating a yellow living room

Creating a black and yellow palette, using bright yellow, is a very bold decision that requires high skill. But when using black-mustard or black-gold tones, it is much easier to create the right feeling of the living room. You can combine a yellow sofa and black and sand curtains, and a black sofa on a yellow background will be a very bold decision. Black edging can add structure to your creative composition.

Gray and yellow living room

A brown color scheme can go well with yellow, especially if you use a woody color option. Decorating a brown and yellow living room will give your family and guests a feeling of warmth and comfort, as long as the brown paint is applied correctly and in the right place. A brown sofa looks good on a soft yellow background. Red furniture on a yellow background can create a very bright, invigorating atmosphere. But you need to remember that too bright red paint in excess creates a feeling of danger in a person, so you can use diluted versions of it, for example, coral color.

Yellow furniture will look great against a blue background. In general, this combination is considered to be of very high quality and when used, an excellent picture is obtained that pleases a person. There is a lot of coldness in blue, and therefore in our case we get a harmony of opposites, and if blue paint is also used, a very sophisticated combination of colors is created. You can hang a bright chandelier on a blue ceiling, and then it will create the impression of going out into nature.

Yellow, turquoise, white and gray colors in the living room
Green and yellow living room interior is an excellent solution if you want to create a harmonious environment and set your company to a calm tone of communication. Yellow furniture looks great against a green background, and even a large yellow sofa on which lies a green plush crocodile will not spoil the overall look, but will only add an ecological flavor to your home. It is the green color that is associated in the human psyche with nature and peace, which should definitely be taken advantage of. A blue or light purple carpet on a green background will subconsciously remind guests of a fast-flowing river among the grass, which will send a signal of relaxation and comfort.

The gray and yellow interior combines a feeling of brightness and calm. In this case, it all depends on what color is chosen as the base. The gray-yellow combination, where gray is the main one, creates the impression of neutrality and a modern look at creating an interior. Steel gray shades can go well with the overall warmth of a yellow room.

Yellow accent wall in living room

Yellow accents in a Scandinavian-style living room

Yellow accents in the living room-kitchen

Yellow accents in a white and brown living room

Yellow accents in a white and black living room

Yellow accents in a cozy living room-kitchen

Furniture in a yellow living room

When selecting furniture, it is important to remember that if your walls are yellow, you should not buy the same furniture; on the contrary, it is with the help of the right contrast of furnishings that you can create many amazing combinations and accents. The brown color of large furniture, cabinets, or sofas will give a wonderful combination with soft shades of yellow in the main background. White armchairs will nobly set off an overly sunny atmosphere, and will introduce a note of calm, helping guests feel relaxation and enveloping silence, in which all their worries and sorrows will dissolve. Black upholstered furniture will be a very bold decision, which necessarily requires an initial consultation with a professional designer. His invaluable advice will help you avoid embarrassment and create exactly the impression you want.

Gray sofa in living room with yellow accent

Gray and yellow furniture in the living room

Yellow armchair and pillows in the living room

Yellow and white armchairs in the living room

Yellow walls in the living room with fireplace

Yellow accents in a beige and white living room

Accessories for a yellow living room

To create a complete picture of your living room, you can use various accessories. A good move would be to install a yellow vase against a light wall, or combine a red vase with yellow artificial flowers. A golden figurine on a table in the middle of the room can create a pleasant impression of sophistication and a creative approach to creating an interior.

A yellow living room is not easy to create, but it will definitely become the pearl of your home.

Beautiful pillows in a yellow-beige living room-kitchen

Beautiful white and yellow living room

Beautiful paintings in a yellow-gray living room

Bright combination of yellow, green, blue, brown and white in the living room

Yellow wall in the living room interior

Yellow accents in the living room-bedroom

Yellow armchair in the living room

Yellow floor in the living room

Yellow armchair in the interior of a living room in loft style

White and yellow furniture in the loft style living room

Yellow corner sofa in the living room

Aged gray ceramic

Clay pots and vases will be a small but bright detail of a fashionable primary color. The gray tint is characteristic of ceramics made using ancient pottery techniques. Today, the ancient accessory is at the peak of interior fashion. Gray ceramic looks beautiful in photographs and is suitable for dramatic Instagram shots.

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