High-tech style in the interior: style features + design examples

What color scheme should I use?

The characteristic palette of the style primarily depends on the textures used: white or black (less often sand) plastic panels, gray metal with a silvery sheen. Therefore, as far as the palette is concerned, high-tech spaces are quite boring.

In the classic version, cool white (snow, diamond, smoky) prevails, while individual details are made dark.

The photo shows a monochrome interior of the kitchen-living room

If a bright space seems boring, make the black elements larger - for example, install an anthracite kitchen set. Or even use the shade of graphite as the main one: in decoration, furniture, and decor.

Conceptual features of the interior in high-tech style

The interior in Hi-Tech style is a kind of ode to the modern achievements of mankind. This is visible in every detail: from multifunctional furniture to the latest gadgets with which the room abounds. In high-tech interiors you will not find paintings in rich gilded frames or a collection of antiques. This style looks to the future - without looking back.

Interesting! The main difference between high-tech and other areas is that it cannot be fit into a time frame. It changes and develops simultaneously with our lives.

The style is dynamic, every day new items and accessories created by contemporaries appear in it

The concept of the style is the so-called “complex simplicity”. Objects that seem simple at first glance are fraught with complex and intricate designs. It manifests itself in built-in appliances and transformable, multifunctional furniture.

What furniture is suitable?


High-tech cabinets, cabinets, chests of drawers - a combination of functionality and aesthetics. On the outside, either simple (option No. 1) - straight shapes, with glossy or matte laconic facades. There are no handles on the doors; instead, cabinets are equipped with hardware that opens the doors with a click.

The second option for external design is abstraction. Cabinets and tables are made not straight, but angular - such furniture has futuristic features and looks very interesting.

Advice! To disguise a cabinet in a wall or niche, order facades and false wall panels in the same style: this way the built-in furniture will remain invisible.

The photo shows an abstract cabinet


When choosing a sofa for a high-tech living room, pay attention to the shape: the simpler the better. And upholstery - artificial or natural leather, suede will do. Less often they choose matting or flock.

But when arranging high-tech in the interior, more attention should be paid to the choice of armchairs and chairs. Single seats of fancy shapes can completely change the appearance of a room and become a wonderful accent in a living room or kitchen. Ball-shaped chairs or rocking chairs on metal bases are suitable.

Modern living room

The living room interior in the style of modern minimalism is suitable for people who value simplicity and the achievements of the modern world. This interior is ideal for small apartments, since the geometric organization of space significantly saves space.

In the interior of the living room, as well as the kitchen, elements made of chrome and frosted glass are used to a greater extent. Thus, the area visually expands. The design uses calm pastel tones and dark colors. For example, the standard combination of black and white is often used. Bright colors are also present in this case, but in order to emphasize certain interior items.

Related article: American style: apartment of possibilities (50 photos)

Decoration can be done using elements such as:

  • figurines in the style of minimalism and abstraction;
  • vases and containers made of transparent glass;
  • plain high-pile carpets;
  • the use of installations that depict water flowing on glass;
  • huge aquariums with large fish.

Abstract figurines

metal figurine in high-tech style

decorative glass vases

Decorative vases in high-tech style

coffee table in the form of an aquarium
The design style is a combination of several modern materials, but at the same time, thanks to the decorative arrangement, there are notes of home comfort. Paintings and photographs placed in metal or glass frames can be marked on the walls.

Nuances of lighting organization

We have already noted that the high-tech style in the interior of an apartment cannot be imagined without light. Lamps are hung on the ceiling, walls, placed on the floor, tables, cabinets. They should be distributed into zones at the planning stage, so that a wire or socket is made for each lamp.

Moreover, if the lighting of furniture (shelves, floating beds, racks, cabinets) is more of a decoration, then sconces and floor lamps perform the understandable task of increasing the luminous flux.

With all the variety of lighting fixtures, chandeliers are almost never found in designs: instead of them there are built-in panels, spots, and LED strips.

Another option for replacing a chandelier is a huge hanging floor lamp. They are installed in such a way that the lampshade hangs exactly above the chair, table or other necessary place.

The photo shows cold lighting in the living room

Main characteristics of the style

In addition to such simple features, there are also more distinct ones that distinguish the style from the rest. Using such instructions, you can easily, as interior designers say, “find” any room.

There are only a few main points for this:

  • simple geometry in organizing space and choosing furniture;
  • transformable furniture or furniture built into the walls is used;
  • all equipment is installed along one wall, as tightly and efficiently as possible;
  • active use of metal, plastic and glass elements in the design of structures;
  • matte chrome glass is used, which is present in almost all elements used in the design;
  • furniture, as well as built-in structures, are equipped with lighting, ideally with spotlights;
  • decorative elements of avant-garde style - no mixing or matching;
  • doors, as well as partitions, are used only of the sliding type.

All these components form a fairly simple, but at the same time extraordinary interior of the apartment in the style of minimalism. It seems that the home visually resembles an office, but in fact it is a hidden functionality. The advantage is that a home with such furnishings is easy and quick to clean.

On video: how to make a home interior in high-tech style

Article on the topic: Vintage in the interior - a legacy of bygone eras

What decor should I use?

High-tech is stingy with decorations: nevertheless, between another vase or painting and maintaining minimalism, it is always better to choose the latter. But you can’t do without decor at all, so designers recommend using neutral large elements: watches, paintings, decorative panels, made in high-tech colors.

On the surfaces you can place vases or plates, stacks of books, live plants - succulents look great in angular florariums.

Important! High-tech decor should have a non-standard shape, but a neutral shade.

In the photo there are abstract paintings above the sofa

Bathroom in Hi-Tech style

The technological interior of the bathroom has two undeniable advantages. The first is the ease of cleaning and durability of materials. Tiles, metal and glass are not destroyed by humidity and time, and regular maintenance helps avoid the appearance of colonies of unwanted microorganisms in the bathroom. The second is free space. All bottles, brushes, washcloths and baskets with dirty laundry are hidden from view, which allows you to free up the room - this is especially true for small bathrooms.

ADVICE! Don’t hide communication details – pipes, for example, can be turned into technological decor.

Credit: @

Interior in Hi-Tech style is the choice of purposeful and successful owners who keep up with the times. Examples of high-tech bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and living room design in the photo will help you create your ideal interior.

What textiles are suitable?

Window design options vary depending on designers, surroundings and objectives. If you need to protect yourself from the sun, it is better to use blinds or roller blinds, or, as a last resort, simple blackout sliding curtains. To decorate the opening, transparent tulle is suitable.

Classic textiles for bedrooms and living rooms include pillows, blankets, and bedspreads. In high-tech, of course, they are also used - but the number of soft parts should be kept to a minimum. Plus, it’s better not to stand out for sofa cushions - order them in the same fabric as the furniture or choose the most neutral accessories.

All of the above applies to towels in the bathroom: no bright textiles with patterns or inscriptions. Replace with plain towels from the same collection.

Bedroom of the future

The interior of a bedroom in the style of modern minimalism is much more limited in color options than a living room or kitchen. There are no bright accents or the use of decorative elements. Moreover, the amount of furniture does not exceed five elements: a bed, a bedside table, a tall lamp, a chair, a mirror. The storage cabinet is built into the wall and occupies its entire area.

Often, even this number is reduced to a bed, the main element, and one additional element that is especially necessary for the occupant.

Glass and metal are also used in the bedroom; there is practically no plastic in this room, since it is not entirely environmentally friendly. Although in this case, the design of premises values ​​the materials of the latest human achievements, but one should not forget about health.

Naturally, the sleeping area requires the presence of textiles, as well as products that will imitate curtains. Often these are motorized blinds or electronic curtains. Often the room is equipped with a function to automatically turn on/off the light using a clap.

The bedroom requires isolation from the rest of the room, so high-tech interior doors are used. Basically, this is a sliding design that does not take up additional space and looks original. The main material is frosted glass, which can be combined with metal elements or frames.

Doors made of plastic will look cheap and inappropriate - this option is only suitable for the bathroom, or at least for the kitchen.

This interior style is very popular among designers. With it you can transform any room, make it elegant and modern. With this minimalism, all functionality is preserved, and in some cases it is at a higher level compared to other styles.

Article on the topic: Minimalism style - simplicity and convenience (+50 photos)

The simplicity of perception and organization of space allows you to think through the entire design yourself, without the help of a specialist. Thus, high-tech houses become completely accessible to the masses and fully reflect the reality of modern life and needs.

Renovation of a small bedroom in high-tech style (2 videos)

High-tech interior design ideas (38 photos)

metal figurine in high-tech style Decorative vases in high-tech style decorative glass vases coffee table in the form of an aquarium Abstract figurines

What does it look like in the interior of the rooms?

After carefully studying the general characteristics of the style, it’s time to move on to a more detailed consideration of each individual room.


It is advisable to choose a built-in kitchen set; it is desirable that the cabinets occupy the entire space from wall to wall, from floor to ceiling. Facades - without handles. The technology is modern, with touch controls.

In technical kitchens, backlight lighting is appropriate, which is best made from shiny porcelain stoneware or skinnels.

Living room

Beautiful design ideas

“Naked” high-tech may seem uncomfortable and unsuitable for residential buildings to many. But if the direction is nice, try taking it as a basis and diluting it with warmer colors or textures, as in the photo below.

And if the space is already decorated, but you want to add a technological touch, use recognizable style details. for example, a ball chair or a huge floor lamp.

High-tech is a complex and expensive style to implement, but it looks the part. If you like everything new and modern, you will definitely appreciate the interior.

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