Loft style in the interior - examples of design, all the features and characteristic features (150 photo ideas)

Style Description

The industrial attic style appeared not so long ago. Its homeland is considered to be the USA, where during the Great Depression, former factory buildings were converted into residential premises. Most often, representatives of the “creative intelligentsia” moved into such buildings, so the interior is striking in its combination of seemingly completely incompatible objects.

Aristocratism here is combined with simplicity, sophistication with an original appearance, antiquity is adjacent to the innovations of technical progress. The basis of design is made up of functional objects; all things should have their own practical purpose, and perhaps even play several roles at once.

The loft style in the interior of an apartment is used only for large rooms; it will not be possible to create a good interior in a small space. Often, to create an authentic design, partitions are removed, giving the room maximum openness.

An excellent way to create the right interior design in a loft style is to increase the size of windows to the maximum possible height and length, although this is unlikely to happen in typical high-rise buildings. But private houses will provide such an opportunity at the design stage.

What rooms is it suitable for?

Loft is a spacious home with an urban look. Residents of Khrushchev and Brezhnevkas will not be able to replicate such features, but preserving the palette and using style techniques is possible. There is nothing special about lofts with small rooms; these are also found in practice. Then you have to observe minimalism, and also visually expand the space. The situation is different with studio apartments, because their configuration corresponds to the industrial desire for demarcation within one large room. In lofts you can see all the variety of zoning.

For two-story apartments and penthouses, the loft style is one of the “native” ones. Lofts were originally attics, and bold design projects were implemented there. A large living space also makes it possible to “accelerate”. Country houses are decorated in the spirit of comfort and coziness, and the special qualities of industrial style are used for this purpose as well.

Features of the Loft style

A loft-style interior is based on several unshakable rules. This:

  • Maximum open space. Instead of walls and partitions, movable screens are used to separate sleeping areas and pieces of furniture. Often the color or texture of finishing materials become zone separators.
  • Using natural materials for finishing and creating furniture.
  • Pristine brick and concrete walls, exposed electrical wiring, water and ventilation pipes, industrial lamps or “Ilyich light bulbs” without shades.
  • Practicality and functionality of the items used, simple shapes and finished lines.
  • Minimum decorative elements.
  • A balance of neatness and carelessness, incredible comfort and seeming disorder.

Features and characteristics of the style

The flow is characterized by slight negligence and large dimensions. The concept is based on a combination of different pronounced textures. Large wooden furniture, a lot of metal and materials that are, one way or another, associated with processing - without all this it is difficult to imagine a modern loft interior. Almost everything fits into the style direction, except luxury items. This is because industrial style tends to simplify and visually “reduce” the cost of the interior.

So, uncovered parts will be appropriate here, including ventilation pipes, water supply and sewerage units. Harmony will be added by modern objects, new technology, avant-garde forms made of metal, glass and plastic. Steampunk goes well with the loft style. They complement each other perfectly.

Style directions

This design may look strange in a modern city apartment. Therefore, the style has been somewhat transformed over the time since its creation. Today's loft comes in three versions:

  • Industrial style embodies an industrial aesthetic with metal surfaces and wooden furniture.
  • The bohemian branch is characterized by a more familiar appearance. The loft-style living room interior is complemented by decorative items and antiques (or high-quality imitations).
  • The glamorous direction is distinguished by a wider palette of colors used, an abundance of plants, mirrors and luxurious interior items.

However, the traditional type of design is most often used.

Decoration Materials

A loft only at first glance seems like a simple type of design. In fact, it will be quite difficult to create it, and finishing materials will provide the main assistance in this difficult process.

The style will require the use of completely natural materials or their very high-quality imitations. However, the price of such fakes can exceed the cost of the originals, and a large number of fakes will create any kind of interior, but not a rough loft.

The following are preferred elements:

  • brick and stone:
  • concrete and plaster;
  • tree.

Often the walls and ceiling are stripped down to a “developer finished” state. If the concrete or brick floors look more or less decent, they are simply dusted off or coated with a special varnish.

If the builders were not very keen to leave behind smooth surfaces, they can be plastered or painted. An unusual loft style in the kitchen interior will be created by wooden panels.

Nuances of finishing a light interior in the loft style

To renovate a small apartment, it is better to use natural materials, for example, brick, wood, etc. A light loft in the interior will be well complemented by structures made of glass and metal. Brick walls look best with wooden window frames, and concrete walls look best with metal-plastic ones.

The floor can be finished with either natural wood or regular laminate. If none of these coatings suits you, use a cement screed, self-leveling floor or lay ceramic tiles and don’t forget about electric heating.

In a small room, it is better to paint the ceiling white or whitewash it. This technique will allow you to slightly lift it visually. If the ceilings are high, finishing should be minimal.

Additionally, suede, leather, natural stone or crystal can be used to decorate the apartment. The use of finishing materials such as synthetic plastic or vinyl is also allowed, but in small quantities: they should not dominate or attract a lot of attention.

Wall decoration

Brickwork, simple plaster, and wood will be excellent helpers for creating a brutal interior.

It is better to abandon the idea of ​​using brick-like wallpaper, stone-like plaster, or wood-like film at the planning stage.


The loft will require a lot of light. And if the windows do not provide such an opportunity, then artificial sources will have to be used. It can be:

  • hanging or ceiling chandeliers;
  • point spots;
  • track lights;
  • sconce;
  • desk lamp.

Preference is given to metal frames, simple forms of lampshades or the complete absence of them. Completely unsuitable floor lamps will look unusual. They will play the role of a cozy element, bringing a touch of home comfort to a practically cold room.


Loft does not like artistic delights. However, too simple things will destroy the atmosphere of the industrial style.

A good addition to the attic decoration would be a modern painting (but not an imitation of it from a hardware store), advertising posters and old posters, graffiti, road and street signs, unusual photographs, chalk boards.

Original vases and designer sculptures are suitable for decorating the floor. But it is not recommended to get carried away with decorating; loft belongs to the minimalist styles.

Decor and accessories

The style is associated with art and the industrial sphere - these aspects become the central motives. Paintings, drawings, graffiti, prints and posters represent the fine arts, while industrial design represents small architectural forms and the technological sphere. The right accessories are always in a visible place, catch the eye and attract attention for some time.

Road signs, coils of pipes, parts of mechanisms, old globes, and control panels will be of interest. Handicrafts are popular: people assemble storage systems and lighting fixtures on their own. The decor, in turn, should not be too delicate. Constructivism, complex geometry and abstraction are welcome. The interior can be filled with bright colored elements and small crafts. An antique decor that clearly characterizes its era is suitable.


Furnishing the room uses a minimum of items. The ideal solution would be transformable furniture that can perform several functions at once.

Furniture often consists of open cabinets and shelves, hooks and rods, but they need to be kept in perfect order. Often such elements act as room dividers into functional zones, so instead of the traditional placement near the walls in a loft, it is encouraged to arrange furniture throughout the entire area without cluttering it.

All pieces of furniture should have clear shapes, straight lines, a minimum of fittings, and easy-to-care materials. There is no place for masterpieces of carpentry art here, so you can buy standard items in the most ordinary furniture store.

Grandma's chests of drawers and sideboards, armchairs worn from age, and beds with bumps will add an unusual touch to the style. And next to it you can place the most modern TV, stereo system and other technological innovations.

Photos of loft style in the interior always attract attention, striking with the non-standard design and amazing comfort.

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