How to clean the soleplate of an iron with salt at home

Burning of the iron sole: causes and how to deal with it

Before you clean the soles of your irons, you need to understand the reasons for the surface burning. Among them:

  1. The ironing temperature is incorrect. Some materials begin to melt if the iron is just a few units hotter than normal. As a result, the fabric fibers stick to the sole. This leads to the formation of carbon spots;
  2. Ironing buttons and buttons made of plastic. Under the influence of high temperatures, these elements melt easily;
  3. Using unsuitable water. High chlorine content in the liquid and its excessive hardness are not suitable for ironing. First, limescale forms inside the unit, then it transfers to the sole through holes on the surface.

If the iron is dropped, cracks may form on the surface of its platform. Dirt accumulates in them, causing the formation of soot.

Additional Information! It is recommended to carefully study the labels on clothing. This will allow you to select the correct temperature and ironing mode. When all the items are ironed and the iron has completely cooled down, wipe the surface with a dry cloth. Only filtered water should be used.

Features of cleaning irons of different brands

For irons with ceramic coating, 9% table vinegar is more suitable. The treatment is as follows: heat the iron until it is warm, so that you can easily touch it with your hand; prepare a vinegar solution in the ratio of 50 ml of vinegar to 50 ml of water; soak a cloth (soft cotton) in the solution and gently wipe off the areas of scale formation with it.

Wipe the cold Teflon surface of the Philips iron with a cotton pad soaked in a vinegar solution.

For scale inside, the solution options are as follows:

  • For 1 liter of water - 5 tbsp. l. citric acid or 1 tbsp. vinegar 9%;
  • for 0.5 liters of water - 2.5 tbsp. l. citric acid or 0.5 tbsp. vinegar 9%.

How to clean the iron from scale inside, see here:

To clean your Tefal iron:

  • Take 9% vinegar in a 1:3 ratio with water.
  • Fill the container in the electric iron.
  • Set the thermostat to the maximum temperature.
  • After heating the iron, when the heating light goes out, turn the iron with the sole away from you, into a space free from people, animals and fragile objects within a radius of 3 meters and press the “Self-cleaning” button.

Alternatively: Iron a strong cotton fabric for 3 minutes.

Author's note

Kirilova Olga

When cleaning, a jet of hot steam will be released from the sole under pressure - do not get burned.

  • Direct the iron flow onto a hanging thick terry towel, into a tap sink or bowl.
  • The scale deposits accumulated in the passages will fly away under pressure, or clean with cotton swabs.

How to clean your iron? Getting rid of burning and scale:

The main causes of soot

Many factors can provoke the formation of soot. Among the main ones:

  1. Mechanical damage to the surface of the device. This includes a fall, which will lead to scratches and damage. Even if they are barely noticeable, particles of dust and dirt will certainly accumulate in them.
  2. Ironing products with metal elements. Such things must be handled with care. Metal parts easily scratch the surface of the iron. Soot will subsequently appear at the site of the defects.

Soot is formed due to the fact that burnt particles of fabric remain on the sole of the iron. This is due to errors in the ironing process.

Problems with the sole also arise during long-term storage of the unit. If the iron is constantly left in the box and no one uses it, the condition of its parts may deteriorate.

Important information! Fresh stains are much easier to get rid of. Therefore, when the first signs of carbon deposits are detected, it is recommended to immediately begin eliminating them.

Preventing the appearance of scale and soot on the iron

If you regularly use vinegar to descale your iron, there will be no problems with the formation of lime deposits. Therefore, experienced housewives advise using this method regularly - at least once a month. It is worth taking into account a number of recommendations that will help avoid the appearance of scale inside the electrical appliance and on its sole:

  1. The water for filling a special tank must be purified: you can use boiled, settled, filtered.
  2. After the items are ironed, the liquid must be drained. This will prevent the water from settling inside the tank, thereby leaving lime particles in it.
  3. The sole of the electrical appliance must be wiped every time so that after ironing and using the steamer, not even a small amount of water or burnt lint remains on it.
  4. Do not unnecessarily turn the temperature regulator to the highest setting. It must match the type of laundry being ironed. Otherwise, a thin coating of burnt fibers will form on the sole of the electrical appliance. This prevents the quality of steam from escaping from the holes, which contributes to the stagnation of moisture in them.

Iron soles: types and features of cleaning

To know what is the best way to clean irons, you need to understand the types of soles. Previously, devices were made exclusively from cast iron. Modern manufacturers offer various types of irons. And this must be taken into account when choosing a suitable cleaning product so as not to harm the surface. The following types of soles exist:

  1. Steel. It is quite easy to remove dirt from it. The surface can withstand the impact of any means. You can use not only special cleaning products, but also homemade recipes.
  2. Aluminum or Teflon. Some models are treated with a special compound to improve the life of the sole and reduce the likelihood of carbon deposits and corrosion. Do not use aggressive agents or products with abrasive particles for cleaning. Otherwise, it will cause scratches on the surface.
  3. Ceramic. The material is quite fragile. The surface is easy to damage. Therefore, it is permissible to use only soft sponges and gentle products for cleaning. Cleaning must be done delicately. Liquid forms of cleaning products should be preferred.
  4. Titanium. A distinctive feature is the high degree of surface protection. It's difficult to scratch. Therefore, you can use almost any product for cleansing. In particularly difficult cases, it is permissible to use a soft metal sponge.
  5. Enamel. The coating can be washed with a simple cloth if carbon deposits have just appeared. Therefore, it is recommended to wipe the enamel sole regularly as a preventive measure. Due to the durability of the coating, it is permissible to use even heavy artillery in the form of a soft metal sponge for cleaning.

Before cleaning the iron with various means, it is recommended to take into account the material from which the sole is made.

Cleaning the soleplate from scale

You have already seen that cleaning an iron at home is not difficult - even a beginner in household chores can do it. Let's take a quick look at the most effective way to clean the outside of the device:

  • Prepare a solution - a liter of water and 2 cups of vinegar/50 grams of citric acid;
  • Pour the liquid into a baking sheet, turn on low heat;
  • Place the iron in a baking tray on the slats so that the bottom and sole do not touch;
  • Bring the water to a boil and hold for another fifteen minutes;
  • Turn off the heat and repeat again;
  • Remove the equipment, wipe the steam supply holes with a cotton swab, and wipe the surface itself with a damp cloth.

If an unpleasant carbon deposit has formed on the product, do not worry - you can use any of our products. We will tell you how to clean a ceramic iron in another article.

Watch the video:

Homemade recipes and store remedies

Cleansers are divided into those that can be purchased in a ready-made form in the store and those that are prepared independently at home from available ingredients. How to clean an iron without damaging it? Carefully study the composition of cleaning products. Most of these products contain strong chemical ingredients.

One of the store-bought products is a special cleaning pencil. It is used for hot cleansing. To do this, you need to heat the iron to 140 degrees and install the device in a vertical position. Using a pencil, draw circles on the surface. Due to the high temperature, the pencil will begin to melt, removing carbon deposits. Simply wipe the surface with a cotton cloth.

You can find a variety of liquid cleaning products on the shelves of the hardware department. To use one of these products, your iron must have a steam function. The product is poured into the device. But you can try to clean the surface. To do this, the liquid is applied to the sole, heated to a maximum of 140 degrees, turned off and left for 10 minutes. Wipe with a rag.

Special napkins are available. One side of the napkin allows you to get rid of carbon deposits, the second is intended for polishing. Can be used on fresh stains or as a preventative for surface care.

One of the modern means is a special mat. They place it on the ironing board and begin to rub an iron with a cold sole against it. Finally, wipe with a cloth.

How to clean an iron from burnt marks on the soleplate at home? It is enough to study several recipes, the ingredients for which can be found in any kitchen. Among them:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. A napkin is moistened in it and the surface is treated. The iron must be cold. Remains of peroxide are removed with a damp sponge.

  2. Dishwashing detergents in powder form. Suitable for serious stains. Apply to the surface using a sponge. It is pre-moistened in water. To remove strong stains, you need to thoroughly rub the sole.
  3. Paraffin candle. Prepare places where the wax will flow. A sheet of paper works great. The candle is wrapped in cloth before use. Then the iron is heated and treated with candles, avoiding holes through which steam escapes. To remove wax residue, iron the unwanted fabric several times.
  4. Laundry soap. It is mixed with water. The heated sole is treated with the resulting soap solution. The remaining product is washed off.
  5. Lemon acid. Mix with water and treat the surface.
  6. Soda. Mix with dishwashing detergent to a porridge consistency. The resulting mixture is applied to the sole and left for 10 minutes. Treat the surface with a sponge and remove any remaining product.
  7. Salt. Only fine grinding can be used. The recipe is not suitable for all surfaces of the device. The salt should be sprinkled evenly on the paper. The iron is heated and lowered onto the prepared area. You should iron the salt with some pressure. Then the iron needs to be cooled and wiped with a cloth.
  8. Vinegar. 9% is suitable. They treat the cold surface of the device. The iron is then heated and treated with a rough material such as a rag.
  9. Aspirin. An excellent life hack on how to scrub the soleplate of your iron in just a couple of minutes. It is enough to dissolve a few aspirin tablets on a heated sole. Then wash the surface with a cloth.

The bottom of the iron can be cleaned with toothpaste. First, set the minimum temperature so that the surface is warm. Then apply the paste and rub it using an old toothbrush. The remaining paste is removed with a napkin.

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How to descale an iron - 3 ways

When using tap water rather than distilled water for steam ironing, over time mineral deposits accumulate in the reservoir and steam outlet channels in the soleplate of the iron.

If the iron suddenly begins to release dirty water and stain your clothes, this indicates that it is high time to descale it.

Since scale is just calcium and magnesium salts, it needs to be treated with acid. Here are two ways to help you clean the inside of your iron.

Method 1. How to descale your iron using vinegar

Fill the iron with a solution of vinegar and water, diluted in equal proportions to approximately one-third of the tank.

Heat the iron to maximum and leave it in an upright position for 5-10 minutes. Keep in mind that during this time it will periodically turn off, cool down and heat up again to maximum; there is no need to interfere with this process.

Next, place a container under the iron to collect water, and, holding the device horizontally, begin to actively release steam by pressing the corresponding button. As a result, rusty drops should flow out of the holes in the sole. Continue releasing steam until no more dirt comes out of the iron (see left photo).

Be careful to release steam while holding the appliance at arm's length to avoid inhaling fumes and the smell of vinegar.

Then fill the iron with clean water and turn it back on at maximum temperature to remove any remaining scale and vinegar. Hold the device horizontally over the basin again and release steam several times. Finally, simply drain the water and wipe the soleplate and steam vents with a tissue or clean rag.

Method 2. How to descale an iron using citric acid

Dissolve a small packet of citric acid (no more than 25 g) in 1 glass of warm water until completely transparent.

Pour the resulting solution into an iron heated to maximum and let it “simmer” for 5-10 minutes. Next, holding the device horizontally over the basin, release steam from it several times by pressing the appropriate button so that scale and rust flow out of the holes in the sole. When all the dirt has flowed out, drain the iron, pour clean water into it and let the device “steam” again to remove any remaining scale and vinegar. Release the steam over the bowl again several times and finally wipe the sole and the holes in it with a napkin or clean rag.

Method 3. How to descale an iron using a “hot bath”

Reviews about this method of descaling an iron are very mixed, so we did not test it in practice, but you can try it if the first two methods did not solve the problem. How to make a “hot bath” for the sole of the iron, see this video tutorial.

Whatever method of descaling your iron you choose, when you finish all the procedures, be sure to test the result by ironing a light-colored fabric in the steam mode. If the iron still produces dirty water or leaves yellowish stains (for example, from citric acid), then it needs to be cleaned 2-3 more times with clean water.

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Preventing carbon deposits

It is much easier to prevent stains from forming on the soleplate of the iron than to look for ways to clean the surface. To do this, it is enough to follow some preventive recommendations.

When ironing things, they carefully choose the temperature and mode for a specific type of fabric. After each use, wipe the soleplate of the iron with a cloth. Only distilled water is used for steam.

It is much easier to get rid of fresh traces of soot. Therefore, at the first signs of its appearance, you should not ignore this fact. It’s better to start removing carbon deposits right away.

There are many ways to get rid of burnt marks from the soleplate of an iron. When choosing a product, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the surface of the device is made. This will prevent damage to the sole. Preventive measures will allow you to use the described cleaning methods less often.

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