How to effectively place paintings in the living room: 10 tips and ideas

How to hang pictures on the wall correctly

Many people choose one watercolor landscape or an avant-garde poster to decorate the interior of their apartment. But, as a rule, after this you will want to place another painting on the wall, a good photograph, etc. How do different shapes, sizes and stylistic directions combine correctly with each other? Are there any rules for placing pictures on the wall?

You can place images:

  • chaotic, which corresponds to fashion trends;
  • in a clearer order, reflecting the individual characteristics of the owner of the paintings.

The layout of the paintings on the wall is chosen by the owner himself. Some options for hanging pictures on the wall are presented in the figure below:

In order to create a single composition, it is necessary to select a group of drawings that correspond to each other according to certain parameters, for example:

  • By color scheme or specific shade. In order to beautifully hang paintings on the wall, you should pay attention to the fact that the general color shade of these works coincides, or they complement each other.
  • Within the meaning of. The motives of the images or their semantic load must correspond to each other.

Next, we will get acquainted with the rules that will help you hang pictures on the wall correctly:

  1. Placing paintings at eye level or the “57-inch rule.”

The gaze of a person of average height is located at a height of 145 to 150 cm from the floor. It is at this point that the center of the picture should be located so that it falls into the field of view of everyone. Paintings in the museum are usually hung at a height of 152 cm from the floor - just above eye level, so that you can see the image by taking a step back.

  1. Symmetrical arrangement of paintings on the wall.

Of course, placing just one picture is the simplest solution. But hanging a whole series of paintings on the wall is a little more difficult. If you don't want to put a lot of effort into beautifully hanging pictures on the wall, then symmetry is exactly your option. Mentally draw a line down the center of the wall and place one or two canvases vertically on it, and hang other images on both sides of them at the same distance.

  1. Choose posters of the same size .

It is very easy to create a single composition from canvases of the same size. Pictures can be hung on the wall in one row, at the same distance from each other. But the composition will look much more attractive if you hang the drawings at different levels. This placement option is especially suitable for photographs.

  1. Focus on the central object .

To make your arrangement look more harmonious, you can choose the largest painting and use it as the centerpiece, placing it in the middle of the group or to the side. Nearby you can hang a few more smaller paintings on the wall. You can give the composition a unified style using a baguette or frame of the same thickness and design.

  1. Place a round poster .

It's easy to hang square or rectangular pictures on the wall, but what if the object has a non-standard shape? The simplest option is to hang a round picture in the center of the composition and place smaller images nearby. Please note that in this situation you should not use frames of the same format. In the picture below you will see another possible option for hanging non-standard size paintings on the wall.

  1. Be creative .

Try hanging pictures on the wall in a non-standard and unusual way; you can experiment with the sizes and shapes of the images. Try combining photographs, drawings, art objects and souvenirs. You can hang pictures on the wall in the form of a triangle, oval or any other shape.

How to hang pictures on the wall without nails

In some situations, it is necessary to hang pictures on the wall without using nails or a drill. There are a number of simple and effective ways you can hang pictures, photographs and posters without drilling into the wall. So, you can place paintings on the wall:

  • On a paper clip or coat hook.

To do this, you will need to make a small horizontal cut in the wallpaper, pour superglue into it, and place a paperclip bent in the shape of a hook or a standard clothes hook. Next, you need to cover the cut area with wallpaper.

  • On the button.

This method is similar to the previous one. The base of the button must be hidden under the wallpaper and glued, and the protruding fragment must be used as a nail to hang pictures on the wall. Just keep in mind that this method is not suitable for massive and heavy canvases.

  • On a spider hook.

This name is given to a special device with four pointed ends, attached to the wall with a hammer. They leave virtually no marks on the wall. Such a device will support a canvas or frame weighing up to two kilograms.

  • On a needle.

In order to hang pictures on the wall in this way, you just need to pin a needle to the wall. For example, you can carefully pierce the wallpaper at an angle with a pin with a head, or break off the eye of a sewing needle using pliers and drive the sharp end into the wall. This way you can get a small and invisible hole in the wall. A steel and durable needle, in turn, will securely fix the picture.

  • Using double-sided tape.

This method can be used if you have thin paper wallpaper glued to your wall or the partitions are made of plasterboard. It is necessary to stick double-sided tape along the edges of the frame and glue it to the wall. The only disadvantage of this method is that marks may remain on the wallpaper after this. To avoid such troubles, simply hold the tape at a 90-degree angle to the wall when you remove the painting.

  • Velcro Command.

Thanks to special technology, you can use Command Velcro on any surface, including hanging pictures weighing up to two kilograms on the wall. These Velcro are easy to remove and do not leave any marks on the wallpaper. Depending on the severity of a particular painting, you can use several strips of such Velcro.

  • Using liquid nails.

Liquid nails are a special glue that reliably connects surfaces. It is enough to precisely apply liquid nails to the frame (if the canvas is heavy, then it is better to coat the entire frame completely). Next, you should press the picture against the wall and hold it in this position for several seconds until the glue dries.

  • Using polymer glue.

The advantage of this glue is that it does not leave behind a greasy residue. In this case, heavy fabric should be coated with glue along the entire perimeter, and light fabric should be coated with glue along the edges.

  • Using a wine cork.

To do this, cut the cork into circles about one centimeter thick and glue it to the wall using quick-drying glue. After the glue has dried, stick a small nail into the cork, on which you can then hang the picture.

  • Using molding or ceiling plinth.

This method is ideal for those who want to hang pictures on the wall without leaving any damage. To do this, you just need to glue the ceiling plinth to the wall or ceiling, attach a fishing line to it and hang the canvas on it.

Art for every room

Figure 4. They will bring a touch of extravagance to the interior.

Each room needs its own painting. Paintings should not only look beautiful in a particular interior, but also be suitable in many ways. The most exquisite works are hung in the spacious living room, which guests will admire. The plot can be varied. These could be canvases depicting a beautiful landscape, portraits of family members, or copies of famous paintings.

It is better to decorate the walls in the bedroom with paintings that are pleasing to the eye. It will cheer you up for the whole day. It is better not to decorate the relaxation room with bright abstract paintings. You can hang vintage prints, flowers or pastoral scenes for relaxation and relaxation.

For the kitchen it is better to choose a still life. The technique can be any. Both light watercolor and colorful oil paint look beautiful in this room. If the size of the room allows, then a bright, large landscape will look great. Any work must be placed under glass so as not to be spoiled by fumes and stains.

Options for placing paintings on the wall.

A children's room is a special world. Reproductions that depict cartoon characters, illustrations for fairy tales, and travel scenes are best suited for its interior. Schoolchildren are able to appreciate serious paintings, so you can safely hang landscapes, drawings, and portraits in their room.

It is better to decorate an office, corridor and hallway with paintings that are simple in execution and content. They should not attract attention for a long time and place emphasis on themselves. Above your desk you should hang an image of water - a source of hard work and reliability. For the corridor and hallway it is better to choose a symbol of hospitality and comfort. These can be paintings depicting cats, horses, village huts, fireplaces.

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