Stretch ceiling in the bedroom - 150 photos of ideas for a modern interior

For most people, the bedroom is probably the only place in the house or apartment where you can fully relax, unwind after a hard day and get plenty of sleep before the next one. However, the comfort in this room is determined not only by the orthopedic mattress under you and the warm camel blanket with which you are covered - the interior directly affects our mood and determines in what mood we go to bed and how quickly we fall asleep in general. Stretch ceilings for the bedroom, as its direct element, play a key role in creating a healthy, balanced atmosphere in the room - take a look at 100 photos of the best options and see for yourself.

  1. Basic requirements for the ceiling;
  2. Advantages and disadvantages of use;
  3. Choice of fabric texture;
  4. Correct color selection. Combination table;
  5. Organization of lighting scenario;
  6. Use of two-level ceilings;
  7. Photo printing on the ceiling in the bedroom;
  8. Useful materials. 2 videos;
  9. Conclusion.

Basic requirements for the ceiling

The nature of the finishing of the ceiling surface comes from the direct functional purpose of this room. Leave bright acid tones to other rooms - they will definitely look out of place here. And, if possible, also drive away daring thoughts using massive decorative beams - they require very careful work with the interior in order to fit in without any consequences for your comfort. In general, the ceiling in the bedroom should be:

  • calm;
  • balanced;
  • harmonize with other interior elements;
  • It is advantageous to emphasize the arrangement of furniture;
  • participate in a light organization.

The derived definition is far from dogma: there can be an infinite number of variations, as well as deviations from the proposed recommendations. However, we can say with confidence that they will be nothing more than a special case that only confirms the general rule.

Advantages and disadvantages of use

Stretch ceilings in the bedroom can now be found very often, and this fact alone speaks volumes about the fact that the obvious advantages of their use are much greater than the noticeable disadvantages. Take a look for yourself:

  1. the ability to choose one of three textures for the design of the ceiling surface: glossy, matte, fabric;
  2. impressive performance;
  3. direct participation in placing accents in the interior;
  4. aesthetic appeal and expressiveness;
  5. additional decorative design with photo printing;
  6. building a lighting scenario in the room;
  7. achieving the required visual effect;
  8. possibility of combination with plasterboard suspended structures;
  9. installation is fast and accessible to everyone.

Every medal has a reverse side. Numerous photos of ceilings show vivid examples of how suspended ceilings for a bedroom fit organically into the interior, but do not reflect the features of their design. Let's list some of the disadvantages of this design of the ceiling surface - there are not many of them, but still:
  1. reduce the height of the room, which is sometimes critical;
  2. power limitation for the lamps used;
  3. seams may be noticeable when installing matte or glossy options;
  4. susceptibility to mechanical stress.

Some of the voiced disadvantages, upon closer examination, turn out to be not so terrible. Thus, the limitation on the power of the lamps used loses its relevance due to the fact that it is recommended to use not very bright light in the bedroom, so it is quite possible to get by with the recommended limits.

In order to ensure that the seams on the mounted PVC sheets

were not so noticeable, you can use properly directed lighting. Fortunately, there are countless different lamps on sale that allow you to achieve any effect. But in fabric ceilings there are no seams at all, since a single piece of fabric is mounted - this disadvantage happily disappears.

Mechanical impacts turn out to be not so bad for the ceiling, considering that the bedroom is primarily a place for relaxation, and jumping up is unlikely to be part of your individual evening ritual. And here's the cleaning

installation of a stretch ceiling can be done quite carefully - if you carefully follow the known instructions.

What to choose?

There are two types of suspended ceilings for bedrooms: fabric and PVC film. And what will suit you best? It is worth understanding first the purpose of each type. For example, a stretch ceiling made of film is very moisture resistant.

If your private home or apartment is at risk of flooding, you should choose the film option.

As for the fabric, it is not afraid of lower temperatures. The second option is perfect for a dacha. The fabric is much stronger than film and is well suited for a child's room. Flooding can occur if the bedroom is next to the kitchen.

The design of suspended ceilings in the bedroom can be of different levels.

Naturally, two-level ceilings look very dignified, but everyone can always afford to purchase this luxury. Nevertheless, a single-level stretch ceiling is also good.

A variety of textures allows you to choose the most convenient one. We see them in glossy, matte and satin. It is preferable to choose glossy stretch ceilings for the bedroom.

The point is that although all textures can be painted, a glossy canvas is easier to clean, and visually it expands the room. The matte version guarantees comfort, while the satin version combines the advantages of the two materials listed above. In addition to the materials themselves, it is very important to successfully select a suitable photo. For example, clouds, sea and mountains will calm you down and make you sleepy.

In terms of fastening, various methods are used. But in the nursery they usually use the “harpoon” method. In this way, you do not need to dismantle the frame to replace the canvas.

Important point! When you are equipping a children's room, some damage to the canvas may always occur. They are very difficult to avoid, and therefore professionals recommend applying spotlights to the damaged areas.

The more such lamps, the more beautiful the ceiling will be. This means you don’t have to worry about the amount of damage. In this case, you will provide your child with a “starry sky” in his own room.

If you look at the photo of a beautiful stretch ceiling in the bedroom, you will notice a well-chosen color scheme. No matter what the suspended ceiling is, if you choose the wrong color, the entire renovation will go to waste.

Experienced experts advise avoiding unfavorable colors. The fact is that each color has its own symbolism and can psychologically influence a person’s mood.

The bedroom doesn't need hot colors. But cold ones are not welcome either. A golden mean is needed here.

Correct color selection. Combination table

To the choice of colors

Bedrooms - however, like any room - need to be approached with special care. We have already said above that you should not turn a room for rest and sleep into a testing ground for design experiments - this will not lead to anything good. However, no one forbade fantasizing about a successful combination. Moreover, sometimes some bold decision can become the calling card of a bedroom, but for this it needs to be correctly integrated into the overall interior.

In general, the bedroom is characterized by the use of soft pastel shades on stretch ceilings, which promote general relaxation of the body. The main goal is to organize such a level of mental comfort for a person so that he can sleep peacefully and prepare well for tomorrow.

What colors and shades for suspended ceilings can you recommend?

  • beige;
  • brown;
  • cream;
  • lactic;
  • malachite;
  • grey;
  • white;
  • green, etc.

Let's try to reflect all existing recommendations in the form of a small table of the most successful combinations.
Main colorSuccessful combinationInfluence on the interiorDesign style
BeigeBrown, grayHelps create a cozy and calm environment, helps you relax and feel comfortableClassic, shabby chic, Provence
RedWhite blackTends to have a stimulating effect, but with the right combination produces the opposite effect, used to combine with furniture or wallsAvant-garde, high-tech, shabby chic (rarely)
GreenLight green, milky, grayDistracts from routine, fills the space with air, helps you quickly relax and unwindClassic, avant-garde
WhiteBlack, red, grayIn large quantities it can cause an unpleasant “hospital” effect, diluted with black and red; for the bedroom it is best to use a calm and neutral combination with grayScandinavian minimalism, hi-tech
BlueWhite, grey, pearl, silverA symbol of peace and quiet, visually enlarges the room, brings peace and lightness to the atmosphereAvant-garde, classic, hi-tech, minimalism, contemporary
BlackWhiteCan cause a permanent feeling of tragedy, is used only to introduce contrast and dilute white or grayHigh-tech, loft, minimalism

Here are examples of photos of suspended ceilings for a bedroom with the right color scheme.

Organization of the lighting scenario

Stretch ceilings in any bedroom will look even more beautiful if you try to competently play up the features of their texture using different light sources. It can be:

  • recessed lamps (spot);
  • LED strips;
  • chandeliers and lampshades;
  • hidden lighting system.

However, it is important not to overdo it with intensity, since excessively bright and intrusive lighting can cause severe discomfort. If you are using central chandelier

, then prefer not too massive options, desperately hanging down - when every night you see such a “hulk” in front of you, it’s difficult to somehow fall asleep with good thoughts about tomorrow. You should also remember some other rules that will help you organize an impeccable lighting scenario in the room and make the most of the benefits of suspended ceilings:

  1. the light should be diffused;
  2. It is best that the flow of light from the chandelier is directed to the ceiling surface and not spread to the corners - there is a risk of unsightly shadows appearing;
  3. You can get an excellent light pattern from spots if you place them according to the laws of symmetry around the entire perimeter or in one or another area of ​​the room - in the second case they will serve as a zoning tool;
  4. The LED strip built into the niche looks very cool and practical: beautiful decorative night lighting, which, moreover, is great for helping you fall asleep.

Skillful use of light helps create useful visual illusions. For example, make a very small room a little more spacious. And even if this is only an appearance - no extra square meters have been added - the perception of the room becomes completely different. Here are some tips to help you achieve the optimal visual experience for your bedroom:

  • place several lamps in a row on the side that needs visual lengthening - this way you will achieve the desired effect;
  • a very narrow wall can be made much wider if it is accented with rich LED lighting or spots with high-power lamps (within acceptable limits);
  • You can increase the height of the room using the “floating” ceiling effect - install a flexible LED strip into a pre-assembled box along the entire perimeter;
  • the use of conceptual lighting motifs based on the photographic image used - built-in LEDs, arranged in a given order, beautifully illuminate the stretched canvas with photo printing applied to it.

In general, you can design a lighting scenario in a bedroom with suspended ceilings correctly if you follow a simple and accessible scheme of 3 lighting levels


  • 1st level - central lighting (chandelier);
  • Level 2 - additional lighting (spots and lampshades, LEDs and wall lamps);
  • Level 3 - table lamps and sconces.

Of course, if the bedroom is quite modest in size, then you can get by using only two levels of lighting - without a central chandelier. As a rule, it is only necessary in spacious rooms with a large square footage.

Take a look at the photo where suspended ceilings for a bedroom are illuminated very favorably by properly designed lighting. There are chandeliers, spots, and a well-thought-out hidden lighting system.

Disadvantages of suspended ceilings

The other side of the coin is doubts about the environmental friendliness of PVC. During the period of active dissemination of new technology, debates on this topic did not subside. To date, experts have spoken in favor of the safety of the coating. It is less environmentally friendly than natural materials, such as wood. But the content of harmful substances in the coating does not affect the surrounding space and is within the limits acceptable for humans. This is confirmed by relevant studies, documents and sanitary and hygienic certificates.

If you have a room with low ceilings and a small window, you can make it lighter and higher by using glossy white ceilings.

Additional Information! The history of stretched fabrics begins with Ancient Egypt. One day, the emperor threw a goblet of wine into the air, and a stain remained on the ceiling. The manager ordered the servants to cover the problem area with beautiful material. And gave life to the decoration, known since then at different times in different countries. Fabric was also used as ceilings in Ancient Rome and Armenia.

Multi-level ceilings will provide an opportunity to organize space, implement interesting lighting schemes, and create unexpected effects.

Disadvantages of suspended ceilings:

  1. The film can be damaged by impact or exposure to a piercing or cutting object. Therefore, you should be more careful when finishing the walls after installing the ceiling.
  2. In a spacious room you will have to use two rolls of covering. A weld will appear on the material. The two parts of the film are joined using high-frequency welding, so the seam is strong, but it can be noticeable.
  3. A stretch ceiling takes up 3-4 cm of space, which is critical for low rooms. If you use mini baguettes (planks) during installation, the loss is reduced to 1.5 cm.

A room that is too large can be made more comfortable and intimate by using matte stretch fabric in dark shades.

Attention! 1 sq m of PVC film can withstand 100 liters of water. After pumping out the liquid, the film can be dried and installed. After flooding, the fabric becomes unusable and will have to be replaced.

The advantages of cladding prevail, so stretch ceilings are gradually replacing finishing with paint, plaster or wallpaper.

When installing any ceiling, precious centimeters of room height are “eaten up”.

Using two-level ceilings

If single-level stretch ceilings fit perfectly into the format of a small bedroom, then two-level

suspended ceilings are best suited for use in a private home (you can learn more from the article: “Stretch two-level ceilings - 100 photos with the best ideas”), where the lack of square meters is nonsense, and not a rule, as is typical for city apartments.

  1. help highlight functional areas;
  2. emphasize the scale of the room;
  3. add luxury, chic, nobility to the atmosphere;
  4. take a direct part in shaping the light pattern of the room;
  5. Due to the possibility of color combinations, they significantly expand the design tools and allow you to express even the most complex concept.

Photos of two-level stretch ceilings below. As you can see, they are perfect for a spacious bedroom.

How to properly care for a suspended ceiling

Ceilings made of any material can be washed with soapy water, including ceilings with photo printing.

If the contamination is severe, then it is enough to wipe with a vinegar solution. Vinyl ceilings require careful care to avoid damage.

Ceilings must be cleaned with special detergents without abrasive particles.

Photo printing on the ceiling in the bedroom

The choice of a specific theme for suspended ceilings is entirely your prerogative. However, you should not get carried away and saturate the ceiling space to the limit. The image should be:

  • appropriate;
  • non-irritating;
  • intimate;
  • volumetric;
  • harmonious.

Here is a list of the most popular themes and motifs for suspended ceilings, which beg to be used in a bedroom format:
  • starry sky;
  • sunset;
  • space theme;
  • flowers;
  • landscape sketches;
  • imitations of famous paintings and frescoes.

Of course, no one forces you to stick to the top options. Moreover, original options for suspended ceilings are welcome, which will help you create a unique interior that certainly does not exist anywhere except your bedroom. The more valuable it becomes! The main thing is the overall organic nature of the interior. And if suspended ceilings for a bedroom with photo printing look advantageous and convey a great creative idea, then you can congratulate yourself on a successfully implemented design idea.

To update your inspiration, we will give examples of interesting options for photo printing on stretch ceilings for your bedroom.

Methods of applying photo printing to suspended ceilings

Photo printing on the ceiling will become the center of the room. An amazing solution in finishing the ceiling surface will leave few people indifferent. To create such beauty, lighting effects and a wide range of shades are used. Printing on stretch fabric is carried out using modern equipment and materials.

The result is an original coating that does not lose its original appearance throughout its service life.

Photo printing is transferred to a special printer suitable for large-sized materials using one of the following technologies:

  • exsolvent printing. It is used in the design of canvases for public spaces, since solvent ink is used to create the image. A distinctive feature of the raw material is its characteristic pungent odor and toxicity. To avoid color distortion, photo printing can only be applied to light-colored materials in this way.

The advantages of the method are the practicality of the tension covering, water resistance and resistance of the ornament to UV rays. The image is not afraid of the negative impact of external and internal factors. Printing width of the design – 3.5 meters;

  • Ultraviolet printing is a technology that is safe for health. Therefore, coatings on which the image is applied in this way are used to finish the ceiling surface in children's rooms and bedrooms. UV ink is used to transfer the design. Pros: wide range of shades and durability.

The ornament applied with paints will not fade or be erased. Photo printing on such stretch ceilings can even be washed.

The disadvantage is that the print width is no more than 2.2 meters, so it is better to use this method for decorating ceilings in compact rooms, or to make one image from several pieces of canvas by welding. Another disadvantage is the price. A stretch ceiling with photo printing applied with ultraviolet light will cost more than its exsolved counterpart;

  • Latex printing is also one of the environmentally friendly technologies for decorating canvases. The ink does not contain harmful components and does not emit any odor during coating operation. The main advantage is the application of images of any size, regardless of the dimensions of the room.

Plotters are used to print drawings. With their help, it is possible to accurately reproduce even small details.

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