Curtains for the corridor - which ones to choose? 80 photos of perfect design

The hallway can easily be called one of the most important rooms in the room. This is where guests begin to get acquainted with the home.

The corridor influences the first impression, introduces the tastes of the owners, and reflects the style of the entire home.

That is why the design of the hallway should be aimed at creating a stylish and cozy room that can serve as a “calling card” of the house.

Window decoration plays an important role in interior design.

Curtains in the hallway allow you to visually expand the space, mask some imperfections in the walls, and make the room brighter. Correctly chosen curtains become the final detail in the overall look of the hallway.

How to choose curtains for the hallway?

Even something as simple as choosing curtains for a hallway based on a photo has its own peculiarities.

Curtains should harmoniously complement the overall interior and serve as an integral part of it.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the material. It is better to give preference to curtains made of fabric that does not accumulate dust and foreign odors. Curtains for the corridor should be easy to clean and ironing without problems.

Curtains should complement the colors used in the interior of the room. Among the wide range of textiles of various shades, it is easy to get confused, therefore, if you have difficulty choosing, it is better to focus on products made from natural materials in pastel colors.

Which curtains to choose

The choice of curtains depends on the presence and location of the window, the general style of the hallway and its size. When choosing curtains for a small room, you need to take into account some design rules:

  • in a narrow room, light transparent tulle is suitable;
  • to visually expand the space, you can use curtains with a horizontal pattern;
  • in a low room it is better to hang textiles with a vertical pattern, which will visually increase the height;
  • It is better to choose curtains without complex patterns.

Another option is curtains for decorating an arched or doorway, which will serve to delimit the space. Most often, this option is used in larger rooms. If the room is in the shade and there is a lack of light, then it is better to use more transparent curtains. When the window faces the sunny side, choose lined curtains so that they do not fade in the sun.

In a large room you can hang canvases made of heavy expensive fabric, decorated with patterns. Synthetic models in this case are a more practical option that does not require special care.

On video: how to choose curtains.

Related article: How to fit curtains into the interior: creating comfort in different rooms (+40 photos)

Classic curtains

According to a popular expression, classics never go out of style. This statement is also true for curtains.

This type most often includes draperies with vertical folds. A large selection of mounting methods and all kinds of decorations gives home owners room for creativity.

Austrian curtains

This type includes curtains made of fabric, which is gathered into horizontal folds using cords and a series of loops on the reverse side.

Lowered curtains hang straight, which distinguishes this type of curtains from French curtains, which are gathered along the entire length.

Types of curtains by mounting options

A variety of fastenings allow you to give the curtains an original look. The most common curtains are those with loops, ties, eyelets and drawstrings.

In the first option, the cornice remains open. Loops are made from main or finishing textiles.

The second option gives the room charm and airiness. Decorative ties can be made in the form of a bow, which will create a wonderful, cozy atmosphere in the hallway.

Eyelets are plastic or metal rings attached to the top edge of the curtain. The cornice is threaded through them. When the curtains part, elegant, expressive folds are formed.

How to decorate a window?

Textile curtains. In most cases, curtains are not required to decorate a hallway. We spend so little time in this room that we don’t need to “dim” the sunlight or hide from prying eyes. Therefore, window decoration is purely decorative. If the frames have the correct proportions, it is better to preserve the contours of the window. To do this, the curtains are placed inside the opening. A small window can be decorated with a single curtain attached to one side. With the help of curtains, arched windows can be turned into ordinary rectangular ones.

Traditional “curtains on the sides” of the window are not the best option for a window in a small hallway, but they have the right to live in spacious halls with their own face.

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On the picture:

Light tulle in the color of the furniture and decoration will organize the space of the hall.

Rolled or Roman. When decorating a hallway in an apartment, you will most likely have to decorate a false window (a mirror in a special binding or photo wallpaper in a window frame). It is not necessary to use standard curtains. An excellent alternative to them are Roman or roller blinds with small patterns. If you want to cover your walls with colorful wallpaper, it is better to choose plain textiles.

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On the picture:

If the frames have the correct proportions, it is better to preserve the contours of the window. Roller or Roman blinds do not require special care and do not bother anyone.

Stained glass. Instead of glass, you can use stained glass: fill it with the entire surface of the window or part of it. This technique is appropriate for decorating a hallway in both classic and modern styles.

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On the picture:

Stained glass is one of the popular techniques for decorating windows in hallways and halls.

Japanese panel curtains. Their ascetic shape makes them stylistically versatile and allows you to play with the texture and color of the fabric. In the hallway, it is better to limit the height of the panels by raising them 20-40 cm above the floor.

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On the picture:

Japanese panel curtains are “shown” to adherents of minimalism.

If the window opening has an ugly shape

, you need to minimize the window value. To do this, you can cover it with neutral curtains, ideally the same color as the walls. Another way is to distract attention from the window by hanging a bright picture or an original accessory opposite it.

In the photo: Pannello decorativo con luce model from the Creazioni factory.

Interior of a private house

The correct choice of curtains for the hall depends on a well-planned concept of all rooms.

Typically, private homes have a large number of windows of non-standard sizes, so designers rightly pay special attention to accessories.

There are original accessories for curtains. These items are, in turn, divided into functional and decorative.

The first category includes various tiebacks that are used to secure curtains. The second includes decorations that serve as a kind of “highlight”. Decorative elements include fringe, ribbons, flowers, beads, etc.

Beautiful curtains and curtains will complement the atmosphere of harmony and comfort in every home!

Window decoration

The choice of means is dictated by the size of the window and the style of the hallway. Two main approaches are used:

  • if the opening is small in size, then the design of the room considers it as an interior detail, like a mirror;
  • if the windows are large in size or have a completely unconventional shape - round, for example, or polygonal, they become the defining element of the design, and then the interior of the entire hallway is built around the window.

The solution to such problems is somewhat facilitated by the fact that the hall with a window can be either medium or large in size. In a small hallway this is impossible.

Glass inserts around the doorway

The advantage of the smallest window in the hallway is natural light. And the point is not whether the sunlight entering the hallway provides the proper level of illumination or not - it’s a matter of principle. A room with a window does not give the impression of an enclosed space and seems more spacious. If the windows are small, or we are talking about glass inserts around the opening or on top of the door, then in the interior of the hallway they play the role of only a decorative element.

Curtains are excluded here. However, the glass itself may not be transparent, but colored. Thus, the insert above the door is often designed as a stained glass window. This design will add attractiveness to the interior in any classic style, as well as modern, Provence, loft, and vintage. Decoration in the style of minimalism, techno or hi-tech, colored glass is not welcome: transparent shiny planes are valued much higher here.

The presence or absence of a window opening in itself does not affect the choice of decoration and furniture. But you need to take into account that for stained glass you should organize an appropriate background. On parquet, tiles and light wall coverings, colored highlights will look very colorful. While wallpaper, brightly colored surfaces and carpets completely neutralize the effect.

Photo of curtains for the corridor

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