Curtains in the loft style: TOP-170 photos and videos of interior design ideas in the loft style. Requirements for curtains, choice of color and texture

Sometimes, in order to add a fresh touch to the interior of a room, it is not at all necessary to make repairs. All you have to do is add a couple of bright notes and the design of the room will sparkle in a new way.

Modern curtains in a loft-style interior 2021 are not only protection from excess light; it is also necessary to take into account the rules for choosing colors and the quality of the material. When properly combined with the interior, they can also serve as a stylish element.

Modern curtains in a loft-style interior 2021 are not only protection from excess light; it is also necessary to take into account the rules for choosing colors and the quality of the material.

For several seasons, the comfort of the residents has come first. It is very important to find a unique facet of combining comfort and style and create an original solution in your own home. That is why, if it is difficult to be in a room with massive curtains, which also require careful maintenance, simply abandon them. There are a huge number of other fashionable options that will allow you to decorate your window without neglecting your own comfort.

It is very important to find a unique facet of combining comfort and style and create an original solution in your own home.

Features of the loft style

This direction of design thought is characterized by maximum openness of the room, high ceilings, large windows, discreet finishing in neutral colors, and an abundance of light, including natural light.

A loft-style room is multifunctional while maintaining space. One room can combine a kitchen, living room, and bedroom.

This is an “industrial” finish with brick, concrete, wood.

This is style and convenience. This style should feel comfortable and cozy, despite some severity, coldness and minimalism.

All this is what the curtains should emphasize.


The sleeping area can be highlighted with a canopy; it will also serve as a screen while you sleep, you can pull the canopy over the bed, thereby separating it from the common room. If the ceiling has beams characteristic of a loft, then the canopy can be hung on one of them.

Features of loft style curtains

Modern loft curtains are designed to open the windows as much as possible. Often curtains are not hung at all. But in this case, the windows look very unprotected, and the room feels unfinished.

Blinds are often used, but this solution gives the room an overly formal, office look.

Design options for non-standard windows

When choosing, take into account the features of the window geometry and the style of the room.


Attic windows can be decorated with roller blinds, so the room will not lose free space, which is usually reduced when using curtains.


Thin, light, plain curtains are suitable, which can be moved in one corner if necessary. Panoramic windows will look very good when decorated with blinds.

The photo shows panoramic windows with blinds in an industrial-style living room.

Requirements for curtains

Industrial type curtains must meet the following requirements:

Straight lines. The roughness of the style is perfectly emphasized by straight canvases of the simplest shapes. And all kinds of folds are best left for classic and romantic styles. When assembled, the curtains should resemble strict columns.


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Simplicity of design. Curtains should not have decorations. All kinds of bows, ruffles, tassels are not for this style.

Length. All curtains must have a maximum length, connecting the ceiling and floor with a single sheet. An exception is made only for louvered curtains. They can only cover a window opening or glass.

Ease. The materials for creating such curtains are chosen mainly from natural materials that softly diffuse light. The most commonly used are linen or cotton.

The color scheme is monochromatic and matte, calm colors, without drawings or patterns. An exception is made only for photo curtains and graffiti drawings.

Depending on the direction of the style (and now there are three of them), the choice of color may vary slightly.


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What length to choose

The length of the curtains depends on the size of the kitchen and window opening. For little ones, short curtains are appropriate, which will add some playfulness to the interior. An important role is played by a curtain that reaches the length of the window sill.

Long curtains are suitable for a large kitchen, as they are considered an integral decor of a modern interior. Long ones are not very appropriate for the kitchen, since they attract grease and dirt, which means they need frequent washing, which will quickly lead to loss of their original appearance, but they can be hung if the work area is located far from the window.

To determine the width of the canvas, you need to measure the length of the cornice and multiply by the gathering factor so that folds can be formed in the future. The coefficient depends on the density of the textile. For dense materials it is 1:1.15-1:2, for light ones, for example, tulle or organza - 1:2.5. The height is determined from the cornice to the desired level.

Color spectrum

The design of curtains in the loft style does not welcome bright colors. Preference is given to discreet shades. The highlight of the room will be slightly “dusty” curtains, the colors of which seem to be mixed with the grayness of the concrete.

Most often used are grayish-beige, light khaki, pink-ash shades. In rare cases, darker blue or brown colors and thick fabrics are used.

Traditional white tones are used extremely rarely, only in cases where the entire interior is designed in light shades.

Workshop, office

This style can be decorated not only in a living space, it is quite suitable for a workshop, where blinds will fit well, which are ideal for creating a working atmosphere. Also in the conference room, dark cotton curtains will look good here.

For restaurants and coffee shops, depending on the intended interior, straight floor-length fabric curtains are suitable, which would ideally be pushed along a window or aisle.

The color scheme of the loft is not rich, but in some design solutions there are bright colors that were designed to emphasize a separate area. In any case, during the daytime, the curtains are gathered on the sides of the window, thereby focusing the overall attention on the landscape that is behind it.

In order to decorate this style in your apartment or private house, you don’t have to hire an expensive designer; look at the interior features on the Internet - you will see that you can do a lot yourself, because the loft is characterized by mannered simplicity, this also applies to curtains.

Fashionable loft curtains are rarely seen in stores, since window sizes for this style are not standard, so they are most often sewn to order according to individual measurements. You can sew a simple type yourself if you have a sewing machine at home and the right fabric.


For interior decoration, small steel cornices are used, preferably black, without decorations.

They can be attached to both the ceiling and walls and should ensure easy removal and hanging of curtains.

History and concept

The movement began at the end of the 20th century in the USA, which is why the style is also called “New York”. At that time, New York's industrial industry was collapsing and factories were closing. To prevent the premises from standing idle, the owners rented them out as residential.

The rental price was lower than usual, and among the tenants there were many creative, not rich people. They gave the empty buildings, without partitions, with bare walls and huge windows, a residential appearance. For this purpose we used furniture, textiles and zoning instead of the usual division into rooms.

Types of curtains

Curtains for loft interiors are available in several types. All of them are perfect for this design, emphasizing its brutal appeal and creating coziness.


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Roman curtains

Give the room elegance and laconicism. Just like the previous option, the rolled fabric is not exposed to dust.

The canvases themselves can be straightened to the required height, simultaneously providing protection from sunlight and opening up maximum space for diffused light.

Photo curtains

Unusual curtains can become an extension of the wall or give an industrial landscape to the view outside the window (especially if there is a bright, picturesque courtyard).

They are practical and comfortable, help create additional volume and fit perfectly into any room.


Vertical and horizontal blinds can be made of plastic or fabric. In a room with wooden trim, slats made of wood or bamboo are used.

All blinds are easy to maintain and reliably control the light flow.

Application in different rooms

All types of curtains and translucent fabrics are perfect for the living room.

Curtains for a loft-style kitchen are practical and convenient. Most often, long curtains are not placed here, giving preference to folding structures (blinds, Roman and roller blinds).

The bedroom will be more pleased with floor-length curtains. Sometimes such curtains add a little more height to the walls and lay the excess on the floor in beautiful folds.

Sometimes curtains act as partitions, blocking off part of the room for a while.

Photos of curtains in the loft style will help you choose the most suitable option.

We also recommend reading about kitchen design options in the Loft style:


Open curtains on a rigid metal fastener closely resemble columns in attics and bare windows. At the same time, there is something cozy about them. This option is perfect for the living room or kitchen if you make them shorter.

Photos of curtains in loft style

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