What color goes with Sonoma oak in the interior?

  • July 11, 2020
  • Repair Tips
  • Anna Kirnitskaya

Today, finding a color that matches your interior design style is not an easy task. Buyers often get stuck at the stage of choosing not the material or product itself, but its color. This is due to the extremely wide range and color range offered by companies.

So, what does the color of sanoma (sonoma) look like? One of the most popular and widespread colors is Sonoma oak, available on the market in light and dark versions. For some reason, the majority of buyers are inclined to choose a light shade of this material. After all, this color is modern and unusual.

Sonoma oak: what color is it?

Oak wood is noble and has been used for centuries to decorate homes and interior spaces. The unique characteristics of this material include practicality, reliability, attractiveness and durability. This material is used for making furniture, for home decor, and for organizing the interior of living space.

An interesting feature of the material is that the color of the wood can change depending on the climatic conditions of the region in which the tree grows.

The design of a bedroom, living room, nursery, hallway using shades of Sonoma oak looks self-sufficient and calm. The interior acquires a certain elegance, and psychologists say that it is these shades that promote relaxation.

Benefits of color

Sonoma oak is suitable for various interior items, as well as flooring, wall coverings, accessories, and interior doors. This material has a long list of advantages:

  • pleasant, soft tone, giving a feeling of warmth and comfort;
  • practicality, masking dirt, dust, stains;
  • possibility of intensive use;
  • visual increase in space;
  • combination of colors with opposite and similar shades;
  • long operation, no burnout;
  • the presence of several shades in the palette;
  • suitability for most known interior styles;
  • reasonable price compared to elite types of wood.

Furniture sets or individual items are highly functional and versatile; they can be combined well with other types of finishes. It’s easy to choose textiles and accessories for Sonoma oak. A bright, small room with such furniture or decoration will seem more spacious and the ceilings will appear higher. These advantages make wood very popular in interior design.

Decoration for the guest room

The living room is often called the center or heart of the home. This is not just like that, because this is where all the most important and important holidays, meetings, and parties take place. Therefore, the room more often than others comes into view of all those people who visit your home.

It's no secret that the traditional elements of a living room are a sofa and a wall. Since today we are talking about interior design using shades of Sonoma oak, we will talk about the furniture set in more detail.

It is quite possible to make a wall for the living room from chipboard in the color of Sonoma oak. Taking into account the need for rational placement of furniture in the room in accordance with the rules of interior design, a wall, set, wardrobe or any other large furniture is always placed along the longitudinal wall, which is predominantly opposite the entrance. Therefore, the first thing a person entering a room sees is your wall of furniture. Read the rules that will help you not only choose the right furniture, but also make it expressive, and not turn the room into a solid pale spot.

Some tips

The nuances of arranging the interior and combining Sonoma oak furniture in the interior are as follows:

  1. A light set goes best with gray, olive, lilac, and light green. They will serve as an excellent background for highlighting furniture against their background.
  2. Use additional furnishing accents to support the theme. If the wall is made of light-colored Sonoma oak, then the sofa or armchairs should be within the same color scheme. Sand or beige is best.
  3. Try to break up your living room design by using separate color details. For example, choose dark laminate or linoleum, repaint the staircase in a shade closer to brown, or select upholstered furniture so that it contrasts with the shade of Sonoma oak. An excellent option would be a small center rug in a light or dark shade, depending on what wall color you choose.

What does it go with?

Neutral sonoma oak in the interior is not limited in color combinations: it looks good both with plain matte white, gray, beige surfaces, and with dark gloss (dark blue, green, burgundy, chocolate).

When combining wood textures, the first thing we recommend is to consider a combination of Sonoma shades: light color with truffle or dark. The only difference between them is the color saturation, so the pair will turn out to be very harmonious.

Sonoma oak combines no less successfully with wenge, replacing the milky shade. A cabinet made of oak in two colors is a timeless interior classic.

The photo shows an example of a combination with wenge

A stone of a similar shade or white acrylic is suitable as a countertop for a kitchen set with facades in the shade of Sonoma oak; metal will add a modern touch to the design.

If the space is designed in Provence style, light furniture in Sonoma color will go well with lilac or soft green. Blue and purple companions are more suitable for a loft.

Hallway interior using Sonoma oak shades

The hallway layout is usually a small area. Although for a small wardrobe, shoe rack or compact furniture set, where it is convenient to store both shoes and clothes, there is usually enough space in it.

What color goes with Sonoma oak? Focusing on the fact that the room itself is small, designers do not recommend using dark colors in the interior and furniture. This will only make the space heavier and make it visually even smaller.

You can profitably decorate your hallway by following these tips:

  • Combine furniture in two shades of wood.
  • Design horizontal stripes in darker and richer colors, and vertical stripes using light pastel and cream shades. This rule applies to both decoration and furniture.
  • Wallpaper in olive or green colors will help to visually expand the narrow space of the hallway. In addition, the shade has a beneficial effect on the psychological mood of the residents of the house.
  • If your hallway has furniture in the shade of Sonoma oak, then you can lay walnut laminate on the floor.
  • Since details are important, choose fittings in light shades in a modern style. The ideal option is chrome-plated design of products.
  • Doors from the hallway to other rooms are best made in white.
  • A mirrored façade on the cabinet will further expand the space.

These tips seem banal and simple, but they will help you quickly and easily give your hallway a stylish and harmonious look. The hallway in a house or in a cramped apartment will instantly be transformed, and you will have the answer to the question of what color goes with Sonoma oak.

Advantages of sonoma oak

There has been increased consumer demand for the production of interior items in the Sonoma oak shade. The furniture will be functional and versatile, suitable for many finishing materials. Before purchasing furniture of the desired shade, the buyer should familiarize himself with all the benefits of color. Products made from different types of wood go well with different shades, materials, and textures. Sonoma Oak is great for creating a variety of vibrant contrasts.


  1. Furniture in a soft shade has a warmth that can bring coziness to any interior.
  2. Practicality. A light shade can mask various pollutants, such as dust.
  3. Visually increased space.
  4. Nobility.
  5. Combination with various shades of furniture.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the advice of designers, with which you can favorably emphasize the shade of furniture and make them win. This can be done using the basic elements:

  1. By combining furniture sets with light-colored walls, neither light nor dark colors against their background will look aristocratic.
  2. Use glass elements to play with light.
  3. Emphasize the height. It is recommended to give preference to narrow cabinets and open shelves.
  4. Internal elements with mirror elements, allowing for increased space.
  5. Shades of light compensate for the lack of sunlight entering the room.
  6. Play with contrasts by combining dark and light shades of furniture. Chocolate looks especially attractive in cabinet decoration.

Sonoma oak lampshades have many advantages, which is why they are so popular among manufacturers and consumers.

How to properly use Sonoma oak when arranging an office

Today, working from home no longer surprises anyone. Why not make a full-fledged work area at home, if it has a suitable separate room? In the office, it would be more appropriate than ever to use the color of Sonoma oak in a dark shade. Such furniture will look more strict and emphasize the restraint of the work space. You can select furniture one unit at a time or take an already combined set consisting of a desk, bookcase, and shelves. Dark wood in the office, especially if you are a serious business person, is the best option for decoration. But there is one condition. Avoid choosing furniture with glossy fronts and give preference to products with a matte surface.

Let's answer the question of what Sonoma oak goes with. Having chosen bulky and solid furniture, try to decorate the room as simply as possible. A simple wallpaper with dark green stripes will be the best option.

The front door in truffle color looks interesting against the backdrop of all this.

Dark shades of sonoma

Oak can acquire a dark, rich shade as a result of several processes. The first is dependence on the place of growth. A tree that grows in the European part of the planet will have a shade close to cognac.

Using heat treatment, you can also create dark shades of oak, and much faster than naturally. This method does not affect the quality of the wood in any way.

Bog oak is obtained after the wood has been in water for a long time. True, today craftsmen actively use artificial staining technologies, as a result of which the bark acquires different dark shades.

It is better to use dark-colored furniture to decorate the hallway and bedroom; it will look good in the bathroom if you can provide good lighting there.

The white shade of oak will go well with the following colors:

  • solar;
  • lilac;
  • beige;
  • grey;
  • blue;
  • emerald;
  • gold;
  • brown;
  • ginger.

An advantageous combination with dark oak can be achieved using these shades:

  • swamp;
  • burgundy;
  • silver;
  • Navy blue;
  • malachite;
  • black.

We use shades of sonoma oak in the design of the bedroom

The bedroom, made in Sonoma oak color, has a relaxing and calming effect. These shades themselves are pleasant and have a beneficial effect on the psychological climate in the room. That is why the combination of “Sonoma oak” color in the interior with other shades should be given special attention.

Since the sleeping area is the central element of the bedroom, it should be emphasized. It is preferable to decorate the bed frame in light colors, and the legs of the product can be chosen silver, but preferably matte. The right textiles will help you place accents in this area of ​​the bedroom. This could be a blanket in shades of brown with striped colors, such as coffee with milk.

Other useful tips

In order for an interior made up of sonoma-colored furniture to look harmonious, it is important to follow the recommendations of experienced designers on the placement of objects and the selection of a general color scheme. Light furniture looks especially advantageous if it stands against a dark background.

It should not be a bright spot, so its execution should be as simple as possible

Light furniture looks especially advantageous if it stands against a dark background. It should not be a bright spot, so its execution should be as simple as possible.

Light oak against a dark finish looks most advantageousSource allegroimg.com

The appearance of sets made of Sonoma-colored oak benefits from the presence of glass and mirror inserts. They provide a special play of light that can highlight the unusual texture of the base material.

The appearance of sets made of Sonoma-colored oak benefits from the presence of glass and mirror inserts. They provide a special play of light that can highlight the unusual texture of the base material.

If the rooms are small, when equipping them it is better to give preference to narrow, light-colored furniture that has open shelves and racks. Then it will not clutter up the already cramped space.

The darker the room, the lighter the furniture should be, therefore, if the windows of the living room or bedroom face the north side, furniture made from light Sonoma oak is ideal for their equipment.

When it is necessary to indicate contrast, designers like to pair shades of chocolate-colored wood with light oak. This tandem makes the decor original and attractive from an aesthetic point of view.

The video explains all the characteristics of Sonoma oak color:

Additional elements in the bedroom

As for additional furniture, dressing table and shelves, they should be in harmony with the main furniture ensemble. Try not to clutter your bedroom; place the most necessary things on the nightstand. Attach sconce-shaped lamps to the wall at the head of the bed. Lighting fixtures must be harmoniously combined with the style of furniture and other interior features.

The atmosphere in the room should be calm and unobtrusive. A restrained interior in calm colors and the correct arrangement of furniture will help support this trend. It is recommended to place a chest of drawers opposite the bed. Choose furniture in Sonoma oak tones to maintain style. It is recommended to place a mirror above the chest of drawers or in the corner near it. It can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted, depending on its location.

If you do not have a dressing room, and the living space of the bedroom allows you to install a wardrobe, then try to mount it on the side of the bed, against the longitudinal wall.

Pay attention to the finishing, doing it in light cream tones or shades of gray. An excellent option would be matte paint.

We organize the interior of the nursery

For this room it is better to use a traditional light shade of Sonoma oak. Furniture is often purchased as a set, so you don’t have to select and combine it. All you have to do is choose the shade of Sonoma oak.

Why light? It puts the child in a working mood and allows him to be more organized and concentrated. Moreover, in the evening, under artificial lighting, your eyes strain less, because you are surrounded by light shades in furniture, interior, and textile design.

When decorating your bedroom, pay attention to the following:

  1. Finishing options. Light colors will look better, especially shades of white and beige. Canvases with relief patterns will be spectacular. Sand-colored laminate will also highlight the interior.
  2. Additional furniture can be bright. For example, a computer chair can serve as an excellent accent point for such a restrained interior in pastel colors.
  3. Textiles and lighting are a separate topic. The light should be soft, lighting fixtures, if they are metal, should be white or chrome plated. Textiles should not weigh down the interior. Therefore, it is better to give preference to light, airy fabrics.

Another advantage of furniture made in a light shade of Sonoma oak is that even if the child wants a bright interior, this furniture will fit into the flashy, colorful style.

Sonoma oak and kitchen space

A classic furniture option for the kitchen is a corner set in Sonoma oak color. Chipboard textures that perfectly imitate wood harmoniously convey wood patterns. At first glance, it may even seem that this furniture is really made of solid oak. This set itself looks self-sufficient, so it is recommended to use modest, discreet fittings without additional decorative elements. Better yet, choose a furniture option with hidden automatic retractable systems in one touch.

The kitchen often combines two areas - a working and a dining room, so the table and chairs should be given special attention. Everything should look harmonious.

Instead of a traditional dining area, you can install a kitchen island to divide the space and complement it with high chairs in cream color. The countertop should also be light, but you can experiment with the flooring by choosing darker shades. Dark gray laminate or porcelain stoneware are perfect. The walls can be decorated to match the style of the floor surface, but a few shades lighter so that the space does not seem gloomy.

Sonoma oak and its combination with other colors and shades

Speaking about light shades of wood, I would like to note that it plays best in tandem with blue, green, turquoise, red, yellow, gold, beige, lilac, brown, mustard colors and their shades.

You already know which color goes best with Sonoma oak, and which compositions are best avoided. But you should still be careful not to turn the interior into a solid monotonous spot.

To create a positive atmosphere in a room with furniture in dark tones of Sonoma oak, combine furniture favorably with marsh, burgundy, silver, dark blue, malachite, and black colors in the interior.

We hope you have received a comprehensive answer to your questions about what color goes with Sonoma oak and what color it is..

Advantages of exotic color

Sonoma oak is recognized by experts as the closest light variety of natural oak, with a hint of straw, so a bright room plus such light furniture with mirrors creates the effect of infinity. Even a large wall made of Sonoma oak cannot reduce the space. There are many more advantages:

  • Combines with almost all colors. Particularly interesting are duets with chocolate, silver, straw, and gold.
  • Heat. Furniture of this color makes any interior feel homely. Even if the desk has clear shapes, a light shade will reduce its formality.
  • Airiness. Light Sonoma oak visually expands the space, making the room more spacious and brighter.
  • Clearly defined texture. Creates the effect of natural noble wood. Doors made from this material are solid and durable.
  • Practicality. A good solution for intensive use: the light-straw shade, which is easily soiled at first glance, actually masks minor dirt, for example, fingerprints and dust on the door. Even the most vulnerable shoe racks or children's furniture, and especially the kitchen, always seem well-groomed.

Sonoma oak is one of the favorite materials among designers. With it, the bedroom gives peace, the small hallway seems to be enlarged, and the nursery becomes less troublesome to care for. It is well suited for creating contrasts and fits harmoniously into bright interiors. Such furniture gives an interesting combination of colors and is combined with textiles and bright walls. It’s worth buying if you want your small apartment to become big, at least visually.

Furniture in Sonoma and Wenge oak colors

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