Tile panels for the bathroom: on the wall, floor and ceiling. 120 photos of design and decor ideas, choice of pattern

The nuances of decorating panels in the bathroom

Some features must be taken into account in the design process. By laying out a panel on the bathroom wall made of tiles, the appearance of the room is formed.

Therefore, such work must be carried out taking into account the “individuality” of the room, improving the spatial intimate zone in which you can feel relaxation and protect yourself from external factors. So, there must be:

  • decoration elements, the degree of functionality of which is quite high;
  • convenient zoning of spatial areas;
  • neutrality of the room as a place of common use.

The choice of original design is influenced by many factors when improving a specific space. To develop creative ideas, it is always convenient to use a photo of a tile panel on the wall in the bathroom.

Photo gallery of tile panels in the bathroom

Thanks to the variety of finishing materials, there are a lot of options for decorating a bathroom, giving the room the necessary style. Based on the work completed, it will be easier to decide on the bathroom design idea. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with photo examples of panels.

Application of ceramics

This material is used quite often for finishing work in rooms. It is preferred by people with average income and above. The reasons are quite understandable. Panels on ceramic tiles:

  • has high strength;
  • resistant to high humidity;
  • practically not subject to damage;
  • has good performance qualities;
  • prevents the formation of fungi and mold;
  • Affordable.

Modern production of ceramic tile panels for the bathroom allows you to choose from a variety of colorful shades and varied textures. It is somewhat misleading to think solely about appearance.

If you choose a monochromatic design, it will get boring pretty quickly. You will want something new and unusual with a claim to sophistication and mystery.

It is the laying out of a ceramic panel for the bathroom that diversifies the space, adding a bright, attractive accent that highlights the area of ​​the room in the center. Then there will be an opportunity for relaxation for every visitor to the room.

Selecting a panel

Choosing a panel is not an easy task. Here you will have to take into account not only your own desires and budget, but also the interior style, color scheme, general rules for decorating the space, as well as the dimensions of the room and a number of other factors. For small rooms, it is best to choose the lightest possible color scheme; moreover, the panel can be either light or dark, but it should focus attention and in no case conceal the space. Contrast can generally distract attention from the size of the room, but light shades reflect light and make the room appear larger, albeit visually.

Ceramic tile panels for the kitchen

In any case, the panel should stand out on the wall and draw attention to itself. So further, light on light, it should have a frame or ornament surrounding itself.

Advice! 3D drawings help to “deceive” the eye and make the room “larger.” This is always a win-win, as these images generally look great. The main thing is that they match the style and theme of the room.

3D panel in the bathroom

The size of the elements in the panel may differ from the size of the rest of the tiles in the room. But in general, the parameters should still be harmonious. Moreover, the panel can be either horizontal or vertical, oval, rectangular, square, etc. Here it is important to simply choose the option that will fit perfectly into the room and interior, depending on its parameters.

As for the style, the panel can fit into almost any style. It’s just the type of drawing that will be the deciding factor. It needs to fit perfectly into the chosen style (for example, natural images are suitable for eco-style).

You can decorate the walls by making a mosaic panel for the kitchen from tiles

Important! It should be taken into account when thinking about the layout and furnishings of the room that the panels cannot be covered with pipes, interior items and other things. You can't hang any shelves on this wall either. Also, you should not make two panels at once in one room - on the floor and on the wall. The exception is a direct continuation of the wall panel on the floor (for example, the coast and the seabed).

Prices for mosaic tiles

Mosaic tiles

Tile panel design

Before you get serious about choosing tile panels, you should decide on the basic parameters that will improve the situation in the bathroom and make the space visually look more spacious.


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Simply put, attention should be focused on size and color scheme. Then the desired goal will be achieved. Modern apartments have small bathrooms. Therefore, both the size of the tiles and their shape play an important role. After all, a tile panel will be an element of individuality in the room.

When placing the tile on the largest wall, which is usually located opposite the entrance, you need to know that the total area of ​​the image should not be more than two-thirds of the total area.

Small compositions are especially attractive, however, they should occupy at least half the wall. Then the effect will be achieved. By stretching the image horizontally, you can increase the space in width, and vertically - in height. Often, tiles with panels occupy the entire wall, if it is a photo or a special mosaic composition.

The desire to completely cover the area is quite natural, this way the integrity of the picture and its purpose are preserved. These are individual orders. When placing the panel in a niche, you must not forget about the availability of free space for framing.

Solutions in various color palettes

When the general background and the color of the walls completely coincide, an organic composition arises. The light image of the panel on the tile expands the spatial parameters. The warmth of individual elements contributes to the creation of an intimate perception of the environment.


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Bright images look original and fit well even into modern minimalist trends, while maintaining the unique appearance of the structure.

The main thing is to maintain the integrity of the compositional execution of the panel in the bathroom, without getting out of it. Attention should be paid to choosing the right options and contrasting color shades. Both the walls and the furniture, the frieze and, of course, the plumbing must match the color.

Color varieties of tile paintings

The most organic compositions are those whose colors completely match the color of the walls in the bathroom. Light images visually expand the walls and enlarge the space. Warm colors create an intimate atmosphere . Bright accents will fit into almost any design, even modern minimalism, and the appearance will remain original.

This type of finishing has been used for many centuries.

Such an unusual combination of colors should not violate the integrity of the composition or stand out from it. Attention is paid to the contrast of colors and their correct combination. The tones should resonate not only with the walls, but also with the furniture, frieze and plumbing.

Over the centuries, tile panels have changed their shapes, colors, and production methods. Modern technologies have made it possible to significantly diversify the designs and ornaments used in compositions. For this purpose, standard and innovative materials are used, with the help of which there is wide scope for the designer’s imagination.

Ready-made panels have become the most popular . The picture consists of standard size tiles with a printed pattern. This is an inexpensive option. It can be decorated according to your wishes and taste with friezes or inserts.

The tones should resonate not only with the walls, but also with the furniture

Mosaics are used to create an exclusive interior. Mosaic panels can be purchased ready-made or ordered according to your own preferences. The composition can be created from many multi-colored small tiles or elements of the same tone. The options for images are very different - from drawings with a plot to single figures.

Features of tile panels

Thanks to their ease of installation, long service life and resistance to moisture, the popularity of bathroom tiles with panels always remains unchanged. To create something exclusive, you need to use all the qualities of the mosaic structure.

They are most often purchased ready-made, less often they are ordered from a workshop. If you want the presence of original tile panels for the bathroom, made with your own hands, you need to be fully prepared, since you will need a lot of experience and patience. But what satisfaction will the resulting result bring in the future?

The quality of the material is always a guarantee of opening up space for creative imagination and fantasies. For example, many people are close to the marine theme for wall panels, which can take you into an imaginary world filled with unusual images and sensations.

How to choose the size of a bathroom panel

This is a constant value, which in a particular case depends on the area of ​​the bathroom. When the design is chosen correctly, it is as if the flaws in the room are eliminated by themselves, improving the appearance.


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For those who own a large room, it is strongly recommended not to be modest when choosing the design of such a space. You always get a special pleasure while enjoying a large tile panel, the originality of which allows you to completely fill the space. Nature paintings, the sea, ships and dolphins are all acceptable themes.

The average bathtub involves placing the pattern on two-thirds of the wall dimension. The presence of any theme is acceptable, limited only by the imagination of the apartment’s inhabitants.

Panels will help expand a small room if they are placed in the corner. The subject of the drawing in this case is absolutely not important. It looks like an abstraction with a few clear and vibrant details.

Panel of tiles on the floor in the bathroom

There are three types of floor tile panels:

  • mosaic;
  • carpet;
  • rozon.

The compactness of the symmetrical pattern is characteristic of roses. It is located in the center and is designed for small rooms. If the bathtub is large, you can make several of them or place a combined tile option around one design.

Different tiles of the same composition will help create a carpet. There are beautiful options with dozens of tiles for laying out complex patterns. When installation is carried out, they are marked and laid out schematically for convenience. The variety of themes for patterns is amazing: from exact replicas of woven carpets to scenes from mythology.

Expensive and complex mosaics, however, are in demand by connoisseurs of beautiful workmanship. Every detail must be carefully processed, the pieces carefully adjusted. Designer highly artistic panels even include inserts of precious stones and metals.

Tile photo panel

This type is popular among designers. The product allows you to create bright patterns, designs and ornaments. In addition, you can lay out tile panels in the kitchen. Conditions allow you to decorate a small part or the entire wall.

Photo tiles will help you create a whole picture or several fragments of it on the wall. Typically this type is used for finishing mirrors, doors or illuminated niches.

Original design

It is common to decorate the floor in the room where the bathtub is located with an interesting pattern or tiled pattern. White sanitary fixtures are universal companions for all color finishing solutions.

There is a huge field for realizing your own fantasies. White and black – classic harmony. The embodiment of turquoise tone is the symbolism of the element of water. A light green or yellow background will allow you to have a pleasant time doing your morning routine.

It is better to immediately abandon dull and dark shades. They will only shrink the spatial boundaries. Interest is often aroused by a combination laid out equally on both the wall and the floor. A luxurious option made of gold and glass, when it is spread right under your feet in the bathroom.

Ideas for creating panels

When the question arises of what the design of a room for water procedures should be like so that it is both pleasant to be in and to have fun, then it is effective and budgetary to purchase a tile panel for the bathroom from Leroy Merlin.

Then the beginning and end of the day will create exactly the mood that will have a positive effect on your future pastime.

Buyers have a complete online catalog at their disposal, thanks to which there is a great opportunity to get some inspiration for their own creative ideas and practical directions for their implementation.

The selection of products is compiled in such a way that buying a tile panel for finishing a bathroom will not require much time and labor. Price variations will always pleasantly surprise and delight.

Advantages and disadvantages of tiled construction

Decorating walls in the bathroom with tile panels is not a new trend in interior design. This type of finishing has been used for many centuries. Over time, only the tile format changes - new textures and patterns are invented. The range of materials used has also expanded significantly. Modern designers now have access to ceramic panels, porcelain stoneware and glass compositions. Panels and tiles with photographic images are popular among apartment owners.

Disadvantages include the high cost of the material and complex installation. For those who do not understand the process of laying panels, it is better to stick with photo tiles. The selected image is applied to ordinary tiles. The finished tiles are attached to the wall in the most usual way. The technique is simple, but as a result the bathroom will acquire its own zest and uniqueness.

New trend in interior design

Glass panels look very unusual. They can be supplemented with LED lighting . Glass panels are not popular on the market because they are very expensive. Also, during their installation some difficulties often arise.

Phototiles are also made from plastic and wood. Their price is low, but the panel itself is short-lived. This option is used by people who like to frequently change the style of their bathroom design.

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