Bedroom in a studio apartment - 130 photos of stylish interior ideas and studio design projects

Benefits of separating a bedroom

Some owners of small studio apartments do not separate the bedroom from other rooms. However, zoning the available area has certain advantages:

  • Possibility of solitude after a hard day at work without various interruptions and irritants.
  • Odor protection (kitchen, bathroom, bathroom).
  • Isolation from noise (street noise and from the neighboring apartment).

An apartment with a layout has a more advantageous interior than an apartment with one common room.

Ways to separate a bed in a one-room apartment

The easiest option is to place a sofa for guests so that they know where to sit. But very often there is not enough space in the room for this. We have to look for other ways.


This method is good if you want to hide the bed from prying eyes. In addition, the screen is considered an interesting piece of decoration.

Attention! The advantage of this method is the mobility of the screen itself. It can be moved, removed or folded. Also, by replacing the old screen with a new one, you can change the interior.

A screen can serve not only as a decorative item. There are many designs with mounted shelves, hangers or an installed mirror.

Wooden partition

Another interesting method is a wooden partition. This is better than the original design, rather than ordinary plywood. It should not completely cover the room, so it is desirable to have gaps (like blinds). The advantage is that it will not only separate the bed, but will also protect your sleep from sunlight, will not harm the interior and will not take up much space.

It is important that its color is the same as that of other furniture in the room, otherwise it will not fit into the interior.

Using a rack

The bed can be hidden behind a shelving unit. The advantages of this method are the functionality of the rack. You can put books, photo frames and various decorative items in it. At the same time, the size of the rack can vary, from a few centimeters to the very ceiling.

The disadvantage of this method is that the rack takes up additional space in the apartment, and over time it will become filled with unnecessary things.


This idea is suitable if you do not want to install partitions or clutter the room with shelving. But you still want the bed to be separate from the room, so that guests understand that this is a place to sleep and should not sit on it. A canopy can create comfort while you sleep.

The advantage of this method is that the canopy will not take up space in the room, and people will understand that this is a place to sleep and should not be sat on. The disadvantage is that people will still see the sleeping area.

Loft bed

A very interesting idea is to raise the bed up. It will look like an attic. You can buy a ready-made structure with legs. You can get to the bed using the stairs.

Attention! The advantage of this method is that the bed will not take up space in the room. You can put a sofa or other furniture under it.

The disadvantage is that guests will still see the sleeping area. And to get to it, you have to climb the stairs. This is inappropriate after a hard day at work.

Hide the bed behind curtains

The standard option that many people use. First you need to stretch the fishing line or rope between the walls. Then choose a suitable curtain. It can be dense or transparent.

Attention! The advantages of this method are that this option is the cheapest and most accessible. The curtain is easy to move and can only be drawn when you have guests.

The disadvantage is that the method is ordinary, but I would like something interesting.

Choosing the optimal location

The bedroom in a studio apartment is not located near the front door; this is completely impractical and is the gold standard. You should also consider a number of rules for choosing the optimal area for your future bedroom:

  1. There should not be a toilet or bathtub next to the bedroom. Dampness and high humidity can cause the development of pathogenic fungus and lead to rapid damage to decorative coatings.
  2. It is advisable that the future bedroom have a window. This is both an additional source of light and an important stylistic element of the interior.
  3. You should not place the new room close to the kitchen, because unpleasant odors and greasy deposits can cause discomfort.
  4. It is important to first determine the size of the new room, the amount of furniture and its location. Based on the results obtained, you can deal with zoning issues for a studio apartment. A separate project requires the layout of a studio apartment with two bedrooms (for example, for a family with children).
  5. The design of a bedroom in a studio apartment is also determined in advance in order to carry out high-quality interior decoration.

The most optimal option for planning a bedroom is to allocate the farthest corner of the room, in which there is a window opening, as a room.


Installing sleeping elements on podium stands is an interesting design move. Podiums are suitable when you want to create an unusual bedroom design; it will immediately attract attention. As a rule, the podium design is an accent in the overall picture. A huge advantage of such a structure is that it is possible to combine places for relaxation and storage of things. In this case, the podium itself is equipped with drawers where everything you need is stored.

Partitions can also be used here, but their task will not be to hide the island for relaxation, but to visually complement it. Sometimes they also provide space for storing clothes or books.

Children's areas are often partitioned off with a podium interior composition: children love everything unusual and are happy to be there.

Methods for zoning a room

Dividing a room into functional zones is one of the most important aspects of any renovation, especially for furnishing a living room. There are several original ways to zoning a studio apartment with a bedroom:

  • Use glass or plastic partitions.
  • Wooden slats.
  • Folding screens made of thick paper.
  • Interesting curtains made of thick textiles.
  • Podium.
  • Rack for zoning.

Various decoration techniques and the use of lighting remain very relevant today. Owners of new small apartments have a unique opportunity to use any of the above methods.

Glass partitions

The most practical way to completely separate the bedroom from the main room is a partition made of glass or plastic. This technique has a lot of advantages, including protection from noise and odors.

Installing such structures is also not particularly difficult, and the owner can come up with an original design himself. This includes interesting stencil painting, decorative spraying with a pattern, and bright images for children's bedrooms.


The easiest way to hide a bed is to buy a screen. It happens that it is always present in the interior and serves as a permanent partition. You can purchase a ready-made model that matches the style and color scheme in the room, or you can make and decorate it yourself. The main advantage of such a partition is mobility. It can be removed, moved or replaced with another without any problems.

A screen will also be useful when there is a need to cut off the flow and brightness of light from the main lighting source and thereby darken the area where the child sleeps. They also sometimes fence off a children's sofa from the TV that is on.

Wood slats

Several columns made of wooden beams can become a real decoration for a new studio apartment. The racks are treated with any decorative composition; built-in spotlights are often used as additional decor.

The apartment owner is guaranteed a combination of advantageous design, natural shades and excellent environmental performance. A significant disadvantage of this technique is the lack of protection from noise and odors.

Folding screens

An original novelty that quickly won the hearts of designers was screens made of thick paper. The production technology of such structures has a general similarity with the method of manufacturing Roman blinds and roller blinds.

The paper is thick enough to muffle loud sounds and prevent the spread of unpleasant odors. In addition, modern manufacturers delight their customers with original designs of such screens.

Curtains made of thick textiles

Using special ceiling mounts or ceiling cornices, you can advantageously separate the bedroom with textile curtains.

For this purpose, denser fabrics made from a mixture of natural and synthetic fibers are used. Thanks to this quality, the curtains are easy to maintain, allow air to pass through well, but absorb unpleasant odors.

In addition, due to the large assortment of models, designs, shapes and sizes, you can always choose the right option for a specific interior style.

Other zoning ideas

For lovers of minimalism indoors, there are two alternative ways to separate the bedroom from the rest of the apartment. We are talking about the use of additional lighting and various decorative techniques.

Several options for separating a bedroom in a studio apartment:

  1. Application of various floor coverings. For example, there is laminate in the living room, self-leveling flooring in the bedroom.
  2. Selection of two color zones. With this approach, it is important to follow the tactics of optimal combination of decorative design of wall panels.

Between two adjacent zones (in the ceiling, floor covering, walls or furniture facades) spotlights can be located. Lamps, sconces, chandeliers and LED strips can perfectly highlight the boundary between the bedroom and living room in a studio apartment.

Using such original planning ideas allows you not only to profitably separate a new room, but also to get a stylish bedroom interior in a studio apartment.

Balcony space

When there is not enough space in the apartment, you can make good use of a loggia or balcony. In this case, it is attached to the common area, expanding the passage. The enlarged passage is designed in the form of an arch, and you can also make a bar counter or a counter with shelves. Sometimes the wall is completely dismantled or the entrance is decorated as desired. In the added area you can place any furniture, including a bed. It is important to take into account that high-quality double-glazed windows must be installed on the balcony, and the walls must be insulated from the inside.

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