Kitchen chairs: a review of the best models, as well as examples of beautiful design and combination of furniture in the interior (100 photos)


There are several types of chairs, each of which is designed for a specific type of room. To ensure maximum convenience, it is necessary to pay special attention to this aspect.

Material for production

Ideally, all kitchen furniture should be made of similar materials.

  • Tree. Products are made either entirely from it or in combination with fabric upholstery. The ornate curved shape is achieved by milling.
  • Metal. Furniture and chairs are not made entirely from this material. This material is often combined with wood.

  • Plastic similar to glass. Such furniture is often used in small-sized kitchens.
  • Rattan furniture woven from wicker. It is usually used on country verandas and balconies decorated in country style.

Armchair chair

A more comfortable model of a classic chair with armrests, however, it is much more difficult to place it successfully. This is primarily due to the large size and limited design solutions.

Each of the chairs, regardless of its type, has legs that are attached to the seat. They also have a back, as this is a distinctive feature from stools.

Each type of chair is best used in the conditions for which it was designed and created. This means that bar stools are ideal for a bar counter. For a country veranda, it is best to use a chair-chair, and for the kitchen, classic chairs are better suited.

Wooden chairs for the kitchen have not yet gone out of fashion, but they are much less common than before. This is due to the appearance on sale of more durable and stable models. For example, metal kitchen chairs are much stronger and more stable, and in some cases even cheaper than wooden models.


Designer chairs for the kitchen are usually unusual and catchy. They are placed in plain sight, with maximum emphasis placed on them. They are comfortable and always create a single ensemble with common furniture and stylish accessories. But their design must support the overall focus.

For example:

  • soft chairs made from natural materials are perfect for classic styles, vintage interiors, Provence, and country;

kitchen ikea kitchen table set safarimp com intended for cheap dining table and chairs ikea At London – Kitchen Furniture and Designs Dream

Isku Interior Oy

  • wooden, but without upholstery, will fit into minimalism;

  • plastic and glass in modern style.

Expert opinion

Olga Kovalenko

Since 2010 I have been engaged in interior design and architectural design.

Mixing different styles in the kitchen interior creates discomfort and overloads the space.

Classic upholstered chairs will look out of place in a modern kitchen. Wicker chairs will organically fit into Provence and country. The decision to place light plastic chairs in a classic kitchen will obviously fail.

Which chairs to use for large and small kitchens

Chairs for a small kitchen should not only be comfortable in several ways, but also light and compact. This will allow them to be easily moved, pushed under the table and pulled out from there. Lightness provides the opportunity to significantly save space.

For spacious kitchens, you can select heavier models if there is no need to constantly move them. In this case, the height of the backrest can be absolutely any, but the main thing is that it performs the main function of supporting a person’s back.

The photo of kitchen chairs shows that lightweight models are most often used, even in spacious rooms. This is due to the fact that very often there is a need to move an additional chair to another room, for example, to the living room, where guests are expected to be received. But at the same time, do not touch the bar stools, because they will be inappropriate in other rooms due to their height.

The design features of all products allow us to divide them into 2 types:

We recommend reading:

  • Upholstered chairs: a review of the best classic models for a modern interior. Photos, new items, design, sizes

  • Stools for the kitchen - 150 photos of new designs and combinations in the interior of a modern kitchen

Shape and dimensions

Chair models may vary.

For example:

  • Dining rooms with backrest. These pieces of furniture come in different heights and designs.

  • Armchairs. High comfort furniture with elbowrests. These chairs take up a lot of space and are not suitable for small spaces. Their backs can be high, low, medium.

  • Transformers. A godsend for small kitchens. These products have adjustable seat position, footrest, and degree of backrest recline.

  • Stools. These chairs are suitable for small spaces. They are easy to slide under the dining table and stack on top of each other.

  • Bars. It is convenient to sit on such products in front of the bar counter.

  • Foldable. These chairs are designed for small kitchens.

Photos of chairs for the kitchen

Chair design

What color should you choose for the chairs? The choice of color depends directly on what purpose is being pursued. If the chairs need to be “hidden”, then the color is chosen as close as possible to the color of the walls, and if they are made as a bright accent, then the color should be bright and contrasting. There are a lot of photos of chairs for the kitchen on the Internet, and therefore you can choose the option that best suits your kitchen.

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