How to choose a corner sofa by size and type of design

Types of corner sofas

Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of corner type models. These include strict office monoliths, designer folding sofas, transforming models, and modular designs.

Let's look at each of the categories in more detail.


Monolithic corners do not move apart or unfold .

Reference . Typically, such options are installed in client areas of offices or in living rooms of large houses, where there is no need for additional sleeping places.

The advantages of this design are its durability and reliability , because it does not contain moving elements.


Modular designs are becoming wildly popular today. In fact, this is not a solid frame, but a set of soft bedside tables or ottomans on wheels , which can be freely grouped as desired.


Transformable sofas are structures that can be turned into a bed .
Transformation mechanisms are very different. But it is precisely these sofas that allow the whole family to fit in a small apartment and are suitable for the living room and hall.

Main types of models

A corner sofa is a combination of an armchair and a straight section. This configuration makes it possible to rationally use the living space of the room and is great for “blind spots”. The main advantage is that the room creates additional space for relaxing and receiving guests. However, purchasing a corner model requires knowledge of a number of nuances.

The range of corner systems is presented in three types: transformer, modular and monolithic.

The transformable type design is equipped with folding, walking or retractable mechanisms that allow it to be converted into a sleeping sofa by increasing the overall dimensions. The most common are: Eurobook, tango, dolphin, Spartak and so on. These models have many more advantages than disadvantages. A significant disadvantage is the inability to use every day due to design features. In Eurobook and Dolphin mechanisms, for example, the surface of the rolling part is quite hard, but the springy base is much softer - this creates certain inconveniences. The main advantages of transformers:

  1. The design quickly unfolds, and this allows you to intelligently use the usable living space.
  2. Reliability and durability are ensured by the minimal use of moving mechanisms.
  3. More seating can be achieved almost instantly.
  4. Internal drawers are great for storing linens - eliminating the need for additional cabinets. This option is especially relevant for rooms with dimensions that do not allow placing a large amount of furniture.

The difference between a modular sofa and other options is that its structural basis is built on the ability to transform through the arrangement of individual segments, making it possible to radically change the configuration. Each component element performs its own function:

  • the straight part of the sofa adjusts its length - this way you can free up useful space;
  • the angular segment participates in the formation of one or more protrusions;
  • armrests separate parts of the sofa from each other;
  • Poufs are additional soft seats.

Modular corner systems have a number of advantages:

  • the size of the sofa, the number of segments and configuration can be determined independently, thereby deciding which part of the area to leave free;
  • almost all modules are equipped with drawers for storing things;
  • you can change the shape instantly, freeing up the necessary space in the room;
  • armrests can replace bookshelves or a coffee table.

The choice of modular designs for small spaces is very limited. When designing a room, you must strictly follow the rules for choosing corner furniture and take into account the layout features. Products designed for frequent rearrangements are very expensive.

The monolithic design is almost always presented in the shape of a semicircle and is non-removable. This option requires large areas and is therefore very often used in public places or spacious living rooms. The main advantage of the model is its long service life, since the design does not contain transformation mechanisms that can quickly fail. The disadvantages include the inability to unfold and form a sleeping place.

Standard size of corner sofas

Having clarified what types of corner furniture exist, let’s move on to their sizes.

How to measure the length and width of a sofa

Based on the characteristics of angular models, their measurements must be made as follows.

The body length is measured from the beginning of one section to the end of another , and the corner section is also taken into account.

When measuring the width, we take into account not only the corner section, but also the base section.

Thus, all parameters are summed up, and we get the length and width values.

Standard parameters of corner sofas and beds

If we consider the standards, then the dimensions of the corner type are within the limits:

  • 230-280 centimeters in length;
  • 150-180 centimeters in width.

And despite this, manufacturers do not stand still. They listen to customers with different capabilities and needs.

Reference . Furniture is produced in small sizes, no more than 203 centimeters in length, and, conversely, excessively large ones, more than four meters.

Often such models are produced according to individual projects. In such projects, the greatest load is placed on the frame. Therefore, when choosing a non-standard size sofa, you should pay attention to the strength and reliability of the frame.

Thanks to their transformation capabilities, the most popular and widespread types of corner sofas easily replace large double beds at night. During the day - used in recreation areas.

Standard parameters include width . According to it, all sofas are divided into the following types.

  • Single beds . With a sleeping area measuring 150 centimeters in length and 70 centimeters in width.
  • Double. These types of sofas for sleeping are already up to 150 centimeters wide.
  • There are also products designed for three people. They reach two meters in width.

Variety of shapes

The configuration of a corner sofa does not always have a standard L-shape. There are also other options:

  • semicircle;
  • U-shaped (used in large rooms).

There are also models in which the 2:1 ratio between the base and the side part is not maintained; they can be equal or in a different ratio.

The size of the sleeping space in such a product is of great importance. The most popular corner sofas easily transform into a large double bed at night, and can be used in a relaxation area during the day.

Standard width:

  • Single (bed size 150x70 cm);
  • Double (width of the sleeping area - up to 150 cm);
  • Triple (up to 2 m).

On video: design of corner sofas for the living room.

Non-standard options

Paying attention to the needs of customers of the widest segments, manufacturers often deviate from standards both more and less. This makes it possible to install soft zones not only in classic-sized rooms, but also in small and large rooms.

Compact and small-sized

Non-standard ones include various small-sized types. Their dimensions are 170 centimeters wide and exactly the same in length . This option is convenient if installation is required in the kitchen or in the hallway .

This type of model folds out very easily, thereby providing a sleeping area suitable for accommodating one person. But it may also have hidden drawers underfoot that are suitable for storing dishes or various household items. This option is often installed in the kitchen.

As a rule, such sofas use universal angles in their design. They can be easily installed on both the right and left sides. This model is not strictly tied to the design specified by the manufacturer.

More compact options are also available .

  • The sleeping area of ​​such models is 150 centimeters by 150 centimeters.
  • The second option is 130 centimeters by 200 centimeters .

Advice . These types of sofas are practical and very comfortable in small studio apartments or ordinary Khrushchev apartments.

In such rooms there is always a struggle for centimeters, because the bedroom space is limited. This type includes sofas with “tick-tock”, “dolphin” or “Eurobook” layout mechanisms.

Little ones

Often in stores selling furniture you can see models that are quite small in size. Often such designs are a “book”.

If we disassemble such a sofa, we will get the length of the sleeping place measuring 125 centimeters by 140 centimeters .

In addition, you can combine such a sofa with another one - dimensions 90 centimeters by 168 centimeters . This sofa will serve as an ottoman. Both parts are independent of each other.


Medium-sized corner sofas are widespread and loved by customers.

They have sleeping space parameters of around 200 centimeters by 150 centimeters . This is a recognized standard for upholstered furniture of this class.

If such a sofa is assembled, it will have a length of about 245 centimeters and up to 260 centimeters. This difference depends on the presence of armrests in the design and their width.

The depth of the seat can vary up to 150 centimeters , taking into account the backrest. The height ranges from 70 centimeters to 80 centimeters.

Models of corner sofas in the interior of different rooms

Once you have decided what the corner sliding sofa of your dreams should be and have decided on its contents, you should choose its place in the interior. Designers offer three basic placement options: along the walls, in the corner or in the center of the room.

Comfortable corner sofas with decorative pillows and armrests

Armrests in modern corner sofas come in two types:

  • soft with fabric or leather upholstery, foam rubber is often used as a filler. This is a more comfortable option, since it does not have sharp corners;
  • made of wood with a glossy or matte surface.

Advice! It is recommended to purchase sofas with armrests with replaceable covers that can be washed if they become dirty.

Additionally, the corner sofa for the living room is decorated with decorative pillows, which make relaxation more comfortable. The fabric can have something in common with curtains and the overall interior design.

Varieties of corner sofas with shelves and a built-in bar in the corner

Manufacturers often offer corner sofas, complemented by shelves or a bar in the corner. It’s nice to have a bowl of sweets on hand while watching a movie with your family, and place a small buffet table on it for guests. Friends will definitely appreciate such a designer accessory. At night, you can put a glass of water and a lamp on the top shelf - this is much more convenient than a coffee table standing next to it.

Such an addition is appropriate not only in a home environment, it can decorate an office, a manager’s office or a meeting room. When choosing a model, you need to ensure that the height of the shelves in the bar is sufficient to accommodate your favorite drinks.

Models of corner sofas with a large sleeping area 200×200 cm

If you plan to buy a soft sofa for the living room with a transformation mechanism, it is important to pay attention to the size of the bed. Only buyers can decide how convenient it is. For daily use, manufacturers recommend purchasing models with a seat height of 40 cm and a sleeping bag of 200×200 cm. You should first check whether such a structure will fit into the room and where it is more convenient to place it, so that when unfolded it does not obstruct passage.

Options for the location of beautiful corner sofas in the living room interior

A corner sofa, complemented with decorative pillows and a bar, will become an accent item in the interior. To create a romantic atmosphere, you can place a floor lamp near it and lay a beautiful carpet in front of it. Its location depends on the area and geometry of the living room, as well as on window and door structures. It should not interfere with free passage to storage areas and the TV.

Most often, three types of corner sofa arrangements are chosen for the living room:

  • in the corner - this placement saves space as much as possible and is suitable even for small areas. For it you should choose L-shaped models;
  • along one of the walls - suitable for large living rooms. You can create interesting zoning by placing a work corner or bar counter behind the U-shaped sofa;
  • in the center of the living room - most often a C-shaped corner sofa is placed in front of the TV or fireplace area. This option is perfect for studio apartments. It is important to choose a model in which the back wall is decorated with upholstery fabric, otherwise the sofa will look unpresentable.

Functional corner sofa in the children's room

For a child's room, the sofa will turn into a bed at night, and during the day the child will be able to play on it. In addition, if friends come to visit, it is more convenient to place them on the corner model. To save space, it is advisable to place it with its long side along the wall in the corner, in which case there will be more space on the floor for outdoor games.

Related article:

A sofa with a sleeping place for the kitchen : why is it needed, how to choose the right one for rooms of different sizes, Euro-sofas and domestic modifications, manufacturing materials, types of folding structures and selection criteria - read in the publication.

Variety of furniture

To choose the appropriate option, you need to study the main types of corner sofas. At the moment, the following types are most widespread:

  • children's products are small in size (usually their length does not exceed a couple of meters), and are distinguished by the bright color of the material that was used for decoration. Small-sized models allow you to arrange a sleeping area, freeing up space for games;

  • kitchen sofas with sizes that can vary widely. They are often covered with durable material that has water-repellent properties. In the photos from the catalogs you can see what the different models offered for sale look like. Such products cannot be transformed according to a certain scheme to obtain an additional bed. However, under their seats there are often drawers used for storing certain things, for example, dishes;

  • The sofa in the living room is large in size. Woven materials are traditionally used for its upholstery. Photos will help you choose a beautiful option that fits perfectly into the environment. The dimensions of the corner sofa may vary. Most often, the length varies from 2.3 to 2.8 m. It depends on which project was chosen. Most of these models can be transformed into an additional sleeping place, which may be required, for example, if unexpected guests stay overnight;

  • Products for the office have a strict style. In order to make the room more respectable in appearance, it is recommended to choose a corner leather sofa. The budget option is a model with leatherette upholstery; such items cost much less, but are not inferior in all their attractiveness.

Corner leather sofas will look great in the living room. They will give the room a stylish and luxurious look. Such products have a number of advantages: comfort; ease of care; aesthetics. A corner leather sofa is the optimal solution for an office or living room decorated in a classic style.

How to choose the right corner sofa?

During the search process, you definitely need to pay attention to the dimensions of the corner sofa. The minimum size of seats designed for two people is 120 cm. If the seat has smaller parameters, then it can only be called a chair. Finding a sofa with smaller side sections, for example, 140 cm, is not possible. According to the standard, the length of the central part varies from 230 to 280 cm. We must not forget that not only the length, but also the width matters. If you need a compact sofa, pay attention to models with a width of 120-170 cm.

If you are planning to purchase furniture, you need to proceed from the parameters of the room. If you are planning to buy furniture to equip a room that is not too spacious, then you should consider corner sofas, which are very convenient to use. When looking through the photos, pay attention to the compact products with a chaise longue. By purchasing it, you will achieve two goals: you will get a comfortable item that does not take up much space, which is explained by the absence of a back and side parts. Externally, such a specimen is also attractive.

For corner sofas for the hall, aesthetics play an important role. When searching for the right model, pay attention to how it will combine with other interior elements.

For a small room, a specimen with standard dimensions and equipped with legs would be a good idea. It will reduce the capacity of the linen drawer, however, it will not give the impression of a massive product due to the presence of free space between the floor and the bottom of the furniture. Look at the photo to make sure this is exactly what suits you.

Features, advantages and disadvantages

First, let's look at the features of corner structures, namely:

  • the main distinguishing feature of such a sofa is, of course, its shape; it can be L-shaped or U-shaped; you can choose the one that fits perfectly into your room;
  • on such a sofa it is much more comfortable to talk with family and friends, since due to the angle you can sit facing each other;
  • you can choose the right model for any room: bedroom, kitchen, living room, balcony, office, nursery.

Now let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of small corner sofas. The advantages include the following:

  • thanks to its compact dimensions it can fit even in a tiny room;
  • the price of such sofas is lower;
  • if you choose a product and plan to sleep on it, you can easily choose the appropriate transformation mechanism;
  • The standard length of a mini sofa is 1.9 m, but it is quite enough for even several people to sit comfortably.

Among the disadvantages, the following should be highlighted:

  • Only a small person or a child can sleep comfortably on it, since the sofa is still narrow;
  • impossibility of placing decorative elements in the seating area;
  • small corner sofas, unlike their standard “brothers”, as a rule, are not equipped with additional shelves, a minibar, a coffee table, or drawers;
  • Not too much variety of models.

Quality characteristics important to the consumer

Many people are interested in how to choose a quality sofa. In order not to make a mistake when searching, you need to carefully study the features of the models offered for sale. The following data is of greatest importance to the buyer:

  1. The material from which the frame is made. The rating of the best options is headed by natural wood, for example, mahogany, oak, beech. However, metal bases are also good, as they are characterized by increased reliability and a long service life.
  2. The material with which the furniture is filled. Most often, manufacturers use artificial types for this purpose, for example, foam rubber or foam. If you are planning to buy the best sofa for sleeping, go for a box spring model.
  3. Upholstery material. In this situation, much depends on the goals and operating conditions. For the office, as already mentioned, leather products are good, for the bedroom - fabrics, for example, chenille, jacquard or tapestry. Only you can choose which is better, because each option has its own characteristics and advantages.
  4. A mechanism used to unfold furniture. Here a lot depends on the conditions of use. If we need a sofa to sleep on every night, we choose products with a sliding mechanism. We pay attention to books and Eurobooks, as well as sofas with folding sides or a roll-out bed. The drawings will help you make the right choice. The listed options are great for equipping a small room. Speaking about their advantages, I would like to note the high reliability of the products. They can be laid out over and over again without fear of breakage.

Also, the quality of the product is determined by the country of origin. The best quality corner sofas are produced in Italy. They are distinguished by aesthetics and high strength.

How to choose a corner sofa? Look through the photos to choose the option that suits all the parameters. A high-quality photograph will help you make the right choice.

Tips for choosing a sofa for the living room

When choosing a practical and easy-to-use corner sofa for the living room, you need to pay attention to its frame and filling. A product with a wooden frame would be an excellent choice.

Before making furniture, the wood must be well dried and treated to remove knots and snags. Responsible manufacturers must also treat the wood with special anti-deterioration agents.

If you opt for a metal frame, then give preference to high-quality steel. Such a product will last for ten years and will not lose its technical characteristics throughout its entire service life.

As for the filler, it is responsible for the softness, shape of the product and comfort in using the sofa.

Most often in modern models the following fillers are used:

  • Sintepon. Its advantages include lightness, elasticity, high thermal insulation, and moisture resistance. This material does not cause allergic reactions in users and is not subject to infection by fungi;
  • Holofiber. This filler appeared on the market relatively recently. It has the following positive qualities: softness, lightness, elasticity, breathability, moisture resistance, antistatic, hypoallergenic;
  • Polyurethane foam. It is hypoallergenic and does not cause allergic irritations. Also, polyurethane foam does not accumulate dust, and is environmentally friendly and safe;
  • Spring blocks. By variety they are divided into: bonnel, snake, blocks with independent springs.

Important : spring blocks are considered the most durable filler.

The advantages of spring blocks include:

  • comfort in use;
  • durability;
  • orthopedic effect;
  • reliability;
  • the presence of a flat surface of the sofa.

Common upholstery fabrics

It is also worth paying attention to the upholstery of the product. Each buyer can choose upholstery material to suit their taste. It is better to give preference to natural materials. Although fabric with synthetic fibers has higher technical characteristics.

The main criteria for choosing upholstery material are:

  • design;
  • wear resistance;
  • durability;
  • comfort;
  • aesthetics.

Important : the upholstery material of the sofa should be pleasant to touch. This fabric should be soft, velvety and smooth.

The most popular upholstery materials:

  • flock This material is moisture-resistant, durable, easy to care for, and practical. Dust, dirt and wool do not stick to its surface. This is especially important to consider when choosing if there are pets and small children in the house;
  • velours. The positive qualities of this fabric include: breathability, beauty, softness, and resistance to stretching. Velor is very delicate and soft in texture. Therefore, the sofa is pleasant to touch;
  • Genuine Leather. This material is natural and safe. The leather is of high quality. It does not get wet, does not dry out, and is easy to care for;
  • chenille This fabric is durable and reliable. It is easily cleaned from any contaminants, pleases users with interesting color schemes and a pleasant structure;
  • jacquard. This fabric does not lose its relevance for many years. Manufacturers offer bright and interesting shades of the material. Jacquard is also resistant to negative factors, wear-resistant and practical.

Standards and variations in sizes of corner sofas of all popular shapes

The sofa is an essential attribute of any living room. This piece of furniture is multifunctional, comfortable and beautiful. It is worth selecting it according to the dimensions of the room, interior style and other criteria. The modern market offers various sizes of corner sofas, so each user has the opportunity to choose the best option that will fit perfectly into the room for any purpose. Such furniture can be used not only as a seat for guests, but also as a comfortable bed.

Sleeping area

The undeniable advantage of modern corner systems is that in terms of functionality they are a universal piece of furniture, and in terms of convenience they are comparable to beds. The most popular models are those in which the sofas are compact in size, but have a spacious sleeping area. This piece of furniture is suitable for sleeping at night and does not take up much space during the day.

Width is the main standard size, according to which corner systems are divided into several varieties. They are presented in the table.

VarietyLength, cmWidth, cm
Single model15070
Double sofa150150
Three seater sofa200250

When choosing, special attention should be paid to such characteristics as the comfort of the sleeping place, the overall dimensions of the corner sofas and their equipment.




Standard sizes

Any corner sofa consists of two parts: main and side. As a rule, the first is 50% longer than the second. The side module is one piece with the main one; extremely rarely it can be attached. There are standard sizes of sofas: from 230 to 280 cm in length - the main element, from 150 to 180 cm in width - the side part. However, on the modern market you can see furniture of other sizes. Compact models reach a length of 203 cm, large ones – 406 cm. It is also possible to create a custom-made product according to individual drawings.

The dimensions of the sofa also depend on the transformation mechanism. The most popular are:

  • "Eurobook";
  • "French folding bed";
  • “roll-out transformer”;
  • "dolphin";
  • "pantograph".

The dimensions of the corner sofa with the Eurobook transformation type are 180–220 cm for the main part and 115–140 cm for the side. The French folding bed is characterized by the following parameters: 130–186 cm – the main element and 50–80 cm – the side one. A roll-out transformer is considered one of the most convenient. The dimensions of this type of sofa are 160–220 cm for the main part and 80–120 cm for the side part. The dolphin, characterized by the longevity of the mechanism, has dimensions of the side part of 150–200 cm and 98–170 for the side element. Pantographs are corner sofas with parameters of 180–235 cm for the main part and 105–140 for the side.

The most convenient and reliable mechanism is considered to be the “dolphin”, the most short-lived is the “French” or “English clamshell”.

The height of the sofa also matters. Usually it is 50–150 cm. Products that are too tall can block part of the window, which should be taken into account when choosing. Another important parameter is the depth of the sofa, which directly affects the comfort of using the furniture. Its value is 50–90 cm.


This is a standard type of corner sofa, where the side part is 2 times shorter than the main one. Such furniture is often used to zone a room. It also allows you to harmoniously play out the corner space. This is a multi-purpose option that works well for a rectangular room. Most of the designs are supplemented with special niches for storing linen, which increases the comfort of use. Standard sizes of sofas of this type can range from 200 to 210 cm for the main part. If square meters are limited, it is possible to choose a more compact option. Then the dimensions of its base will be 170–180 cm. The width in both cases is 120 cm.


These are large-sized products that are rarely chosen for an apartment, since they require a large area. As a rule, they are larger in size than standard ones. The main part is 280–405 cm. In this case, the side elements can have the same or different dimensions. This parameter varies between 110–190 cm. Models resembling the letter P are ideal for large halls. They allow you to create the effect of an enclosed space and are also used for zoning a room.


Small corner sofas of different sizes go on sale. In most cases, consumers choose models with a width of up to 190 or 200 cm. This option is popular because it allows the product to be placed in almost any environment. The dimensions of small sofas largely depend on the mechanism they have:

  • “dolphin” - models of this type most often have a size of 2220x1580 mm, the size of the sleeping area here is 150, 155x200 cm;
  • “Eurobook” - the dimensions of this sofa can be modest - 1320x2100 mm, with a sleeping area of ​​130x190 cm;
  • “accordion” - the sleeping area in such models can be 1950x1200 or 1950x1400 mm.

Models with the following dimensional parameters are often found on sale:

  • 218x158 cm;
  • 210x132 cm;
  • 200x130 cm;
  • 232x155 cm.

In stores you can find small sofas for any size room. Upholstered furniture is not limited to the listed sizes - each manufacturer produces products with its own parameters.

Non-standard designs

Modern technologies used in furniture production allow consumers to choose products of non-standard sizes. The width of the corner sofa in this case will be from 70–90 cm. This is the necessary norm for comfortable use. As for the height, it is usually 2 times less than the width of the bed. Traditionally, the height of sofas from the floor is 75–100 cm. But the length and width in non-standard designs can be less or more than standard ones, as manufacturers try to best meet the needs of users. Such furniture can be divided into several main groups. Dimensions of folding sofas can be as follows:

What are the sizes of a corner sofa, transformation mechanisms

Creating a stylish and cozy design, experts are increasingly focusing on furniture. Corner sofas are especially often used in projects. Such furniture makes an impression, creates comfort, and makes you want to spend as much time as possible in the house. In this case, the dimensions of corner sofas play a primary role. They are suitable for both small rooms and huge studios. In any case, corner structures take up less space compared to classic sofas.

Sofa for a small room

For a small living room, the dimensions of the sofa can be critical. Before buying, it is advisable to weigh everything; you can prepare a plan of the room with new furniture to scale. A mistake can lead to the fact that the purchased sofa will overlap the cabinets, access to the balcony, and clutter up the room. In this case, corner sofas of small sizes can be placed more conveniently and, if necessary, rotated.

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