Sofa in the bedroom (150 photos) - the best design options


A number of positive factors that play an important role speak in favor of a folding sofa in the bedroom sofa:

  • space saving - if there is a catastrophic shortage of square meters, then a folded sofa takes up significantly less space than a double bed;
  • mobility - there is no difficulty in moving if you want to change the situation or do wet cleaning;
  • easy assembly - the sofa consists of large modular parts that you can assemble yourself;
  • the ability to choose the covering and configuration at your own discretion;
  • turning the sofa into a sleeping place is carried out in one movement;
  • accessibility - any large furniture store provides a wide range of models;
  • custom manufacturing according to any parameters from the existing catalog of sofas;
  • the presence of additional niches for storing linen;
  • Possibility of protection from wiping with protective covers.

Types of bedrooms where a sofa is appropriate

When discussing which is better, a full double bed or a sleeping sofa, many choose the “king of interiors.” Whether the design is classic or modern, it fits perfectly into the interior of a modern living space.

The most relevant are folding sofas with a flat surface for a good night's sleep in rooms with combined functionality:

  • living room with separated sleeping area;
  • personal space in the attic;
  • bedroom-office;
  • additional sleeping space in the children's room;
  • compact “smart housing”;
  • living room in a dormitory or “hotel”;
  • teenager's room;
  • a creative workshop with a sleeping sofa, where you have to spend the night without interrupting the creative process.
  • one-room apartment with a reception area.

A sofa, equipped with a convenient transformation mechanism, can easily be turned into a place for receiving guests with “one movement of the hand” by removing the bedding into a niche in 2-3 minutes.


Everything that has undeniable advantages also has a number of disadvantages. There are not many of them for sofas, but you also need to familiarize yourself with them before making a purchase:

  • the need for daily assembly and disassembly;
  • the layout mechanism may fail due to frequent use;
  • gaps may form between parts of the sofa that interfere with comfortable rest;
  • individual projects will cost a substantial amount;
  • If the interior is radically changed, the sofa in the bedroom will have to be replaced.

Required Properties

A good sofa must have certain qualities. The main ones:

  • durability - after all, it will be used daily;
  • stability - the structure must stand confidently on the floor;
  • convenience - the content and design features of the model should not interfere with relaxation;
  • well-functioning mechanism - layout should be carried out quickly, without unnecessary effort;
  • the quality of assembly and upholstery material will ensure long-term operation;
  • additional functions - additional boxes for things, hidden cabinets in the armrests, lighting, the possibility of transformation;
  • additional equipment - sofa cushions, poufs or a small table;
  • should fit organically into the overall design of the room.

Style of folding soft linen for the bedroom

Folding sofas for the bedroom should fit organically into the interior design. Even if the room after renovation does not have a clear stylistic reference, it is important to understand that a palace set will not fit into the urban design, and rustic simplicity in the spirit of a Russian hut cannot be spoiled by a “high-tech” sofa.

Designers have thought through many options for average and eclectic style solutions. There are original concepts in the spirit of futurism. However, it is important to adhere to certain standards for a bedroom with a recognizable style:

  1. Varieties of country style, including chalet, “ethnic” and “a la Provence”, are sofas of simple shape on a wooden frame with practical colored upholstery.
  2. Typical urbanism in all its variations (high-tech, loft, techno, avant-garde) are models on a metal frame; the original form is welcome.
  3. Classic leather upholstery is a typical imitation of English interiors in the Chesterfield style. These are comfortable sofas and carriage-style armchairs, which are most often purchased for an office with the function of a bedroom.
  4. Sofas in historical style mean graceful forms and expensive upholstery. Designers use such furniture for “boudoirs of socialites” in imitation of traditions in the spirit of the Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo. This is expensive furniture for palace and “visiting” interiors for presentations of famous personalities.
  5. Today, neoclassicism and minimalism in all its manifestations are in fashion. Japanese and Scandinavian styles are distinguished by the characteristic preferences of the peoples of these regions. Urban minimalism allows more liberties, but here, too, simple, laconic forms and small format sofas for the bedroom are valued.
  6. Art Nouveau and other modern stylistic concepts, including fusion and contemporary, suggest a new approach to furnishing residential premises. You can organically fit unusual models, all kinds of transformers and modules for different layouts into the interior.
  7. Retro style, shabby chic and vintage - an opportunity not to part with your favorite sofa, inherited from your grandmother. The inconvenience of a folding plane can be compensated for by a modern orthopedic mattress.

Helpful advice: Having an exclusive furniture set for the bedroom, it is better to change the style of the interior by changing curtains, accessories and the method of artificial lighting.

You shouldn’t give up your bed for a convenient folding option; these pieces of furniture are quite compatible. Examples are in the photo of sofas for the bedroom.

Transformation mechanism

The most popular and reliable sofas are arranged in the following types:

  1. The book is a classic version. The lower part rises and pulls towards itself, and the backrest lowers and turns into the second half of the bed.
  2. Eurobook - the seat slides out using wheels, and the backrest is lowered into the niche that appears.
  3. Dolphin - you need to pull the loop from below and from under the seat the module smoothly extends and rises for a full-fledged berth.
  4. Roll-out version - the second half is hidden under the seat and, when unfolded, turns into a full-fledged bed.
  5. Accordion - the mechanism is made like an accordion; if you pull the sofa towards you, it folds out into a wide bed automatically.

Functional upholstered furniture for the bedroom

The comfort of a modern person is unthinkable without soft seats and folding “transformer” mattresses. Today, professional designers are abandoning bulky classic designs. They and their clients are increasingly choosing compact small sofas with a sleeping area and other comfortable variations for dozing under a blanket at the computer.

Popular upholstered furniture for good rest:

  • folding chair beds;
  • soft semi-soft chairs “transformers” with a reclining back, complemented by a mattress;
  • frameless and inflatable sofas, which are used as guest options;
  • recliner chairs with massage functions and a “lying” option;
  • sofas of small shapes (couch, canapé, duchess);
  • “sleeping” models of sofas (ottoman, sofa);
  • soft “transformer” modules, from which a full-fledged sleeping place can be quickly assembled;
  • classic sofa bed "book".

Transformable modifications of sofa beds only complement the list of upholstered furniture on which it is comfortable to sleep. Other modifications for the bedroom are a full-fledged sofa with a folding bed and a 3-fold mattress.

Dimensions for sleeping

Optimal options for a comfortable body position:

  • width - from 0.9 when folded to 2.1 meters when unfolded;
  • length - 180-200 centimeters;
  • the depth of the seat - from 70 centimeters is sufficient for one adult, if you do not always plan to disassemble the sofa for sleeping;
  • the height of the sofa is at least 50 centimeters; sleeping on a very low or high sofa is not entirely comfortable, so you should choose a middle ground if there are no medical indications for it.

Corner models differ in length, and custom-made models can have individual sizes.

Bedroom with sofa without bed

The main advantage of this solution is saving space. Nowadays there is quite a huge selection of models that differ in color, functionality, and size. It is better to choose models that are quite compact when folded, but when disassembled there should be enough space for proper rest.

You can choose options from those decorated with additional shelves or drawers. It is worth considering that sofas cannot always be purchased as a set with an orthopedic mattress, which over time can worsen the condition of the back and spine.

Here it’s up to you to choose, if you’re ready to sacrifice space for the sake of a good night’s sleep, then the bed. If not, it is better to consider design options with a sofa. To get as close as possible to the design of your ideal bedroom, we advise you to listen to the following tips:

  • the location should not interfere with free movement;
  • it is better to place the headboard against the wall, so a feeling of security will help you better relax and recuperate;
  • the interior should be decorated with decorative elements that subconsciously induce sleep;
  • If possible, separate the recreation area from the guest area. It can be done by highlighting zones with flowers or decorative partitions.


There are only two options here: a spring block and padding materials.

The first one is elastic and holds its shape well, but with frequent use and under the weight of the body it breaks down: creaks, unevenness and sharp protrusions of the frames of the springs appear under the upholstery material. Independent springs with an orthopedic effect are more reliable in this regard, but the price becomes several times higher.

The second group consists of synthetic (silicone, padding polyester) and natural (coconut shavings, felt) fillers. They provide maximum comfort while relaxing, but they cannot be classified as durable. Over time, sagging and dented places appear, which cause discomfort and spoil the entire appearance.

Frame material

Particular attention should be paid to the strength of the materials from which the frame is made if a daily load of more than 120 kilograms is planned. It is worth giving preference to natural wood - oak, alder, birch.

Environmentally friendly and durable materials will not be cheap, but will also last a long time. Metal frames have recently gained popularity due to their strength and reliability.

The chipboard base is quite inexpensive, but is not suitable for everyday sleep due to its fragility.


It is necessary to approach the appearance of the sofa with all responsibility. The coverage should be:

  • tactilely pleasant;
  • not slippery;
  • easy to clean;
  • resistant to washing;
  • with high thread density.

You should not buy a sofa made of leather, much less its substitutes - this is an office option or high-status furniture for the living room, but sleeping on it is quite uncomfortable.

Bed or sofa: what to choose?

The choice of furniture is as important as the choice of wall color. It's easier to change the color of the walls. This matter must be approached carefully.

A dilemma arises: what is better to use for a small bedroom, a sofa or a bed? There are pros and cons to both options. Let's start with the bed. A bed is always comfortable to sleep in, you don’t need to spend extra time cleaning bed linen, you don’t need extra space for it.

This is confidence in sound, healthy sleep every day. The downside is obvious. Her size. The bed will take up most of your room, visually making it smaller.

By room size

The size of the bedroom plays an important role, whether it is located separately or the apartment is designed as a studio.

If you have a lot of free space, a corner sofa for the bedroom will be an excellent option; even when not unfolded, it is suitable for sleeping. In addition, it often consists of modular units that can be converted into free-standing chairs or a small sofa if desired.

If you don’t have enough free space, so as not to clutter up the space, you should look for a small sofa for the bedroom, without unnecessary details and bulky armrests. Particular attention should be paid to the transformation mechanism so that in conditions of limited space the layout takes place without problems.

By appearance

The modern furniture industry has turned sofas not only into a place to sleep, but also into an independent decorative element that can become a leading accent in the overall design of the bedroom.

The straight sofa is versatile and can fit into almost any bedroom and design.

A corner sofa in the bedroom may not always fit in size, but it will serve as a good help in organizing the space. With its help, you can easily zone a studio apartment and combine the function of a kitchen sofa with a bedroom.

A small sofa is usually used in children's rooms, but is suitable for small bedrooms, the main thing is that there is free space in front.

The semicircular sofa converts into a huge sleeping area with an original round shape. A bedroom with a niche or bay window will fit perfectly.

Color in the bedroom

Do not use dark, heavy shades. For this kind of room, light, pastel colors are more suitable. Neutral shades create a feeling of space and will make the room seem larger.

They also have a calming effect. This range of colors is used in almost all styles. Bright colors are no exception. Bright accents can highlight individual elements of the bedroom interior with a sofa. Coral, light green, and a combination of white and yellow will look especially bright and noticeable. For the effect of visual expansion of the area, you should choose wallpaper decorated with small patterns.

When choosing large patterns or wallpaper with stripes, it doesn’t matter vertical or horizontal, the opposite effect will occur. We advise you to place accents on any wall. The one that is located at the head of the bed or opposite. You can accentuate with color, it is better not to make a sharp contrast, or with all kinds of accessories.

Bedroom decoration

The design of a bedroom with a sofa opens up wide scope for original solutions and the use of different styles. The main thing is to ensure that the appearance of the sofa is compatible with the existing interior of the room. Basic Rules:

  1. Classics love classic shapes, warm colors and soft upholstery.
  2. High-tech tends to dark colors, with a metal sheen and various backlights.
  3. Minimalism is characterized by laconicism and rigor of forms, without unnecessary decorative elements.
  4. Provence and ethnic styles are combined with natural wood, various ornaments and floral motifs.
  5. Vintage personifies elaborate carved elements, muted tones, decor in the form of fringe, materials with a muted shine, and carved legs.

You can view various photos of sofas in ready-made room designs in free access on various Internet resources in order to have a complete picture of the final result.

Types of transformable sofas for the bedroom

Sofas with their modifications for the bedroom are often offered in catalogs and furniture showrooms. To choose the right ergonomic sleeping plane, it is important to understand the layout methods.

The simplest classification of models and methods of their transformation:

  • straight sofas with forward layout;
  • without a folding sleeping block with a mattress for one person to sleep;
  • “corners” with a roll-out transformation block (lay out until the rectangle shape is filled);
  • corner bench seats with a scissor-type rotating mechanism;
  • compact sofas with soft blocks and a complex transformation method.

All upholstered sleeping furniture can be transformed in three ways - forward, sideways or sideways. When purchasing, it is important to compare the free space in the bedroom and the format of the finished folding sofa. For example, if it rolls forward, the sleeping plane and folding rails should not rest against a closet or computer desk.

Helpful advice! When purchasing a functional sofa for the bedroom, it is worth checking the features of the model with a sales floor consultant. He should show how to do it, invite the buyer to repeat it himself, so that there is no disappointment later. If a sofa is needed in the room of a teenager, an elderly person or a woman with poor health, the convenience of the layout is more important than the appearance of the chosen model.

Color solutions

The palette of colors and colors of upholstery materials is huge and depends on each manufacturer. In a furniture store, you can ask for a catalog and select a suitable upholstery or even a combination of several for the selected sofa model.

Do not forget that a sofa is purchased for a bedroom instead of a bed, so it is not advisable to choose flashy colors so as not to burden the nervous system and eyesight. White color is also not the best choice, as it is susceptible to contamination and attracts household dust.

The most optimal color scheme includes:

  • blue-gray tones:
  • all shades of beige and brown;
  • green and terracotta;
  • lilac and marsala.

You should choose neutral patterns so that when you change curtains and wallpaper, you don’t have to change the sofa.

Experts strongly advise that if you decide to buy a sofa for your bedroom, you should choose well-known manufacturers with a proven reputation and good reviews over the years. Only in this case will the purchase be enjoyable for many years, without requiring constant repairs, replacement of parts and causing discomfort. The price will pay for itself in the coming years, and your body will thank you for a calm and comfortable sleep.

Photos of sofas in the bedroom

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