Accent wall in the bedroom: 12 design ideas you didn't even know about

We continue to study classic techniques and new trends in interior design. The use of accents is not just a fashion trend, but one of the most effective ways to emphasize the advantages of the situation and distract from the disadvantages (of course, forced and, of course, temporary).

However, as they say, before you use any weapon, you must first learn how to use it. So, in order not to turn the room into bad taste, you should know the main canons and be sure to observe moderation! So, first things first.

Bright patterns

If you want to highlight any surface in the room, you should know that this can be done using a texture or a 3D wall in the bedroom, which will definitely enliven the room.

It's hard not to notice how much this will change your personal feelings in the bedroom. If you are a supporter of elegance and classics, then it is best to stay with the brickwork that is already familiar to many.

Blooming canvas

Again we are talking about the wall behind the head of the sleeping bed, because this area forms a single whole with the bed, side tables or tables, lamps and the headboard itself. It makes perfect sense to make this particular wall an accent wall, and the easiest way is to use brightly patterned wallpaper. It will take a little time to paste one wall, but the positive effect will be obvious.

It is recommended to choose wallpaper with a natural background color and a colorful floral pattern (flowers can be graphic or consist of geometric shapes) - a universal option for a large number of interior styles.




Options for wall decoration in the bedroom

The decoration of the walls in the bedroom should first of all be made from environmentally friendly materials, this could be paint, wallpaper, fabric, laminate or plaster.


Despite the obvious simplicity of painting, this is not the cheapest option, as it requires a perfectly prepared surface. A huge palette of colors makes it possible to choose the one suitable for a specific bedroom interior; niches and arches can easily be finished with paint.

Painted walls look great with pictures and frames, and the color of the bedroom can be changed depending on the change in bedroom design. Acrylic, latex, silicone and silicate types of paints are suitable for wall decoration.


Wallpaper for the bedroom wall is most often used as the most affordable material, representing a large assortment. It can be plain wallpaper, with the texture of wood or wild stone, with a pattern, with different characteristics of density and water resistance.

  • Wallpaper made from paper is hygroscopic, harmless, and affordable. Suitable for a non-sunny bedroom, otherwise the color and pattern will fade under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
  • Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper are easy to hang, hide the defect of uneven walls, are stronger than paper and are suitable for a sunny bedroom.
  • Fiberglass wallpaper can be repainted several times; it is more resistant to mechanical damage.

The photo shows checkered paper wallpaper. A room between classic style and minimalism, an example of how shades of the same color complement each other. Dark gray curtains and plaid, a gray and white accent wall and white furniture create a laconic style.

Related article: How to make a box for a bed - design features

Photo wallpaper

In the bedroom, photo wallpaper on the wall looks more advantageous than in any other room. They will visually enlarge a small bedroom and decorate the head of the bed. They are applied as a whole canvas or in separate parts, depending on the size and material (fabric photo wallpapers are made whole, while non-woven and paper wallpapers are made as elements).

In the photo, the accent wall is covered with photo wallpaper; it is in harmony with the textile and decorative elements.


Laminate on the wall in the bedroom today is used more and more often; simple installation, durability and a large selection of wood textures make this type of finishing attractive.


Painting in the bedroom can decorate the interior of any style. This is a fresh option for decorating walls and emphasizing uniqueness. The design is applied with an airbrush and acrylic paint. It can be painting, graphics, pattern, graffiti, gradient effect, photo portrait.

Accents in the interior

For most designers, when working on the future design of a bedroom, this method of organizing an accent wall is a clear favorite.

After all, the bedroom is the place where almost all creative searches usually begin, as well as the opportunity to conduct various experiments.

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