Design of a room with two beds. Create a cozy bedroom with separate beds

If you have a small bedroom, you shouldn’t buy a huge bed for the whole room. It's better to take a closer look at the options that will save your space. We present to you 7 non-standard ideas on how to choose a bed for a small bedroom.

This single bed is easily hidden in a partition that divides the room into functional areas. During the day, the sleeping place is absolutely invisible, but at night it is quite comfortable for a healthy sleep.

Custom chair-bed

We'll talk about bedrooms with two separate beds. Usually they are arranged in a nursery for two children, or in a guest room, if there is one. Elderly spouses also often prefer to sleep separately. In our small apartments, due to the lack of free space, bedrooms with separate beds are rare, but in country houses they are a common occurrence. Let's see how you can design the interior of such a room so that two vacationers feel cozy and comfortable in it.

When planning a bedroom with two separate beds, special attention should be paid to the comfort of people relaxing in the room. It must be remembered that each of them should have a personal area where they can put things and a personal lamp, the light from which should not disturb the neighbor.

If two people share one bedroom, each of them should be able to move freely around the room and quietly enter and exit it. Possible trajectories of movement should be calculated before purchasing beds in order to determine their optimal dimensions.

Two beds in one bedroom are most often placed parallel, or at a head-to-head angle. This design is much cozier and is well suited for small narrow rooms, as it saves a lot of usable space, but it is worth remembering that it is mainly suitable for close relatives or children.

Placing two beds in one bedroom parallel to each other is a good option for guest rooms. They can accommodate same-sex guests, or a married couple who, if desired, can easily move the beds together.

In such bedrooms there is usually little space for additional furniture. Therefore, purchasing beds that have built-in drawers may be a good idea. Together with bedside tables, they will help accommodate guests with greater comfort. In addition, the housewife can store bedspreads, blankets, linen, and towels in them. In children's rooms, in addition to home textiles, toys are placed in under-bed drawers.

When choosing wallpaper for a bedroom with two beds, pay attention to vertical stripes or small patterns - they will visually make the ceiling higher, this will help avoid the feeling of congestion in the room. By playing with color you can achieve different visual effects: light shades will make the room more spacious and colder, while dark shades will be smaller and warmer, so the correct color scheme is created based on the dimensions of the room.

Textiles are very important in the interior of any bedroom. For a room with two beds, it is recommended to take identical bedspreads and sets of decorative pillows, so its design will look complete and harmonious. And yet, there are exceptions to every rule, and if you are not afraid to experiment with color, try it, the effect may exceed your expectations.

Decorate your bedroom to your liking to give it your own personality. Don't forget about color accents. Mirrors, paintings and other decorations on the walls, fresh and artificial flowers in pots and vases, and unusual lamps will help here.

Using examples of photographs, we were convinced that creating a cozy and comfortable interior design in a bedroom with two beds is not so difficult; the main thing is to remember that each person vacationing here needs a little more personal space than spouses usually require. I hope this material was interesting and useful for you!

Hello everybody! Choosing a place for a bed is not easy. Especially in small bedrooms. However, if you approach the matter wisely, then even in a modest area you can organize a wonderful sleeping place. This is what we will talk about today.

We will systematize the bed placement options and determine their advantages and disadvantages.

Small bedrooms. How much it? It has happened more than once when search engines for the request “small bedroom” returned examples of rooms, the size of which many would envy. In our secrets on how to visually make a small bedroom larger, we agreed to consider bedrooms with an area of ​​less than 12 square meters to be small.

So let's get started, make yourself comfortable.

No matter how small the room is, try to fit at least the smallest but full bed with a mattress, not a sofa. I am sure that if you want there will always be a place. I will give examples when the size of the bedroom is literally 2-4 square meters, but it is possible to fit a bed there. A healthy back comes first!

How to distribute space

First of all, you should properly delimit the space. After all, everyone in the room should not only have a place for personal belongings, but also a lamp, the light from which will not disturb the neighbor. In the case of small children, everything is quite simple. As a rule, their daily routine is quite similar and they go to bed at the same time, but how to decorate the space for those parents whose children are already teenagers and their age difference reaches 3-4 years? In this case, the ideal option would be a small partition that would clearly separate the room into two zones. In such a room, the sleeping area located further back should be given to the smaller child, and the older one should be placed closer to the exit.

Whatever one may say, the bed is the basis of any bedroom, and when planning the space, you should start from its size. Quite often, beds are placed parallel to each other, leaving a passage of at least 60 cm between them. It is also worth considering that there must be a distance of at least 70 cm between the bed and the wall, otherwise it will be impossible to turn around in such a room.

To save space, the beds can be placed close to opposite walls, and between them can be placed a chest of drawers, a closet or a shelf for personal belongings.

Another optimal option for arranging beds is head to head, and the beds are not placed one behind the other, but at an angle, leaving between them a small space for a table or cabinet with a top opening, in which children can hide their toys. This distribution of space is perfect for small narrow rooms, since this arrangement saves quite a large amount of space. However, it is worth considering that it is not at all acceptable in a guest room.

What else to pay attention to when zoning

To make being in the room as comfortable as possible, you need to think through a few points in advance.

Firstly, a lighting source must be provided for each resident. This could be a table lamp on the bedside table or a sconce on the wall above the head of the bed. This question becomes relevant when it is not possible to place two beds near the window.

Secondly, there should be a separate storage area for each user. Its role can be either a separate full-fledged closet or its own compartment in a common closet. Of course, the ideal option would be a dressing room divided into sections, but often in small rooms this is simply not possible.

Thirdly, the movement of each resident around the room should be as comfortable as possible so as not to interfere with each other. After all, everyone will get out of bed, make it, get dressed. To do this, the sleeping places are placed in such a way that there is a passage at least 60 cm wide next to each one.

How to place two separate beds in a children's room (+40 photo ideas)

When renovations in a children's room are made for two children, it is necessary to think about a sleeping place for each child. And the choice does not always fall on bunk beds. After all, in this case, one of the children will sleep downstairs, which creates a feeling of constriction and oppression.

Also, two separate beds in a room are relevant when it comes to teenagers - everyone needs their own personal space.

So, how to place two beds in a children's room?

Dreaming is not harmful

It’s good, of course, when the space in the apartment allows you to roam around and fit into the bedroom not only two beds, but also a work desk, a huge wardrobe and a couple of floor lamps and armchairs, in which it is so pleasant to spend time over a cup of tea in the company of your favorite characters from an interesting book.

However, often not only the owners of apartments, but also private houses cannot afford this. Therefore, there is no need to try to fit a huge amount of furniture into the room, because this will only spoil the room and make it heavy and cluttered.

Saving space as the main task in creating an interior

How to save space in a small room with two beds? This question is asked by a huge number of people who are faced with the need to arrange such a room in their apartment. Of course, not only the arrangement of furniture is important here, but also its design. And here beds with drawers or built-in cabinets will come in handy. This will allow you to avoid additional chests of drawers in the bedroom and at the same time not feel the lack of space for personal belongings and other accessories. In such a room, any niche should be used, and even a window sill, which, with the right equipment, will become a full-fledged workplace.

Important Tips

It is clear that the bedroom simply cannot be uncomfortable, otherwise you simply won’t want to be in it. To ensure that the design of the room meets your aesthetic and functional needs, listen to the following recommendations:

  • if there is only one window in the room, it is advisable to place the sleeping place next to it, but not too close to avoid drafts;
  • You should also take the textile design of the window opening seriously. So, if the view outside your window is not very pleasing to the eye, hang thick curtains, but if you have the opportunity to enjoy wonderful views, you can only hang tulle;
  • You shouldn’t clutter your bedroom too much with furniture, because it’s most comfortable to be in a room that has free space.

Room zoning

Zoning a bedroom into two halves is a complex and difficult process, especially when you don’t know all the nuances.

As a rule, in addition to sleeping places, the occupants of the room need a wardrobe, a bedside table and often a workplace. In order for everything to fit in one room, it is necessary to properly zone the space. If the size of the room allows, then the best separation option would be a stationary partition. This solution is especially relevant when two children of different sexes or different ages live in the room.

In this case, you can allocate a separate personal area for each person with their own wardrobe, sleeping place and bedside table.

If the first option is difficult to implement, then you can choose a mobile partition. Its role can be a rack, cabinet, curtain or screen, which can be removed if necessary.

If the size of the room is far from ideal, then some piece of furniture can be combined, for example, the things of both residents can be stored in one large closet, but in different compartments. Both a chest of drawers and an enlarged workplace can be common (for example, a long window sill may well act as a common tabletop for studying).

To properly zone a room, different finishing materials, different textures, colors and multi-level structures are used.

How to arrange two beds in a room can be roughly shown on the plan:

Although for many residents of our country this may be problematic due to small rooms, for example, in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings, if possible, it is also possible to allocate a play area and a relaxation area.

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