Rules for setting the dessert table, in what dishes and with what utensils to serve dishes

If you have to set the table at home, then we suggest you quickly and easily learn all the rules for decorating a festive and everyday feast. Learn how to properly arrange plates and cutlery, get acquainted with interesting table setting ideas and apply the acquired skills in practice. Even if now this task seems difficult and incomprehensible to you, you will soon see that everything is much easier and more enjoyable than it might seem.

What is table setting

Proper table setting is a rather difficult, but at the same time very important matter that should be approached with special care. This is especially true if we are talking about some kind of festive event with the presence of guests. If you follow a few simple table setting rules, you will certainly make an additional positive contribution to the celebration. Follow all generally accepted recommendations, and your table will become the subject of your pride and admiration of your guests.

In general, table setting involves the correct arrangement of cutlery, dishes, glasses, and wine glasses. This concept also includes decoration. The design will directly depend on the focus of the upcoming feast - a gala event, a regular breakfast, a children's party or something else. However, there are general rules in table setting that should be followed at any table event.

Before you start setting the table, of course, you should carefully inspect all the dishes and cutlery, paying attention to possible defects, quality of washing, and so on. All possible defects must be eliminated, and if this is not possible, then replace such devices. Proper table setting always creates a special atmosphere in the house, showing its artistic taste and attention to guests.

How to serve breakfast correctly

You need to start serving by choosing a tablecloth. If we talk about fabric, preference should be given to linen or cotton. You can choose tablecloths of any color, with or without patterns. For each person, 2-3 napkins (paper, fabric) are provided.

In the very center of the table is the largest plate, in which the main course is usually served. A plate with cold cuts, salad on one side, and a decanter filled with plain purified water, a salt shaker, and a sugar bowl are placed around it.

After this, you can begin arranging the plates and laying out the cutlery. The main plate is placed 2 centimeters from the edge of the table. A cloth napkin is placed on it, and a deep plate for porridge is placed. This is how the table setting continues: the knife and fork are placed on the right and left, respectively. You can place a teaspoon next to the knife.

We must not forget that knives are placed with their sharp side towards the plate, forks - with their teeth facing up.

A saucer with a cup is placed higher on the right side, and a glass for water on the left side. Above the fork is a bread basket.

If we talk about tablecloth fabric, preference should be given to linen or cotton.

If you plan to receive guests for breakfast, there are a few more points to consider:

  • The tablecloth should be white or a very light pastel shade;
  • Napkins are preferable in calm, light colors;
  • A bouquet of flowers is placed in the middle, real or artificial - it doesn’t matter;
  • All the plates with dishes intended for the morning meal are placed around the vase;

We must not forget about the need to have a carafe with filtered water. (All other devices are arranged as standard).

  • Each guest should place a cloth napkin on the main plate.

The tablecloth should be white or a very light pastel shade.

Types of table settings

Table setting can be festive

(classic banquet) or
. There are many elements to consider when setting a banquet table. You will need to put on the table: a napkin; a plate for bread and snacks; small appetizer fork, large dinner fork, dessert fork and fish fork; knives for meat and fish dishes; regular and stand-up plate; tablespoon and dessert spoon; several glasses and glasses.

In everyday table setting, everything is much simpler. Here you can limit yourself to a regular plate and a stand, a napkin, a knife, a fork, a spoon and a couple of glasses (for water and other drinks). Banquet canons are usually observed only on the most solemn occasions, but if you learn them once, you can create the right atmosphere for any occasion when setting the table at home - from a regular family dinner to Christmas celebrations.

Serving food

Let us note that behind the scenes, table setting refers not only to the arrangement of dishes and cutlery, but also to the very process of serving dishes to guests. The following methods of serving dishes are distinguished:

  • "Russian table setting." Dishes are divided into portions in the kitchen, and the eaters are served in portions on plates.
  • "French table setting." Guests are invited to choose their own dish from those placed in the center of the table.
  • "English table setting." It means that the waiter goes around the guests one by one, putting the dishes they like on the plates.

It is worth noting that the most widespread is the Russian serving, which allows food to remain hot immediately before serving.

There are also cases when table setting can differ significantly from the classical canons: we are talking about an informal meeting with friends and dishes that many people find convenient to eat with their hands, without using forks and knives, and, according to etiquette, this option is quite acceptable. Such food includes: unpeeled mussels and shrimp, pizza, sandwiches, tartlets, canapés.

How to use a napkin

Any table is always served with napkins. However, they come in two types:

  • fabric;
  • paper

Cloth napkins are placed on a plate. Most often they are folded in funny or unusual shapes. After sitting down at the table, such a napkin should be laid out on your lap in order to keep your clothes clean.

You should not tuck the napkin into your collar. Such behavior is considered bad manners and is not welcome in public catering establishments. By placing this napkin on your lap, you can put the dish on your plate.

You should wipe your fingertips on the same napkin, located on your knees, if for some reason they get dirty. Although it is not recommended to touch food with your hands, in some cases it may be necessary to remove a fish bone from your mouth, break off a piece of bread, and so on. After such manipulations, you should wipe your fingers on a napkin, but you should use only one of its edges. You should wipe your fingers discreetly, carefully, and exclusively under the table. You cannot wipe your mouth with such a napkin. Use disposable paper napkins for your mouth. They are usually placed in a napkin holder on the table. This napkin should only be used once.

You cannot blow your nose into napkins at the table. If such a need arises, you should apologize, get up from the table and go to the toilet. After this, it is recommended to wash your hands with soap.

If you need to take a break during lunch, fold a cloth napkin placed on your knees in half or three times and place it on the back of the chair. This napkin should not be placed back on the plate. Used paper napkins should be placed in a dirty plate.

How to properly set the table at home

Before you start setting the table, pay attention to a few important details.

Do I need a tablecloth?

The tablecloth is the background for serving. If you are planning a celebration, then before setting the table, lay out a plain tablecloth, ideally with decorative elements. If you are planning a tea party or home gatherings, then give preference to a multi-colored tablecloth.

Despite the fact that oilcloth is quite practical, it is better to abandon it. Moreover, there is no need to cover the tablecloth with it. Are you worried that guests will get it dirty? In this case, place a large cloth or plastic napkin under the plate. You can opt for bamboo or straw mats.

Note that the edges of the tablecloth should hang down by 20-50 cm, but no more and no less. In this case, the corners should cover the table legs. A border that is too long is likely to be uncomfortable for those sitting, while a border that is short will likely look sloppy.

Arranging the plates

In the middle of each seating place, you should first place a serving plate, which will correct the situation in the form of a dropped side dish or spilled soup. Next, it’s worth placing a regular plate directly. A little higher on the left is a pie plate. This position is due to the fact that more often we take bread with our left hand.

A serving (substitute) plate is usually placed under appetizers or deep plates. A pie plate, a tea pair or an egg bowl can also be placed in this place.

When setting a table at home, plates should be placed approximately 2 cm from the edge of the table, with the same distance between them. To prevent the snack plate from sliding on the stand, place a cloth or paper napkin between them.

Placement of cutlery

Usually, when setting a table, no more than three pairs of cutlery are placed on the sides of the plate. Please note that knives and spoons should be placed on the right, but forks should be placed on the left. Etiquette suggests that the knife should be placed with the blade facing the plate, and the tines of the fork with the tip up.

Important nuance:

the oyster fork can be placed on the right, in the following sequence, starting from the plate: appetizer knife, table knife, fish knife, teaspoon, tablespoon, oyster fork.

The cutlery to the right of the plate should be laid out in the following order: appetizer fork, dinner fork, fish fork.

The butter knife should be left directly on the pie plate. When setting the table, place a dessert fork and spoon on top of the plate.

We put glasses, wine glasses, glasses

When starting to set the table, it is worth considering the order in which glasses and glasses are arranged. Note that they are placed on the right. As a rule, they are ranked in descending order, starting with the largest capacity. Don’t forget about this rule: the stronger the drink, the smaller the glass (glass) it requires. It would be great if all the glasses and glasses would be in harmony with each other and belong to the same set.

Table decor

There are many options for decorating a table, and this depends primarily on the choice and taste of the hostess. You can decorate with napkins, candles, flowers, fir cones, and so on. In autumn it can be bouquets of autumn leaves, pumpkins; in winter - cones, New Year's candles; in spring and summer - bouquets of flowers. When setting a table at home or any other, it is desirable that the chosen decor is in harmony with the surroundings, tablecloth, and dishes.

If you decide that flowers will be the main decoration of the table, pay attention to exactly how they should be placed so that they are an excellent addition and not a hindrance. Initially, you should make sure that none of the guests are allergic to the types of flowers that you have chosen for table setting.

Do not place plants with a pronounced aroma, which can mix with the food and ultimately ruin someone’s appetite. The vase should be placed so that falling petals do not end up in the food.

For a feast, vases are appropriate that will not interfere with communication, blocking one guest from another. To avoid this, choose low containers for flowers or tall narrow ones.

Following the general rules of table setting, pay special attention to the choice of textiles. There are many table linens that can serve as wonderful decor. We are talking about buffet skirts, chair covers, table covers, and round tablecloths. When choosing textiles for table setting, you need to take into account what kind of event is expected and its format. It is also important that the textiles are harmoniously combined with the dishes.


An important detail when setting the table is linen napkins. They are laid out in different ways, and it depends on the nature of the meal. Please note that the guest should not have to worry about how to unfold the folded napkin, so simplicity is an important element in this matter.

If, when setting the table at home, you decide not to place a snack plate, then instead put a starched linen napkin folded in four. Please note that it must certainly be linen - not paper. For a regular or festive dinner, napkins are often folded in the shape of conical caps or tubes, tied with a ribbon or tied with a special ring. You can also fold it in the form of an envelope, fan, boat, and so on.

For special occasions, creatively fold the napkins onto a plate. For other cases, there are no strict rules for their placement. When setting the table at home, they can be placed in a water glass, slipped into rings, or, as mentioned, placed under a snack plate.

Stages of everyday serving

  1. So, the first thing you should do is cover the table with a tablecloth and place the plates on it at the same distance from each other. In the middle of the table you should put a bread box with bread and a bowl of seasonings - if you don’t need any of this for lunch, then exclude the product.
  2. Place a cloth napkin to the right of the plate, near the knife and fork. You can also tuck napkins into special rings.
  3. All utensils should be located at hand, and closer to the plate are those that will be needed later.
  4. The devices are placed at a distance of 1 centimeter from each other. The soup and dessert spoons located behind the plate usually lie with their handles to the right, parallel to the edge of the table.

How to arrange cutlery

Proper serving of cutlery will help you make a good impression and pay attention to your guests. Use 1 set to ensure the designs match. Consider the purpose of the items used, make a choice depending on the dishes offered. Consider which knife is not served when setting the table, do not use unnecessary cutlery.

During meals

Before starting a meal, you must place your fork on the left side of the plate, tines up. The larger one is placed closer to the dish.

The knife, teaspoon and soup spoon should be on the left. The blade is directed towards the dish. If more than 3 dishes are served, all cutlery should not be laid out at once. They will be removed as needed. The used ones will be taken away.

The dessert fork and spoon are placed opposite the eater. The distance between adjacent objects should be 1 cm. The gap between the cutlery and the plate is the same.

After meal

Separate rules on how to place a fork and knife exist to complete a meal. Using cutlery, you can leave a message for the waiter. If the items lie parallel to each other, the guests liked the service and food. In situations where the cutlery is placed crosswise, the visitor was dissatisfied. To show that the meal is not completed, there is no need to take away the leftover food; the spoon and knife are placed with the end on the edge of the plate and the base on the table.

Fresh ideas for serving

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Variations in different styles are possible in table setting, which will be appropriate for different occasions. Surely, in the listed options you will find the style that will best reflect your character and the atmosphere of the feast. So, the most popular are: Provence, Scandinavian, Art Deco, Eco-style, Rustic. Of course, you may well come up with your own style that is most close to you - in this case, simply base it on the general rules of table setting, supplementing them with your imagination.

For lunch or dinner

  • Eco-style
    is perfect for setting the table at home before lunch or dinner. It is closest to the theme of “nature”. When setting the table at home, in this case, they usually use natural colors that are close to natural colors: sand, khaki, gray, brown, cream. Preferred materials: ceramics, natural stone, bamboo, cane, pebbles or wood.
  • Rustic
    can be translated as “rustic” or “uncouth,” and from these words one can already get an approximate idea of ​​such table setting. Tablecloths and napkins are characterized by natural fabrics and pale colors. Wooden boards, pottery, and vintage cutlery are used to serve dishes when setting the table. The table is usually decorated with herbs or wildflowers.
  • Scandinavian style
    will be no less appropriate for home table setting . Perhaps his motto can be called “Less is more,” which means: “Less is more.” Despite the fact that this style is usually thought out to the smallest detail, it does not contain anything superfluous. This style is characterized by minimalism and simplicity: round, rectangular or oval dishes without pronounced decor. Materials are chosen from clay, stone or wood. With this table setting, dishes and tablecloths in beige, creamy gray or white colors are appropriate.

Festive table

Many people prefer to serve their holiday table in Art Deco

. So, it is known because it came from France in the 20s and is associated with chic and luxury. We are talking about a rather pretentious and lush style, which is perfect for gala evenings. When setting the table at home, use dishes with gold or mother-of-pearl. Art Deco is characterized by a range of different colors, clear lines, symmetry, clear lines. Choose tablecloths with stripes and patterns, and gilded cutlery.


no less appropriate and popular style. Since it is named after an Italian village, the dishes and decor should be appropriate. The colors must include lavender and other light colors. With this table setting you should use lavender, olives, old-fashioned items - they can be in the form of patterns or as decoration. A soft purple color should be predominant, reminiscent of lavender. In home table settings and others, Provence implies some details. These include worn wooden trays, candlesticks, and small teapots.

Sweet table setting

For this occasion, you can choose any of the table setting styles suggested above. However, we advise you to adhere to a few unspoken rules.

Cutlery should be laid out in accordance with normal etiquette. Place a dessert plate, as well as a dessert spoon and fork in front of the guest. By the way, when setting the table at home, you can easily place the fork and spoon directly on the plate without crossing them.

Tea can be served in a stylized samovar, or in special teapots. When preparing to set the table, do not forget about coffee pots and small cups in which you will serve black coffee. You'll also probably need a cappuccino or latte.

If, having started setting the table, you notice that all the drinks may not fit, then it is better to organize a separate table or some other place for sparkling water and juices. Leave a few bottles of plain water, with or without sparkling water, on the table.

When setting a table at home, you should place the main dessert (cake, your signature pastries, etc.) in the center, and place plates with other sweets nearby.

Serving according to the situation

When starting a discussion of the many rules by which you set a table with your own hands, it is necessary to note the basic rules that are observed in any situation:

  • Dishes for serving food must be perfectly clean and dry.
  • The tablecloth deserves attention - it should be colorful and perfectly ironed.
  • The set of dishes should be absolutely the same for each guest.


Very often, serving at home is carried out according to the same principle. A minor change occurs if the occasion is festive. The rules for setting the table differ in each specific situation. Let's give some nuances.

For breakfast

A great idea to pamper your loved ones with a beautifully served breakfast on a day off. But you need to be prepared for the fact that this is not an easy event. Initially, we stock up on the following elements:

  • The table should be covered with a tablecloth that matches the style of the room. Recently, runners, which are a fabric strip of fabric, have come into fashion. They do not cover the entire table, but occupy approximately a third of it.

  • The central position is occupied by a flat plate on which scrambled eggs are beautifully laid out. If you have porridge for breakfast, place a deep bowl on the plate. Bright patterns on dishes can lift your spirits.

  • Next is the line for cutlery. On the right is a knife, the blade of which always faces the plate. A tablespoon is placed next to it, followed by a teaspoon. Place a fork on the left side with the teeth facing up, followed by a napkin. On the right diagonally there is a coffee cup with saucer and spoon.

Next is the line for food, it is placed on the table in the following way: croutons, buns or sandwiches on a small saucer to the left diagonally slightly higher above the main plate, sugar in a beautiful sugar bowl, jam in a rosette (in both cases a spoon is provided). To raise a good mood, place flowers in a small vase.

For dinner

An indispensable attribute for setting the table for dinner at home is an elegant tablecloth. You will definitely need a couple of plates from the dishes, since several dishes are served for lunch. The set of plates consists of shallow and deep. The soup plate is placed on top of a flat one. A tureen is used to serve soup. She takes a place on the table not far from the hostess. In this case, it will be more convenient for her to pour food onto plates.

The cutlery is laid out according to the following principle: a knife and a soup spoon follow each other to the right of the plates, and a fork to the left.

If snacks are served on the table in dishes from which you are not supposed to eat, then you need to prepare special snack plates. The oil is served in a butter dish or in a small saucer. It definitely comes with a small knife, but with a wide blade.

A glass of wine is allowed during lunch. In this case, the bottle of drink is opened in advance and placed on the table.

For dinner

In this case, we will give an example of table setting for dinner for every day, which consists of an appetizer and one main course. You will need two plates, which are placed one on top of the other on the table. It is necessary to provide two forks on the left, and two knives on the right.

Related article: How to set the table for tea: proper setting and festive decoration |+64 photos

According to all the rules of etiquette, you need to start using those utensils that are located further from the plates.

Next we deal with the glasses. They are placed diagonally on the right in this order:

  • for wine;
  • for champagne;
  • for water or juice.


The festive table setting in terms of the arrangement of dishes is completely consistent with those described above, but has features in terms of decor. For example, for New Year’s it is necessary to prepare elements that are appropriate in this case. Festive table decorations are approached with imagination and creativity.

Let's imagine several ways to set the table for any holiday:

  • Napkins of the corresponding theme. With their help, the table decoration is given piquancy and an additional festive atmosphere. If you work on the napkins and fold them in a certain way, the effect will be completely different. You can add eye-catching napkin holders and rings to them. If there are none in the house, then you can put them in crystal glasses.

  • Holiday candles. With their help, romanticism and solemnity are ensured. Don't be afraid, candles look gorgeous on a holiday table for any occasion. Here you need to pay attention to the color of the candles. The selection should be such that they are in harmony with the tablecloth and dishes. The placement of candles on the table depends on the flight of fancy of the hostess.

  • Decorative figures. With the help of such elements you can enhance the festive look of the table. The figures are selected directly to the theme of the holiday.

On video: decoration and setting of the festive table.

Serving for two

Having a romantic dinner for two - what could be more pleasant? Even if we are talking about a married couple, a candlelight dinner will remind you of the most pleasant moments in family life.

The arrangement of the cutlery must be observed, but there must be elements on the table that fully emphasize the purpose of the dinner. When serving for two, the cutlery is arranged in such a way that the participants of the event are located opposite each other.

Serving for 4 persons

When setting up a table for 4 people, you should follow all the general rules. But, you should pay attention to how to seat guests at the table. Participants in the meal should be seated either in pairs on opposite sides of the table, or one on each side.

New Year's table setting (photo)

Click on photo to enlarge

New Year's table decoration

New Year's table ideas

New Year's table at home












How to present dishes beautifully

When you start setting the table, pay attention to what utensils should be used for which food and how to arrange them beautifully.

How to arrange dishes

Of course, when setting the table at home, you should pay close attention not only to how to place the dishes and cutlery, but also to how the food dishes are arranged. So, how to do this conveniently and beautifully?

  • When setting the table, place the largest appetizer dishes in the center. Please note that usually fish appetizers are offered to guests in large or small oval plates, and meat appetizers in round ones.
  • If you plan to invite many guests, then take this nuance into account when setting the table and place several salt and pepper shakers on it. It is recommended to place bread bins at the edges of the table.
  • When the time comes for the hot dish, the tureen is the first to be sent to the table, which should be to the right of the hostess, and subsequently it will be she who will pour the soup into deep plates, passing it on to the eaters.
  • The center of the table is usually under a large dish with the main hot dish.

Please note that if we are talking about a dessert table, then in its center it is worth placing milk jugs, sugar bowls, vases of fruit, large dishes for pastries, cookies and pies.

All these recommendations for setting the table at home are quite simple, and can only confuse you if you have practically not followed their points before. A couple of times of practice and you will skillfully handle any table setting.

Serving hot dishes

  • Various utensils are used to serve fish dishes, although oval plates are often preferred. Fried fish is laid out on plates, baked fish is often placed in frying pans, and boiled fish is often placed in oval dishes with a lid. The sauce is served in a separate gravy boat. If you are dividing fish into portions in front of guests, then try to ensure that each of them gets the same portions. Typically, fish dishes require special forks and knives, or one table fork is placed to the right of the plate.
  • When setting the table, meat dishes are usually served on small plates. For example, breaded chops, schnitzels, and steak are usually placed in plates of different sizes. Stews and roast beef are usually served in individual pots with a lid.
  • Game and poultry are served in pots or on dishes. When laying out chopped turkey or chicken, each guest should be given two pieces - from the leg and from the breast (light and dark).
  • Hot vegetable dishes should be offered in frying pans or small plates. Sauces for vegetable dishes should be in separate gravy boats. Often, when setting the table, baked vegetables are served in the pans in which they were cooked.

Festive table setting

Although the dessert table is associated with a festive table, they are still different from each other.

A napkin is placed on the plate, on which the hot plate is placed. The bread plate is located at the snack bar level on the left side. When dishes are replaced by one another, all plates can be moved with the exception of the diner, its position remains unchanged.

To the right of the diner there is a soup spoon, two knives (snack and table), and forks, as always, are placed on the left.

The arrangement of cutlery follows the principle that the cutlery furthest from the plate corresponds to the dish that is served first.

General rules for table setting

Many people believe that the rules for table setting are limited to the correct arrangement of dishes and cutlery. However, in reality it also implies general recommendations related to the order in which dishes are served and the appearance of the table.

  1. So, before moving on to setting the table, start by arranging the chairs for your guests. The distance between these pieces of furniture should be approximately 60-80 centimeters, each guest should have the same space at the table.
  2. Make sure that the table does not look overloaded. Place on it only those plates, cutlery and glasses that are really needed and correspond to the specific serving of dishes.
  3. Table setting is determined based on the dishes planned to be served, the number of guests, the reason for the feast and even the time of day. Of course, a wedding feast will differ significantly from an ordinary dinner in a country house with friends.
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