Kitchen table height standards and their application in practice

When choosing a kitchen table, pay attention to the design, material and color; an important point is the height of the kitchen table.

A person spends part of his life at the kitchen table, preparing dishes, having breakfast, lunch or dinner, so it is important to choose a size that makes cooking and eating comfortable. For example, if the level is not high enough, the person will have to lean towards the plate.

In order not to experience discomfort or inconvenience when sitting at the table, you should carefully select the height of this piece of furniture.

What norms and standards exist

The standard height of a kitchen table is regulated by GOST 13025.3-85 “Household furniture. Functional dimensions of tables." According to this document, the distance from the floor to the lid of dining furniture should be 710-780 mm, and to the bottom edge of the tabletop at least 610 mm. This is necessary for comfortable sitting: so that your knees do not rest on the lower surface of the table. The average height is considered to be 750 mm.

The standard distance from the surface of the chair to the countertop in the kitchen is 300-340 mm.

The recommended height of the table surface for comfortable work in the kitchen is 860-910 mm from the floor level. This figure is taken based on the location of the arm bent at the elbow, so as not to cause fatigue when cooking while standing, since most of the time the arms are in this position.

Optimal height of work tables

It is important to know and take into account the optimal height of desks where the housewife spends quite a lot of time. Ideally, compliance should be observed, with the standard kitchen in each functional area having a specific purpose focused on the standard height range (m):

  • washing dishes – 0.85 ÷ 0.95;
  • cutting of raw products – 0.82 ÷ 0.85;
  • cooking – 0.8 ÷ 0.85;
  • kneading, rolling out dough – 0.7 ÷ 0.82;
  • workspace for installing kitchen appliances, pots with prepared food and other needs – 0.85 ÷ 0.87.

If we take as an example the cutting surface, which, with average height (1.65 m), should rise above the floor by a maximum of 0.82 m, then for a taller person it is advisable to increase this figure. You can make a rough list of the optimal desktop height.

  • A height of 1.7 m will require a cutting plane height of 0.85 m.
  • At 1.75 m, a worktop level with a mark of 0.87 m is appropriate.
  • If your height reaches 1.8 m, then it is more convenient to work on a surface located at a height of 0.9 m from the floor level.

Knowledge of these patterns is of significant help if you plan to make kitchen furniture yourself.

In furniture collections, the standard height of kitchen tables is usually 0.85 m. This does not always suit women, and especially men, who are quite impressive in height. Manufacturers have taken into account the relevance of this problem and now you can purchase a kitchen table model that allows you to adjust the vertical level of its installation.

The relationship between human height and tabletop height

The taller the person, the higher the surface of the working or dining area should be. This rule also applies in the opposite direction: for short people or children, a level of dining and work areas lower than specified in the standard is convenient. A person’s parameters determine the sizes and dimensions of the furniture that he will have to use.

The height of the table in the kitchen is calculated based on the average height of adult family members. The relationship between a person’s height and the height of furniture in the kitchen is due to ergonomic considerations: if the size is too large, then using cutlery will be inconvenient, and insufficient height will make you hunch over.

How to correctly calculate the height of a dining table

The height of a dining table is always measured from the floor level to the top of the tabletop and in most cases ranges from 720 to 785 mm. A stool suitable for such a table should have a height of 390 to 460 mm, and ideally 430 mm.

To accurately calculate the height required for the table, you can use the following formula:

The height of the table is equal to human height (in centimeters) multiplied by 74 cm and divided by 170 cm, where:

  • 74 cm – standard height;
  • 170 cm is the average height of an adult.

In order to determine the required height of the chair, it is necessary to subtract the number obtained when calculating using the formula:

  • 35 centimeters - when performing calculations for short people;
  • 41-44 centimeters - when calculating for people of average height;
  • 50 centimeters - when calculating for tall people.

At first glance, this calculation system is extremely simple, but in fact it has certain nuances. Without preliminary manipulations with numbers, using these formulas, you can calculate the height for one specific person, but, as a rule, the whole family gathers at the table in the kitchen, and all its members have their own individual height. Imagine that a tall father and an average-sized mother and a couple of their small children sit at the table at the same time. What to do then? In this situation, the height of the table should be determined taking into account the height of all people in the kitchen.

Let's take an example of a family consisting of two people. Let the height of one of them be 165 centimeters, and the second – 190 centimeters. First, let’s calculate their average height for two – 177.5 centimeters. Now, taking into account the obtained value, we will calculate the height of the dining table, which should be placed in their kitchen: 177.5 * 74/170 = 77.26 centimeters.

If there are four members in the family, then the average height will need to be calculated for four, and then the table height suitable for them will need to be calculated using the above formula.

Finding the right chair height is much easier, since most modern models have adjustable support. You can also always choose an orthopedic pillow for the chair.

Dependence on the functionality of countertops

Purposes and functions of using kitchen countertops:

  • dining rooms intended for serving and eating food;
  • workers who prepare food;
  • countertops with a sink for washing dishes;
  • for the location of kitchen equipment or light and small household appliances;
  • for room decoration, designer, decorative tabletops.

The height of the dining rooms depends on the sitting position of family members, as well as their ease of using what is located on the table in a sitting position.

The location of the desktop surface should be calculated taking into account the height of the housewives. For comfortable work in the kitchen, the cutting surface should be located 10-20 cm below the elbow.

The height of the tabletop for arranging equipment does not play a big role; it should be selected to match the level with the working one.

Decorative countertops add beauty and originality to the room; their height should not deviate from the style of the kitchen and kitchen set.

How to decide on sizes

You can decide on the right size in a store: sit down at a table and try to place your bent arm at the elbow on it and lean on it. Imagine that you will sit in this position for a long time. Evaluate how convenient it is. The elbows should not hang, and the angle at the elbow joint should be 90° or slightly more.

You can select the required size of the kitchen table using calculations. Calculation of the optimal height of the dining table is carried out using the formula:

H = R x hav / Rav,

where H is the desired value, indicating how high the kitchen table should be;

R is the height of the person for whom the calculation is being made (you can take the average of all adult family members);

hср – average standard height, usually considered equal to 75 cm;

Ravg is the average human height according to world standards, assumed to be 165 cm.

Why is the correct kitchen table height important?

If you choose the wrong height for your desk, you will feel chronic fatigue, constant tension and discomfort. Cooking uses more than 45 muscles in the human body.

If the location of the worktop is higher than the recommended norm, the effect on the muscular system of the body increases by 60%. If the kitchen table is lower than necessary, then a person will have to use more muscles to work, which increases their fatigue.

It is also important to pay attention to the choice of tabletop size, as this helps to avoid back problems and spinal diseases in the future. To determine the appropriate height and size of the working surface, you need to take into account your height and know a special calculation formula.

In order to avoid discomfort while sitting at dinner, it is important to pay special attention when choosing the correct height of the kitchen table.

This parameter is influenced by the height of a particular person, so it must be selected individually. To calculate the total height for the whole family, you need to consider the following indicators:

  • You need to focus on the height of the tallest family member. If smaller people around you find it uncomfortable to dine at such a table, you can offer an additional cushion on the seat or increase the length of the chair legs.
  • The average height of a person is 160-180 cm. Most models are made to these parameters, their height is 87-90 cm. This level is convenient for both women and men, you will be comfortable sitting at dinner.
  • If all family members are no more than 160 cm tall, the tabletop legs are installed lower, the total height will be about 82 cm.
  • There are cases when a person’s height is even smaller, 150 cm or less. The height of the product under such conditions should not exceed 76 cm. If these parameters are observed, you will not feel any discomfort while sitting at the table. You won't need to reach for objects that are in the center.
  • If your height is more than 180 cm, you need to purchase pieces of furniture for the kitchen of increased height. Its size should be 1 m from the surface of the product to the floor. At such a table you will not need to hunch your back, and your feet will not have to rest on the lid.

Calculation of parameters

Let's calculate the ideal table height for a man 178 cm tall. Substituting the values ​​into the calculation formula, we get: H = 178 x 75 / 165 ≈ 81 cm.

To find out what height of the kitchen work area will be optimal, you need to divide the height in half.

Height-adjustable tables

In addition to the classic options for arranging tables, there are mechanical modules, or transformers, that allow you to adjust the height of the product. They often have X-shaped legs (supports) that allow this parameter to be adjusted, or they can be equipped with a retractable or electronic mechanism.

A similar product can be a small desk or coffee table, which, when transformed, turns into a full-fledged dining table.

The advantages of such furniture include:

  • comfort for the whole family - the ability to adapt to both adults and children;
  • compactness and space saving due to multifunctionality;
  • practicality and possibility of use in different areas

The disadvantage of height-adjustable kitchen tables is their high cost and the low maximum load they can withstand: from 30 to 45 kg, depending on the type of product.

Standard parameters depending on the type of product

Since there are no universal designs suitable for use in all conditions, you need to know how to choose the right table height. First of all, the main criteria are taken into account:

  • appointment;
  • age group of users;
  • operating features.

There is a concept - standard table height. It applies only to products of one group, for example, dining furniture in the kitchen or student desk. For each variety, a certain set of characteristics is calculated, determined by sanitary requirements and GOST. For this reason, the standard height of a dining table, for example, will always differ from the dimensions of a work, magazine or computer sample. This takes into account ergonomic requirements, specifics of work and duration of continuous use.

Table parameters are selected depending on the height of people; the average value for an adult is 165 cm. At the same time, furniture for common use (kitchen, dining) should be of a size that is convenient for all family members. Since everyone's height is different, it is necessary to decide which table height will be most suitable in each case separately.

Today, transforming tables are widely used. They are convenient and save space. In the deployed (working) position, the parameters of such furniture fully comply with the current standards and requirements of GOST. Only the design changes, but not the dimensions or dimensions. At the same time, there are samples that allow you to completely change the characteristics - not only increase or decrease the area of ​​​​the tabletop, but also raise or lower it as necessary. As a rule, such designs turn a coffee table into a dining or work table.

For children, the dimensions of the furniture are selected according to height and age, the correct height of the table and chair is calculated using a special formula.


Age group of users

Features of operation


The standard height of kitchen tables according to GOST is in the range from 72 to 78 cm (GOST 13025.3-85). At the same time, there are standards for the maximum parameter (from the floor together with the tabletop), and the minimum (from the floor to the bottom crossbar of the legs). The second size is 61 cm. It is necessary to take it into account, since the kitchen table is used together with chairs, and the drawers should not interfere with people sitting. Thus, two parameters are taken into account - the height in the kitchen from the floor to the level of the drawer belt and to the upper plane of the countertop.

A separate parameter regulated by GOST is the distance between the table legs. On the frontal plane it is equal to 91 cm, on the side - at least 45 cm. The size of the furniture is determined by the need to comfortably accommodate at least 2 people.

An equally important parameter is the depth of the tabletop. A person needs at least 40 cm, plus another 20 cm for tureens, salad bowls or other utensils placed in front of him. If the table is placed against the wall, a width of 60 cm is sufficient; when placing furniture on an island, the depth of the table top should be at least 100 cm. Depending on the number of people, the dimensions change as follows:

  • for 6 persons - 110 x 90 cm;
  • for 8 - 200 x 110 cm;
  • for 10 - 260 x 110 cm;
  • for 12 - 320 x 110 cm.

The width of the table remains almost unchanged, as this is required by etiquette, according to which two people should not be placed at the head of the table.

If the tabletop is round, its parameters are also determined by the number of people:

  • 4 persons – diameter 110 cm;
  • 6 - 130 cm;
  • 8 - 150 cm;
  • 10 - 170 cm.

Sometimes the height of a kitchen table is determined based on working conditions or the parameters of other pieces of furniture. This happens, for example, when the apartment has a separate dining room. Typically, such a product is part of a kitchen unit, the standard dimensions of which are determined differently. People work behind such furniture while standing, so its height should be in the range of 80-85 cm. In this case, certain adjustments were made for height, since, as a rule, women cook at the table in the kitchen.

Many kitchen tables have the ability to change the distance from the floor to the countertop, which allows you to customize the working plane to your individual parameters. The optimal height in such cases is selected depending on the height of the people who most often cook in the house.

Standard table sizes

Dimensions depending on the number of people


The height of a desk is determined by a person’s physique. According to GOST, the dimensions must ensure normal performance for a long time. Existing standards take into account the constitution of an adult sitting on a chair. The correct height of the table should be such that the working surface is at the level of the person’s diaphragm. At the same time, he should sit straight, legs bent at 90 degrees, arms freely lowered on the tabletop and elbows bent at 90 degrees. The forearms are in a horizontal position. Through calculations and measurements, the optimal height range was found - within 70-80 cm. When determining the parameters of desks, the width and total area of ​​the tabletop are taken into account.

Currently, the desk has been noticeably replaced by other modifications:

  • Desktop;
  • office option;
  • computer table.

These varieties have their own specific uses. The desktop should be spacious, allowing you to arrange a large number of objects or tools. Office models are a somewhat simplified version of writing. The standard sample is manufactured according to the same standards and requirements, the only difference is in the external design elements.

A separate group is formed by computer tables, the dimensions of which are calculated taking into account the use of a monitor. For a person to function normally, his gaze should be directed several degrees below the horizontal. The height of the tabletop must be appropriate. The standard sizes of computer tables for gamers produced by the industry are designed for users with a height of 170-175 cm. The tabletop is 75 cm from the floor. This is an average figure that is suitable for most users. However, the standard height of computer desks does not suit many people, especially considering how much time is spent in front of a monitor screen. Each user should have an accurate idea of ​​what size workspace is best for them.

Optimal dimensions of a desk

Correct position when working at the computer


Coffee tables are produced in a wide range and have a variety of parameters. The functions they perform do not require a strict connection to the height or other parameters of users. Most often they are used as part of soft corners, so their dimensions correspond to the parameters of armchairs or sofas. There are many shapes, sizes and designs of coffee tables. Their height starts from 40 cm, but there are no restrictions or standards in this regard.

The minimum height of a tea table is 10 cm, a coffee table - 30 cm, a card table - 60 cm. The depth of the tabletop may vary depending on the design of the furniture.

The specificity of use favors the decorative rather than practical properties of these pieces of furniture. The main focus is on the material, design, shape and construction of the table. They are often able to transform into other types of furniture, which significantly expands their operational capabilities. Such designs are convenient for use in small rooms where there is not enough space to accommodate a large number of items.

The dimensions of the coffee table correspond to the parameters of armchairs or sofas


The dining table is almost a complete analogue of the kitchen table, intended for eating. Its parameters are clearly defined according to GOST, although such accuracy in this case is not so important. They rarely spend a long time on it, so there is no danger of excessive fatigue or changes in people’s posture in this case. The dining table should have a height in the range from 72 to 78 cm, which allows you to select the most suitable option within certain limits. The main thing is that the choice is provided by an assortment of furniture departments.

For people whose height does not allow the use of standard pieces of furniture, custom-made tables can be used. In addition, a convenient size is obtained using height-adjustable legs. We must not forget about chairs, which can also change the position of the body and adjust the parameters of the furniture in the desired direction.

The height of conference tables is in the same range, however, it is worth considering that for each conference participant an area of ​​at least 70 cm in width is recommended, while the depth of the tabletop should be at least 65-70 cm.


Dressing tables provide convenience when caring for facial skin, applying makeup and other procedures that are important for every woman. The main element is the mirror, so the height of the tabletop varies widely. The functional responsibilities of a dressing table are limited to providing a surface convenient for placing perfumes, care items and cosmetics. Some sources claim that the height of the tabletop should strictly be 75 cm, which is very controversial, since all women have their own aesthetic preferences, have different heights and body features. In addition, the furniture itself can have a different design - from large sets with massive cabinets on the sides to a miniature hanging console. For this reason, only the woman herself can answer the question of what height of tables for toiletries will be best.

You should choose a dressing table based on your own preferences.

Children's and school

The child’s body is actively developing. At this stage, it is important to provide appropriate conditions for him, otherwise poor posture, curvature of the spine, vision problems and other undesirable consequences are possible. The children's table must exactly correspond to the height and other physiological characteristics of the child. There are several varieties of such models:

  • desk;
  • table for creativity;
  • easel (for drawing).

The difference between these items is the position of the tabletop, which can be inclined, horizontal or vertical.


Table for creativity


Unlike other types, a table for creativity must be made in accordance with certain requirements. The size of the working surface is needed to ensure the ability to fold all the necessary accessories. At the same time, there should be sufficient area for the child’s activities. The minimum size of the working area in this case is from 40 to 60 cm, depending on age, and the total depth of the tabletop (including space for pencils, paints, plasticine and other accessories) is from 60 to 80 cm.

When choosing a table for a child, you must be guided by the following principles:

  1. The distance from the eyes to the table surface should be equal to the distance from the child’s fingertips to the child’s elbow.
  2. The height of the tabletop above the knees should be 10-15 cm.
  3. The knees should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees, the same applies to the arms, bent at the elbows and freely lowered onto the table surface.

It is also necessary to remember that the child grows quickly, so small adjustments should be made when determining the size of the furniture.

Correct position of the child at the table

Optimal dimensions of a children's table

What are the dangers of making the wrong choice?

A kitchen table model that is incorrectly selected in height will create a feeling of tension, discomfort, and fatigue.

About 40 muscles are involved when cutting food. If the work surface in the kitchen is located above the required level from the floor, then the load on these muscles increases by 50%. If the height of the kitchen work area is lower than necessary, then the number of muscles involved increases, which leads to rapid fatigue.

Choosing the right height for working and dining areas will help you avoid back problems and related ailments. Taking into account your height and knowing the formula for calculation, you can choose the optimal model of a kitchen work table.

Correlation with the height of the chairs

The proportions for different age groups differ from each other. So, the height of the table and chair for adults should be correlated as 5 and 3. This recommendation is prescribed in GOST. For example, if the height of the work surface above the floor is 75 cm, then the chair should be (75: 5) × 3 = 45 cm. This formula is correct in the vast majority of cases, but for people who are too tall, it may not be useful. They should order furniture of the optimal size for themselves from a specialized organization. Product parameters vary depending on the age and height of the children.

Child's height and age Tabletop height from floor Seat height
Up to 84 cm, from 1 year 0.34 m 0.18 m
0.85-1 m, from 3 to 4 years 0.4 m0.22 m
1-1.15 m, 5-6 years 0.46 m 0.26 m
1.15-1.3 m, 7-9 years 0.52 m 0.3 m
1.3-1.45 m, 10-12 years0.58 m 0.34 m
1.45-1.53 ​​m, 13-14 years0.64 m 0.38 m
1.54-1.61 m, 15-16 years 0.67 m 0.45 m
1.62-1.70 m, 17-18 years 0.71 m 0.47 m

When choosing the most successful option, you should first of all take into account the child’s height; age in this case is not so important.

Table and chair parameters depending on height

It must be taken into account that all ratios are correct only for people of average height and standard body sizes. Moreover, each person has individual characteristics for which the usual approach is not suitable. In addition, mathematical calculation is not always appropriate; it is easier to check the degree of convenience on the spot. The most correct ratios:

  • for a person sitting on a chair, his feet placed on the floor form an angle of 90 degrees;
  • the back is straight, the arms are freely lowered onto the table top, forming a 90-degree angle at the elbows.

This is the best option for a kitchen desktop. When choosing a written one, they usually start from the level of the edge of the working surface - it should rest against the diaphragm. Retail chains offer standard furniture samples, among which it is extremely difficult to find specific models. Sometimes the problem is solved with the help of custom-made furniture, as well as by purchasing pieces with adjustable parameters. Some adjustments can be made by changing the height of the chairs, for which tall or screw structures can be used. It must be taken into account that manufacturers proceed not so much from the requirements of GOST, but from the dimensions of the material. If it is not profitable to produce tables required for medical reasons, they change the parameters to optimize the consumption of raw materials.

Correct position at the kitchen table

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