Empire style in the interior: description, decoration with photo examples

A little history

The first decades of the 19th century were the beginning of the march of this style throughout the historical scales. It is not for nothing that the pompous interior design is associated with the period of Napoleon’s reign. This is precisely the time when the Empire style flourished with the decor of the winners in the form of military heraldry, military laurel wreaths and everything associated with success, prosperity, and luxury.

From France, the design direction penetrated into Russia, this was due to the fact that French influence in the early 19th century spread in all areas of life. Russian rich people used the services of the French: tutors, architects, painters.

Clothing, speech, manners, room decoration - in everything, noble nobles were guided by France. Many palace complexes built at that time in Russia bear the imprint of the French Empire style.

Wealthy nobility not only in the capitals and large cities were “fascinated” by the Empire style; the provincial “nouveau riche” also ordered interior items in this style, but they were not as monumental and luxurious as in the capitals. Therefore, there is a conditional division of the Russian Empire style into metropolitan and provincial.

The epithets that can be used to describe the Empire style are luxurious, pathetic, demonstrating grandeur, and monumental.

Varieties of Empire style in the world

Moving in his conquests across the continent, Napoleon imposed his invented style everywhere. Of course, it did not fit in well, because it had no cultural justification other than the greatness of the emperor. But, interestingly, the Empire style took root and even became popular in Russia: here - in a country that was also spreading its wings as a powerful state - the glorification of imperial power also became relevant, only, of course, it was not Bonaparte who was exalted to the top, although some During this time, the empires coexisted peacefully, and the French monarch even sent Alexander I an image of the “new buildings” of Paris. This style also became fashionable in the highest circles of Russian aristocratic society. As a result, the directions split.

The “Russian Empire” proved to be a little softer than the French one. It was more classical than it owed to the famous architect C. Rossi. In addition, the Russian interpretation of the imperial style was divided into metropolitan and provincial directions, which was not the case anywhere else, even in France itself. However, the provincial design direction was still more reminiscent of classicism because of its restraint and plasticity.

Characteristic features of the style

Such features are present in Empire style rooms:

  • the presence of colonnades, sculptures in the style of antiquity, luxurious stucco elements;
  • on the walls there are many paintings and mirrors in expensive frames (mirrors reflect luxury and splendor, emphasizing and multiplying the richness of the decor);
  • the ceilings are decorated in the spirit of works of art - using carvings, gilding, stucco;
  • the presence of massive crystal chandeliers with a large number of hanging elements;
  • solid furniture (most often made of expensive wood, marble, porphyry) with decorations and decorative elements (lion figurines, Roman columns, sphinxes, etc.);
  • the interior decor contains many elements with military and coat of arms symbols;
  • the entire design is focused on the center of the room, which is emphasized by a crystal ceiling chandelier and a beautiful pattern on the floor;
  • the surfaces of objects are made using mirror and bronze materials.

This design is associated with ostentation, pomp and incredible chic.

Interior decoration

The decor can safely be called the most important detail in the composition in the Empire style. It is he who is intended to express all the greatness that is invested in such a design. Despite the pompous design, the decoration of the premises should be thought through carefully. The compositional possibilities for using ornament described above can be combined, but it is important to place them so that there is no feeling of an intrusive planting of patterns and details. Grandeur and real rich luxury cannot be tasteless. Of course, in an Empire style interior, aristocracy manifests itself in the demonstration of wealth, but you still need to always remember about a sense of proportion.

Among the decorative details are not only stucco moldings and bas-reliefs, but also:

  • marble vases;
  • boxes inlaid with precious metals;
  • mirrors in formal and openwork frames;
  • china;
  • massive watches - both made of expensive wood, bronze and stone;
  • paintings depicting battles and historical events;
  • antique statues;
  • pompous lamps - made of crystal, bronze, and other metals.

Heavy curtains are also a decorative element. As a rule, they are combined with forged cornices and light curtains, varying the decor and mood. Curtains are decorated with draperies, fringes, lambrequins, and gold embroidery.

What rooms is it suitable for?

The Empire style cannot fit into small areas, because it requires a lot of space. This design is suitable for imperial palaces and residences of wealthy nobles. The presence of low ceilings and large window openings is an indispensable condition for the implementation of such a design.

It is clear that the Empire style was chosen by people endowed with power and wealth, who could afford such design both financially and in the sense of having large areas.

In modern times, this design is also in demand. He has not lost his position among wealthy people. By using Empire style design, you can show your high material and representative status. In the setting of this style, the rationalism inherent in the owner of such dwellings reigns.

Officials, military personnel, and civil servants can afford such luxury.

This style can be used to decorate not only residential premises, but also interiors for business meetings, presentations, art galleries, and administration. Large companies, banks, luxury hotels and reputable firms can conduct business negotiations and receive high-ranking officials in such a luxurious environment to support their high status.

Large halls, spacious living rooms, large kitchens, rather large bathrooms are objects where designers can turn around and introduce elements of the Empire style.

The role of color in creating an interior

For interior design in the Empire style, the main color is gold. It is he who is intended to emphasize the power and status of the palace environment.

The shine of gold is perfectly emphasized by:

1. White color, creating the impression of sophistication and elegance. This combination is typical for decorating ceilings and walls.

2. Red, wine red, emphasizing strength and eminence. It is most often used for textile decoration (red carpets, upholstery of sofas and chairs, curtains).

3. Noble blue, emitting cold energy, was used to decorate living rooms or boudoirs. In the Empire style it is less significant in status than the color red. Accordingly, it was used for decorating less important rooms.

It's all about the color

Empire style is, first of all, luxury. Therefore, colors in this style need rich, bright, but at the same time calm and proud. Classic of the genre - gold. This is a symbol of power and wealth, so you can feel free to use gold trim as decoration.

As base colors in the Empire style, it is best to choose noble, rich colors: blood red, deep blue, sky blue or white.

However, you should use color combinations carefully. To avoid getting avant-garde instead of the Empire style, you need to keep the premises in a certain color scheme, avoiding tricolors. The walls, floor and ceiling should be in harmony with each other.

History of origin

The translation of the name from French sounds like “empire”. Napoleon dreamed of uniting many nationalities under his leadership and connecting them with common cultural traditions, but classicism, widespread at that time in Europe, would hardly have been suitable for this purpose.

Therefore, at the beginning of the 19th century, a fundamentally new style began to take shape in all spheres of life, from architecture to painting. A great contribution to its development was made by the artist Jacques Louis David, who specialized in depicting the emperor and his family.

He made exquisite lacquered furniture, decorated with mosaics and valuable ornaments, and presented it to Napoleon's lover, Josephine. The authorities fully appreciated his efforts, and David soon gained fame and many orders from the nobility.

Features of the Empire style in the interior

In the Empire style, walls play an important role. They occupy the lion's share of the room's space and attract attention even at the entrance. Therefore, silk or brocade fabrics are most often used as wall decoration.


Considering the progress achieved in modern interiors, expensive fabrics can be replaced with textured coatings that imitate woven materials. Wallpaper decorated with African motifs or military-themed symbols will look best.

If you need to create a more formal atmosphere, you can use textured wall coverings with a simple, monosyllabic pattern.

Also, the walls, when decorating rooms in the Empire style, are usually decorated with blind arcades, Roman columns, medallions, frescoes and bas-reliefs. Artistic decorative elements decorating the walls must certainly intersect with military themes. Large mirrors are a must.


The ceiling is no less important. To design it, you also need to use only natural and expensive elements. A large crystal chandelier should be placed strictly in the center. Around the main part, the ceiling is decorated with gilded stucco.

The color is most often white, but you can take liberties and use milky or light beige materials for painting.


If we are talking about the Empire style, then the choice of floor coverings is not very large. You can use either mahogany parquet or marble mosaics, with motifs from Greek or Roman artwork.


Windows, depending on the purpose of the room, can be decorated with silk curtains or multi-layered heavy fabrics with fringes. The color palette of the curtains should be in the style of imperial palaces - purple, red base with gold embossing and edging.


Empire style furniture is heavy objects made of mahogany, decorated with carvings and gilding. The surface of furniture in an Empire style interior is always smoothly polished, the legs are most often made like lion paws, Egyptian sphinxes or Roman columns.

When choosing furniture for a modern living room, it is best to give preference to antique samples.

Rooms decorated in an imperial style will be perfectly complemented by antique chests of drawers, sideboards, round tables, and elegant couches with soft shapes. By the way, the Empire style acquired smooth features after adaptation to the Russian public. The French, called upon by the nobility, decorated the estates of the nobles, softening the military-triumphal forms of the French style.

Russian Empire style

For a long time it was prohibited to import furniture purchased in France into Russia. But “catalogs” with sketches by French architects still make it into the country, which makes it possible to produce headsets in accordance with new fashion trends.

Furniture for Russian rooms is made not only from mahogany, but also from rosewood or Karelian birch wood.

In the provinces, the use of ash, walnut or linden was allowed. Its forms become softer, and the effect of “monumentality” disappears. At the same time, the furniture of the capital's salons most closely matches French Empire standards, but as you move away from the center, the shapes of the sets become homely soft and cozy, losing formality and pomp - a mandatory attribute of the Empire style.

The furniture was decorated with gilded overlays, mosaics, and upholstered in silk and velvet. Provincial sets made do with carvings and chintz upholstery.

Living room a la Versailles

Most often, design solutions in a “royal” style are used when decorating living rooms. Depending on the size of the room, you can use a full set of decorative products or use basic decorative elements.

In houses with a spacious living room, you can divide the room into zones using Roman columns. But it is better not to load apartments that do not have large areas with decorative means, so as not to cause a feeling of clutter.

Furniture in an Empire style living room should be voluminous, heavy and comfortable. Cheap sets and fabrics should be avoided. The imperial style requires maintaining status and nobility in everything, including materials. However, today it is possible to use analogues that imitate expensive types of wood and fabrics, but they must be chosen with great care, because such products can quickly lose their representative appearance.

You can complement the living room interior with ottomans. The upholstery color should be rich: red, emerald, chocolate. In some cases, black may be used.

A wooden bookcase or an elegant round coffee table would not be out of place. Decorative elements on furniture must correspond to the overall style.

Embossed gilded overlays are welcome. Empire style, with all its pomp, will fit perfectly into a large country house, but will look no less impressive in an ordinary apartment. At the same time, a correctly planned arrangement of individual elements will make the space of the rooms lighter and airier.


The choice of lighting fixtures is very important for creating interiors in the spirit of French imperial luxury. In each room, the central decorative element is a ceiling chandelier - luxurious, multi-tiered, with dozens of lamps. The shape of each lamp resembles a torch or candle - with a teardrop-shaped glass shade, a high base and a bowl.

All this is richly decorated with glass or crystal pendants; modern designers most often suggest using chandeliers with adjustable lift heights - they are easy to care for.

The second tier of lighting is represented by spot lighting along the perimeter of the ceiling. It is necessary if the room has a large area and a complex layout. If ceiling lighting is not used, the room can be decorated with wall-mounted torch lights. They are placed in the upper third of the entire volume of the room.

The lower tier of lighting is formed by table and floor lamps. They have lush trapezoidal lampshades, upholstered in satin or decorated with gilding.

Imperial decor: richness and sophistication

No less important element than furniture and decoration is decor. It is this that gives the interior a finished and holistic look. Decorative elements should also correspond to the imperial style and be luxurious and splendid.

It can be:

  • marble, silver or gilded boxes and candlesticks;
  • mirrors in massive bronze or gilded frames;
  • fine porcelain tableware;
  • watches made of wood or bronze;
  • paintings in gilded frames;
  • vases made of expensive materials;
  • antique figurines.

The paintings may depict battle scenes or important historical events. Massive crystal chandeliers and sconces with bronze candelabra and imitation candles are ideal lamps for Empire style interiors.

The windows in such rooms are decorated with forged cornices, curtains made of light fabrics and multi-layered heavy curtains with draperies, wide folds, lambrequins, tassels and fringe. The current color is purple curtains with gold trim, which matches the imperial shades.

The solemnity and pomp of the Empire style make it appropriate in interiors that should look respectable: residences of politicians, offices of bank management and reputable companies, luxury hotels.

Exquisite decoration elements

The decor is the final stage of the Empire style interior, but at the same time creates a unique atmosphere of the spirit of celebration, royal sophistication, and luxury. Among the main striking elements of the decoration are the following:

  • Epochal paintings on the walls with expensive framing;
  • Fine china in cabinets behind glass doors;
  • Massive mirrors in gilded or bronze frames;
  • Bronze or wooden watches with gilded inserts;
  • Antique bronze candlesticks, gilded boxes, chests with jewelry;
  • Items of military paraphernalia - swords, swords, shields, armor and ancient weapons.

All together, the decorative elements should convey the spirit of the historical events that took place during the reign of Napoleon.

Nowadays, the interior of the Empire style has been significantly supplemented and also modified, becoming more modern and sophisticated. Of course, time does not stand still, new materials, a variety of decorations and finishing materials appear. Modern designers add their own flavor when developing projects.

Today, in the interior of royal pomp, you can even see the skins of killed animals instead of carpets.

However, the essence of this direction remained the same - the use of natural, expensive materials to create imperial sophistication and strict military triumph. The color scheme, volume of ornaments on the floor and ceiling, military elements, large mirrors are also an integral part of the Napoleonic style. For those who want to create such an interior at home, it is worth thinking through everything to the smallest detail.

It’s better to consult with good designers who can recreate the era of ceremonial triumph in your home, combining it with royal sophistication.

Empire style living room

The main characteristics of a living room decorated in the Empire style are formality and grace. Select colors, pieces of furniture, decor and additional accessories. In this case, you need high-quality materials that will give the living room luxury and chic.

Parquet or parquet boards are suitable for the floor, and mosaics, fabric-based wallpaper and decorative plaster are suitable for finishing.

It will look luxurious if a decorative arch and bas-reliefs are installed in the living room. If the living room is large, then columns and some other decorative details will divide it into zones. But, do not clutter the living room with unnecessary furniture. Whatever the style, the living room should have space.

The furniture in the living room should be made of expensive wood. The upholstery of a sofa, armchairs, banquettes and chairs can be made of high-quality leather or expensive materials. Among the pieces of furniture: a massive sideboard with good dishes (porcelain, crystal), a chest of drawers decorated with high-quality fittings, a table and chairs made of expensive wood (the table can be round, and the chairs with carved backs and bent legs).

The best color is burgundy, brown, green with golden decoration. If the color of the furniture is dark, then choose the upholstery a little lighter.

In the Empire style, ceilings are better white or glossy stretched, decorated with stucco. Main chandelier made of high quality metal. More crystal and sparkle. Hang pictures on the walls, but they should be in elegant, massive frames. Spotlights (sconces, floor lamps) should have elegant lampshades. Don't forget about expensive vases and flowerpots, figurines and, of course, a fireplace lined with mosaics. Hang curtains and elegant light tulle on the windows.

Everything should be organically combined with either the upholstery or the color of the furniture. Pay attention to the curtains. Chairs with backs carved in the shape of a lyre will look original.

Empire style today

The essence of the Empire style is the glorification of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, so it can be described as ceremonial and majestic. The roots of the style go back to the times of Ancient Rome, drawing from there grandeur and strict symmetry.

In the Empire style there are columns, stucco molding, bas-reliefs, sculptures, and expensive materials are used for decoration - natural wood, bronze, mirror surfaces. The furniture has an impressive and solid appearance, reminiscent of military campaigns in Egypt.

Lion heads and paws, and antique columns remind us of Roman traditions. The French Empire style is primarily suitable for reception halls and official events. Its purpose is to delight and conquer from the first second. If we talk about residential premises, then in 2016-2017 the style is usually used in living rooms or offices; in other rooms much less often.

Empire style kitchen

Let's move on to the kitchen, decorated in the Empire style. She should look luxurious. The walls should be tiled with ceramic tiles or multi-colored mosaics; the floor should have tiles or marble. If you want to make a suspended ceiling in the kitchen, then choose something original. And, of course, decorative beams.

It is better to have a kitchen set made from a good type of wood. And hide all household appliances in niches or inside. Everything should be luxurious. The dining area in the kitchen is a table (round or square) with bent legs. Don't make the kitchen too dark. Against the background of warm light colors, let there be some dark details.

The main chandelier should be elegant. But, do not forget that the work area in the kitchen must also be illuminated with spotlights.

Living room

First, you should think about zoning the living room in the Empire style, which can be effectively done with the help of columns or plaster pedestals. It is not only beautiful, but also functional. Next, arrange antique furniture, for example, a comfortable soft sofa with legs imitating antique pylons, armchairs, sideboards and trellises.

You should not skimp on furniture materials - the furnishings will only benefit from the use of natural wood, Venetian plaster, alabaster or plaster. The main thing is that the furniture combines massiveness and grace, and is arranged strictly symmetrically.

Hang a thin veil or tulle on the windows, complement it with heavy curtains in the color of the furniture upholstery. To cover the floor in the living room, grainy marble or granite chips are suitable, or a more comfortable option is wood. Open shelves or wardrobes built into the walls will add functionality to the room.

Empire style bedroom

The bedroom is a place where we relax, unwind and indulge in dreams and pleasures. Therefore, vinyl or silk wallpapers that will imitate expensive fabrics are suitable for bedroom walls. Walls covered with wallpaper in light colors, but with an unusual stripe or ornament, will look excellent. Don't forget about cornices and stucco molding.

Lay parquet or linoleum that imitates wood on the floor. Lay a carpet with long or medium pile (to suit your taste).

The bed in the bedroom is the center of the universe. It should be large, with a high carved or low but figured back. Some hang various cupids, images of gods, and so on above the bed. The bedroom should have an elegant screen, and place a canopy above the bed.

But, don't clutter your bedroom. There should be a lot of air in it. Wardrobe, full-length mirror and bedside table (can be a chest of drawers). But everything should be in moderation.


When decorating a bedroom in the Empire style, it is important to stick to natural, calm and eye-pleasing shades, but not to forget about accents. Color ideas for the base of the interior: snow-white, beige, brown, black, olive or burgundy. You can add imitation of precious metals to the design - for example, gilding will fit perfectly.

The floor is finished with either elegant ceramic tiles or artificially aged wood panels. In the bedroom, it is acceptable to cover the walls with expensive fabric or wallpaper that accurately imitates brocade. If possible, do not forget to add columns or stucco molding - what would an Empire style be without these elements?

As for the bed, it should be massive, perhaps with a carved headboard and lion paws instead of legs, as well as a canopy. You can place an ottoman or a Roman bed near the bed. Wardrobes, even if they are new items in the form of sliding wardrobes, etc., must be appropriately stylized so as not to stand out from the general style. An elegant wooden dressing table with a mirror completes the look.

Empire style bathroom

In a bathroom decorated in Empire style, everything should be chic but spacious. The walls are lined with ceramic tiles; marble and granite can be used in the design. Nothing too bright. Let everything be in light pastel colors. Plumbing should look luxurious. All fittings and finishes are bronze or gold plated.

There are no sharp corners in the bathroom. Choose a bathtub and washbasin of an original shape. Place the bathtub on beautiful, durable legs. Decorate the dressing table and shelves with a carved facade. Mirrors are in a beautiful frame. If the bathroom is spacious enough, add an original chair.

Style Features

To create furniture in the Empire style, some of the most valuable solids are used, such as mahogany, walnut and others. Such furniture, as a rule, has impressive dimensions and rectilinear shapes, so the rooms are selected accordingly; for example, a dining table could occupy almost the entire dining room.

There are many important elements for creating an interior to suit the style, for example, it is accepted that an empire sofa should have pillows, a lot of mirrors should be used and they can be placed in the most unusual places: above the bed, between windows, above tables. By the way, mirrors above dressing tables appeared thanks to this style.

Despite the craving for luxury, the Empire style can also be quite cozy. Soft, stylish furniture creates a warm, relaxing atmosphere in the room.

The Empire style living room is furnished with appropriate furniture. Correctly selected decorative elements make the overall picture complete and whole.

Cabinet furniture is usually decorated with decorative columns and pilasters. Expensive, natural fabrics such as silk and linen are used for windows and walls.

Elegant stucco is used on the ceilings or they are left in ordinary, classic white; in the simplest version, parquet is laid on the floor, but it is customary to “dress” the floor in marble or other natural stone. Carpets are matched to the color of the furniture. An indispensable detail in the Empire style are sculptural high reliefs depicting a lion, sphinx, swan, and griffin. There should be lamps in every room.

The Empire style dining room set is made of natural wood. The upholstery on the chairs is made of checkered fabric and harmonizes with the overall color scheme of the interior.

The elegant bedroom is decorated in Empire style. A bed with a high headboard upholstered in natural silk stands in the center of the design composition.

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