What does "pots" mean? Who is a “pots” among Jews?

History of the word. Mystical option

Before we begin to understand what the meaning of the word “pots” is among Jews, I would like to cite statistical data. According to analysts and historians, “pots” is the third most popular word frequently used by Jews. The first are mother and grandmother, but in third place are the residents.

Let's start, perhaps, from the very beginning, with the history of the appearance of the word. Here it is, as they say, shrouded in darkness and mystery. There are several versions of the appearance of this word. One of the most popular is as follows.

From an early age, Jewish children, already knowing exactly what “pots” means, are afraid to pronounce this word loudly. They only whisper, so that their parents won’t hear, saying: “This is the man who deflowers virgins.” According to some fictitious linguistic data, Jews in ancient times never buried women if they were virgins. They certainly had to go to the next world as full-fledged women. Before the funeral, they were required to be deprived of this “title.” It was for this kind of work that the worker was involved. As a rule, these were mentally ill, underdeveloped people, fools, as they were often called.

In fact

The older the child became, the more clearly he understood that this mystical story had such a name for a reason. For an adult, “pots” in Hebrew is a kind of abusive word, quite often used. It can have two meanings. The first is negative, derogatory, and the second is more humorous, positive and has the task of teasing and bullying rather than insulting.

Many adults will say that “pots” in Hebrew is the male genital organ. There are a large number of analogues to it in the Russian language. But in fact, historical references indicate that it is more likely a canine genital organ than a human one. Often, when scolding someone, a Jew will say: “Oh, you dirty ass!” And all the same, this will be said not with anger, not with a desire to offend or humiliate, but with laughter, with a joke or mockery.

Why did the slang word become popular in Russia?

In Russian, the closest analogue of the word chill is to chill .

But the borrowed version of the word is much more popular among young people, since in the eyes of their peers its use allows you to look more modern and cool.

The word chill has taken root in the Russian language also because it is very difficult to study, work and strain in any way. A much more enjoyable activity is getting together with friends or relaxing at home with pizza and video games.

After a hard and stressful day, anyone definitely needs rest. From time to time, everyone can relax, that is, chill , it’s just that the older generation called this type of pastime differently.

Variants of word meanings

There are several other options for what “pots” means. If we draw an analogy with the Russian language, then from the Jewish priest came such curses as fool, goat, idiot. Often this meaning is implied in conversation. For example, a Russian classic would say: “Prince Myshkin is a fool.” And the Odessa resident will say: “You’re a shot, prince.”

Odessa residents consider this word not offensive at all. For example, they can easily ask: “Pots, is your mother at home?” And this will simply mean ridicule and an open hint that your pants are unbuttoned in the fly area.

The boy is not a ps

Many scientists and representatives of the Russian intelligentsia of the twentieth century sincerely believed that “pots” came from the word “potsan”. And it was from him that the more modern “boy” came. Dmitry Ushakov, when compiling his explanatory dictionary, did not even want to include the word “boy” in his list, since he sincerely believed that it came from the name of the male genital organ. In fact, one word has nothing to do with another.

Only a good two decades later, changes were made to the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. And then angry letters and messages immediately came from the people: “What have you done! How could they include a swear word in the Russian vocabulary?! Ozhegov would never approve of this!”

A lot of Jewish words and expressions went to the people - to Russian concentration camps, and then into Soviet prisoner jargon. And this is where the noticeable difference between “boy” and “boy” is visible. A person who says “na fen” will not overuse a controversial word borrowed from Yiddish. In terms of tone of speech, it is, of course, much softer than the Russian “idiot.” Anyone who knows what “pots” means will always think before using it.

And, if we go deeper, these two words are written completely differently. “Pots” is written with the letter “o”, but the correctly written word “patsan” will have a completely different letter.

The meaning of the word brand. What is a brand?

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  5. The meaning of the word "brand"

Dictionary of business terms

Brand - A. English. brand - a sign, symbol, name, design or a combination thereof that identifies a product in relation to the seller or manufacturer and differentiates it from the product... more

Dictionary of jargons

Stamp - city handkerchief woman letter on the back of a postage stamp

Legal dictionary

Mark - (German Mark) - 1) a neighboring community in the Middle Ages in Western Europe; 2) in the Carolingian Empire and in the “Holy Roman Empire” a large border administrative… read more

Dictionary of units of measurements

Mark - A unit of weight in Scandinavia equal to 218 g.

Dictionary of numismatists

Mark - Silver coin, as well as its multiples and parts, has been minted since the 16th century. all in. Germany and others. Gold coin, introduced in 1871 throughout Germany. The monetary unit of Estonia, introduced in 1918. The monetary unit of a number of European countries.

TSB Dictionary

The mark is a monetary unit and coin of Germany, equal to 100 pfennigs. Introduced in 1871 as the single currency of Germany. The Rentenmark was introduced in 1923, replaced in 1924 by the Reichsmark,... more details

Marka is a city and port in Somalia, on the Indian Ocean coast. OK. 100 thousand residents (1987). Cotton gin plant.

A stamp is a postal or stamp sign of varying value indicating that a government fee has been paid. See also Postage stamp.

Mark - (German Mark - lit. - border), in the Middle Ages in the West. In Europe, a rural community in which arable land was individual property (while retaining some community rights),… read more

Mark - in the Frankish state of the 8th-9th centuries. and medieval Germany, a border fortified administrative district headed by a margrave.

Dahl's Dictionary

Brand - f. French sign or note, badge, tag, label; knuckle, instead of money, for counting; | a label for getting the item back from paint or repair; | coin or cash… read more

Ozhegov's Dictionary

Stamp - A small, usually rectangular paper sign for payment of postage and certain other fees, with a design and price indication.

Brand - Variety, quality

Mark - Monetary unit in Germany, Finland

Brand - Trademark, mark on a product, product

Stamp - An icon, a token by which subsequent payment for something is made

Dictionary of Cities

Brand is a city located in Ancash, Peru. The nearest major cities are located nearby: Huaraz, Huacho, Huanuco, Cerro de Pasco, Huaral, Chimbote, Lurigancho-Chosica, Trujillo,… read more

see also morphological analysis of the word “brand”.

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Have you ever noticed the fact that in Israel you will never see a stop sign? In this country, a prohibitory road sign simply looks like a red stopping hand in the middle of a white square. Why? The answer is very simple.

Every local resident understands who the Jews are. And after reading this word, as is customary in Israel, from right to left you get the word “pots”. Swear word on a road sign? Yes, that is right. It was customary to change the word to a prohibiting and stopping hand gesture. So that drivers don’t “stumble” over it every time.

Movie mistakes

Jews know several options for how “pots” is translated from their language. In one context it can mean a fool and an idiot. As they say in Odessa: “Pots potsu discord.” Let's give a simple example to explain. There are two people, one of them is very literate, well-read, knows several foreign languages ​​and speaks them fluently and even reads. But the second one, in comparison with him, turns out to be potz (fool). In the understanding that he is not so educated, etc.

Or take two social strata as an example: a poor man from the street and, as they are often called, a “golden” boy. This boy puffs himself up, but cannot achieve anything on his own. Only with the help of parents with money. And he himself represents zero. But the poor guy studies, builds a career and achieves great heights. Here the “golden” boy is already an idiot, not a fool.

Likewise, in some films that describe the life of Odessa residents, for example, during the Great Patriotic War, pots is often used incorrectly and not in the context in which it should actually be used. Let us remember the most interesting series “Liquidation”. This is where you could often hear this word from different heroes. But in most cases, they all meant “kid” more than a fool, an idiot, etc. “Some guy came by.” “Pots asked what time it was.” “Pots, come here.” This means an ordinary, maybe a little annoying, person. And there are very, very many such examples, if you listen to the speech of the heroes of some films.

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