Tips and rules from the Ministry of Emergency Situations: how to collect mercury at home without consequences

What danger does mercury pose to humans?

Mercury is an unsafe metal that can actively evaporate at temperatures from +18ºС, and freeze only at -38ºС. Accordingly, if the thermometer bulb is damaged, there is a high probability that the vapors of this chemical element will spread throughout the house. The child will be the first to suffer. So what is the danger?

Experts have proven that mercury vapor, when ingested, settles in the lungs, brain, and stomach. They begin their negative effects three to four hours after contact. As a result, a person’s nervous system is disrupted, noises appear in the head, and dizziness occurs.

The most important thing is to take precautions to remain invulnerable to the chemical component PHOTO:

The gastrointestinal tract responds to poisoning with severe vomiting and general intoxication of the body. If mercury enters the respiratory system, pulmonary edema occurs and inflammation begins. The human body temperature rises to critical limits (40ºС).

Such a familiar thermometer

Everyone has been familiar with glass thermometers with a thin vacuum flask filled with mercury - a capillary, and a division scale since childhood. This is the most familiar and necessary medical device in any family. Yes, now you can buy electronic thermometers of various shapes - from those designed for infants in the form of a pacifier to non-contact ones. But still, the vast majority of people consider mercury thermometers to be the most accurate and practical. But few people think about the danger lurking in the thermometer.

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Why, it would seem, was it necessary to invent a mercury thermometer if the substance that helps measure body temperature is very dangerous? But it was mercury that became the liquid that satisfies the needs of accurate temperature measurement, expanding evenly as it increases, rising up the capillary of the thermometer. The mercury thermometer was invented in the 18th century as an improved version of the alcohol thermometer. In our country, the Celsius scale is used to measure temperature; in Western countries and America, temperature is measured in Fahrenheit. Using a mercury thermometer at home, few people think about the answer to the question “what neutralizes mercury” if the thermometer suddenly breaks.

First measures to eliminate household mercury pollution

The main condition for eliminating a hazardous metal spill indoors is considered to be efficiency. You cannot waste a minute after damaging the thermometer, preventing the harmful composition from spreading throughout the house.

  1. Be sure to remove all animals and children from the premises without wasting a minute.
  2. Ensure proper ventilation of the room by opening windows and doors so that there is a through flow of air.
  3. Quickly put on gloves and a respirator (a gauze bandage treated with soda solution will also work).
  4. To exclude possible contact with poison, you should put shoe covers or plastic bags on your feet, the latter will have to be firmly secured to the foot.
  5. We carefully inspect the room, after which we first collect all the glass fragments. Only then can you start cleaning.

A previously used gauze bandage will not protect against the penetration of dangerous vapors into the lungs PHOTO:

If you are afraid for your health and do not want to do professional cleaning yourself, it is advisable to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. They will perform demercurization, which involves cleaning the room from a liquid chemical element.

Rules for self-collection of mercury

Do not use a broom or vacuum cleaner to collect mercury droplets. This will give the metal an even greater opportunity to evaporate and create a high concentration of the chemical element in the air. Cleaning is performed as follows.

To get mercury out of the cracks, you can use a syringe, but then you need to place it along with all your things in a bag PHOTO:

Visual inspection

We carefully inspect the floor and surfaces that were in the zone of destruction of the mercury thermometer. If necessary, remove the baseboards and check the cracks if the floor is made of wood. If the balls end up on a rug, bedspread or other textile surfaces, they should be rolled up and placed in a sealed bag.

Before cleaning, you may even need to dismantle the floor covering PHOTO:

Collection of mercury balls

Let's assume that the balls have rolled out on a smooth floor covering; under no circumstances should you press them or try to wipe them off. Take a sheet of clean white paper. Do not use pages from newspapers and magazines, as the metal is difficult to see on them. Carefully lift each ball and roll it into the middle of the sheet. We carefully collect everything, without crushing those already collected. Place the found particles into a jar of cold water and cover with a lid. Instead of a leaf, you can use adhesive tape and adhesive tape, which after collecting together with the balls we put into a container.

Adhesive tape should be used carefully, as the balls are very easy to crush PHOTO:

What does chemical treatment mean?

The use of chemicals is only justified if the balls have spread widely throughout the room, are not visible, or have been accidentally damaged. There are special kits and fillers for such purposes.

All chemical compositions for destroying mercury must be diluted in a plastic bucket PHOTO:

Disinfection kit options

Demercurization packages are capable of destroying the dangerous active substance mercury in any room. Only a few formulations are considered the most popular. According to experts, these products effectively cope with the problem of pollution.

  1. Demercurization kit DEMERKIT SKM-10 eliminates large amounts of released chemicals. Mainly intended for the rapid destruction of vapors formed in the air of a room up to 10 m².
  2. Demercurization kit DEMERKIT SKM-50 (laboratory) is an excellent composition that allows you to quickly get rid of toxic metal on your own. The kit includes a respirator and an indicator of mercury in the air.
  3. Demercurization kit DEMERKIT SKM-20 (household). Immediately after contact with mercury, the drug prevents vapor from spreading to other rooms. Designed for reusable use.

The composition must be stored only in tightly closed packaging PHOTO:

Before using any of the chemicals to combat mercury leaks, you must carefully study the instructions that come with the kit and may be written on the packaging.

What available tools are suitable?

The most effective folk remedy that is prepared to destroy traces of mercury evaporation indoors is potassium permanganate and chlorine. After all the mercury has already been collected, it is necessary to destroy its remains on the floor. To do this, dilute potassium permanganate in an amount on the tip of a knife in two liters of water. Then pour liquid bleach, moisten a rag with this solution and walk thoroughly along the floor in those places where the metal balls were collected.

A sore throat is the first sign of chemical poisoning PHOTO:

Water diluted with bleach does a good job. To do this, you will need a bucket of water (8-10 liters) and half a liter of liquid chlorine (white will do). Dip a cloth into the mixture and thoroughly wipe the infected areas. Ventilate the room and wash the floor as usual.

On a note! Before the procedure, to avoid chemical poisoning and also to protect the skin of your hands from drying out, be sure to wear a protective bandage on your face and rubber gloves on your hands.

You should not come close to mercury with bare parts of your body PHOTO:

So, instructions for action if you break a mercury thermometer at home.

No panic.

Mercury, although a harmful and dangerous element, is not worth talking about a disaster if the thermometer is broken. There are many cases like this in history. But I have not met a single person when a broken thermometer led to mercury poisoning or something similar. There are a lot of horror stories on the Internet, but these are just attempts to make mountains out of molehills, nothing more. And there is a minimum of real danger. Of course, if you do not drink it or ingest it in another way. Therefore, there is no reason for hysteria.

Where is the mercury?

Having broken the thermometer, try to understand where the fragments and contents scattered. Having understood this, the main thing is not to step on this place, so as not to spread drops of mercury throughout the house.

There should be no witnesses!

We calm down and, turning on the internal airborne specialist, gently but persistently and quickly remove all household members from the area where there may be remnants of the thermometer. The same applies to pets

More air!

Mercury is a metal that evaporates well when it gets into the air (calmly! No one will die!), therefore, as soon as everyone in the household has been gently kicked out into other rooms, you need to ventilate until the end of cleaning by opening the windows and vents.

So, you know where the thermometer was broken and where the mercury got from it. Mercury, when it hits any surface, has the ability to scatter in small drops much further than where you noted. Therefore, the area that you will process should be 1.5 - 2 times larger than the one you initially outlined.

The devil is not as scary as he is painted.

We have a certain area with hundreds of small drops of mercury on it. Don't panic! Collecting them is much easier than it seems! The main thing is not to use a broom or rags that you use at home! Everything is disposable and you don’t mind throwing it away!

Our task is to quickly, simply and efficiently collect hundreds of microdroplets of mercury. To do this we need:

1. Disposable rubber gloves. (buy at a pharmacy, or find it at your place; in extreme cases, use household ones (then throw away).

2. Ordinary wide tape. If not, ask your neighbors, or buy it at a stationery store.

3. Bag for collecting mercury and tape.

Get to work!

We take the tape and cut off a small piece (30-50 cm) from it.

After this, with the sticky side, wearing gloves, we apply it to the floor or surface where the thermometer broke. Press (lightly ironing with your hand so that the tape sticks and collects the drops).

Peel off your strip.

Voila! If you look closely, there will be fragments of a thermometer and small shiny particles on it. These are the drops of mercury that scattered when the thermometer was broken.

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Now, roll up your used piece and place it in the recycling bag you prepared ahead of time.

Unwind a piece of new tape again and repeat the procedure.

So, by gluing the entire surface where mercury could get in, you will collect it all with tape. The main thing is not to allow gaps in the surface gluing. Many drops of mercury are so small that they may not be noticed. And the tape will find them and stick them.

When the work is finished and you have a full package of used tape with mercury, you need to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ask where to bring this tape with the remaining mercury? They will tell you.

Do not throw the bag in the trash or store it at home! Mercury is still dangerous and if it ends up in a landfill, it can cause harm to people and animals! Therefore, give it to specialists as soon as possible.

That's all! Live long! And no panic)

Consequence of demercurization: how to avoid poisoning

To avoid any health problems after treating a poisoned room, it is necessary to rinse the mucous membranes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can also use regular Miramistin as an antiseptic. It is sold in any pharmacy.

Mercury can cause burns if taken in bare hands PHOTO:

It is also recommended to take a shower with antibacterial soap and wash your hair thoroughly. Remember to take the packages containing the hazardous substance outside to prevent re-exposure.

Symptoms of poisoning

Poisoning can be acute or chronic. Acute intoxication occurs with a single exposure to large doses of mercury.

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Signs of acute poisoning:

  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea and pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bleeding gums;
  • heat.

In severe cases, it can even lead to death.

Chronic mercury poisoning occurs when the body is exposed to low concentrations of the substance over a long period of time.

Symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning:

  • prostration;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • depressed emotional state;
  • impaired concentration;
  • in later stages, dementia may develop.

Don't just throw it away, but recycle it

After collecting the mercury in a sealed container, it is not enough to throw it in the trash. The container may be damaged, after which the metal will erode out and cause many problems to other people. To prevent this from happening, you need to contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations, explaining the situation. Rescuers will definitely give the necessary recommendations.

Special eco-boxes can be used as a receiver. But they can only be used if the mercury balls are placed in a small container PHOTO:

In almost every locality there are collection points for waste containing mercury. Go there and give away all things that came into contact with harmful metal.

It is better to choose a transparent jar for collecting toxic substances PHOTO:

Features of mercury collection on different surfaces

There are several ways to clean up mercury at home. The chemical can be spilled on any surface, therefore, if everything is clear with cleaning the floor, then we will look at the actions in the event that toxic balls get on furniture, carpet or metal panels, in this section.

Even the smallest balls must be collected PHOTO:

Upholstered furniture and carpet (carpet)

If mercury particles get on upholstered furniture, you can use a syringe or a syringe with a thick spout. The metal must be sucked in so that the balls are not crushed, but smoothly move inward. They collect poison from the carpet in the same way. Then clean the infected area with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then re-treat it with any cleaning composition.

On a note! When using manganese, you risk damaging the furniture. If you overdo it with the concentration of the substance, it is possible to paint the upholstery a different color.

The poisoned part of the carpet can be cut out, of course, if this does not affect its appearance PHOTO:

Long-pile carpet is more difficult to clean, so we carefully roll it from one side to the other so as not to lose the balls. We take it outside. We lay down the film and, after hanging the carpet, carefully knock out the toxic elements. We dispose of this chemical substance together with the package.

Do not use plastic pipettes to collect mercury substance PHOTO:

Removing mercury from the table

The table, as a rule, also has a smooth surface. Therefore, cleaning will be similar to what was done on the floor.

  1. Prepare a jar of cold water.
  2. Take a soft brush and a paper adhesive plaster.
  3. Sweep the balls onto the adhesive strip.
  4. Dip the tape with the stuck mercury balls into cold water and cover with a lid.

Be sure to look at the cabinets and shelves that can be equipped with the table. If any of the boxes were open during the incident, then the likelihood that harmful substances got there is quite high.

All mercury thermometers must be stored in special cases for safety reasons PHOTO:

Solutions for demercurization

To avoid evaporation of the collected mercury, it must be placed in a special solution. Solutions are also used to clean contaminated surfaces. They are applied using a rag, brush or spray.

At home, you can prepare several solutions for demercurization.

Potassium permanganate solution (potassium permanganate)

When preparing the product from powder, you need to focus on the color of the solution - it should be very rich, dark purple. Potassium permanganate for demercurization can be diluted in both cold and hot water. For two liters of the prepared solution, add a tablespoon of salt and the same amount of acetic acid or rust remover.

To temporarily store mercury, the solution is poured into a three-liter jar, filling 2/3 of the volume, and tightly closed with a lid.

The product is also applied to the contaminated area and left for 1-2 hours, periodically moistening with water. It must be remembered that the solution can leave permanent stains on the floor, clothing and furniture, so it must be used with caution.

Bleach solution

To prepare the solution, you can use either dry powder or “Whiteness”. Dissolve 1 liter of product in 5 liters of water. The resulting solution is used to wash the contaminated surface, paying special attention to cracks and baseboards. After a quarter of an hour, the solution is washed off with clean water.

The contaminated area is treated with a bleach solution at least three times, and the room must be well ventilated.

Soap and soda solution

To prepare a solution for demercurization, dissolve 50 g of soap and 50 g of soda in 1 liter of warm water. This product can be used both at the initial stage of cleaning and after applying potassium permanganate.

What is prohibited to do if the room is contaminated with mercury

Do not work with a mercury thermometer in a children's room PHOTO:

Improper handling of a toxic substance often entails the most negative consequences. Therefore, it is not recommended to do the following:

  • take a chemical element with bare hands;
  • use a brush, vacuum cleaner and other rough cleaning products;
  • pour boiling water or steam over the poisoned area;
  • wash contaminated items in the washing machine;
  • reuse items that have been in contact with toxic metal;
  • throw mercury into the trash or drain.

An electronic thermometer is safe, but less accurate PHOTO:

Scientists believe that 2 g of mercury can poison up to 10 people PHOTO: lungwort51.rf

To prevent mercury from becoming a source of poisoning for your family members, you must take precautions. The main thing is to completely eliminate contact with the chemical element of all residents of the apartment or house.

Dear readers, if you have any questions about the material in today’s publication, be sure to ask them in the comments. Have you ever broken thermometers? What did you do in such a situation?

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