Vinyl wallpaper - advantages and disadvantages, main characteristics and features (90 photos)

Manufactured without embossing, containing foamed vinyl

The surface has a convex pattern. The material for pasting has a porous structure, so it allows moisture and air to pass through. Due to unusual irregularities on the surface, polyvinyl chloride hides minor surface imperfections.

It is enough to clean the vertical area from the old coating, plaster the recesses (if any) and start gluing. Leveling before pasting becomes an optional procedure. The disadvantage is that they accumulate dust and do not tolerate wet cleaning.

Embossed wallpaper

The process of applying a design to the canvas is carried out after the main printing of the product. This group includes:

Compact vinyl imitates various textures of materials. It could be: wood, leather, brick, stone, fabric. It is highly durable and does not require high maintenance.

Heavy vinyl is considered the thickest coating for wrapping. It's not easy to glue it. Often this wallpaper is used to disguise uneven walls. Heavy vinyl does not allow air to pass through well, which has a detrimental effect on walls in damp rooms.

Silk-screen printing is the most popular and beautiful “clothing” for walls. Designs made from silk threads are applied to a paper base. The technology makes it possible to achieve high wear resistance and water resistance. Externally, silk-screen printing has a smooth surface and shine. Canvases can last about 10 years without losing their original appearance.

Wallpaper with chemical embossing has increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Durability and easy moisture tolerance make it possible to carry out wet cleaning, so they are glued in the kitchen, in the nursery or in the bathroom.

Evaporated vinyl. Representatives of this group consist of three layers. The top sheet is subjected to evaporation and removal of harmful substances. Thus, this variety is perfect for the rooms of allergy sufferers and children.

Regardless of the choice of rolls of vinyl wallpaper on non-woven or paper backing, the buyer should always inquire about the availability of a quality certificate for the product. Its presence will ensure environmental friendliness and health of household members in the house.

Health Hazard

Everyone knows that PVC coating is not environmentally friendly. But opinions differ about what this means for the health of a person who has hung vinyl wallpaper in his room. And radically. In order not to fall for the bait of myths, let’s turn to the opinions of experts.

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The opinions of opponents are simple: since vinyl is a completely chemical product, and chemistry is harmful to health, then wallpaper made from them is also harmful. In fact, their harm lies in one of the already listed disadvantages: wallpaper does not breathe.

This means that formaldehyde fumes (the cause of allergies) will not go away and will remain in your home. But this does not apply to high-quality vinyl wallpaper.

Manufacturers using technology with the addition of micropores eliminate this drawback from their product.

Cheap counterfeits made in China are consistent with claims about the dangers of such coating.

Therefore, in order to understand which vinyl wallpaper is better in stores in your city, take the time to find out where and by what technology they were produced.

Remember! Vinyl wallpaper cannot smell of anything. A sharp chemical smell indicates a fake.


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Advantages of PVC wallpaper

Modern technologies make it possible to obtain various building materials, including high-quality coatings. Buyers are buying cheap paper representatives less and less often. They fade quickly and do not look as stylish as their vinyl counterparts.

In addition, vinyl wallpaper can be characterized as follows:

  • During repair work, wallpaper sections are not torn. They have high strength and at the same time elasticity. Thanks to these properties, the pasting process is facilitated and accelerated.
  • Vinyl wallpaper on a paper base or with a non-woven layer can retain color for 10 years. They are very wear-resistant.
  • Products for pasting, made by hot stamping, are not afraid of moisture. They can be easily wiped with a damp cloth.
  • Only vinyl wallpapers have such a wide selection compared to their competitors made of paper or non-woven fabric. A rich assortment allows you to create original interiors and unusual combinations in the room.

Additional advantages of vinyl wallpaper include: good sound insulation and the ability to hide wall imperfections. The combination of positive and negative qualities also depends on the manufacturer and method of manufacturing the product.

How to choose the right glue

Wallpaper adhesive is a modified starch with antifungal additives. Modern adhesives do not require any additional additives, such as PVA or bustylate.

Adhesives are divided according to the types of wallpaper for which they are intended:

  • For vinyl;
  • For non-woven fabrics;
  • Universal.

Each manufacturer produces several types of vinyl wallpaper adhesives, but they, having the same composition, are interchangeable. For each type of wallpaper: paper or non-woven based, a different thickness is required.

For better adhesion of paper-based wallpaper, the glue must be liquid so that the wallpaper canvas is properly saturated. For non-woven fabric, the glue should be thicker so that the surface does not absorb it before the wallpaper is glued.

  • Some manufacturers produce glue with an indicator. Due to the colored pigment, it is better visible where the glue has already been applied.
  • This is very convenient for those who are not entirely confident in their ability to hang wallpaper. It is important to know that this glue is not always suitable.
  • If the wallpaper is in cold or light colors, you should stir the glue as thoroughly as possible so that no lumps remain.

If the glue is evenly distributed, when it dries, the indicator completely disappears, leaving no traces, but if lumps remain, pink spots may appear in their place that cannot be removed.

When decorating rooms, reliability, durability, ease of installation and beauty are always important. Vinyl wallpaper is suitable in all respects. The service life of modern models is up to 25 years, they retain their appearance and, with proper care, look like new.

Photos of vinyl wallpaper show how varied the designs are. Everyone can find a model to their liking that will delight them for many years.

Pasting rules

The work is practically no different from the process of gluing paper wallpaper. Non-woven and vinyl wallpaper fits well on the wall. However, if you do not take into account the general rules, a carelessly glued space can ruin the appearance of the room. Before you start gluing, you need:

Remove old wallpaper and dirt by first moistening the wall with water from a spray bottle. It is convenient to remove wallpaper with a spatula. Fill cracks, if any. Prime the surface if it absorbs moisture well.

Prepare the glue and the place where the canvas will be applied. For the best adhesion, you should purchase a special adhesive designed for vinyl wallpaper.

Universal means for gluing paper wallpaper cannot cope and cannot withstand the weight of vinyl material. The glue is gradually poured into a container of water, while the solution is continuously mixed.

After all the ingredients are ready, you should measure the height of the wall and cut pieces of wallpaper, adding 5 cm in length. Pasting begins with the windows, the canvases are joined without overlapping, and the pattern is adjusted if necessary.

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After pasting, the canvas must be ironed with a dry cloth from the center to the edges to remove excess glue. If the sides of the canvas are not glued, they need to be coated with an adhesive solution.

Disadvantages of using vinyl wallpaper

  • The price is significantly higher than other types of wallpaper.
  • Air tightness. Although some manufacturers have now begun to produce vinyl wallpaper with micropores, their cost is very high.
  • Gluing such wallpaper is not easy. Therefore, it is best to involve professionals.

To choose such a wall covering, you should follow just two simple steps. First, decide which type of vinyl wallpaper you like best and is suitable for you. For example, silk-screened wallpaper is ideal for a child's room; it cannot be scratched or torn. The second step is to choose the color of the wallpaper.

After you have purchased vinyl wallpaper, you should choose the right adhesive for it. There is a special glue for this type of wallpaper, and you need to use it. There will be instructions on the pack that will help you dilute the dry powder correctly.

Care Tips

Before wiping the wallpaper with a damp cloth, you need to make sure that it is resistant to moisture. Typically this property is indicated on the packaging of the building material. One wave means that they will withstand wet cleaning with a well-wrung out cloth. Three waves indicate the surface's addiction to water procedures. Such wallpaper can be wiped with a brush and cleaning agents.

Vinyl wallpaper catalogs from various stores are replete with a wide selection of products with embossed patterns. Over time, dust accumulates on them, which needs to be brushed off periodically. If this procedure is not done, subsequent wet cleaning may leave streaks.

The final stage of cleaning is treating with clean water and wiping the surface with a dry cotton cloth. Proper care will preserve its original appearance for many years.

It is up to the buyer to decide which wallpaper is better: paper or vinyl. However, modern building materials are gradually replacing impractical and inconvenient methods of gluing surfaces. Therefore, non-woven fabric and vinyl are ahead of cheap cellulose in their obvious positive characteristics.

Positive properties of vinyl wallpaper

  • Moisture resistant. They can be washed without problems.
  • No mold will form.
  • Easy to care for.
  • They provide the opportunity to experiment with the interior. They have different colors. They can imitate plaster, leather, wood, fabric, and stone.
  • Durable to use. The service life is at least 10 years.
  • They do not lose color when exposed to the sun.
  • Vinyl wallpaper is also produced for painting. Therefore, you can change their color an unlimited number of times.

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