How to decorate a room with your own hands: 13 decor ideas

Decorative pillows

Most modern sofas have their own pillows, and some people don’t even realize how interesting they can be with them. For example, round or classic pillows can give the room more severity, while contrasting ones will create a major mood.

In order to decorate a room with your own hands using pillows, you can sew covers on them. Moreover, it is not enough to simply decorate those that exist. Buy a few more pillows in different sizes and shapes from the store. Don't forget to make pillowcases for them.

Important! The pillows do not have to be the same or match the sofa. You can use different fabric textures and any shades. The main thing is that all pillowcases fit into the overall interior of the room and create coziness and comfort. Moreover, this type of decor goes well with both the bed and even the sofa. So don't be afraid to experiment!

How to make a children's room cozy

To make a child's room cozy, look for white, airy decor with bright details to add warmth and color.

Children's toys and accessories for interior decoration create a beautiful and cozy interior for a child's room.

The creamy white and light yellow shades of natural wood and the dark gray or brown colors are very attractive and beautiful.

Decorative fabrics, wallpaper or vinyl wall decals, wall art ideas and furniture enhance the interior style and make the kids room design look pleasant, cozy and relaxing.

Convenient storage containers, baskets and shelves made from natural materials can help organize decor and keep your child's bedroom clean and tidy.

How to decorate an interior using photographs: 7 rules for decorators

photo Photographs provide exceptional opportunities not only for decorating an apartment, but also for its design. In the sense that photographs can optically influence the perception of space, visually expand the walls, emphasize style, and make the interior more dynamic and individual. Everything in photographs is important: the plot, the color scheme, the design, and the location on the wall. Of course, the first thing to do is decorate your home with your favorite photos. But even ordinary posters will look no worse.

There is a paradox that you are most likely unfamiliar with, but professional designers know it well. Amateur, non-professional photos, the same ones that can be taken with an ordinary camera, are best suited for interior decoration. But with professional photos in the interior it is much more difficult. Professional photography requires ideal interior styling. A professional photo should be the main accent of the interior; in fact, the interior should be built “around” this photo. In the room with such a photo there should be no unnecessary things or objects that do not correspond to this photo; the photo must be highlighted in a special way and placed so that it does not “glare” in any way.

But let's return to amateur photographs. Here they are - for the interior, and not the interior - for them.

What kind of photographs are there ? In general, photographs can be decorative, posters, or photos from a personal archive. Decorative photos – medium size, with some kind of plot. Poster photos are highly enlarged photos; there are not too many details in such a photo. Poster photo printing can be ordered from the appropriate companies based on your photo. Well, photographs from a personal archive, or family photos, are photos of relatives and friends that create comfort and positivity in the home.

Selection of frames. As a rule, photographs are hung in frames, which can be made of different materials. The frame is not matched to the wallpaper or furniture, but only to the image. The most versatile frames are steel or gold-colored, as well as wooden. In principle, you can insert any picture into such a frame. The general principle is that color photographs look better in light frames, while black and white photographs look better in black or white frames. If the wall is finished “like brick”, then black frames are required. If the frames are colored, then they should be in the same range (either only warm colors, or only cold ones). Any photo can be illuminated a little using low-voltage halogen bulbs.

Where to hang it . The theme of the photo should resonate with the functional purpose of the interior and its style. Therefore, landscapes or genre scenes will look better in the living room, flowers and still lifes in the kitchen or dining room, photographic portraits in the office, and subject macro photography in the hallway. Naturally, if the room is decorated in a country style, you should not hang photos of city buildings, etc.

How to hang . You can group pictures on the wall. The best way is to hang the largest photograph in the center of the intended composition, and place smaller ones around it. In this case, the hanging level of the largest photograph is determined by a special rule. You need to draw an imaginary line on the wall, located at the level of your eyes, then the hanging point (the center of the photograph being hung) will be slightly below this line, since photographs are most often viewed in the interior while sitting. For a person of average height, the hanging height is approximately 150 cm. In addition, all photographs can be grouped and enclosed in one large frame. Then the entire composition should be considered as one large shot.

If you ordered a large-format poster photo, then you need to choose the freest wall for it. Please note that the space near this wall, any detail that is nearby, must strictly correspond to the style of the photo.

Another fashionable option is a dismembered photo. A large photograph is taken, which is cut into several equal-sized parts, and all parts are hung next to each other with small spaces between them. Another option is to replicate the same photo.

How to register . It is best to make your photographs, especially small ones, with a wide mat. The wider the mat, the more spectacular the pictures. Wide mats will help to align pictures in color if they are very different in color. They are also indispensable for small photographs. “Dismembered” photographs are taken without a mat and are not framed; in extreme cases, only the narrowest frames are possible.

How the photo will influence the interior . If the color scheme of the photo is close to the color scheme of the room, then the photograph will make the interior more stylish, balanced and harmonious. If the color scheme of the photo contrasts with the room, then such a photo will bring dynamics to the interior. One large photo (but only one), or a group of small ones, with distances between them will increase the space. But “dismembered” photographs will especially increase the space.

Unusual use of photographs in the interior . Your photos can be printed not only on photo paper, but also on any objects. You can choose these items yourself, based on the style of your apartment. For example, you can order photo printing on white ceramic tiles (for the kitchen, bathroom), or on a suspended ceiling. If you have a high-tech or minimalist style, you can order a photo print on any metal object, for example, on a metal plate or strip, which can then be curved in an interesting way and hung on the wall as a panel, or on glass, to which you can make a corresponding “ foot”, and you will get a glass “photo table”.

Satin ribbons

This is the first option on how to decorate a room with your own hands, which can make the design more vibrant or give it some charm and elegance. Therefore, first you need to decide what goal you want to achieve.

For example, some, in order to add bright colors to the decor of the room, take several “appetizing” colors of ribbons, fix them on the walls and connect them in the center of the ceiling. It looks pretty nice. True, it is worth checking that all the ribbons sag equally. If you twist the ribbon slightly, you won’t be able to take your eyes off your design and simple solution.

For those who want to make their home more elegant, you can create your own topiary from satin ribbons. A cute flower ball can be a wonderful accent and will always please the eye.

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