What kind of fence can be used to fence a private house - an overview of options

Today we will discuss a very important topic for any construction on the site. Before building a private house, almost all people carefully think through all the details that should be in their dream home. But strangely enough, according to statistics, the last thing people think about is a fence and which fence is best. But this is not entirely true from a construction point of view. Firstly, the fence plays a very important role both for the appearance of the house and for the internal atmosphere in the house and on the site. And secondly, it is the buildings and decisions about which fence to choose that all further construction begins.

To begin, simply imagine your fence. And then decide which fence is better and you like it more

When deciding what kind of fence should be, of course you want to choose the cheapest fence. But is it worth doing? Finding out which fence is better and why, many begin to wonder whether it is justified to choose the cheapest and most unreliable fence. Such a step is really justified only if the plot is very small or there are simply no available funds, since all the money is included in the future construction of the house.

One way or another, of course it’s your choice. But in the modern world and the development of the level of construction technologies, it is worth noting that inexpensive does not always mean low-quality. Now there are many different materials that can serve reliably for many years, and will not cost that much. And in this article we will analyze all these nuances. And we will help you choose the best fence for your home.

How to understand which fence is better

To understand which fence is better and answer this question, first of all, you need to ask yourself for what purposes. Without this clarification, it is simply impossible to choose the best fence. For some purposes, a fence will be ideal, but for others it will be an absolute failure. It may not be strange, but thinking about which fence is better and which fence to choose gets a lump in your throat. And they often don’t leave their owners alone for a long time. Often, even at the stage of construction and even the design of a house, owners begin heated reflection and review of various options for fences and fences. Their disputes can drag on, they argue among themselves and prove what is more important in their opinion. For some, this is peace, privacy and sound insulation, but for others, on the contrary, it is airiness and transparency, which will allow you to admire the surroundings and feel at ease.

What do you like?

It’s good if such disputes don’t drag on, and you can quickly decide which fence is better. Of course, the ideal fence will be different for different areas and different wallets. For example, if you take a small area where there is no point in spending a lot of money on a fence, a wooden fence or a chain-link fence will do. If you want a better fence, and you have a larger area, then a fence made of Euro picket fence or corrugated board will be perfect in your case. Well, if you are the owner of a large plot and have enough money for an expensive fence, then a brick or stone fence is suitable for you. In general, you should understand that there are different fences, the price of which ranges from budget to exclusive and expensive. And it's up to you to choose.

We'll sort it out

What do you need to know about fences and their construction? It would seem that just take it and build it, but no, there are different rules, norms and technologies and approaches to construction. By the way, installation is also important, since part of the funds is spent on this procedure, and the other part on materials and delivery. Why do you need a fence at all? Is it worth so much effort to install it? A fence on your property will help you hide yourself and your property from prying eyes. You will feel safe and not afraid for your property and crops. It has also been proven that the fence greatly affects the appearance. Therefore, if you choose a suitable fence, you will enjoy and admire it every day.

In our article we will look at the following points, which will not only help you understand which fence is better, but will also allow you not to make mistakes in installation and do everything correctly, which means reliably and safely. Even if you don’t plan to build a fence yourself, this knowledge will help you control all the details of the installation. And be sure that you were not deceived in the price and that everything was installed efficiently and according to the rules.

Fence with brick pillars on a pile foundation with a grillage

  • Let's take a closer look at all the functions that a high-quality fence on a site should perform.
  • We will tell you all the rules that are in the legislative norms and rules regarding the construction of fences and fences.
  • Let's find out which hedges and fences are preferred by the majority of owners of private houses according to statistics.
  • Most importantly, we will consider each type of fence separately. This way we can find out all the pros and cons of each type of fence.

All this will allow you to become a person who not only understands fences, but does it competently. Most importantly, after reading this article, you will definitely be able to make a final decision about which fence is better in the end. Let's get started.

Block or monolithic foundation for the fence.


1. beautiful appearance;

2. evenly distributes and transfers the load of spans and fence posts to the ground;

3. Can be used with both light and heavy fences;

4. partially performs a protective function;

5. resistant to high temperatures, not subject to combustion;

6. good sound insulator.


1. large expenditures of effort and time for construction;

2. high cost of construction.

In general, the foundation strip is built for heavy fences, as well as to obtain a beautiful design for both the fence and the entire site.

It can also indicate the wealth of its owner.

However, such a foundation will not be cheap.

Basic criteria for the right choice.

Let us list the criteria on the basis of which a decision on the type of future fence should be made and analyze them:

the amount of financial effort, money and time that you are able to devote to building a fence.

If you don’t have a lot of money, then it’s better to immediately pay attention to inexpensive fences based on a columnar foundation: chain-link fences, polycarbonate, slate, wood and corrugated sheets.

If you have the opportunity to do everything yourself (you have enough strength, experience and time), then you can save money by building a fence with your own hands from slate, boards or polycarbonate.

Otherwise, you will have to buy ready-to-assemble building materials - picket fences, corrugated sheets.

It is more expensive, but you will save time and effort: the assembly of such fences is very easy and fast, even for a person without experience in construction.

If you have sufficient funds, then it would be better to immediately opt for a strip foundation.

It is largely universal.

the main purpose of the building.

If the main function of the future fence is to protect against unauthorized entry into the site, then you should immediately build a high, solid fence based on heavy base materials.

The most suitable here may be stone (gas-concrete, foam concrete), brick fences and fences based on corrugated sheets.

The last option is the cheapest and much faster to assemble and install, but the least durable, not as reliable as fences made of stone and brick.

If the function of simply marking boundaries is pursued, then you can get by with cheap fences: wooden picket fences, boards, slate, chain-link mesh, etc.

If the decorative function is a priority, then different options are possible.

First, you can choose an inexpensive fence, and then decorate it with wrought iron, vegetation, or use a spectacular, beautiful finish.

Another way is also possible - selecting a fence for other already built objects on the site.

durability and the requirements that the fence makes for its maintenance.

Stone and brick fences can be considered the most durable and reliable, but they are also the most expensive.

The least durable fences, the most demanding in terms of maintenance and care, but also the cheapest are fences made of boards, wooden picket fences, and slate.

Often, durability depends not so much on the material of the fence itself, but on its proper use by the owner himself.

fit into the overall design of the site, its harmony with other buildings.

The most beautiful fences are fences on a strip foundation.

This includes all types of fences that are ready for sale in stores and that are quickly assembled on the site like a construction set.

On the other hand, a regular fence can be supplemented with decorative additional elements after the construction stage.

It looks good to select a fence material that matches the material from which an object has already been built on the site.

For example, it would be quite logical to build a brick fence under a brick house.

In small areas, blind high fences are unlikely to be appropriate due to the strong shading of the area from them, but it is quite possible to use a chain-link mesh, picket fence, polycarbonate, metal gratings, etc.

Even the simplest type of fence will fit well into the design of the site if it is decorated with beautiful vegetation.

For example, a chain-link mesh is often combined with climbing plants planted near it.

The fence looks like it’s alive and natural.

Obvious functions of the fence

If we judge this way, then the fence has only two types of functions. As you may have guessed, this is a protective and aesthetic function. The protective functions include the following.

  1. Protection of the site and buildings from penetration by third parties.
  2. Protects plants and lawn from foreign animals that can harm them.
  3. Protects all residents of the house from unnecessary attention from neighbors and strangers from the street.
  4. Another important function of the fence is protection from wind, dust and outside noise.

The aesthetic function is quite understandable. The fence should be harmoniously combined with the architectural style of the building. The fence should look not only with the house itself, but with the site and its furnishings. For many people, appearance is also important. So that the site fits perfectly into the decor of the entire street.

Mesh fence

Anyone who is going to build a fence from a metal mesh will probably not regret their choice. The mesh structure has a number of important advantages and is characterized by minimal cost among other types of fencing.

The second advantage of a steel mesh fence is its high installation speed. Having filled the pillars with concrete, all that remains is to roll out the mesh, stretch it and fix it on the pillars using steel clamps.

What else attracts developers with mesh fences?

Good visibility of the area, lighting and ventilation. The first factor helps reduce the risk of theft, and the second and third are especially valuable in small dachas, where every meter of land is used for a vegetable garden or garden.

Metal mesh fence posts come in three types. The best option is steel pipes or a corner. Concrete pillars withstand long-term use quite well. If we are talking about maximum savings, then oak posts will be enough to fence a dacha for 10 years, the ends of which should be well soaked with an antiseptic or regular engine oil before installation in the ground.

Official rules for building fences

There are special documents that regulate the construction of fences and barriers in the private sector. The standards are specified in a special document SNIP No. 30−02−97. Here is the main rule and principle that is spelled out in SNIP: a fence or fence cannot and should not interfere with the normal lighting of the street, and also not shade neighboring areas. This is true, we must remember that we all live together and must look after the comfort of not only ourselves. Here are some values ​​and guidelines to consider when building a fence.

What to consider when building a fence

Fence height

Fence height. Of course, the height of the fence matters. On the side of the street or roadway, the fence should be no higher than 2.5 meters. But between neighboring areas the fence should be lower, its height is 1.5 meters. Although this point can be bypassed. Neighbors have the right to agree among themselves and make the fence higher. But keep in mind that such an agreement must be formalized in writing. This will help avoid claims from neighbors in the future and avoid disputes.

Transparency of the fence

Transparency of the fence. As with the height of the fence, the transparency of the fence also has its own standards. Of course, no one will force you to install a glass fence. And from the outside, from the street side, the fence can be blank, regardless of the height of the fence. But things are not so simple between neighbors. A solid fence can be up to 75 cm high. And if there is a desire to make the fence higher, it must be built according to standards from materials with a transparency of more than 50%, for example, mesh, forged elements, lattice elements and others. Well, at least, as in the first point, you can bypass these norms by drawing up a written agreement with your neighbors. This agreement must specify the height and transparency of the fence at the border of the plots.

Distance to fence

Distance to the fence. The distance of the fence from the road should be no less than 5 meters, from the driveway - 3 meters. You need to build a house at a distance of at least 3 meters. Compliance with such rules is due to various reasons. But most often, this is related to the safety of you and your neighbors, so these recommendations should not be neglected.

Be careful! Often taking SNIP norms as a basis, in various localities the local administration sets its own criteria and features for the construction of fences and fences. This must be taken into account and found out on the spot.

Basic criteria when choosing fences

Now there are very few dacha cooperatives left. Many people buy plots of land to build a house and improve the area for private recreation. This method assumes the independence of the territory and its fencing from the “rest of the world.” And if the site is on the outskirts, then the desire to close arises even stronger. Is it possible to do this, or is it prohibited by law?

Picket fence on concrete pillars

The fence must meet the following list of requirements:

  • Meet the standards of SNiP 30-02-97, if the dacha plot is listed in the SNT.

Attention! This point is controversial, since the information provided in the document is purely advisory in nature. These requirements can be waived if there is an agreement between neighbors. However, there are also regulations of the SNT itself, which may stipulate requirements that should no longer be violated, since by a court decision the fence may be required to be demolished. Therefore, before constructing this structure, be sure to clarify this issue and obtain appropriate permission from the management.

  • The structure must be strong in order to withstand natural loads and be an insurmountable obstacle in the way of uninvited guests.
  • No one makes any demands on aesthetics, but the fence should not cause disgust.

Open fence complemented by hedges

  • Choose a reliable material, and preferably one that does not require special care.

Such a fence allows light to pass through and is ventilated, but the yard is poorly visible through it.

  • Although, according to the law, the role of a fence is to divide plots of land, in fact, people fence it in order to protect themselves and their property from strangers, so we do not forget about the security function.

A continuous fence in SNT is allowed to be installed in rare situations

Legal points

Now let's look at everything in more detail. Let's start with an analysis of the requirements of SNiP - we are not interested in the SNT charters, since everyone has their own. So, what does the all-Russian document say?

  • The height of the boundary fence between neighbors should not exceed 2 meters. By agreement of the neighbors, when drawing up an act in the SNT, this parameter can be increased.

The standard fence on a summer cottage is 1.5 m high

  • It is allowed to install a blind fence, but only if it leads to a roadway or street, beyond the border of the site there is a ravine, a wasteland not intended for development, or a forest. Such a fence can also be erected between neighbors, but only by mutual agreement. But even here it is worth focusing on the SNT regulations.

The fence can be partially solid and partially open

  • According to the main requirement, fences between neighbors in SNT and ONT must transmit light (50-75%). This is due to the problem of shading areas where crops are grown. A blind fence also prevents normal air circulation, which leads to rotting of the soil.

Interesting! In fact, no one will come and check the level of translucency of your fence unless your neighbors demand it, so all issues of this nature need to be resolved with them. We advise you to immediately draw up written agreements so that later no one can present any claims to the fence builder. Such a document is drawn up in 2 copies.

This fence complies with all SNT standards

But despite the mutual consent of the neighbors, in order to exceed the regulated height of 2 meters, it is necessary to agree with the architect and local authorities. If their permission is not obtained, the construction may be considered illegal. The construction of a fence on a corner plot also requires approval from the architect.

You can learn more about the rules for installing a fence between neighbors from the article on our website.

What types of fences do home owners choose?

The most popular among owners of suburban areas are fencing structures made from:

We have already said that choosing a fence is not the easiest thing. Each design and material has its own advantages that owners of private houses like. But an integrated approach to this issue helps to decide which fence is better. Here are the most popular fence materials that are popular among experienced fencers.

  1. Fence made of corrugated board.
  2. Brick or stone fence.
  3. Euro picket fence.
  4. Chain-link fence.
  5. Wooden fence.
  6. Polycarbonate fence.
  7. Fence using 3D sections.
  8. Plastic fence.
  9. Photo grid for the fence.
  10. Hedge as a fence

Next we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each type of fence and each material. This will allow you to make an informed choice, not only depending on your site conditions and design features, but also based on personal preferences.

Corrugated fence

If your site is located next to a road or carriageway, and a feeling of safety and comfort is important to you personally. If you want to hide and feel privacy and peace and, of course, protect your area from excess noise, as well as dust and dirt. Then choosing a fence made of corrugated sheets will suit you perfectly. The fence itself is made from corrugated sheets that cover the gaps between the supports.

Corrugated fence

Corrugated sheets are metal sheets that are shaped like slate. But during installation, you need to make sure that such a fence has a reliable foundation. The foundation for such a fence must be solid. This is due not only to the weight of the fence, but also to the fact that a fence made of corrugated sheets has a large windage area. When installing a fence over a large area, such a foundation significantly increases the cost of a fence made of corrugated sheets. But such a fence also has many advantages, here are the main ones:

Acceptable cost of a fence made of corrugated sheets

Reasonable price. Even though you need a strong foundation, a corrugated fence has a very affordable price. You can find a good price at various companies producing and installing corrugated fences. Moreover, many companies also install fences, so you don’t have to worry about this either.

Quick installation of a fence made of corrugated sheets

Quick installation. Installation of a corrugated fence is really quick. To build such a fence, a work team will need from one day to a week. Depending on the complexity of the design and the scope of work.

Installation of a fence made of corrugated sheets

Variety of colors and textures of corrugated fence

Variety of colors and textures. This is an excellent material for design solutions and experiments. There are more than 150 different possible shades of corrugated board. There is even the possibility of simulating a stone, brick or wooden fence. The advantage of such a fence is that in appearance it is practically indistinguishable from the original materials, but its cost is 10 times less.

Fence made of corrugated sheets, stone imitation

Long service life of a fence made of corrugated sheets

Long service life. a fence made of corrugated board will serve you faithfully for 20-30 years. At the same time, it will practically not fade in the sun and will not change color. And most importantly, during operation it practically does not require maintenance, repairs and does not need painting.

Disadvantages of a fence made of corrugated sheets

There are also disadvantages to such a fence. A fence made of corrugated sheets has a large windage, so it is subject to wear and tear due to strong gusts of wind. At high humidity, rust may appear on the spans. If you want to paint such fences, it is quite difficult to do this due to the shape of the structure. This design often looks very cumbersome and not respectable. Also, because the fence is completely closed, it can restrict air flow.

Despite these shortcomings, a fence made of corrugated board is extremely popular. This is due to the fact that the price and quality of such a fence easily cover any of its shortcomings. Statistics also confirm the popularity of such a fence. Let's take several values ​​by region. For example, in the Moscow region, Krasnodar region and Rostov region, almost 80% of fences in private houses are made of corrugated sheets. And that really means something.

The design of such a fence varies. The difference is which pillars are used. They can be made from metal pillars, or you can also make brick pillars. So, transverse joists are welded to these metal pillars. And already they begin to attach sheets to these logs. We recommend using rivets instead of self-tapping screws. If your fence is high enough, more than 2 meters, then experienced builders recommend using three joists instead of two. This design will give the structure rigidity, reliability and safety.

Brick or stone fencing

This is a choice for those who want to feel literally like behind a stone wall. Such a fence is considered the most representative and, accordingly, its execution price is the highest. But she's worth it. Such a fence does not seem flimsy or bulky; it almost always fits perfectly. But such a fence takes longer to build than all others and can take up to several weeks, depending on the amount of work.

Brick fence

Not everyone is ready to spend so much effort, money and time on a fence, so many choose combined options. They combine stone or brick pillars with corrugated sheets, Euro picket fences or other material used to cover the spans between the pillars.

Combined fence with brick pillars

But nevertheless, many wealthy people still choose a brick fence. Answering the question which fence is better, they give the following arguments in favor of a brick fence.

  • The fence emphasizes the high status of the owner and his respectability.
  • High level of fence reliability and a sense of security from uninvited guests.
  • You can’t “peek” into such a fence. it gives a feeling of calm and privacy.
  • Even if desired, such a fence is difficult to damage, which gives confidence.

Of course, if you are a lover of open space and the feeling of crampedness bothers you. And you don’t want to spend a large amount of money on a fence that looks like a fortress, then you are unlikely to choose a brick fence and you will be right. Therefore, you should not chase only status, choose everything and always to your liking.

Euro picket fence

A Euro picket fence is perfect for you if you live in areas where the wind load on the fence is very high. The construction of a fence made of Euro picket fences consists of metal strips made of galvanized steel. The design features allow such a fence not only to withstand powerful gusts of wind, but also to be very presentable and neat in appearance. It is believed that such a fence is well suited for medium-sized areas; it is reliable and practical.

Euro picket fence

It often happens that spouses cannot agree and come to a common decision on the issue of which fence is better. In this case, a compromise can be just a fence made of Euro picket fence. Since this type of fence has the advantages of corrugated sheeting and the aesthetics of a wooden fence. This means that when choosing such a fence, you can please both those who love privacy and security, as well as those who value freedom and a wide view. This can be done by using different installation methods. You can make a solid fence, or you can make it with gaps, making large gaps between the elements. By combining the width of the gaps, you can find a common language and agree with each other.

You can also make a fence from this material in almost any color, and you can install street lighting. And most importantly, such a fence looks beautiful both outside and inside. And this is important for those who want to admire a beautiful fence while on their property.

Pros and cons of a European picket fence

To decide which fence is better, be sure to read the pros and cons of a European picket fence. Here are its main advantages.

  • Long service life. Can last up to 20-25 years with normal care.
  • The material is easy to care for and has good properties. Does not rot, resistant to sun and other weather conditions.
  • Compared to other materials, it is very light, so it is easy to transport.
  • Large selection of different shades.
  • It has a decent and pleasant appearance. It is important that it looks nice both outside and inside.
  • Quite durable. Rarely breaks. Protects the area well.

disadvantages to this type of fence, but there are not many of them. Of course, it is still quite flimsy and may not seem the most reliable. It also requires quite a lot of materials and fasteners. There are also cases where such a fence in small settlements has become a victim of vandals who steal metal.

Recommendations for installation

The design of a European picket fence consists of many metal strips that are attached next to each other on logs. It is necessary to position the picket fence as vertically as possible, so when installing it is better to use a special template. Installation will not be quick, and you will need a lot of materials. Just fastening elements, such as screws, will require more than 20 pieces per meter of fence. The screws must have a press washer or you can use rivets. Keep an eye on the gaps; their width can be adjusted, but it should be as uniform as possible.

Euro picket fence with 5 cm intervals

The fence elements themselves should be used with rolled edges, in other words, they should not be sharp. This will help avoid cuts. This is especially important if there are children or animals in the house.

Choose the color of the European picket fence to your taste. It is desirable that it be the same outside and inside, but see for yourself, this is not so important.

Chain-link fence

Another very well-known and popular type of fencing is a chain-link fence. This type of fence is known to any summer resident. It happens that such a fence is placed around the entire territory with the exception of the front part. A fence made of more presentable material is installed on the front side. This is the main disadvantage of a chain-link fence, but nevertheless this fence is still popular, if not in private residential construction, then certainly in country house construction.

Chain-link fence

When installing a chain-link fence, posts made of various materials are used. These can be metal, reinforced concrete or wooden poles. Making a foundation for such a fence is also not very difficult. Installation time does not take much time, and most importantly, even a beginner in the construction craft can perform it.

This is not to say that this is a bad fence, but it does not look very presentable or aesthetically pleasing. This option is often chosen by people for whom low cost is important. Or who has very incurious neighbors and a desire to grow climbing plants on such a fence. Despite the fact that a chain-link fence is the most budget-friendly type of metal fence, it can also be used quite practically. It is mainly used to mark two adjacent plots or is placed at the end of the plot, especially if there is a beautiful view. It’s understandable, why spend money to hide beauty from yourself.

Chain-link fence is easy to install

Many craftsmen make a work of art from such seemingly unrespectable material. All you need to do is add reinforcement and then such a fence is already able to withstand the weight of plants that climb the fence. It looks very nice. And if this is also flowering vegetation, then you can’t take your eyes off such a fence.

Chain-link fence with climbing plants

Pros and cons of a chain-link fence

Well, let's summarize all the advantages of a chain-link fence, not counting its low cost and ease of installation.

  • Lets sunlight through and does not block the view.
  • The area is naturally ventilated.
  • It is very easy to install; anyone can do it, without special skills or equipment.
  • The service life of such a fence is also not short. If you take a wooden fence, then a chain-link fence will last 2-3 times longer. About 15-20 years, which is not bad for its price.

Of course, such a fence also has disadvantages. Apart from the fact that its view, to put it mildly, is not the most magnificent, such a fence will not protect you from prying eyes. Not suitable for those who like to be alone - that's for sure. It also does not provide protection, and if its integrity is damaged, it can also be dangerous for children and animals.

Sketch of a chain-link fence with climbing plants

When choosing material for a chain-link fence, you also need to be careful. A hot-dip galvanized mesh would be better suited. This mesh will last longer than the usual one by 5-7 years. Another nuance is that a chain-link mesh without a special coating will quickly rust and become unusable. To avoid this, usually choose a galvanized mesh option or a mesh with a protective polymer layer. The so-called Eurogrid. Basically, this is the basic thing you need to know about chain link fencing in order to make decisions when choosing a fence for you.

Wooden fence

A wooden fence is also considered one of the most budget-friendly. If desired, such a fence can be made not only at a low price, but also turn this fence into a real work of art. A wooden fence can be made of almost any design and still save good money.

Wooden fence - environmentally friendly and not expensive

This fence is considered environmentally friendly and natural. A wooden fence looks rich, although its cost is not so high. Although, if you take into account the fact that the fence is made of strong wood, then such a fence can cost many times more than any other. But if you make a fence from available materials, it will not cost much. The advantages of a wooden fence include the following:

Pros and cons of a wooden fence

  • Natural look and environmental friendliness.
  • Easy installation method.
  • Beautiful view, can be made in any design. Great creativity for design.

Such a fence also has its disadvantages quite widely. A wooden fence requires regular and constant treatment to prevent wood rotting. The fence will have to be constantly repaired and maintained. The service life of such a fence is not the longest, since the wood is susceptible to damage by pests, and in general the fence can easily ignite. Therefore, when caring for a wooden fence, it must be treated with various solutions to prevent rot and pests.

Treating a wooden fence with a special solution

The owners manage to build a wooden fence with their own hands, which further reduces the final price of the fence. For production, you can use edged and planed boards. Before you start building the fence, mark the area with pegs. Next you need to calculate what the height of the fence will be. After this, the boards are prepared. The suitable length for boards should not exceed 2.5 meters. According to the markings, you need to install supports; they can be installed using different technologies, but most often they are reinforced with concrete. Then we align all the supports and attach the beams with nails or screws.

The picket fence will also look very unique. It will not take much time to install it, and the strength and reliability of such a fence is very acceptable. But here it’s up to you to choose. Let's repeat, there are a lot of wooden fence designs.

Wooden fence for a country house

Polycarbonate fence

Polycarbonate is a lightweight but quite durable material. It is often used in the construction of greenhouses, but this material can also be suitable for fencing. True, it is used mainly in combination with other materials, such as wood, concrete or metal. And thanks to modern construction technologies, complex composition elements can be realized. The fence will be not only strong and reliable, but also very beautiful and unusual. Here are the main advantages of polycarbonate fences

  • It has excellent sound insulation and heat resistance.
  • It has low weight and high strength.
  • Requires virtually no maintenance.

The disadvantage of a polycarbonate fence is the fact that without a special UV layer, it quickly deteriorates and can quickly lose its attractive appearance. And most importantly, the material is quite fragile and is resistant to impacts and scratches.

Polycarbonate fence with a combination of metal

Polycarbonate has recently become widely used in private construction. It is used for the construction of canopies, greenhouses, greenhouses and gazebos. This is due to the fact that the material has excellent properties, is easy to install and has a low price. Although when using polycarbonate in combination with other materials, for example, stone, concrete, metal, the price of such products will be much higher. When using polycarbonate, it is important to remember that this material tends to expand when heated. This means that it is necessary to leave a small gap between the sheets and supports. This is necessary so that the sheets do not crack when exposed to the sun.

Fence made of 3D sections

Do you not like to feel cramped within the confines of a blank fence, do you like to contemplate beautiful views from the windows of the first floor of your house, but at the same time do you like to feel safe? Then a fence that uses 3D sections is perfect for you. This approach allows you to build a very durable and reliable structure that looks beautiful. It also gives a feeling of freedom, lightness and spaciousness. Here are some more advantages of such a fence:

  • Such a fence is built from ready-made sections, which allows the structure to be erected very quickly. The installation time ranges from one to three days.
  • The service life of such fences is very long. Serves 50 to 65 years, while remaining unchanged.
  • The design is very reliable and provides protection against penetration into the area.

Fence using 3D sections

There are a lot of advantages of such a fence, but not everyone likes the appearance of such a fence, so when choosing such a design, look in advance at what it looks like, at least in photographs. And only after that make a decision.

Plastic fence

Fencing made of polyvinyl chloride or plastic has quickly gained popularity. This is due to the fact that such material is very accessible, and assembly is very easy and does not require much effort. The cost of such a design is minimal, but it looks very aesthetically pleasing. It has many different types of structures, ranging from blind ones to intricately shaped hedges. It is very easy to install such a fence. No special care is required for the fence. And most importantly, the design itself is very durable and quite reliable. Here are some more advantages to consider when choosing a fence for your site.

  • Long service life of such a fence.
  • Eco-friendly material that does not pollute the environment.
  • Not subject to rotting or fading.
  • Does not require painting or special care.

Plastic fence for a private house

But there are also disadvantages that must be taken into account. Firstly, when purchasing material you need to monitor and check quality certificates. This is due to the fact that low quality material can emit substances hazardous to health. And secondly, such a fence gets dirty very quickly, which can also be considered a disadvantage.

Hedge as a fence

Let's look at several, so to speak, unusual ways to fence your site. Hedges are not so popular in our country. This is more likely due to the fact that it has an unusual design for our mentality. But inside the site, many decide to try this type of fence. The idea is simple, to fence off some part of the site by growing special beautiful plants. Here are some advantages of such fences.

  • It has an unusual and special appearance.
  • It protects the area well from dust or strong winds.
  • With proper care, the service life is practically unlimited.
  • Strengthens the soil on the site.

The disadvantages of such a fence are also very serious. Firstly, such a fence is very unreliable and will definitely not give confidence. It may begin to grow unevenly, which will ruin the entire appearance. And secondly, it may suffer from various diseases or pests will appear. Special care that requires not only additional strength, but also money, and no small amount.

Tui. Hedge

Various special plants are used for hedges. They come in different breeds, so we won’t go into detail on this. If you wish, you can find all this on the Internet. But the time of disembarkation matters. First, you need to find out which plant suits your climatic conditions. Secondly, the period from late April to mid-May is considered favorable for planting.

Photo grid for fence

It happens that a budget fence is still intact and can perform its function, but has lost its acceptable appearance. In this case, it is not necessary to redo the entire fence. It is enough to use a photo grid on the fence. This method will not only give your fence an updated look, but will also significantly save you money. The advantages of this method include:

  • Updated appearance of the fence.
  • Hides all the flaws that were on the fence.
  • Has good ventilation properties.
  • Easily tolerates high and low temperatures.

The downside is that this does not affect the strength and reliability of the fence itself, but only improves the appearance. and even then not for long. Such an update will last 2-4 years at best.

Photo grid for the fence. Fence update

Such “wallpaper” for a fence works quite simply. A bright image is applied to the photo grid (reinforced PVC base), which, by the way, you can choose yourself. The main thing is that you like it. The design has the structure of small cells and is fastened with decorative rings. Such a photo grid can be used on fences made of many materials, for example, corrugated board, chain-link mesh, metal, concrete and wood. This method is also often used to decorate facades, gazebos and canopies.

Material for making fences

The cheapest way to make a fence is from a chain-link mesh
. There are a lot of materials for making a fence.

  • Euro picket fence. Stamped products from a thin metal sheet, similar to a wooden picket fence. They are attached in the same way to wooden or metal logs. A wide range of colors, durability, and ease of installation are the main advantages of this lattice fencing.
  • Polycarbonate. This is a conditionally transparent material with bending strength, available in different colors. With its help you can arrange the territory in an original way. The material is impervious to moisture, mold, corrosion, and resistant to weather changes. Its flexibility allows you to construct products of unusual shapes. Low price, no maintenance are especially valuable. Combines with metal, stone, brick, wood.
  • Rabitz. Such material has a low cost and can be installed without the involvement of specialists. The simplest option is to hang the mesh on a supporting wire. More complicated and more aesthetically pleasing is placing it in a metal frame. Galvanized versions are used for manufacturing.
  • Wooden picket fence. The most common, simple, budget material in central Russia and beyond the Urals. This is a classic for inexpensive holiday villages. Such a structure is easy to make yourself with a minimum of effort. The most common manufacturing option is to attach a vertical picket fence to horizontal logs. High environmental friendliness is valued when designing garden plots.
  • Concrete. Fences made from this material are durable and last for decades without destruction. Now decorative forms are used that make such hedges light and airy at first glance. They can be cast in the form of a brick wall, in a colonial style, or in other unusual shapes. The cost is relatively low, as it does not require special skill in manufacturing and installation. Installation is quite simple, unlike brick fences. The product reliably protects the territory. Color pigments are added to modern reinforced concrete slabs to paint the product in all the colors of the rainbow.
  • Brick and stone. When making, shell rock, sandstone, or one of the types of local stones are often used. Rubble and basalt rocks are used. Main advantages: heat resistance, rich appearance, resistance to mechanical damage, service life up to 100 years. The downside is the heaviness of the product. Such fences require a separate foundation and are classified as permanent structures. The high cost of the material and the laboriousness of laying them out hinder the widespread use of such barriers.
  • Metal sheeting. These products are considered universal. They are valued for their speed of installation, decent appearance, and wide range of colors. The sheets are mounted on metal or brick pillars. Durable sheet options start at 0.4mm thickness. The fencing is characterized by heat resistance, high strength, and long service life. The solid design perfectly protects from the wind and prying eyes from the street. However, the aesthetics of the product are low. In addition, it is easily damaged mechanically.

Often, improvised materials are used for construction: branches, plastic bottles, clay pots, firewood, logs, stumps, plastic pipes. You can pick up bicycle frames at the metal depot.

Concrete fences

Modern technologies make it possible to create a fence that fully meets all human wishes. Concrete fences are an opportunity to create the kind of fencing around your dacha that you need. The materials for making such a fence are soft crushed stone, steel reinforcement, cement and sand. After the fence is installed, it is painted with acrylic paint.

An example of a concrete fence for a country house

Nowadays concrete fences are produced using other technologies. If previously only dull gray color was available for concrete, now it is a living and beautiful material. The fact is that when making fences, dyes are added to concrete, and a special decorative form allows you to make any surface of a concrete slab for a fence.

In order to create such welded concrete fences near your home, you will need several assistants, shovels, concrete mixers, and a level.

If you take sectional concrete products, then the process of preparing to install the fence will not be long.

First, you will need to place support pillars with special grooves on the site and concrete them. After a few days, when the solution has hardened, you will need to install concrete panels between these pillars.

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Fence installation

In order for the fence to be very inexpensive, you need to build it yourself. The main points to pay attention to during installation:

  • The load-bearing structure of the fence is made in accordance with the weight of the fence leaf.
  • The basis of the supporting structure - fence posts (more about the types of posts and their installation) must be reliably deepened and fixed in the ground.
  • Depending on the filling of the fence, the pitch of the supports is determined.
  • Before installing the type of fence you have chosen, be sure to inquire about the technology of its installation and consult with a specialist.

The fence is installed, let's sum it up: if you wish, you can always choose a fence for your garden plot that will be beautiful, reliable, and relatively cheap.

Updated article from November 4, 2016

Brick fences

This type of fencing is especially popular because it combines maximum strength and durability. A brick fence cannot be called cheap. However, given that it will stand for at least 50 years, such expenses can be incurred.

The only caveat for those who want to install a brick fence is the aesthetic side of the issue. You should not use bricks of the same type, size and color for such a fence, so as not to get a dull composition reminiscent of a prison wall.

Use facing and textured bricks for the fence , feel free to introduce forging elements, inserts made of natural stone, wood, and your creation will acquire the desired solidity and impeccable aesthetics.

The pillars for a high brick fence should be reinforced with a steel pipe, embedded in a reliable foundation to a depth of at least 1 meter. In this case, the walls can be laid out in half a brick and significantly save on construction. The base for a brick fence is best laid out of large stone with jointing. This option looks especially solid and solid.

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