5 advantages of a wide window sill that you should definitely take advantage of

Advantages of window sills

Window sills have different areas of their canvas, which can be used not only for work purposes, but also to create an interesting design project. All these ideas quickly gained popularity, since a wide window sill can be used for various purposes:

  • If the room has a small area, then the necessary items can be stored on the windowsill, thereby saving a large amount of space;
  • Create a pleasant and stylish corner in a variety of themes, thereby decorating the room in which it is located;
  • By placing any objects on the windowsill, you can easily find them if necessary;
  • By storing things on the window, you can save money that you planned to use to buy furniture.

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There are practically no downsides to using window coverings in various ways. But it should be remembered that modernized products will cost more than conventional ones, and this is not a disadvantage, but a profitable investment.

Winter Garden

Plants on the windowsill are a common thing for modern housewives. With a little imagination, it can be turned into a real winter garden. You will need stands of different heights on which to place flower pots. The color scheme of the pots has a decorative function, so choose it in accordance with the interior of the room.

When creating a winter garden on several levels, take into account the characteristics of each flower - some like a lot of light, others need to be kept away from direct sunlight, others prefer diffused light or even shade. Worry about the convenience of watering flowers. You will need a watering can with a long spout or a spray bottle.

Table by the window in the nursery

If you use a wide window sill as a table in a children's room, you will notice that there will be much more space in the room. It can be used for the benefit of a child, for example, to make a sports corner for him. Such a table will be very convenient during the learning process, as the light will fall well. In addition, this table looks very fashionable.

Wide window sill in the interior

5 ways to decorate a window sill in your interior

Have you ever thought that a window sill can become one of the highlights of interior design? If not, then you should think about it and apply one of the 5 ways to use a window sill in the interior of your home.

A window sill bench will be an excellent option for houses and apartments where windows occupy most of the wall. If the average height of stools or chair seats is 46 cm from the floor and the windows start at approximately this height, then it is possible to imagine your window sill in the form of a bench.

In order for a window sill or bench to serve as a comfortable place to sit, it is necessary to accurately determine its material and depth. To do this, you should opt for a material made of natural wood and a depth of at least 30 cm.

On this topic, we recommend looking at photographs from the article “Window sill as a place to relax “


This replacement is good for the kitchen. The main requirement for a window sill is height. It should be somewhere between 83 - 93 cm. Such a tabletop can be used as a table; it is possible to install a sink in a window sill - a tabletop. To obtain a window sill or tabletop, both natural and artificial stone, chipboard or composite material are used.


If you have a small apartment, then this option will be very useful. A window sill, presented in the form of a desktop, will save space in the house, where you can place various items for knitting and embroidery. Of course, for convenience, it is necessary that the height of such a window sill be 75 cm. Its depth should not be less than 50 cm, so that it is possible to place even a monitor, keyboard, lamp, and books.

4. WINDOW SILL - ottoman, bed

It is very comfortable to relax on such a non-standard bed or ottoman. The main point is that the window sill should be made softer and wider. This is also a very convenient place to read your favorite books.


It should have a depth of 30 cm, excluding the battery. This creates enough space to place a chest of drawers under the window sill. This option can be combined with a window sill - an ottoman. Any of the listed options for using a window sill can add originality and uniqueness to the design of your room.

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How to use a window sill

Have you ever thought that you underestimate the functionality of a window sill? After all, this place can be used not only as a secluded corner behind the curtains, where you can put away unnecessary little things. Many people place flowers on the windowsill, which, of course, is commendable, but quite ordinary. Ask yourself how often have you encountered the problem of lack of space in your apartment. In some situations you need a little extra space, try using a window sill.

So how can you make the window sill a full-fledged member of your apartment? We have collected some interesting ideas that you will definitely like.

Window sill as a small place to relax

For residents of apartments with low windows, an original way to use a window sill would be to transform it into a resting place. For such an interior solution, the width of the window sill must be at least 60 centimeters. Also be careful about the height of your window sill - about 50 centimeters, otherwise climbing into the resting place will be quite problematic.

The ideal base, of course, would be wood, which immediately creates a feeling of comfort and coziness. But if you have a typical plastic window sill, do not rush to change it. If you are going to relax, then you will not be very comfortable on a hard window sill (be it made of plastic or wood). You can purchase or even sew a bright colored mattress that matches the size of your window sill. You will rest comfortably on this mattress. Another original solution would be small pillows that match the style of the rest of the room. You can use the pillows either separately or with the mattress. However, you can change the interior with the help of an ordinary blanket. Lay a blanket on the windowsill and enjoy the view from the window with a mug of hot tea. Now you have a separate place where you can read an interesting book or just daydream.

Window sill as a kitchen countertop

If you live in an ordinary apartment building built according to a standard design, then the height of your window sill is 90 centimeters from the floor. Kitchen worktops are the same height, so why not take advantage of this pleasant coincidence to expand your kitchen work area?

You will be able to cook and watch what is happening outside the window at the same time. Another advantage of such organization of the workplace in the kitchen will be natural lighting. As you know, natural light does not cause eye fatigue. Believe me, you will have a much more enjoyable time in the kitchen.

Such a window sill-tabletop will save you space, because you can put, for example, a dishwasher under it. You can also make a cabinet under the countertop to store utensils. However, radiators are often located under window sills, so you will need to either move it to another part of the apartment or ensure sufficient ventilation. If you disrupt the heat exchange process by covering the radiator with dense material without holes, then the apartment will become noticeably colder.

Window sill as a bar counter

Are you used to bar counters being located in the center of the room? Throw aside all standards and turn your windowsill into a bar counter. If you have a beautiful view from your window, then you should watch it as often as possible. At such a bar counter you can drink your morning coffee, have lunch or chat with your best friend in the evening over a cup of tea or something stronger (it’s not for nothing that the counter is called a bar counter!). In this case, it is better to replace the plastic window sill with something more wear-resistant. It can be natural wood or a stone countertop. A cheaper option would be acrylic with its endless color palette.

Window sill as a workplace

Owners of small apartments often find it difficult to allocate space for a work area. The window sill will come to the rescue in this situation too. The additional surface will make an excellent work desk. You can definitely place not only a laptop on it, but also a table lamp. On the side of the window you can hang several shelves to place work materials, and below you can place a small chest of drawers on wheels.

If you have a large window or windows located nearby, then you can create not one, but two workstations. Combine them using the same materials, furniture and accessories, then your “home office” will be not only practical, but also beautiful.

Such a workplace can also be created in a nursery. It will be much more interesting for a child to sit not at an ordinary table, but at such a window-sill table. But be careful, choose a chair based on your child’s height. At such a workplace it will be much easier for him to fantasize, draw and craft, but it is better to do his homework at a regular table so that the child is not distracted. Concentration is much more difficult at a young age, so this design decision may affect your child's performance in school.

Window sill as storage space

All sorts of unnecessary little things are often stored on the windowsill, but you can use this place as a full-fledged storage for important things. You can place books, boxes with handicrafts under it, even hide shoes that are waiting for their season. No, we do not recommend putting everything in this pile under the windowsill.

Order suitable furniture. You need to carefully measure everything, imagine what exactly you want and trust the professionals. The wonderful shelves located under the window will display books and magazines, and things that you don’t want to show off can be hidden in drawers. You can even order a cabinet around your window, just keep in mind that it must be narrow, otherwise you will visually (and actually) reduce the area of ​​​​the room.

You can do without custom-made furniture, as it is quite expensive. Select several chests of drawers or shelving units that are the right size. If you choose a shelving unit, you can even store things this way, hiding them in beautiful colored boxes or wicker baskets.

You can also combine your storage space with a seating area. Let things be stored below, and a mattress or even a faux fur skin on top of the window sill. Complete the seating area with pillows and the shelves with interesting books, and you will not want to leave your “most ordinary” window sill.

How to use a window sill - photo

35 window sill design options for a cozy home

Publication date: 11/16/2012 01:12

Today, a cozy window sill is becoming more and more in demand. After all, by increasing its size, you can ensure that it performs additional functions. In addition to the fact that you can put flowers on it, which undoubtedly creates a special atmosphere in the room, it can become an excellent place to relax for both adults and children.

In the West, they have long learned to turn window sills into sofas, tables and other interior elements. If you approach this issue creatively, you can come up with a lot of interesting options, and subsequently make them a practical and beautiful part of the interior.

If you have an older home, then there is a good chance that the house has semicircular or rectangular projections. Such protrusions have their own name - bay window. If your apartment has a bay window, then you can come up with many ideas for improving it and turning it into a cozy corner. Most often, a bay window is located in the kitchen or living room. The presence of such an element in the interior may scare many, but on the other hand, the presence of such an architectural creation has many advantages. With a little imagination, you can turn a window with a bay window into a cozy nest for yourself, where you can simply dream or read your favorite author. If the bay window is in the living room, then the flight of your imagination can be limitless. You can come up with many options for arrangement. This can be a dining or tea area if the bay window is in the living room. Alternatively, the bay window can be turned into an office or home library, which is also a great idea. Lovers of indoor plants and trees can be advised to decorate a large window sill as a winter garden, which will be quite beautiful and very useful for plants that need a lot of light. If you design a bay window for a child, it can turn out beautiful and interesting. Arrangement of such places does not require large expenditures, except time for imagination and time.

There are a great many ways to use wide window sills and windows in an original and functional way. They all have a place to exist. Therefore, we can advise you to look for your own window sill design solution and be sure to implement it.

The design of the window sill of such a non-standard window is made in a contrasting color, and small details connected to each other created a harmonious composition.

The window design is made as a window sill-sofa, which looks quite impressive, and the original details will add a touch of exoticism, which will add joy and good mood.

A bright, stylish tea area, equipped in a bay window with a large corner window, small bright details will complement the design and all together form a harmonious composition, and in the evening the lamp will well illuminate the relaxation area.

The design of such a small but cozy window sill is decorated in a romantic style and will help relieve stress after a hard day at work, drink a cup of tea, and a bouquet will lift your spirits.

The design of the window sill is stylized as a large and comfortable bench adjacent to the kitchen unit, and a lamp with a wide shade will help illuminate the entire space, which is quite important for the kitchen.

The window sill is so wide that it has turned into a real sleeping place, and a large number of sofa cushions diversify the design, which, together with the original lamp, will allow the window sill to organically fit into the overall design of the room.

The design of this bay window is designed as a dining area; all the interior details look great together and create a single style: cozy and festive.

A window with a window sill in a children's room is decorated very brightly and cheerfully, and the presence of large boxes in the window sill area will save space and allow you to place a large number of small things there, and Chinese lanterns look elegant.

A large window in the design is crucial; it makes the space feel light and provides plenty of natural light, while a wide window sill allows for free space for relaxing and reading.

The window with a bay window is made in such a design solution that it will be an excellent place for a home library, the built-in shelves will allow you to hold the required number of books, and in silence you can completely immerse yourself in reading.

The design of a small window with a window sill is decorated with great love, so that even such a small space has its own personality, and flowers will add freshness.

The design of the window sill is designed simply, without special expenses, just by spending a little of your imagination, and in the end you get a cozy corner where you can read a selection of your favorite magazines, a book and have a good time.

The design of this window is chosen so that it can fit into the style of the entire room, and sitting on the windowsill-sofa you can admire the amazing view from the window.

The designer turned this window with a bay window into a cozy nest, and a large drawer will free up space, a small sconce will give a romantic look in the evening.

The design of the window with a window sill is designed in the form of a small home library, and soft pillows will provide an opportunity to read in the light of the original lantern.

The design of the window with a window sill uses gentle colors, which makes it cozy, small sconces will be an excellent source of light in the evening, and drawers under the window sill will be an excellent place to store linen and other small items.

The kitchen has been expanded due to a window with a bay window, a window sill and a brightly decorated window have added a bright note to the overall design, the curtain stands out against the background of the window, and pillows and small details will add color to the interior.

The original furniture design is perfect for this type of living room design, in which a window sill with a high window has been converted into a place to relax, and a floor lamp on a high stand can illuminate any corner.

A window with a window sill highlighted by bookcases will look quite simple and at the same time original, and the reading area will be created by the window sill and all together will create a unique design.

An enlarged window sill will allow you to relax and privacy, and a window without curtains will provide a lot of light; in the evening, two stylish lamps will take on this function; the presence of drawers and cabinets will allow you to avoid cluttering the space.

The style of the window sill is strict, but bright splashes give it individuality, the design of the window and window sill is made in white, which visually increases the space, and a large drawer can be used to store all the laundry.

A small but quite cozy window sill-sofa in design and decoration is perfect for a country house, and soft pillows will help you sit comfortably and admire nature.

The design of the window with a window sill is designed in such a way that you can rest and relax on it, and the presence of a bedding and a flowerpot will make the atmosphere of this corner warm, which will also be facilitated by heating elements.

The design of this window is made in the style of a window-sill-bed, which is relevant for a country house and a cottage with an individual layout, and bright curtains and spectacular details in the interior will give the design a lively and interesting look.

The design of a large window with a bay window is made in the same style as the delicate interior of the bedroom, and a small table will complement the overall picture and provide an opportunity to drink coffee; functional sconces will diffuse gentle light and prevent boredom.

The color scheme of the walls is made in a light tone, which combines beautifully with dark wooden furniture, and the white finishing details fit harmoniously into the overall design of the window with a spacious window sill; transparent plastic chairs will add lightness to the style.

The design of a small window with a spacious bay window is decorated in a rustic style, wood will help you feel closer to nature, and the blue color of the upholstery and bright linen will complement the design.

An unusual and extraordinary approach to the design of the same original window and window sill, this is something cosmic that will appeal to any child and not only, and most importantly, this design will allow privacy and relaxation.

The design of a bay window with windows all the way to the top does not contain any furniture, which is also an excellent solution to the problem, because it turns out to be a free zone for any purpose, here you can play for children, relax for adults or organize impromptu performances, and in winter they can dance around the Christmas tree.

In a bay window with a large window, we designed a dining area, placing a table and chairs there, and bright pillows on the windowsill will allow you to sit comfortably and add a festive look to the dining room; the muted light of the lamp will add mystery.

Quite a nice window design with a large window sill, around which bookshelves were placed to create a small but cozy home library, and the place on the windowsill is ideal for those who like to retire and read.

By placing a table and chairs in the bay window, you can get a very beautiful and stylish dining area, and ceiling cornices with light curtains will visually enlarge the ceiling, which will add lightness and freedom.

A window with a bay window in a children's room will add free space and fill the space with light, and bright details in the design will give the room a lively and joyful look.

A very bright and stylish design of the window sill, an abundance of bright details and elements in the interior will add individuality and allow you to pleasantly spend time in such a cozy corner.

The design of the bay window is made in the same color scheme as the living room, the bookcases made it possible to design a home library, which organically fits into the overall design, and the abundance of comfortable places will allow you not only to read, but also to relax in comfort.


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Additional work surface in the kitchen

This is a very convenient solution, but, unfortunately, apartment residents have not yet appreciated this innovation. This solution is used mainly by residents of private houses or cottages; they use a wide window sill as another surface for cooking.

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Listen to the advice of experts:

  • The important task of any window sill is not to sag, not to deform, and to keep its shape. Calculating all the technical parameters yourself is not the best experiment. Leave this to a professional - only he will be able to take everything into account in the calculations (dimensions, weight, material characteristics, expected load, etc.).
  • To reorganize the window sill into a sofa, you should install the windows no higher than 40 cm from the floor. Such elongated windows with low window sills will not only allow you to create comfortable beds, but will also increase the lighting of the house many times over. The final touch is a few soft sofa pillows.
  • Very wide, strongly protruding window sills should not be installed without additional supports. Such supports can be not only legs, but also chests of drawers, racks, and cabinets.
  • For window sills-offices and window sills-tables, you should choose the right tabletop: its width should be at least 50 cm. Otherwise, placing a computer and a table lamp will be problematic. Or rather, it will be possible to install these things, but it will no longer work: it will no longer be possible to rest your hands comfortably.
  • Before modifying the window sill, decide: is its functionality or decorativeness more important to you? And, depending on the chosen approach, create a window sill design.

In a word, window sills are a whole Klondike of options for creative, skilled people. Until now, it is fraught with such inexhaustible possibilities. Tell us how you reorganized the window sills in your home.

Dressing table in the bedroom

It’s rare to find such an interesting design solution, but it is very convenient. In the bedroom, as you know, very often there is not enough space, and using a window sill instead of a dressing table can free up some furniture. In addition, many women liked this idea, since the light that falls is natural, it will be much more convenient to apply makeup.

Options for using a window sill

It would seem that the only function of the window sill is to frame the window. But for a modern city apartment this is not enough. With a little imagination, it is fashionable to easily turn a window sill into a full-fledged element of the interior.

  1. Mini vegetable garden
  2. Place for a pet
  3. Work zone
  4. Dressing table
  5. Lounge area
  6. Meal place
  7. Bedside table
  8. Decorative compositions
  9. Creative workshop
  10. Library

Rest zone

When the idea arose to create a seating area next to the window, you can use the window as a bench, the main thing is that they do not deviate from the general style of the kitchen and the kitchen set itself. You can use the window sill as an additional countertop and cook food on it. This is very convenient, as excellent lighting will allow you to do business until the night. The advantage is that this solution will save kitchen space; small household appliances can be placed on the windowsill. Under the so-called countertop, you can equip a cabinet with many shelves.

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