TOP 10 best window cleaners - review 2021

To clean windows, you can use not only ready-made chemical compositions. Effective products that do not leave streaks and cope with any stains are easy to prepare yourself. This will require substances that are accessible and available in every home. They will not contain surfactants and other harmful components, will be cheaper, and the manufacturing process will take only a few minutes.

The composition is selected taking into account the nature of window contamination. If they are very dirty, use vinegar-based liquids, and starch is suitable for removing dust.

How to wash windows without streaks using improvised compounds if there are no special ones?

When planning to wash windows, you should prepare free space - remove foreign objects, remove curtains. It is also important to take care of the tool in advance.

For hard-to-reach areas, you may need additional tools - special mops for washing glass, magnetic brushes, etc.

Soapy water

Before you start washing the glass itself, you should put the frames, window sills and slopes in order. Soapy water is an effective and simple way to clean windows from dirt and dust without causing scratches.

The soap solution is prepared based on one of the cleaning products:

  • grated bar soap;
  • washing powder;
  • liquid soap;
  • dishwashing or laundry gel.

The selected product is carefully diluted in water in an arbitrary proportion. Use the prepared solution to wash the frames. After removing the dirt, the composition is washed off the windows with clean water.

In advanced cases, you can apply a soap solution in advance and give the product time to work. To do this, you can leave the applied product on for 10 minutes. After that, wash the windows.

For heavily soiled glass, you can also use a soap-based cleaner. But it is necessary to take into account that after this the windows will need to be washed off very carefully.

Soda plus vinegar

Using soda in its pure form allows you to wash away dirt, but this method can lead to scratches due to the abrasiveness of the powder. Because of this, the product is not recommended as a stand-alone cleaning agent either for washing frames or for washing glass.

To keep windows clean, a composition containing soda can be used:

  • water – 2 liters;
  • vinegar - ½ cup;
  • soda - ¼ cup.

All components are thoroughly mixed until the soda is completely dissolved. The solution is applied with a sponge or cloth, after which the glass is wiped dry, without additional rinsing with water. Warm water will dissolve the soda faster.


Lemon is often used to clean windows. Using this option, cleansing is achieved through the action of acid in the product.

The simplest option:

  1. Pour a glass of water into a container with a spray bottle.
  2. Add ¼ cup lemon juice.
  3. Apply to glass using a spray bottle.
  4. Wipe with a soft cloth.

You can only use freshly squeezed juice, not canned juice.

Chalk solution

For very dirty windows, a composition based on finely ground chalk will help. If the windows have not been washed for a long time, there are streaks and traces of insects, then the chalk is diluted with water to a paste, and in this water is spread over the glass surface.

As a means of regular treatment, the solution may be less concentrated:

  1. Pour 0.5 liters of water into a container.
  2. Add 25 grams of chalk powder.
  3. Stir until smooth.
  4. Apply.
  5. Wait for the composition to dry.
  6. Wipe with a rag.
  7. Rinse off.

Instead of chalk, you can use tooth powder.


Glycerin as an independent product is not intended specifically for cleaning windows.

His tasks:

  • give the surface shine;
  • prevent the appearance of ice;
  • reduce the amount of deposited dust.

For these purposes, glycerin is often added to window cleaning solutions. One of the simple recipes:

  1. In a small container, mix water (40 ml) and glycerin (60 ml).
  2. Add 3 drops of ammonia.
  3. Stir.
  4. Use to wipe glass.

The composition with glycerin must be rubbed in, leaving no wet areas for it to dry on its own.


Blue is not an independent cleaning agent capable of dealing with complex stains. Adding it in small quantities (a pinch per liter of water) to any homemade window cleaning mixture will allow the glass to acquire an interesting bluish tint .

For washing frames, a composition with blue is not used due to the risk of stains from uneven painting.


Edible potato starch is one of the products that can be used to deal with dusty windows by washing them without streaks.

A simple and effective recipe includes only 2 components:

  • liter of water;
  • a tablespoon of starch.

The prepared composition is applied to the glass and left until dry. Afterwards, wipe the surface with a napkin.


Ammonia is a pharmaceutical product that is often used in everyday life to remove dirt from various surfaces.

The following use case is suitable for cleaning windows

  1. Pour a liter of water into the container.
  2. Add ammonia - 10 ml.
  3. Mix.

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If the windows are very dirty, you can also add vinegar to the composition.


A water solution of table vinegar is a good option to wash glass without streaks and clean frames. It should be borne in mind that to clean frames, vinegar should be used only in diluted form, so as not to damage the plastic.

Standard solution preparation option:

  • pour ½ liter of water into a container;
  • pour in vinegar (1/4 cup);
  • pour in dishwashing liquid (1/2 tsp);
  • mix.

If the glass is very dirty and has not been washed for a long time, then you should use a recipe in which water and vinegar are mixed in equal quantities.

This publication will tell you more about cleaning windows with vinegar.

Fabric softener

Fabric softener has an unexpected but effective use. It's very easy to prepare:

  1. Pour a liter of water into a convenient container.
  2. Add a glass of conditioner.
  3. Mix the composition.
  4. Use with a napkin.
  5. Polish with a dry cloth.

How to wash windows in an apartment and on a balcony without streaks?

In order for windows to delight us with their impeccable appearance for a long time, they need to be looked after and promptly cleaned of dirt and dust. And knowledge of some rules, secrets regarding caring for them and experience accumulated over the years will help you do this effectively and quickly.

Once upon a time, in the era of wooden windows painted with oil paint, washing windows was a very labor-intensive task, which was difficult to begin without prior moral preparation. It’s a different matter now, when almost all apartments have plastic windows, which are much easier to care for. And a lot of modern detergents and all kinds of auxiliary tools help you do this quickly, and without much physical effort, bring your windows to shine and cleanliness without streaks.

Choosing a detergent

Window glass can be washed using modern detergents or using “grandmother’s methods.” The effect will be approximately the same. The only difference is in the organization of the cleaning process, the speed of its implementation and the amount of money spent. Of course, a regular soap solution or a solution prepared according to one of the home recipes will cost less than a special product purchased from a company that sells windows, or a detergent designed to care for glass or plastic.

Using special window cleaning aerosols containing alcohol, you can very quickly and easily remove dirt from glass and window frames. The product is applied to the window, and literally after a couple of minutes all dirt is removed from the surface with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. If the glass is heavily soiled, you will have to apply a foam or spray product to the glass several times and wipe it thoroughly each time with a clean cloth.

This method is good because we don’t need basins, buckets, newspapers, or special efforts to remove stains from the soap solution.

Lightly dirty plastic windows can be washed with warm soapy water with the addition of ammonia (this is an excellent solvent and easily removes all dirt). By adding a few drops of ammonia, you can wash windows as easily as with a product in an aerosol can. True, this procedure is more troublesome.

First of all, you need to prepare a solution according to one of the recipes, for example, add 5 ml of ammonia to 5 liters of warm water or add 5 drops of ammonia and 500 ml of glycerin to 200 ml of water.

Next, prepare two containers and divide the prepared solution into two parts: one container is intended for wetting a cloth and wiping the glass, the other is for wetting a cloth for wiping the frame.

Then wipe the glass and frames cleaned from dirt with dry rags.

Glass treated with this solution becomes less dirty and is better protected from ice in winter.

Important: ammonia should not be mixed with detergents containing bleach. Also, to wash windows, you cannot use a solution with ammonia and soda or cleaning powder with abrasive additives. This may leave white marks and scratch the surface.

It is not recommended to use dishwashing detergents to clean windows. They form a large amount of foam, which will take a long time to get rid of by repeatedly washing the rag in clean water to avoid streaks on the glass.

There are several other products that can be used to clean glass and frames from dirt:

  • a special napkin that effectively removes medium and minor dirt and stains
  • regular newspaper (a proven way to eliminate stains during the final part of cleaning)
  • onion juice
  • a solution of warm water with the addition of vinegar (2 tablespoons of table vinegar per liter of water). You can add a few drops of lemon essential oil to the solution. To better apply the product to the surface of the window, you can use a spray bottle and pour the solution into it. After such cleaning, there are practically no streaks left on the glass. This product is especially effective on heavily tarnished glass.
  • For a long-lasting and lasting shine on glass, you can wipe them with a solution of water and starch (a tablespoon of starch per liter of water), rinse with water and wipe dry. A cut of raw potato is used for the same purpose.
  • Salt water helps give shine and shine to windows.

Window cleaning tools

When starting to wash windows, we need to prepare in advance everything we may need:

  • Bucket or basin with prepared cleaning solution and clean water
  • Foam sponges
  • Latex gloves
  • Vacuum cleaner

This method of washing windows can be recommended for those who have large windows in their home or a lot of them. First, the product is applied to the glass using a spray bottle, and dirt is removed with a microfiber nozzle. The remaining liquid is then collected with a rubber scraper attached to the vacuum cleaner. This way you can wash glass 3 times faster. Of course, the frame itself and the window sill will have to be washed the old fashioned way - with a cloth and water.

  • A special mop for washing windows with various attachments to remove excess moisture from the glass surface

When working with it, you need to adhere to certain rules: you need to wash windows from side to side horizontally, gradually moving from the top of the window down with a slight slope (the water will flow down). If the glass is heavily soiled, you can first remove the dirt from the glass with a cloth, then apply the product from a spray bottle and clean it off with a rubber scraper.

  • Double-sided brush with a rotating nozzle and a telescopic handle.

This brush with a movable head is convenient for wiping the surface of the glass where it cannot be reached in any other way. For example, when washing outside windows that do not open, sliding windows on a loggia, or when an apartment is located on high floors.

A special double-sided brush is, on one side, a soft sponge covered with a protective cloth or mesh, which actually cleans the window; on the other side, a rubber strip is attached, with the help of which the remaining soap suds and dirt are removed.

There are also magnetic brushes, on which sponges are attached with magnets on both sides. This brush can be used to clean glass on both sides at once. However, you can also use a regular mop by wrapping a cotton or terry towel around it. After the main wash, another dry cloth is used for wiping.

  • Crumpled newspaper
  • Special wipes for wet and dry cleaning
  • Soft cotton cloths
  • Microfiber cloths

These cloths are an indispensable cleaning aid. They help speed up the window cleaning process as much as possible, even without the use of chemical detergents, rinse well, easily remove dirt, absorb liquid perfectly, do not leave streaks or scratches, and penetrate hard-to-reach crevices.

  • Melamine sponge is another universal tool for removing various types of dirt from any surface.

In order to remove, for example, stubborn stubborn stains from plastic frames, just wet the sponge in water. It is better to do this in limited areas after removing the main dirt with plain water.

  • A scraper with a blade for removing factory stickers and tightly adhered protective film from double-glazed windows, dried paint from glass.

But even if you don’t have the miracle helpers that professionals use, if you have a good cleaning product and a soft microfiber cloth, you can also effectively cope with the task and make your windows shine.

Now we know what products and tools will help us wash the windows in our home. There are still a few tricks and tips left to learn in order to get the best result in the form of dazzlingly clean, streak-free windows.

Basic stages of window cleaning

Experts recommend washing windows in cool, cloudy and windless weather. In the sun and heat, window glass dries very quickly after applying detergents, and stains and indelible rainbow spots remain on its surface.

It is clear that it is not always possible to adhere to this point, since we often do washing windows and cleaning when we have free time. But if you follow a certain sequence of actions, the result will be positive in any case.

Don't try to clean all the windows at once. It is better to wash them one by one, gradually moving from one to another. It is more convenient to start from the inside of the window, because it is usually not so dirty and is easier to reach.

Step 1. Cleaning the window frames (profile) and window sill

To do this, we free the window sill from all unnecessary things and remove the curtains from the cornices. We wash the glass and frame from bottom to top (this makes it easier to remove dirty stains from wet glass), applying detergent to the frame and window sill with a sponge or spray bottle. Then remove the remaining foam and water with a damp cloth.

Step 2. Washing the window glass

Using a generously moistened sponge, apply a cleaning solution to the glass and sequentially treat the entire surface from top to bottom. Then we remove any remaining moisture and polish the glass until shiny with a soft cloth or crumpled newspaper.

Step 3. Cleaning the blinds from dust and dirt

Dirty blinds can be cleaned using a solution of ammonia. To do this, the blinds need to be positioned parallel to the frame. Put any sock on your hand like a mitten, having first soaked it in the solution. Wipe the plates on both sides and wipe dry.

Homemade Window Cleaning Recipes

Homemade cleaning solutions often contain the following ingredients:

If it is necessary to remove severe contamination, add potassium permanganate, ammonia and ash.

To wipe mirrors, it is recommended to use a cloth made of soft materials. This will help avoid streaks.

Water and lemon

One of the simplest and most affordable products to make with many positive reviews.

It's easy to prepare the essence:

  1. Add citric acid or lemon juice in an amount of 50 g to one glass of water.
  2. Stir thoroughly.
  3. Wipe the surface with the resulting liquid.

For mild contamination, the concentration of lemon juice can be reduced. The advantage of the method is the absence of streaks and a pleasant fresh aroma: a lemon-scented flavor is added to many chemical compositions.


Starch works well with dust and stuck dirt.

A recipe based on it can be made like this:

  1. Add a tablespoon of starch powder to a liter of water.
  2. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Apply to the area with a sponge and leave to dry.
  4. Remove the remaining starch with a damp cloth and wipe with newspaper.

Raw potatoes are also used - they contain a lot of starch. The tuber is cut and rubbed on the surface, left until completely dry. To add shine, the surface is wiped with microfiber.

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If the windows have not been washed for a long time, use vinegar. It is able to remove heavy stains without leaving streaks. It is used for cleaning window frames and polishing mirrors.

To obtain a concentrated essence, you need to add a quarter glass of apple or white vinegar to half a liter of liquid and stir thoroughly.

Acetic acid should be handled with care. It is recommended to use rubber gloves

Vinegar, alcohol and starch

A mixture of these three components is considered the number one remedy in the fight against pollution.

How to prepare it:

  1. Gently heat 500 milliliters of water (2 cups).
  2. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. starch.
  3. Add pure industrial alcohol and vinegar (a quarter cup each).
  4. Shake the bottle.

You can put a special spray nozzle on the bottle, which will facilitate the process of spraying the liquid. After spraying it, wipe the surface with a dry soft cloth.

Black tea and vinegar

A lesser-known method of preparing glass cleaning liquid is a mixture of black tea and vinegar.

It’s easy to prepare, all you need is:

  1. Brew strong tea and let it brew.
  2. Add 3 tbsp. l. acids.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until the liquid acquires a uniform color.

The resulting liquid is applied to the surface, then washed off with water. The glass is wiped dry with a napkin or rag.


Ammonia is toxic; it is recommended to work with it especially carefully.

The process of preparing the solution:

  1. Pour a liter of heated water into a glass container.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  3. Use the resulting liquid to wipe the window with a microfiber cloth.

It is recommended to wipe the glass with newspapers: printing inks contain carbon. By interacting with ammonia, it allows you to give the glass a special shine.

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Liquid soap and vinegar

When these substances are mixed, a foamy liquid is obtained that perfectly washes away most of the contaminants.

Cooking process:

  1. Add 2 tbsp. l. acetic acid per 500 ml of water.
  2. Pour in half a teaspoon of soap.
  3. Shake until foam appears.

If there is not enough foam, add more soap.

Vinegar and soda

Pure vinegar mixed with baking soda can even wipe off a marker or pen. This is relevant for washing old window glass and mirrors.

Simple cooking method:

  1. Pour 2 liters of clean water into a saucepan or other container.
  2. Add 100 ml of acid and 50 g of baking soda.
  3. To stir thoroughly.

Instead of soda, ordinary table salt is sometimes used; it gives the glass a distinctive shine. But the disadvantage of salt is that its crystals can scratch the surface, so you cannot wash PVC products with it.

Means for heavy soiling

Sometimes it is necessary to clean heavy stains, for example, drops of dried paint after repairs.

To do this, it is recommended to use a special ammonia concentrate with the addition of vinegar.

You need to work with this mixture carefully; just blot the dirty areas with a sponge. It is recommended to purchase a respirator to avoid inhaling harmful ammonia fumes

Many also use potassium permanganate - dilute several of its crystals and apply the resulting liquid to the windows. Some people wipe the surface with wood ash before doing this to keep it clean longer.

What to look for when choosing

What are the main criteria you need to focus on in order to choose a quality product for cleaning windows and glass surfaces?


You should choose glass cleaning products depending on the type and degree of contamination. To do this, you will have to carefully study the composition.

The most effective glass cleaners are those that contain benzyl alcohol with the addition of anionic surfactants to form foam. They do not require much effort to dissolve various contaminants and do not leave streaks or cloudy residue. The only drawback is the pungent smell, but it quickly disappears after good ventilation.


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It is advisable to wash the outer glass with products containing water-repellent components. Raindrops will simply roll down the glass, leaving no traces behind.

An acid-based product containing vinegar or citric acid will help remove soap stains and limescale deposits on mirrors or shower walls - they dissolve alkali well. However, any universal windshield wiper can handle such problems.

If you need to wash tinted or frosted glass, then in order not to damage the surface, it is better to use alcohol-based products or mild surfactants. For severe contamination, it is better to purchase an ethyl alcohol-based cleaner.

Skin safe

Don't believe manufacturers' advertising promises. Any substance that dissolves dirt and grease in one way or another will affect the skin. Do you want to keep your hands soft and tender? Then work with gloves.

Ability to cope with various contaminants

A good product should be universal - effectively remove grease, dirt, drips, insect marks, soot and other contaminants.

In this case, the main criterion is the absence of drips, stripes, cloudy veils, and rainbow highlights.

Convenient capacity

Bottles are usually designed for 0.5 liters. The large volume is difficult and awkward to hold with one hand. The shape of the bottle should be curved, it is advisable to have ribbed bulges for fingers so that the product does not slip out of wet hands.

An important design element is the sprayer. It can be standard with a blocker or work in several modes, for example, have a fine mesh, thanks to which foam is formed.


If the formula contains aggressive substances, then an unpleasant odor is inevitable. Manufacturers try to disguise it with fragrances with fruit, berry, pine or sea scents. Unfortunately, things aren't working out well for them so far.

A complete absence of odor occurs only in environmentally friendly preparations made on the basis of natural ingredients. But they are not cheap, so they are not very common in our supermarkets. You can only buy them online.

Homemade Window Cleaning Recipes

Homemade cleaning solutions often contain the following ingredients:

  • lemon,
  • alcohol,
  • soap,
  • starch,
  • ammonia,
  • vinegar,
  • soda,
  • glycerol,

If it is necessary to remove severe contamination, add potassium permanganate, ammonia and ash.

To wipe mirrors, it is recommended to use a cloth made of soft materials. This will help avoid streaks.

Water and lemon

One of the simplest and most affordable products to make with many positive reviews.

It's easy to prepare the essence:

  1. Add citric acid or lemon juice in an amount of 50 g to one glass of water.
  2. Stir thoroughly.
  3. Wipe the surface with the resulting liquid.

For mild contamination, the concentration of lemon juice can be reduced . The advantage of the method is the absence of streaks and a pleasant fresh aroma: a lemon-scented flavor is added to many chemical compositions.


Starch works well with dust and stuck dirt.

A recipe based on it can be made like this:

  1. Add a tablespoon of starch powder to a liter of water.
  2. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Apply to the area with a sponge and leave to dry.
  4. Remove the remaining starch with a damp cloth and wipe with newspaper.

Raw potatoes are also used - they contain a lot of starch. The tuber is cut and rubbed on the surface, left until completely dry. To add shine, the surface is wiped with microfiber.


If the windows have not been washed for a long time, use vinegar. It is able to remove heavy stains without leaving streaks. It is used for cleaning window frames and polishing mirrors.

To obtain a concentrated essence, you need to add a quarter glass of apple or white vinegar to half a liter of liquid and stir thoroughly.

Important! To enhance the effect, add half a teaspoon of ordinary liquid soap; this ensures quick cleaning of the glass from dirt.

Acetic acid should be handled with care. It is recommended to use rubber gloves.

Vinegar, alcohol and starch

A mixture of these three components is considered the number one remedy in the fight against pollution.

How to prepare it:

  1. Gently heat 500 milliliters of water (2 cups).
  2. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. starch.
  3. Add pure industrial alcohol and vinegar (a quarter cup each).
  4. Shake the bottle.

You can put a special spray nozzle on the bottle, which will facilitate the process of spraying the liquid. After spraying it, wipe the surface with a dry soft cloth.

Advice! Instead of industrial alcohol, you can add regular vodka (a third of a glass).

Black tea and vinegar

A lesser-known method of preparing glass cleaning liquid is a mixture of black tea and vinegar.

It’s easy to prepare, all you need is:

  1. Brew strong tea and let it brew.
  2. Add 3 tbsp. l. acids.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until the liquid acquires a uniform color.

The resulting liquid is applied to the surface, then washed off with water. The glass is wiped dry with a napkin or rag.


Ammonia is toxic; it is recommended to work with it especially carefully.

The process of preparing the solution:

  1. Pour a liter of heated water into a glass container.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  3. Use the resulting liquid to wipe the window with a microfiber cloth.

It is recommended to wipe the glass with newspapers: printing inks contain carbon. By interacting with ammonia, it allows you to give the glass a special shine.

Liquid soap and vinegar

When these substances are mixed, a foamy liquid is obtained that perfectly washes away most of the contaminants.

Cooking process:

  1. Add 2 tbsp. l. acetic acid per 500 ml of water.
  2. Pour in half a teaspoon of soap.
  3. Shake until foam appears.

If there is not enough foam, add more soap.

Vinegar and soda

Pure vinegar mixed with baking soda can even wipe off a marker or pen. This is relevant for washing old window glass and mirrors.

Simple cooking method:

  1. Pour 2 liters of clean water into a saucepan or other container.
  2. Add 100 ml of acid and 50 g of baking soda.
  3. To stir thoroughly.

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Instead of soda, ordinary table salt is sometimes used; it gives the glass a distinctive shine. But the disadvantage of salt is that its crystals can scratch the surface, so you cannot wash PVC products with it.

Means for heavy soiling

Sometimes it is necessary to clean heavy stains, for example, drops of dried paint after repairs.

To do this, it is recommended to use a special ammonia concentrate with the addition of vinegar..

You need to work with this mixture carefully; just blot the dirty areas with a sponge. It is recommended to purchase a respirator to avoid inhaling harmful ammonia fumes.

Many also use potassium permanganate - dilute several of its crystals and apply the resulting liquid to the windows. Some people wipe the surface with wood ash before doing this to keep it clean longer.

What can't be used?

In an effort to clean faster and more efficiently, you can easily damage your windows. To prevent this from happening, it is important to remember some prohibitions:

  1. You should not mix different components in a row, trying to make the composition more saturated. Some substances cannot be combined together, as they either neutralize each other's effects, or, conversely, can cause the washing solution to become too caustic. In the latter case, the seals and the plastic itself may suffer.
  2. You should not try to speed up the window cleaning process by using abrasive brushes and coarse-grained compounds, for example, coarse salt, etc. The sharp edges of the grains and a hard brush can easily scratch both the glass itself and the frame.
  3. In order for the glass to remain streak-free, the final stage of care should be polishing and necessarily wiping the surface dry.
  4. Components to which family members are allergic should not be used as ingredients in the cleaning solution.

How to wash windows without streaks at home

People living in ecologically clean areas, as a rule, do not have too much trouble washing such surfaces; they just need to wash off a little dust or sand. However, for those living in industrial cities, it is more difficult to achieve clean glass. Largely due to the fact that not only dirt, but also grease from harmful fumes settles on them. Therefore, it is doubly important for them to find the answer to the question of how to wash a window without streaks at home.

The entire course of work can be divided into several stages:

  • You shouldn’t wash all the glass at once; first you need to completely clean one, and only then move on to the next. Moreover, it is best to start washing from its inner surface, which is much cleaner.
  • First you need to dilute a little powder in a bowl of warm water and clean the glass surface using a sponge.
  • It is important to wash not only the glass, but also the frame, handles and other elements.
  • Be sure to wash the cleaning agent with cool, clean water.
  • In order to avoid streaks, you can crumple newspapers and wipe the glass with them.

Washing windows with a special mop is quick and effective.
If part of the glass is dirty, it makes sense to use special wipes used to clean it. When choosing how to wash a window, do not forget about washing it with a special mop, which has a sponge and a rubber scraper at the end. Such a device must be dipped in soapy water, wrung out and carefully walked over the entire surface. In conclusion, you need to carefully wash the glass with the same mop, only you need to replace the water in the basin.

Folk home remedies for cleaning windows

The most popular folk remedies include vinegar, ordinary laundry soap and lemon. Soapy water (laundry soap solution) is a cheap and effective remedy. Soap is just a surfactant that perfectly removes dirt on windows. But with it, washing turns into a very lengthy process. First you need to wash the glass with soapy water, then rinse it several times with clean water, then wipe it dry and, at the last stage, polish it with newspaper. The windows, of course, will sparkle, but this will take a lot of time.

Vinegar and lemon do not contain any active ingredients such as alcohol or surfactants. They contain acids (acetic and citric, respectively), but they do not cope with dust or grease. Therefore, adding vinegar or lemon juice to water does not bring any positive results.

For slightly dirty glass, as well as dust from furniture, it is better to use a microfiber cloth soaked in water with the addition of EM preparations. After cleaning, you can water your indoor plants with the same water.

Recommendations from housewives

For a brilliant result, you need to choose a time of day when the window does not receive direct sunlight, and avoid repeating typical mistakes.

To do this, it is enough to prevent the use of:

  1. Products not intended for cleaning windows, with aggressive composition and abrasives.
  2. Hard, metal sponges and brushes, the use of a melamine sponge is also not always allowed.
  3. Sharp objects that can damage the coating.

It is recommended to first test new and unfamiliar household chemicals on a small area on the inside of the structure.

You will find a lot of important and useful information about fast and effective window cleaning in this section.

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