How to wipe tape off plastic and quickly remove traces (glue)

How to remove tape from plastic

Are there any pieces of transparent tape that have become ingrained in the surface on the plastic wall panels of the office after sticking up a lot of advertisements? Did children glue their own cut out snowflakes to the plastic frames of windows and doors before the New Year holidays? Did the remains of adhesive tape stick to the parts after furniture renovation - situations when you need to clean the plastic from the adhesive tape firmly stuck to it.

Methods for removing this type of contaminant are mechanical and chemical. Often they need to be combined: for example, first heat up old dirt, and only then wash it off.

When using any aggressive substances, including alcohol-containing mixtures, first test their effect on the plastic in some inconspicuous place.

Heating with a hairdryer

The simplest method to remove any type of tape is to heat it with hot air from a regular hairdryer. After the glue on the tape softens from the high temperature, carefully lift the tip and remove it from the surface of the plastic.

Instead of a hairdryer, you can use a household steam generator or even a boiled kettle, directing a stream of steam from the spout onto the stuck tape.

Heating with a hairdryer or steam is the safest way to clean plastic, as long as you don’t burn your hands.

Alcohol and alcohol-based cleaners

Ethyl pharmaceutical alcohol 95%, quickly dissolving, allows you to remove adhesive from tape:

  • Having generously moistened a piece of cotton wool with alcohol, apply it to the dried piece of tape for about thirty seconds (you should not use cloth, alcohol is quickly absorbed into it and evaporates);
  • the alcohol will dissolve the glue at least under the edges of the tape. After prying them open, remove the adhesive tape;
  • If you didn’t succeed in completely removing the tape from the plastic the first time, repeat the procedure.

Any alcohol-based solvents (white spirit, isopropanol and others) will also work. The method is not the fastest, but simple and affordable.

Using vodka as an alcohol-containing solvent may be ineffective, since the percentage of alcohol in it is insufficient.

Rubber attachment for drill

Residue of double-sided tape from plastic is the most difficult to remove. Even its oldest “remnants” can be erased using a radical mechanical method - using a rubber polishing attachment on a drill. They are sold in hardware or construction supply stores and are inexpensive.

Instead of a rubber attachment, use a bicycle nipple, inserting its metal part into a drill or screwdriver.


Try removing small pieces of tape that are not yet old, but firmly stuck to the plastic, by gluing larger pieces on top: press the fresh tape tightly to the old one and tear it off sharply.

This cleaning method is more effective for single-sided clear tape.

Label and sticker removers

To facilitate the removal of any adhesive tapes and labels, special chemical agents have been developed, such as UHU (Germany), ABRO SR-200 (Russia), Akfix A104 (China), Tableau Sticky Label Remover (USA) and others. The use of these drugs is the most effective and easiest option for removing adhesive tape that is strongly stuck to plastic, but also the most expensive.



Tableau Sticky


The products are available in the form of aerosols, liquids, and pencils. Specify the time of exposure to the adhesive tape in the instructions for the specific drug, but the general rules of use are as follows:

  • Apply the liquid using the brush included in the kit onto the surface of the adhesive tape and leave for 5-15 minutes (the longer it acts, the easier it is to remove the tape);
  • for very old tape remnants, repeat the process again;
  • if the product is in an aerosol, spray it onto the surface and edges of the tape, holding the can vertically so that the spray goes in the direction opposite to you;
  • Immediately wipe off any excess or drips from the plastic with a paper or cloth napkin;
  • leave for a few minutes;
  • pick up the edge of the tape with a toothpick or plastic spatula and lift it up, while gradually continuing to spray the product under it.

It is more convenient to use liquid preparations for cleaning horizontal plastic surfaces (PVC window sills), sprayers, pencils - for any kind.

Before use, test the effect of any product on the plastic to be cleaned. The lower the quality of the plastic, the greater the likelihood of it being damaged by any of the industrial drugs.

When using label removers indoors, make sure there is sufficient ventilation as they have an unpleasant odor that is harmful to children and people with allergies.

What is the best way to wash double-sided tape?

How do you remove double-sided tape from plastic? This is not such an impossible task as it seems at first glance.

It's time to learn how to peel double-sided tape from plastic

When you want to remove double-sided tape from plastic, housewives are faced with such a problem as the inability to wipe off the remaining sticky substance from the surface - such tape is much stronger than single-sided tape.

Our good helper is an ordinary hairdryer

There will be no harm to the plastic if you heat the surface at medium settings with a household hairdryer. The hairdryer will heat up the remaining fastener, and it will be easy to remove it with a damp cloth.

Vegetable oil will cope with the problem. They should be applied to the affected area and left for a few minutes. Afterwards, the dirt is removed using a soap solution.

How to remove fresh traces of tape from plastic

The sooner you start removing the remaining adhesive from the tape from the plastic, the easier the task will be. Fresh traces of glue can be removed using any of the above methods (although polishing with a rubber nozzle is unlikely to be useful). In addition to them, the adhesive substance is removed using the following home remedies.

Various oils

Regular sunflower oil is found in every kitchen. Although not only this is suitable, but also any other - olive and any of the essential ones:

  • Apply a little oil to a cotton pad and moisten the glue-contaminated surface with it;
  • after 2–3 hours (you can apply the oil overnight), wipe everything off with a clean disc;
  • To remove greasy marks, wipe the plastic with dishwashing detergent or alcohol.

Choose transparent essential oils so that the paint does not transfer to the plastic.


Baking soda will also help in the fight against glue:

  • add water to the soda to make a mushy mixture;
  • Apply it with a sponge to the remaining glue on the plastic;
  • After a minute, wipe off the soda along with the adhesive mass.

Dry baking soda acts as an abrasive, so don't overdo it on the smooth plastic surface.


This is a fairly gentle product, but it can easily wash away traces of tape recently glued to plastic. Wipe them with a cloth soaked in vinegar. This method is not effective for old stains.

Use table vinegar rather than essence, which can damage the glossy plastic surface.

Gel detergents

The effectiveness of preparations for washing dishes, liquid soap, and other non-aggressive household chemicals is low, but for fresh stains that have not had time to become covered with a crust of dirt and dust, it may be sufficient. Their advantage is that they are always on hand at home and are absolutely safe for any type of plastic.

Wipe the stain with a sponge and gel until it disappears, and then rinse the area with clean water.

You can quickly remove adhesive from tape using concentrated rather than diluted detergents.

Window and mirror cleaner

This composition, despite the fact that it is intended for washing glass and mirrors, does a good job of removing adhesive traces from plastic. They are convenient for cleaning plastic windows from tape, while simultaneously removing dust and dirt from the glass. If the glue has not had time to harden and become covered with dust, just moisten the dirt and wipe it off.

Use special wipes to clean the tape from a plastic window - they remove dirt well without harming the surfaces.


This is one of the most original options for removing tape marks from plastic. It is especially convenient to use toothpaste on window frames and slopes. Thanks to its thick consistency, it adheres to vertical surfaces.

Apply toothpaste to the adhesive stain, leave for 10-15 minutes, then wipe the area with soapy water.

Use white toothpaste without dyes.

Nail polish remover

It contains acetone, which dissolves the sticky adhesive of the tape. Advantages of use: the pungent smell of the drug quickly disappears, and almost every woman has the product itself. Apply a little onto a cotton pad and wipe the area with traces of glue, then wash off with soap and water.

You should not wipe plastic with pure acetone; you can ruin the smooth surface of a low-quality material or erase the paint from it.

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How to remove adhesive from tape from plastic - improvised means

Before starting the cleaning procedure, find out how durable the plastic is, what its performance characteristics are, and whether it will withstand aggressive agents.

Using simple methods, fresh marks and old ones that have not been absorbed are removed without any problems. The adhesive base penetrates the plastic and becomes part of it with regular heating, prolonged exposure to the sun or near heating devices. In advanced cases, you will have to think about how to wash away traces with aggressive compounds without spoiling the plastic item.


Fresh traces of tape can be removed with hot water and soap. The glue dissolves at high temperatures, and the soap helps prevent it from sticking again. Hot soapy water and a sponge are good for cleaning even, smooth surfaces. The soap then needs to be rinsed off with clean water.

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The glue will instantly dissolve under the influence of alcohol. Therefore, the tape is simply washed with a cotton swab dipped in it. The only “but” is that alcohol dissolves plastic. Not all types of plastic will remain intact after treatment with alcohol, ammonia, or alcohol-containing liquids. Do not overdo it, otherwise unsightly white spots will appear on the surface of the material and the gloss will disappear.

Vegetable oil

They use not only vegetable, but any other (except technical). Oil dissolves the adhesive base well. Lubricate the glue with oil, wait 30-60 seconds, then wipe everything off with a cotton swab.


A simple rubber band works on the principle of a glue collector, simply pulling particles of the latter onto itself. It may take a long time to rub. It’s better to throw the eraser away later.

Nail polish remover

And also gasoline, acetone, white spirit. All four products are aggressive solvents and are able to remove traces of tape along with the top layer of plastic. In addition, leave pieces of cotton wool or particles of a rag on the corroded surface. Therefore, they are used in extreme cases (when plastic is not a pity).

Table vinegar

Vinegar 9%, not acetic acid, is applied to the mark and wiped off with a dry paper napkin after 20-30 minutes. Then the area is washed with soap. May not work on old tracks.


Baking soda is an abrasive powder, but it will effectively help remove traces of tape. The main thing is not to rub too hard. Soda is diluted with a few drops of water to a paste and applied to the stains. After 2-3 minutes, the pulp is washed off along with the dirt with a dry cloth. Pemolux and other soda-containing powders should not be used this way.


Try to remove any glue residue with a small piece of tape itself. Just stick it on the dirt and tear it off sharply.

Dishwashing gel

You can remove the glue with hot water with a few drops of dishwashing gel and a sponge. Then the plastic is washed with clean water.

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How to remove traces of tape or dried pieces of old adhesive tape? Hairdryer with hot jet. It will not destroy the glue, but the structure of the tape will become more amenable to cleaning. Heat the adhesive base properly and remove unnecessary parts with a dry cotton pad.

The proposed method is indispensable when it comes to double-sided tape. After all, it contains, in addition to acrylic, rubber and foam materials that are difficult to clean.

Not every plastic will survive a change in temperature without losing its aesthetic qualities - keep this in mind. It is better not to use a construction hair dryer for household cleaning; it is too hot and will melt the plastic.

Important! For automotive plastics that are not resistant to solvents and alcohols, you should not use household chemicals.

How to Remove Old Tape Marks

Such stains - with a dried adhesive crust covered with a layer of dust and dirt - will be easier to clean from plastic if you do some preliminary work with them:

  • heat with hot air;
  • moisten with any of the cleansers for a while.

The above-mentioned white spirit and commercially available special preparations remain effective means of cleaning them.


If you have a car, use regular gasoline; if not, use refined gasoline for lighters or Galosh. The unpleasant odor of the substance can remain on the item for a long time, so after cleaning you need to remove any remaining gasoline from the plastic with any detergent.

Remember that gasoline is highly flammable.


One of the simplest means at hand for removing dried traces of adhesive tape from plastic, but also the most labor-intensive. It is not difficult for them to remove small stains, but for “large-scale” stains this method is too tedious.

Choose a soft and colorless eraser: hard ones can ruin the glossy plastic surface. Rub it over the stains and brush away any debris. The smooth surface of white plastic windows and slopes may lose their shine from the eraser itself. It will shine again if you wipe it with alcohol or window cleaner.

By moistening the eraser with water, you can quickly remove the remaining tape on the plastic window.

Car cleaner for removing traces of bitumen

It is often used by motorists to remove scraps and traces of adhesive tape from plastic parts of doors and front panels. It is also suitable for removing tape from plastic windows. Apply the product to dirt for 5 minutes and then wipe it off with a cloth.

From a range of similar preparations, choose a liquid that is safe for paint surfaces.

Anti-corrosion agent WD-40 (USA)

A universal technical aerosol, in addition to many other properties, allows you to quickly and efficiently remove traces of adhesive tape from plastic, including old ones. This is not surprising, since it contains white spirit, mineral oils and other potent ingredients. Spray onto the sticky residue, leave for an hour and then wipe off.

WD-40 is not only highly effective, but also does not have such a strong odor as most other solvents, sticker removers, and gasoline.

Special means for removing traces of adhesive tape

Preparations such as Tanex Power (Germany), Prosept Duty (Russia), ASTROhim (Russia) and others, designed to remove complex stains, including traces of tape on plastic, quickly dissolve the adhesive mass:

  • test the product in an inconspicuous place;
  • apply it to the stain;
  • leave for a while;
  • rub with a clean cloth or paper napkin;
  • wipe the plastic dry.

When working with such drugs, wear rubber gloves to protect your hands.

What not to use

The plastic surface, including frames, window sills, and slopes of PVC windows will be damaged if you try to wipe off traces of adhesive tape:

  • abrasive cleaning agents like Pemoxol;
  • concentrated acids and alkalis;
  • acetone, chlorine, methylene chloride, ethyl acetate, dibutyl phthalate;
  • organic solvents.

Do not use hard brushes or steel wool.

There are many proven ways to remove old residues of tape and its traces from plastic. This allows you to apply the most suitable one. The main thing is to remember to test the effect of the selected product in an inconspicuous place, especially if you need to clean a glossy or colored surface.

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