Application of autumn leaves - 20 interesting ideas

Good afternoon - today we continue the theme of autumn crafts - I have already shown several ideas for autumn applications in our article “Paintings from leaves – 10 techniques and a lot of photos”. We also dwelt in detail on what framed masterpieces can be created from dried flowers in the article “Applique-PICTURES from dried flowers (42 photos)”. We also made different heroes and animals from pumpkins “85 photos of children's PUMPKIN crafts - for kindergarten and school.”

And today we will make applications from autumn leaves in different ways. In this article I have collected several interesting techniques . If you are a kindergarten teacher, a primary school teacher or the leader of a creative circle, then here you will find a whole collection of the best ideas for autumn leaf applications.

Let me first show you applique techniques... and then we will look at individual topics

MOSAIC applique of leaves.

The first technique (my favorite) that I want to show you is using autumn leaves as puzzles in one whole mosaic . By arranging them in a certain order we can get an image, for example, of a crab (photo below).

Moreover, if you look closely at the photo below, you will notice that the leaves on this mosaic canvas are cut with scissors to give them the desired shape .

The only difficulty in creating such a crab applique is that (as you noticed) - it is SYMMETRICAL - the same on the left and right. This requires that your foliage material contain identical pairs of leaves - and this requires some fiddling with the selection of material. As with the butterfly applique in the photo below.

But what a miracle can be made from autumn leaves and dry fern stems. Take a closer look - here, too, there is a zone of symmetrical arrangement of leaves - in the area of ​​​​the seahorse's tummy. The remaining leaves are laid out according to the laws of harmony and proportion.

Not only autumn leaves can be used to create mosaic applications. In the photo below we see an example of a mosaic appliqué of a skull made from dried wild and garden flowers.

And here is an autumn picture - which gives us the idea of ​​​​creating beautiful silhouette paintings laid out in leaf mosaics.

I really hope that you will come up with your own themes for creating autumn applications using mosaic techniques . Be sure to send me a photo – I’d really like to see the results of your creative thought.

Now let's move on to the next technique.

BULK APPLIQUE made of leaves.

Autumn applique can be made from crumbled autumn leaves of various colors. From red autumn leaves we will get red sprinkles, from yellow leaves - yellow. also add dry black tea, green tea, sage leaves, etc.

Here are examples of appliqué paintings made using this technique.

Applique painting with GRAPHICS.

And here is technique most beloved by children . When a sheet is placed on a sheet of white paper... and then the child uses a pencil to think up and complete the artistic plot (settings, props).

When you come up with a good artistic idea, you can fix the pencil sketch with black ink or a black felt-tip pen.

Children love to add funny little animals with bulging eyes to the leaves. .. You can print out a lot of such simple animal graphics ... Let the children first apply leaves to the drawn animals... and then, by analogy (with this experience of analysis and comparison), create their own funny characters for children's autumn applique.

In addition to simple pencil graphics - using the same technique, you can use gouache or watercolor - and in any technique available to you. For example, children can from their handprint ... complete the twigs... and stick real dry autumn leaves on the branches.

Crown of autumn leaves

Cut out the base of the crown from thick colored paper. And then cover it with beautiful leaves and decorate it with other decor - the young princess will be delighted.

10 ideas on how to make a lapbook with your own hands

DRAWING on leaves with gouache and oil.

Here is another amazingly beautiful technique for working with autumn leaves. can be applied to well-dried dense leaves - dotted, striped, stippled .

Then stick them on the cardboard - placing them in a circle from the center - radially, like rays in different directions. After the solar arrangement of leaves is ready, you need to outline with a pencil the contours of this leafy sun (external and internal) - and then cut them out with scissors.

Using paints, you can draw faces and eyes on the autumn leaves - you will get such a cute little crab.

They can be pasted on a sheet of paper against a background of painted grass (and they will look like insects) ... they can be pasted on a blue background with algae (and they will pass for strange fish).

You can an autumn leaf into any character ... with the help of paints - we draw cat's eyes and nose, with scissors we cut off the edge of the leaf so that we get ears - and here we have CATS.

Using the same principle, you can turn a dry leaf into a Minion from a cartoon, into SpongeBob... or another character. You can show your personal imagination and craving for an artistic EXPERIMENT... we have a lot of leaves... if it doesn’t work out, take a new leaf and move on. Practice... look for images... draw faces and eyes.

But here are some pictures of autumn leaves you can draw if you have artistic skills. Neat brush strokes... imitating feathers... a small beak... and beady eyes.

Here in the photo below is the name of the artist who creates such masterpieces of paintings on autumn leaves.

Really cool! Is it true?

All these ideas really inspire me.

I just want to do something similar - but OWN, unique.

Let's move on...

Crafts from autumn leaves for children – photos and ideas

In fact, with such a convenient, varied and colorful material, there are no restrictions. You just need more imagination and inspiration. Look!

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Application of leaves ON CARDBOARD.

In children's creativity circles, applications made from autumn natural material ON A CARDBOARD BASE are one of the most popular topics. And it’s really convenient - cardboard is a thick enough material to hold thick layers of leaves, twigs, and large seeds glued on it.

The most popular theme of such applications made of leaves and cardboard is, of course, hedgehogs.

And also owls. We draw the outlines of an owl on the cardboard... paste it with leaves - starting from the bottom row of leaves, and moving upwards, overlapping. You can fill the entire owl with leafy mass , or you can leave the legs and head without leaves, just cover these areas with gouache.

Or you can make owl appliqués - like in the photo below. Here we cut out a regular circle from cardboard... glue on leaves-wings ... make two eyes and a beak from cardboard... ears and paws from pieces of sharp leaves. And then, when the owl is ready , we glue an ordinary clothespin (with glue or tape) onto the back side of the cardboard... and we sit and pin our owls on a tree branch.

Here is another way to make an applique using cardboard. First, we apply the design to the cardboard - then we transfer this design to the back of the cardboard. We cover the entire drawing with leaves of different colors. And we cut out the squirrel along the contour - just like in the photo below.

Flowers from autumn leaves

For such funny colors you also need colored paper and markers. You need to cut out two circles, glue on the eyes and finish drawing the face. Dry leaves are inserted and glued between the halves along with a skewer or wire stem.

DIY winter crafts for kindergarten (50 photos)

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