How to get rid of an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator - causes and solutions


Some refrigerator odors can be eliminated quickly, while others require repeated attacks. For example, if the cause of the stench was a sudden power outage, say, while you were on vacation, and the “aroma” managed to permeate even the sealing gum. Fortunately, even the most persistent odors can be eliminated at home using products that are in your kitchen cabinet or medicine cabinet. And for those who do not trust traditional methods, we will give tips on choosing a chemical odor absorber.


  • For those who are in a hurry, we advise you to immediately start reading Step No. 3.
  • If the smell in the refrigerator is weak and you have already eliminated the cause of it, a homemade odor absorber will quickly help solve the problem (see Step No. 6).

And a little about prevention

  • Store food in containers. Many foods smell strong enough to be absorbed into the surfaces of the refrigerator compartment. Therefore, every product, from chopped onions to leftovers from dinner, needs to be covered with a lid, foil or film, or stored in a container.
  • Inspect your refrigerator at least once every three days. This way you can dispose of spoiled products in a timely manner.
  • If you are going away for a long time (more than a week or two), empty the refrigerator and freezer, turn off the appliance and unplug it, wash the compartments, then open the door slightly. If you leave the door closed, mold and an unpleasant odor will form in the chamber due to increased humidity and insulation.

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Fresh apple and cloves

Few people know that apple combined with cloves can be a very good way to quickly deal with the problem of unpleasant odor in the refrigerator. And although this solution may seem a little strange, in fact it has many supporters who appreciate the high efficiency of a simple method that is easy to use at home. We are sure that almost every housewife will have both an apple and a clove in her kitchen at any time.

How to make a fruit freshener? All you have to do is cut an apple in half, take a few cloves, stick them into the fruit and place them on the top or bottom shelf. Keep in mind that this type of refrigerator odor absorber has a limited lifespan, so you'll want to get it out before it rots and starts giving off a foul odor itself.

What to do if the inside of the refrigerator stinks?

Along with chemical and biological methods, an electrical device called an ionizer can be used. It is important to know not only the causes, but also the elimination of odors in the refrigerator. When using the device, ionization occurs in parallel with the destruction of bacteria inside the refrigeration chamber.

For full results, you can leave the device inside the refrigerator for 2-3 minutes once a day. In turn, this solution to the problem gives a pleasant bonus in the form of an increase in the duration of keeping food fresh.

How can I clean the refrigerator to remove the smell if the cause cannot be identified? It is recommended to check the suitability of food products and their surroundings. For example, you should not leave fish products with bread or salad. Products prepared by smoking are prohibited from being left on the same shelf with cheese or fresh vegetables. Violation of the neighborhood leads to the fact that food begins to spoil faster. Also, mixing your scent with the “neighbor’s scent” creates unpleasant combinations. In this case, the question of how to clean the inside of the refrigerator from the smell comes down to a complete cleaning of the equipment. Also, do not forget about rearranging food products. Otherwise, the unpleasant odors will return.

New device smell

When there is a smell from the refrigerator, the reasons and solutions for new equipment are almost the same as for used equipment. The reasons may be related to the equipment itself or transportation from the warehouse to the buyer. There are several solutions for elimination.

How to clean a refrigerator from odors at home if the “aroma” of technical oil is detected. To begin with, you can limit yourself to wiping the inside of the refrigerator with a cloth and any soap-based detergent. If the method does not help, you can use soda or activated carbon.

How to clean a new refrigerator from the smell of “stagnation”. In rare cases, you may encounter a musty smell. It occurs in cases where equipment has been stored in a “locked” state in a warehouse for a long time. In order for the refrigerator to smell fresh, it is necessary to ventilate it at the first stage. Next, you can use lemon slices. If there is a strong musty smell, add cloves.

From old household appliances

Most often you have to decide how to clean a refrigerator from smelling at home when there is a constant unpleasant odor. Due to the long-term use of refrigeration equipment, we can talk about possible malfunctions, as well as an increase in temperature that is insignificant for humans, but significant for food products. This leads to a rapid increase in the number of bacteria that produce odors.

Fighting options:

  1. How to clean a refrigerator from odors using ammonia. First of all, safety precautions (mask and gloves) must be observed. You cannot wipe it with ammonia itself. It is recommended to make an aqueous solution. For this purpose, 1 liter. dilute water with 1 teaspoon of alcohol. The water should be slightly warmer than room temperature. The product is suitable for both the refrigerator itself and the internal surfaces of the freezer. The last step is to wipe all treated surfaces with clean water.
  2. If your refrigerator smells, then use lemon to clean the inside. Citrus is cut into slices and placed in the refrigerator on a saucer. You can also dilute a small amount of lemon juice in water. Wipe the inside walls of the refrigerator with the resulting solution.
  3. How can you clean the refrigerator from odors if there are no household chemicals in the house? As a rule, in any home, even in a summer cottage, there is a first aid kit. You can find cheap activated carbon in it. Cleaning will be done using a “dry” method. To do this you will need 30-35 coal tablets. To completely clean the air inside the refrigerator from unpleasant aroma, it is recommended to leave the tablets for a period of 24 to 48 hours.

Coffee is suitable as an unobtrusive fight against the spread of odors from food and their mixing. Due to its own strong aroma.

What if the refrigerator has not been used for a long time?

With prolonged “downtime” of equipment, odor can form not only due to an increase in pathogenic bacteria or mold, but also due to some kind of breakdown.

Most often in this case a burning smell is formed. This may happen due to:

  1. Fuse failure. Found in equipment with the NoFrost system.
  2. Engine failure. This will be accompanied by an increase in the temperature of the rear wall of the refrigerator.
  3. The smell is coupled with pathological changes in the operation of the device. The reason most often is the failure of a special board responsible for controlling the electronics of the freezing system.

To eliminate the problem, you don’t have to decide how to clean the inside of the refrigerator from the smell. You should immediately call a refrigerator repair specialist.

Traditional methods

As a result of a long time, decisions “from the people” appeared. Their development was based on people's personal experience. In this regard, we can talk about the approximate result of use.

Folk remedies include:

  1. Using baking soda. A budget product that can replace most expensive household chemicals.
  2. Ammonia alcohol.
  3. How to clean a refrigerator from an unpleasant odor if there are no detergents. Vinegar and vinegar essence will do.
  4. Coffee beans. Most often, this method is used when eliminating mixtures of odors in perfume stores. But also suitable for placement in the refrigerator.
  5. Activated carbon. Another inexpensive option for eliminating odor in the refrigerator.
  6. Some products. For example, ordinary bread has high rates of odor absorption. It is advised to place pieces of both white and black bread in the refrigerator at the same time.
  7. Citrus fruits should also be included here. It is recommended to use lemon.
  8. In some cases, you can add cloves, because... it has its own rich smell.

It is better to choose the final method based on the causes of the odor, as well as its intensity. If there is an ingrained unpleasant aroma, it is allowed to combine several methods.


If the fight against an ingrained problem is unsuccessful for a long time, you should turn to specially developed chemistry. This includes detergents and odor absorbers.

The neutralizer can be created based on:

  1. Activated carbon.
  2. Algae. Their extract allows you to eliminate unpleasant miasmas in a short time. When adding citric acid or silver ions, we can talk about the additional disinfecting property of the absorber.
  3. Silicone gel that can absorb odors.

How to clean a refrigerator to eliminate odors, choosing among household chemicals? You can find many options for neutralizers that can satisfy almost any request.

For example, there are egg-shaped absorbers. This device allows you not only to eliminate unpleasant odors, but also to check the level of operation of the cooling system. If the temperature in the chamber is low enough to store food, the neutralizer will turn white. In the case where no color changes occur, we can talk about a malfunction of the cooling.

How to prevent odor in the refrigerator?

Having encountered even a slight stench in the cell once, you will no longer want to experience this horror. That is why, as soon as the refrigerator is prepared for storing new products, care must be taken to ensure that unpleasant aromas do not reappear there. To do this, you should follow simple preventive measures:

  • It is necessary to store food in special containers, then the smell of each product (especially onions, sausage, meat or fish dishes) will not mix and permeate the walls of the chamber.
  • A thorough inspection should be carried out every 3 days, promptly eliminating spoiled food.
  • When leaving home for a week or more, there is no need to leave food in the refrigerator. It is better to turn off the power, wash it well, and leave it empty with the door ajar (if you close it, mold will appear in the unit due to increased humidity and it will stink).

By following simple recommendations, you can quickly get rid of any odor without allowing it to reappear. Moreover, care tips do not require much time and effort.


In addition to special devices and preparations for refrigerators, natural absorbents do not lose their relevance. They are safe, budget-friendly and found in everyone’s kitchen.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is an excellent absorbent that neutralizes odors. Grind 6-7 tablets and pour into a small container without covering with a lid. Change the coal 2 times a day.

Rye bread

Bread absorbs odors perfectly. How to remove odor from the refrigerator using black bread? Cut a few slices and place them on the shelves and door. It is advisable to do this after the refrigerator has been cleaned and spoiled food has been removed. Otherwise, the effect is the opposite.


To get rid of odors, you can use undercooked or uncooked rice. Place it in a saucer, place it on shelves, or combine it with sugar, apples (without core), and potatoes. Change the composition every 2-3 days.

Odor absorbers

To remove unpleasant odors from the refrigerator, special devices have been created - odor absorbers. These are small devices that will help freshen the air. They work on the principle of an air filter. The air passes through the device in which the filter element is installed and is cleaned. About 96% of bacteria remain on the filter, and the air passes further through the chamber. There is information that within 3 hours of operation of the device, it even removes E. coli.

  • Buy silica gel balls separately or take those that are sold along with new shoes or equipment. For a standard refrigerator, 1 ball will be enough for 6 months.
  • An absorbent with activated carbon or other granular absorbent removes excess moisture and ethylene released from the product. Absorbers are available in the form of an egg or a suspended cartridge. Suitable for 1-3 months
  • A professional absorber with gel quickly absorbs foreign odors. The composition contains lemon juice and algae extract. 1 package works effectively for 1-2 months
  • The mineral salt crystalline litter absorbs aroma well, but it needs to be washed about once a week. The top layers are removed
  • A battery-powered ozonizer disinfects the air in the chamber. Expensive, cost about 2 thousand rubles.

Odor absorbers will work more effectively if used correctly:

  1. Install so that there is free space around. If you attach the ozonizer to the door, it will remove odors from the entire contents of the chamber.
  2. The larger the refrigerator, the more odor absorbers needed. The best option would be to install them on the top and bottom shelves.

The packaging of absorbers indicates a shelf life of 3-5 years. In fact, their surface loses its absorbent properties faster. Therefore, you need to use capsules released no later than 6 months before the day of installation.

Eliminating various odors from the refrigerator

Now that we have found out that there can be several sources of the problem, it becomes clear that simply washing the refrigerator with ordinary detergent is sometimes not enough. There are many methods for cleaning household appliances from dirt and specific odors, and for each specific case it is worth choosing your own. Let us describe in more detail when and why it is more appropriate to use one method or another.

New household appliance

Freshly purchased household appliances have a characteristic plastic smell, so it is worth washing them first before using them. For this case, dishwashing detergent or a weak soda solution are suitable. To prepare it, just stir 1 - 2 tablespoons of soda in a liter of water. Then follow the instructions:

  • We wipe all shelves and walls with a soft sponge soaked in soda or soap solution.
  • Wash the sponge thoroughly with clean water and go over the surfaces again to remove any remaining cleaning agent or soda.
  • Wipe the refrigerator dry with a soft cloth or paper towel.
  • Leave to air for at least 2 hours with the door open.

Spoiled food and old stains

The most common cause of bad smells is spoiled food. Also, the source of unpleasant odors can be previously spilled liquids or old stains that appeared as a result of storing, for example, vegetables and fruits directly on the shelves. Some odors can be very persistent, for example, the smell of rotten meat or fish lingers in the refrigerator for a long time even after washing it.

  • Old, stubborn stains can be removed with regular baking soda. Dilute it with warm water to the consistency of kefir, moisten a soft cloth with this mixture and place on the stain for at least 15 minutes. The contamination will soften and quickly remove from the surface.
  • It is best to wash the rubber seal with hot soapy water. Grate a piece of laundry soap and stir it in water, rinse the seal thoroughly with a sponge to remove all dirt or mold.

Recipes to help cope with particularly persistent odors:

  • Soda solution (the preparation method is described above) helps not only to clean surfaces from dirt, but is also a good odor absorber.
  • Hydrogen peroxide solution is sprayed from a spray bottle onto the inner walls of the refrigerator and wiped dry after two minutes.
  • A mixture of water and vinegar - take 8 parts of water to 1 part vinegar, and wipe all internal surfaces with the resulting solution.
  • Lemon water - the juice of a whole lemon is mixed with two liters of water, the resulting liquid is treated with the walls and shelves.
  • Ammonia - add a couple of drops to a glass of water and wipe the inside of the refrigerator.

Odors from food and prepared meals

Sometimes ordinary fresh produce or aromatic ready-made meals can all together smell very unappetizing. To avoid this, it is recommended to carefully pack all food in plastic, plastic containers or glass and ceramic dishes.

It would also be a good idea to place special absorbers on the shelves. There are dry and gel options, and there are even special ionizers. Some of these products have an additional antibacterial effect.

But you can prepare an absorber at home from what you have on hand.

The most common are:

  • Citrus fruits – place lemon/orange slices or peels on the shelves.
  • Activated carbon - crush at least 20 tablets, pour into an open container and place in the refrigerator.
  • Rye bread – you will need a slice.
  • Peeled and cut potatoes, onion or apple.
  • Uncooked rice - place on a shelf in an open container.
  • Coffee is used like rice or charcoal. Only ground coffee will do.

Unlike industrial ones, natural adsorbents require regular and frequent replacement. For example, it is recommended to change fruits, vegetables and bread no later than every 3 days.

Breakage of parts and blockages

If the refrigerator has been in use for a long time, and you notice a characteristic unpleasant odor even after general cleaning, then most likely the reason is a clogged drain hole. Small particles of food or liquid often get there. To clean your drain, use the following guidelines:

  • Locate the drain hole using the instructions or look for the hole on the back of the refrigerator.
  • Pour warm water into it under pressure using a syringe without a needle or a syringe.
  • If water cannot pass through the drain, you should clean it using a flexible wire, a cocktail straw, or a special brush, which is sometimes included with the refrigerator.

If you smell burning or burnt plastic from the refrigerator, this is a clear sign of a breakdown. Only a competent technician can determine what exactly is broken.

If your appliance is still under warranty, contact the store for assistance. You can exercise your right to a warranty without any problems if you bought the unit from a trusted specialized store.

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