Beautiful roof: design options and types of structures. Selection of materials and tips for their use (120 photos)

Methods for choosing the color of the roof and facade

White facades have not been in fashion for a long time. They have been replaced by more interesting color solutions that are pleasing to the eye and less dirty. This approach to decorating the house entailed the need to install a colored roof, preferably in harmony with the shade of the walls and fitting into the surrounding environment.

Bright facade of a private house with a colored roof

Before you start painting and purchasing roofing materials, try to visualize the color concept you like. An architectural bureau or design studio will help you do this. You can, of course, try to draw an approximate picture with watercolors or crayons, but in the electronic version the colors will look much closer to real ones, and the house itself on the monitor screen will be displayed in a three-dimensional image, so you can view it from all angles, and if you wish, also on background of the surrounding landscape.

Visualization of the color concept of the house facade

Not everyone can afford to order a house and roof color design project. This is not a disaster, because you can decide on the shade range of their decor in another way, for example, by creating templates. The flat projection of the facade is transferred to transparent tracing paper or film. The roof model is cut out separately. Now all that remains is to apply elements to the color layout from manufacturers of paint, roofing materials, etc. and combine them into a single whole. In this way, you can quickly review a lot of combinations, putting aside the most interesting ones in your opinion.

Model of a house for selecting facade and roof color options

Very good sample in nature. Many factors can influence how the color on the roof and facade behaves. The most significant of them are:

1. Type of lighting.

2. The texture of the surface itself.

Options for the texture of the facade of a private house

Do not rush to purchase material for the entire scope of finishing work at once. Try to initially paint or plaster a small section of the facade, up to a square meter. The shade is assessed under a variety of lighting conditions:

  • in the morning, at sunrise;
  • during the day;
  • in the evening, by the light of lanterns;
  • in cloudy weather.

The disadvantage of this selection method is that only a very limited number of colors can be tested.

To judge the color, paint a small section of the wall first.

Choosing a roof color to match the finished facade of the house

First of all, it is necessary to highlight the various factors influencing the choice of roofing:

  1. Financial opportunities. First of all, purchase everything you need: material for the rafter system, heat and waterproofing, etc. After this, plan a budget for the roof itself, because not everyone is ready to spend their last money on a roof with an unusual shape made of expensive materials;
  2. When choosing the color of the roof, it is worth considering its degree of heat absorption. Everything is simple here: the lighter the roof, the less heat it absorbs. So, for example, a house with a turquoise roof is perfect for southern cities, and we recommend building a house with a cherry roof in the northern regions;
  3. Also keep in mind that not all shades retain their saturation for the same long time. Sooner or later, any roof will begin to fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and precipitation, which is especially true for roofs made of cheap materials. Cool shades retain their saturation the longest. Let's take a white house with a red roof as an example: its façade will retain its color much longer than a roof with a bright, saturated shade.
  4. Do not forget about the combination of roofing material and facade. Despite the fact that the roof will sooner or later lose its color, you will not have to change it if you select the right materials. When choosing other woodwork for your home, make sure it is in harmony with the other elements - this way your home will not lose its attractiveness after many years.

Properties of colored roofs

Colored roofing not only adds aesthetics to the exterior of a house, it can affect the visual perception of the building as a whole, changing its configuration, making it more or less dimensional, hiding possible flaws and regulating the degree of insolation. Looking at this list, one can’t help but wonder, what can we expect from the color we like?

Roofs of dark colors absorb light and become very hot. These properties will be in demand in the northern regions. Southerners are better off giving preference to light-colored roofing materials.

The roof of a dark-colored house warms up well

Bright rich colors are picturesque, but they fade too quickly, and this type of roof can only be used on a house of simple architectural form, not burdened with a large number of small decorative elements.

Bright red roof of a house

White roofs are prone to yellow spots.

Private house with a white roof

Gray color is incredibly practical, but it is boring in decorative terms, so you will need an extraordinary façade decor.

Classic style house with gray roof

If the chimney facing the roof is wide and high, then it must be decorated in a shade identical to the main background of the roof. Small chimneys can be made an accent element by painting them in colors that echo the colors of the facade.

The right color combination

Various roofing colors appeared relatively recently, so many architects did not have time to switch to modern tandems. However, those who keep up with the times recommend not to be afraid of bright colors and experiments.

The gray and milky facade combines wonderfully with cool shades of blue and blue, reminiscent of the coolness of winter.

Read here: Pipe on the roof - installation, connection and removal of the pipe through the roof

The white tone is in harmony with emerald, brown, and garnet colors.

If the house is yellow, then the most advantageous option would be a green roof.

Beige trim looks great with lilac or purple roofing.

For those who are afraid of making mistakes

“You need to understand that loud names like “Sicilian orange”, “wet asphalt” or “ripe cherry” invented by marketers do not change the essence of the color”

In order for the selection of color combinations for home and roof decor to go smoothly, you need to know the following:

– Derivatives of the same color spectrum will always be in harmony with each other. If the walls of the house are decorated mainly in warm colors, then the roof should be installed in the same warm color. But above the “cold” facade, the roof in such a solution will look very ridiculous.

The color of the facade should be in harmony with the color of the roof

– Classic solutions are characterized by a combination of natural shades with ocher, beige, and brown.

Combination of beige facade and brown roof

– The least risk of “missing the mark” with color is when working with light, pastel tones. Neutral colors almost never irritate, which cannot be said about rich and intense colors.

– Such large surfaces as the roof and façade of a house should not be painted in a single dark color. The spectacle will be depressing and difficult. It will be much better if you shade it with lighter inclusions.

The dark colors of the facade and roof are complemented by white finishing

– You can add personality to your home by choosing multi-colored solutions for finishing the roof and walls. The light frame of the windows looks good against the background of the dark color of the main wall surface, shaded by an even more saturated color with the base. The presence of three shades in this solution is more than enough. If you develop the theme and add color, you may end up not with an elegantly designed structure, but with a house wrapped in a patchwork quilt. So don't overdo it in pursuit of beauty.

Colored house facade

– You need to ensure that the color you choose for finishing the roof and facade is acceptable to the architectural style of the building.

The color scheme of the facade should be in harmony with the architectural style of the house

– Be sure to focus on the surrounding landscape when searching for the ideal color to decorate your house and roof. This doesn't mean that you have to blend in with the row of nondescript buildings nearby, it should help you find a way to stand out beautifully against their background.

The bright colors of the facade will help distinguish the house from faceless buildings

– If your house is built near a beautiful forest, mountains, or in a picturesque countryside, use earth colors in its exterior decoration. Representatives of the green, yellow, and brown spectrums should be in favor. Cottages located on the banks of various bodies of water should contain shades of water in their decor - turquoise, blue, etc.

Color scheme for a house on the shore of a pond

– If you want to gently blend the house into the surrounding landscape, select a color scheme for the roof and facade that will absolutely match the natural background. If the task is exactly the opposite, and the structure needs to be visible from afar, then they play on color contrasts.

The color of the facade and roof of the house goes well with the greenery of the forest

– Buildings with complex architectural configurations are never decorated with bright colors, since they do not very well focus attention on all the curves. The house will look much more impressive if its facade is made in a calm color and slightly shaded with darker window and door frames.

Light house facade with dark window frame

However, beautifully painting the facade is not everything. Here you will also need to choose colors for the rest of the elements present on it, and there are many of them here: the base and window frames; garage doors and drainpipes; platforms and stairs. The perception of color is initially subjective, so don’t be afraid to trust your eyes. The lining of the eaves and gable overhangs is selected to match the roof or in contrast to it. Also, gutters and drainpipes are usually matched to the color of the roof, but deviations are also possible here. These elements can be color synchronized with the façade.

The color of gutters and pipes matches the color of the roof of the house

If you doubt whether a particular bright element will look good against the general background, then give preference to products in a color closer to the leading background shade. Avoid stereotypes like tan and brown combinations. More suitable pairs can be found for these colors.

You need to understand that loud names like “Sicilian orange”, “wet asphalt” or “ripe cherry” invented by marketers do not change the essence of the color. Orange will remain orange, gray will remain gray, etc. So don't think that the exotic name hides a truly unique flavor. Everything is much more prosaic. It’s better to go to a specialized store, where, with the help of new technologies, they will actually prepare paint for you in the color you need.

In a specialized store they will select paint of any shade for you.

Blue roof: photos of the best options

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When designing a private house, it is necessary to pay special attention to the roof, because it not only serves as protection for the building from external factors, but is also the logical conclusion of the house. It is the roof that embodies the architectural element that complements a private house. The shape of the roof and the color of its roof must be in complete harmony with the facade of the building, complement it and create a complete picture. In addition, the roof must fit into the environment to blend with nature. A well-chosen color of the facade and roof will help visually make the house more profitable and attractive. By choosing a blue color for the roof of your house, you can not only build an interesting and original building, but also a house that will be combined with green grass or winter white snow.

Everything you need to know when choosing a roof color

If a house is attractive in appearance, then it is not only pleasant to look at, but also to live in. Unfortunately, not everyone has good taste and can choose the right color combination for the facade of a house and its roof. This becomes a real problem for those who know nothing about art and composition. That is why the main task of the future home owner is to draw up a project, and it is best to enlist the support of specialists and designers who can direct the customer’s wishes in the right direction. Before you start building a house, you need to draw up a project, see a 3D model of the house, and then choose a color design.

Walking along the streets, you will notice that not all houses evoke aesthetic pleasure. The reason for this may be a violation of integrity:

  • Color palette.
  • One style.
  • Proportions of the building and balance of colors.
  • Facade and roof relative to each other.

Some mistakes made during the construction of a private house can be corrected, but this is not always possible. If the wrong roof color was chosen, then painting it is stupid; the only way out is to completely replace the shape of the roof or roofing material, and this will cost the homeowner a pretty penny. That is why you need to carefully plan everything at the initial stages; it is best to contact designers and architects who can help in case of doubts or controversial situations.

At the moment, the following can be used to avoid errors:

  • Original ideas and discoveries of designers.
  • Various special tables establishing the correspondence of shades and their compatibility with each other.
  • Advice from psychologists regarding the visual perception of a particular color.
  • Special computer programs that can provide a ready-made building layout for visual analysis.

When choosing the main color, it is necessary to take into account all the factors and features of the environment, because the house must be combined with the landscape. Some want to hide their home behind trees and fences, while others, on the contrary, want to stand out so that their home can attract attention.

You also need to take into account the fact that in Russia the seasons of the year differ greatly from each other both in weather conditions and in color saturation. For example, a green roof among trees will be almost invisible, but in winter it will be a bright spot on a white background, which will create a pleasant visual effect.

The brown color of the roof looks especially good in the fall, when yellowed leaves fall. If the house is located somewhere on a slope in the forest, then it is better to give preference to a chocolate or burgundy roof. A gray roof looks best in regions where there is a lot of sun, but on the seashore or in the mountains a blue roof would be an ideal option; it is best if the facade of this house is white.

Nuances that influence the choice of roof color

Among the factors that influence the choice of roofing in the case when the facade is already done, the following points can be highlighted:

  • The type of roof and color should be selected according to the landscape, the color of the facade, as well as the design features of the roof.
  • The choice of material directly depends on the financial capabilities of the homeowner.
  • It is necessary to take into account the amount of heat absorbed by a particular roof. In the southern regions, roofs are becoming exploitable; solar panels are placed on their surfaces. Black and dark gray roofs absorb ultraviolet rays best; snow melts on them much faster. On the other hand, this is very bad, since the attic gets very hot and an uncomfortable atmosphere is created inside the house. By absorbing the sun's rays, the roofing material suffers and begins to deteriorate over time, but if poor thermal insulation was installed, then it is completely impossible to live in such a house. That is why dark roof colors are used in the northern part of Russia, but in the southern regions light shades predominate.
  • It is necessary to take into account the visual features of all colors. For example, colors can be divided into warm and cool, or into pastel shades and non-spectral shades. It is best to use classic contrasting combinations to highlight the appearance of the house and its lines.
  • Burnout or fading of shade. Each roofing coating changes color over time as the pigment is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. Colors that are too light turn yellow, while dark colors fade. The ideal option in this case is a blue or gray roof.
  • Visual combination of roofing material and building facade. At the moment, the most popular shades for roofs are red, green, brown and blue. Perhaps over time, the color will not be as attractive as it was initially, but these are the shades that go best with most colors and natural materials. A plastered or brick house with a blue roof will always look interesting and attractive.
  • You can choose the color of your choice, but you need to find out whether roofing material of this color is available from manufacturers or in stores in your region. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the availability of such material in a given area and purchase it in the required quantity with a small margin.

The most harmonious color combinations for facades and roofs

Before you worry about choosing the color of your house and roof, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the laws in force in your area. It is quite possible that they already specify the acceptable color spectrum for finishing buildings. A striking example of this is French Provence. By decision of local authorities, all houses in this area are covered exclusively with red-orange tiles. This is done in order to preserve the historical appearance of the area and maintain its unique ethnic flavor. If there are no restrictions, then you can give free rein to your imagination.

Houses in Provence with a traditional red roof

According to designers, houses where a white, lemon or light gray facade is crowned with a green roof will always be harmonious. These buildings will be a wonderful addition to the natural landscape.

House with lemon facade and green roof

The yellow, cream, beige walls of the house, assembled under a brown roof, look simple, but, as they say, tasteful.

Classic combination of beige facade and brown roof

It’s a good idea to dilute the gloomy impression of a black and gray roof with blue, green, and white walls. These are exclusive combinations that are quite rare in our area. Houses in such a contrasting design look rich and noble.

Combination of blue facade and black roof

A red roof, rising among its brown and gray counterparts, will not make your home a black sheep. A bright solution would be quite appropriate against such a background. The red color will not only unobtrusively make your home stand out from the crowd, but will also emphasize the solidity of the building.

A red roof will match almost any facade color

Painting a brick building

The natural shade of the brick can be changed if desired. This is especially often used when updating the roof and basement. You can use different colors for modern style brick houses:

  • Grey-white.
  • Sand.
  • Terracotta.
  • Brown.
  • Light grey.

Doing absolutely everything in a single composition is not the best solution. In a beautiful house, it is imperative to emphasize the foundation, porch, rustication and other elements of the facade.

Color psychology

“You need to decorate the walls of the house and its roof in colors that suit your character”

Scientists developed a theory long ago that colors affect a person’s mood, and according to it, the psycho-emotional state is influenced by any shade that appears in the field of vision, including the background of the walls of the house in which we live. This means that you need to decorate the walls of the house and its roof in colors that suit your character.

Conservatives will like the combination of a dark roof with a light facade. This is a traditional and therefore often encountered duet. For the owner, it serves as a kind of sedative, allowing him to feel relaxed and protected within his own walls.

A house with a dark roof and a light facade will appeal to conservatives

A light roof with a dark facade will attract innovators and brave people. Houses with this design are very rare. It seems that the buildings simply dissolve into the surrounding world. Everything looks very harmonious and peaceful.

The dark facade of the house with a contrasting roof is suitable for innovators

Calm personalities will prefer single-spectrum design of the house and roof. Such decor will not cause irritation and will not get lost against the general background of the landscape. If you want to diversify the finish, you can add sections of rusticated stones or original platbands to the façade.

For calm personalities, painting the facade and roof in the same color spectrum is suitable.

Color and architectural style

It is impossible to make your home harmonious and aesthetically pleasing if you do not take into account the architectural direction in which the building itself was created when selecting colors for the decor of the facade and roof. Combinations of shades that are uncharacteristic of the style can not only spoil the impression of the exterior of the house, but seriously, in fact, beyond recognition, distort its appearance. To prevent this from happening, you need to know what paints are appropriate to use and where.

Classic style

Classic is always in fashion. Houses built in this force grow like mushrooms. Their architecture is straightforward and requires precise color balance. The colors of the beige spectrum and white paints are the priority. The roof is a couple of shades darker.

Painting the facade and roof of a house in a classic style

Classic does not tolerate color differences. Everything here should be clear, but soft. The highlighting of elements occurs not by contrast, but by their gilding.

Roman style

Houses of this type most often appear before us in colors that imitate the shades of natural materials. Brown and gray colors are popular here. Some facade details can be highlighted in a darker color than the main background. Roofs on Romanesque houses are dark gray, or, in extreme cases, imitating metal. The walls are decorated with picturesque paintings or mosaic masonry. The latter is used more often. It gives the house the look of an ancient castle.

Romanesque style house


Houses in this style are always recognizable by their unusual facades. Floral-themed paintings and tiled panels can be laid out on a pastel background. The decoration does not provide for sharp contrasts, as well as the inclusion of aggressive shades. Here is the kingdom of milky white, yellow sand, beige and blue colors. The roof is mainly done in calm dark brown tones.

Facade and roof of a house in Provencal style

Gothic style

Gothic also does not indulge in an abundance of colors, but it pleases with the unusual shapes of the roofs. Houses in this style are neutral. The priority color is grey. The effect of aged metal is welcome. Contrasts are acceptable here. A dark roof with all sorts of turrets may well appear above the snow-white facade.

Monochrome house in Gothic style

Scandinavian style

Log buildings are typical for northern countries, and accordingly, the decoration of the facade of a house in this direction will be carried out exclusively in natural colors of the wood spectrum. The roofs of Scandinavian houses are a logical continuation of the walls in color, and have a rich brown color. This is due not only to aesthetic considerations, but also to practical ones. By storing solar energy, dark roofs make homes warmer.

Color scheme for a Scandinavian style home


Romantic style accepts color combinations. Here two or more shades can appear simultaneously, and not always complementary. Popular color combinations include the following solutions:

1. Blue roof over a façade painted in gray tones imitating the texture of natural stone.

2. A green roof rising above white or beige walls.

3. Burgundy roofing, setting off beige or gray walls.

The sharpness of the color changes does not spoil the external impression of the structure; on the contrary, it gives it charm.

Contrasting facade and roof of a house in the romantic style


A style that attracts with refined simplicity. The facades are decorated in soft, warm, pastel shades. Brick red and creamy brown colors are preferred. In the Renaissance there is no place for cold tones and faceless grayness. These colors visually reduce the volume of the house, compress its space, deprive it of warmth and comfort, and these are the leading characteristics of the Renaissance. The color of the facade decor is similar to the color of the roof, which is always noticeably darker than the walls.

Cream-colored facade of a Renaissance-style house


The color palette of this style is varied, but does not accept saturated and flashy bright colors. The facades of houses in it can have a diplomatic cream and white background. They are matched with a roof made of dark green, brick-red, red-brown or dark green material. The maximum neutrality of the color design is compensated by the abundance of decorative elements.

Bright facade of a baroque house


Houses in the Art Nouveau style delight everyone: with the unusual geometry of architectural forms and the variety of color schemes for the exterior decoration. Here you can and should experiment. When choosing a shade to decorate the walls and roof, try to combine incompatible things and be sure that in this case it will work. Beige walls with textured corners laid with artificial stone, dark brown platbands and slopes under a bright lilac roof look simple and at the same time magnificent.

Laconic coloring of a house in Art Nouveau style

Art Deco

The style is extravagant and extraordinary, so it is extremely rare in the decor of our homes. The façade solution for similar architectural forms is in the beige-brown spectrum. It can be combined with a gray and black palette. This is a great way to transform an unremarkable building beyond recognition.

Art Deco house facade

Selecting a shade of facade color in the case of art deco architecture is incredibly difficult, since the color scheme should give a general impression of the house, and not just be its background.

Alpine style

Solid and comfortable buildings are designed to look like wood. Any shades of its natural textures are suitable. It is possible to paint the facade in white or beige with the obligatory decoration of wooden elements.

Alpine style facade and roof of the house


The dominant element of a house of this design is a large sloping roof, so the color accent should be in its design. Any shades of the brown spectrum and natural wood colors are suitable for these purposes. The shade of the walls should serve as a continuation of the theme of the roof.

Natural shades of the facade and roof of a chalet-style house


These are very specific buildings, also not very common in our area. Ethnic houses have an unusual colorful architecture, typical of the Chinese and Japanese provinces, Scandinavia, African hinterlands, and Venice. The color of the roof and facade in this case is determined by ethnic preferences and can be extremely diverse.

Visualization of a house in ethnic style

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