The nuances of gluing two types of wallpaper in the hall (photo, video)


The building materials market offers a wide range of finishing materials, the use of which allows you to realize an unlimited number of variations in the design of the walls of a room.

The leader among materials for wall decoration is still wallpaper, but their production technology does not stand still. New times require manufacturers to be creative and invent new and original finishing methods. This is how not only new types of wallpaper appear, but also different ways of gluing them.

Traditional methods are still used, but the method of combining wallpaper is rapidly becoming fashionable. Moreover, the process of combining occurs not only in the color scheme, but also in terms of combining wallpapers of different types and structures. Therefore, for example, now no one will be surprised by wallpapering two types in the living room or in the hall.

Why do we use this particular room as an example? Everything is very simple. After all, she is the main one in the house. She meets and receives guests. It is the living room that becomes a wonderful platform for family celebrations and get-togethers with friends. Therefore, everyone is trying to decorate this room as creatively as possible.

Options for gluing two types of wallpaper in the living room, photo

The process of combining wallpaper in the living room is not as simple as it seems at first glance. This or that interior looks very beautiful and creates the impression of ease in its creation. But to do something like this, you need to know how to hang two types of wallpaper in a room, and what rules form the basis for this process.

Without knowing the rules, you can make certain mistakes, then not only the appearance of the room will suffer, but also the degree of comfort and perception of the size of the room.

Therefore, you should approach combining wallpaper with the utmost seriousness and pay attention to the layout of coatings with different textures and patterns.

Design for wallpapering two types of wallpaper in the living room, photo

Combination in the hall: defining goals

Before hanging two types of wallpaper in their living room, each person thinks about whether he needs such a solution, which combination is best, what the result will be, etc.? Such questions are completely obvious. Let's try to answer them.

Firstly, you need to realize that the main goal of such a decision is to achieve a certain decorative effect . And he will always be. It all depends on what is closest to your liking. For example, calmer and more discreet wallpaper will help create more interesting and bright accents and motifs in the room. And the dark ones not only steal space, but also quite often oppress, put moral pressure, and create a feeling of discomfort.

Secondly, the combination of two types of wallpaper is an excellent opportunity for zoning space . By choosing the right shades, you can very easily divide the living room area into sectors (zones). Traditionally, contrasting wallpapers are selected for such purposes. Companion wallpapers from the same collection are often used.

As an option, and this will also be good, you can choose wallpaper that is similar in color. The “zest” will be added by the different designs depicted on the stripes.

Look at examples of original designs and photos of combined wallpaper for the corridor: in the photo gallery there are many beautiful combinations that can be used in other rooms.

Read about how to combine wallpaper and photo wallpaper in the room most beautifully and harmoniously in this article.

Thirdly, having two types of wallpaper in the living room is a good chance to hide flaws in the interior . Combining them will help create a distracting design and “hide” a defect that is undesirable for someone else’s eye to see. In such a situation, wallpaper with a relief structure will help.

The main thing is to take into account the lighting and choose the right shade of wallpaper . Each shade will behave differently in different lighting. Therefore, to cope with the task, be sure to take these nuances into account.

Having familiarized ourselves with the main goals, we understand that various options for gluing two types of wallpaper in the room carry a solution to a specific problem. Therefore, combined wallpaper for the hall is a very good option for wall decoration.

Why use a combination of wallpaper of two colors in the living room?

Before you start choosing wallpaper for the room, you need to draw up a design project, which will take into account both the color of the furniture and the style of the interior. Next, you can start choosing materials for wall decoration. Using wallpaper of the same color in a room is an outdated technique; a combination of two types of paintings looks much nicer and more original.

Thanks to the combination of two types of wallpaper, you can significantly improve the aesthetic properties of the room

With this design move you can significantly change the appearance of the room. The main thing is to use color and texture combinations of wallpaper correctly.

What results can be achieved by combining wallpaper:

  1. If you correctly hang several types of wallpaper in the room, you will be able to zone the space aesthetically and efficiently. For example, separate the dining area from the recreation area. This function is used to divide studio apartments or spacious living rooms into parts.
  2. Highlighting accent walls in the living room interior. Sticking the brightest canvas on the wall where the TV will hang or the sofa will be located will attract the attention of guests to this part of the room.
  3. Using wallpaper inserts with rich relief, you can hide minor flaws in the walls.
  4. Properly selected companion wallpaper will visually correct the irregular shape of the room.

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Using combined wallpaper in the living room, you can create a truly chic interior from relatively inexpensive materials. The main thing is to be able to choose several options for paintings, with matching colors and textures.

How to hang two types of wallpaper in the living room: basic rules

Let’s imagine that you have studied everything about gluing two types of wallpaper in the living room, consulted with experts, selected the right material and wallpapered the room, but you understand that something is wrong, as if you got a slightly different result than you expected.

The situation is not the best, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself in advance and follow the basic rules for gluing two types of wallpaper:

  • if you want to visually raise the ceiling level, then choose wallpaper with vertical stripes, but if your desire is to expand the room, then use wallpaper with horizontal stripes or with a horizontally oriented pattern;
  • if your living room is not very large, then avoid choosing wallpaper with large-sized patterns;

  • How to hang two types of wallpaper, photo in the living room

  • poor lighting in the hall will require wallpaper in lighter colors;
  • two types of wallpaper should match in style (for example, trying to combine modern and antique styles would not be the best idea);
  • combining contrasting shades must be harmonious (check whether the wallpaper of the selected colors is compatible before combining them on the wall).

Note! You have absolutely no skills in planning a room design, and expert advice doesn’t help? Is the combination of selected shades in doubt? Don't be upset: there is a way out. Use photo wallpaper.

It is desirable that the color scheme of the selected photo panel includes a set of several shades that are in harmony with each other.

How to hang wallpaper of two colors in a living room: photo with description

When the selection of options suitable for combination in the hall is completed, the question arises of how to properly hang the canvases on the wall. Wallpaper is very easy to attach to walls, but when using materials with different textures and patterns, some problems may arise.

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If you combine wallpaper with stripes, try to cut them so that the patterns look complete. Thus, it is best to combine canvases with small, often repeating patterns.

If you are using a combination of wallpaper in dark or bright colors, then keep in mind that the slightest gaps between the canvases will immediately catch your eye. If you are not sure that you can glue the wallpaper perfectly evenly, then contact a professional.

If the room is small, then when decorating it you should give preference to light shades

Hanging wallpaper with different textures is not an easy task. If the canvases have different thicknesses, then the joints between them will be very noticeable. To hide them, you will have to select baseboards and moldings.

The most important condition for ideally gluing two types of wallpaper is high-quality preparation of the walls. If this is not done, the finish will look untidy, or even fall off the walls.

Preparing walls for wallpapering consists of the following steps:

  • Leveling the wall with gypsum putty;
  • Removing uneven surfaces from a dry putty surface using a spatula;
  • Wall primer;
  • Applying the finishing layer of putty;
  • Sanding the wall with a special mesh;
  • Treating the wall with a primer.

After completing all these steps, you will get a perfectly smooth wall ready for hanging two types of wallpaper. All you have to do is cut the canvases into the necessary parts and glue them to the wall.

Combine color and pattern

Is it easy to find a good combination of wallpaper of two colors? In fact, it's all up to you. If you have a sense of taste, then this will not be difficult to do. If you doubt that you are on the right path, then it is better to turn to specialists.

Since combined wallpaper for the hall is designed to focus attention (make accents) on a certain surface or area, it is worth thinking in advance which area you plan to highlight to attract attention. Give preference to wallpaper with bright background colors or eye-catching patterns.

Pasting two types of wallpaper in the living room, photo

But, having chosen catchy wallpaper, remember that you still need to somehow dilute the overall atmosphere in order to muffle the contrast. The room should not turn into a bright booth. The best and easiest option is to choose a calm shade.

We will advise you on a universal option - give preference to white or beige. Both colors are ideal for any wallpaper tone.

Note! We do not recommend using different elements on the walls of the hall. They should be similar. Something radically different will spoil the overall look, and the ideal combination of wall coverings cannot be achieved. Therefore, you can choose patterns of the same or similar themes, similar surface texture, similar tones from the same range of shades.

Let's talk in more detail about thematic patterns. There are three types of ornaments:

  • classical;
  • geometric;
  • floral.

Any of these types goes well with wallpaper of the same tone or with wallpaper of light shades with barely noticeable stripes.

Wallpaper with a plant or floral composition can be combined well with wallpaper that imitates, for example, wood, plaster or stone, that is, natural materials.

If you prefer wallpaper with a geometric pattern/ornament or stripes, then pair it with wallpaper with abstraction.

Combined wallpaper for the hall will look great if you alternate them with each other - strip of wallpaper No. 1, strip of wallpaper No. 2, strip of wallpaper No. 1, etc. This way you will not create an emphasis on a certain area, but will add a kind of “zest” to the overall perception of the room.

For ledges and niches in the living room, a vertical combination of wallpaper of different colors is ideal. In addition to this option, photo wallpapers with landscapes are often used in the hall.

If you decide to combine wallpaper horizontally, then use a darker shade of wallpaper for the lower part. In this case, dividing wallpaper is often done using skirting boards or moldings.

To easily choose the shade of wallpaper for the living room, consider the following points: the layout of the living room and its area, the style of the room and the degree of illumination of the room.

Soft shades will help create a warm atmosphere in the room: yellow, beige, blue, light green, peach.

Blue or cyan, light purple or gray colors will help you relax. Shimmers, for example, in sand, blue or pink colors will help emphasize the harmony and airy lightness of the room.

Considering the above, it becomes clear that the design of wallpapering in the hall of two types will depend only on the choice of the home owner. But that's not all when it comes to wallpaper combinations in the living room. Next we will talk about textured coatings.

We advise you to study the basic rules and look at the options for combining wallpaper - all the secrets and subtleties of creating spectacular and beautifully combined combinations for walls in rooms.

Read about photo wallpapers that expand the space in the interior, and see photos here: original decoration for stylish and modern rooms.

Photos of rooms using stained glass in the interior of the apartment can be found at:

The nuances of choosing wallpaper in two colors for the living room

To ensure that the wallpaper combination does not spoil the living room interior, it is necessary to carefully select color combinations. Companion wallpapers should not only harmonize well with each other, but also favorably emphasize the color of furniture and other interior elements. Another important condition for a beautiful hall design is that the shade and texture of the walls should not visually reduce the size of the room.

When buying wallpaper, you should use a table for color combinations

Nuances of choosing wallpaper for the hall:

  1. To visually increase the height of the room, use wallpaper with a vertical pattern to decorate it; these can be ordinary stripes, or an intricate and ornate pattern. You can also combine different wallpapers in vertical stripes on one wall.
  2. For small square rooms, choose light wallpaper. You can combine plain canvases with wallpaper into a small pattern.
  3. To give a rectangular room a more regular shape, cover narrow walls with bright or dark wallpaper, and wide walls with light wallpaper. This technique will bring the opposite parts of the room a little closer to each other, adjusting its shape.
  4. In wide rooms you can use a combination of bright wallpaper with large patterns. This design of the walls will make the design more original and unusual.
  5. Bright rooms can be decorated with dark wallpaper. Although many people consider this combination to be depressing, this design actually looks very stylish.
  6. Dark and large rooms can be decorated with bright or light wallpaper. In the first case, the interior will become cheerful, and the second option will emphasize the spaciousness that the room has.
  7. All wallpaper used in one room must be in the same style.

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These are the main nuances that need to be taken into account when considering room design options. Otherwise, you can only rely on your imagination and taste.

Combination and textured coatings


Recently, textured coatings that are intended for painting have become very popular. Such materials are very widely used. Such wallpaper, for example, is very easy and convenient to use not only for pasting walls, but also for ceilings. The result, of course, is a perfect combination.

Note that if you use textured coatings, there will be fewer problems with replacing them than with conventional wallpaper, since their “life” is much longer. And repainting is easier than gluing it again.

Today, the most common patterns of textured wallpaper are stripes of different thicknesses and orientations (diagonal, horizontal, vertical or chaotic), classic patterns, abstract strokes, floral and plant motifs.

Note! Liquid wallpaper that matches the color will look good in a duet with a textured finish. Use “texture” to design various ledges and niches, columns.

Using textured and liquid wallpaper is a good option, but remember that the most practical option is to combine regular wallpaper.

Wallpaper companions in different interior styles

If you skillfully combine different materials, you will be able to elegantly indicate the features of different interiors:

  • The pomp and majesty of the Empire style can be easily emphasized with an original combination of luxurious wallpaper. Floral and patterned fabrics (poppies and stripes of openwork ribbons) are combined elegantly and freshly. In general, the style accepts various images: Egyptian themes and landscapes, exotic pictures. Color palette – golden-silver;
  • The baroque direction in the living room will be effectively emphasized by a duet of textured wallpaper (with imitation modeling) and canvases with intricate patterns. Moreover, it is desirable to have elements with a frame design in the patterns;
  • a classic-looking interior is a win-win option for using companion wallpaper. The traditional option is a combination of plain vinyl textured and smooth canvases. The living room looks more intricate, with patterned and striped wallpaper. To give the interior of the room a finished look, materials of the same color range are selected;
  • Curtains, wallpaper with small flowers (roses are most often used), stripes or checks and plain canvases with imitation plaster will add coziness to the Provence living room. An interesting solution is combined wallpaper, consisting of rolls with white “brickwork” and canvases in a small floral print. This is an ideal combination, since white color is “friendly” with any shades;
  • Rough textures give the loft style an industrial character. This feature in the living room can be easily created with wallpaper that resembles a concrete surface in different shades. A stylish option is to choose canvases of the same color palette, imitating brickwork and rough plaster.

A fashionable modern interior of a minimalist hall can be easily recreated with the help of laconic photo wallpapers and plain canvases. The style best suited are black and white photographs or paintings with abstract patterns, geometric patterns and simple lines. Main color palette: gray, light yellow, beige, white, black tones.

Combining wallpaper is a “multifaceted” design technique. If you correctly combine different materials, it will be easy to emphasize the advantages and disguise the shortcomings of the room, highlight the stylistic features of the living room, and focus attention on certain furnishings.

Pasting and types of materials

We ended the previous small section with the fact that it is best to use ordinary wallpaper for combining. But what about combining different types of wallpaper? For example, non-woven wallpaper made from paper, vinyl or fabric covered.

Firstly, such a combination will require more attention from you. Secondly, gluing different types of wallpaper will take more time, because each type has its own characteristics when gluing, including impregnation and drying time.

Wallpaper sticker of two types in the living room, photo

As a result, we will need glue for sticking different types of wallpaper. You can also use a universal type of glue, but before making the final decision and buying such glue, consult with specialists. Universal things are not always so universal. Maybe it’s still worth buying specialized glue?

The most difficult duo when gluing two types of wallpaper will be the pair: standard wallpaper + textile coverings. The joints with this combination cannot be hidden, so moldings, borders and baseboards should be used.

By combining, we create harmony

The main task of combining two types of wallpaper, as with any repair in general, is an excellent result. This means that as a result we must create a harmonious environment. Achieving such a result will be a little more difficult, but it is possible. Additional accessories and parts will only help you complete your plan.

A short summary

Combining wallpaper is a fun activity, but there is a lot to think about. And different types of wallpaper only fuel interest. Many have already been convinced of the originality, practicality and beauty of the hall interiors, decorated with the help of combined wall coverings. Make sure you do too!

Our article will conclude with a video that will demonstrate various options for combining two types of wallpaper. Look carefully, maybe the video will give you a suitable idea?

If the ideas from the video weren’t enough for you, the gallery below presents 28 more photos with options for combined wallpapering in the living room:

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