What is upholstered furniture made of and how to choose a good sofa


Author: Belfan

Issues discussed in the material:

  • What to consider when choosing a sofa?
  • What shapes and sizes of sofas are there?
  • Which sofa is better to choose based on the transformation mechanism?
  • What color of the sofa should I choose?
  • What material should you choose a sofa from?

In modern interiors of living rooms or bedrooms there is always a sofa. It is installed as a place to rest and sleep. The range of this furniture is represented by many models of different types. Sofas may differ in their assembly mechanism, upholstery material, design, purpose, etc. Each furniture has its own service life, and sooner or later there comes a time when it requires replacement. In this article we will tell you how to choose a sofa that will suit you best in terms of its properties.

Where to start choosing a sofa

Few buyers have extensive experience and knowledge in choosing upholstered furniture. Before buying a sofa, it is important to understand what its main purpose will be. Many people choose a sofa as a bed for sleeping every day. In other cases, the product plays the role of a place to relax. The next step is to decide on the quality of the sofa.

To assess the quality of upholstered furniture, experts check the frame, filling and upholstery. The color and appearance of the sofa should be selected to match the existing design of the room. Basically, this furniture is purchased based on the shade of the walls of the room. The sofa should look harmonious in the room.

Before choosing a sofa for your home, you should carefully consider the concept of the room's interior. All elements of furnishings and decor must be interconnected. Any addition needs to be thought through. If you are leaning towards classic models, you can consider sofas with a wooden frame. They usually have upholstery in universal shades, suitable for any interior. If you want to see a more modern model in your room, pay attention to high-tech furniture. But here you need to thoroughly think through the design of the room so that the sofa looks appropriate.

Criterias of choice

When selecting suitable furniture, take into account its shape and dimensions, the type of transformation mechanism, the material of the frame base, filling and upholstery, as well as design. Only if your needs and the functional and aesthetic qualities of the sofa coincide, the result of your choice will not disappoint.

Evaluation form

According to configuration, sofas are divided into the following categories:

  • Direct. This is a classic type of sofa that requires installation along the wall. If you choose the right dimensions, it will easily replace the bed.
  • Angular. They look like an ottoman without armrests, which can be easily installed in the corner of the room. Usually equipped with a linen drawer. They are also comfortable to sleep on.
  • Island. Not suitable for sleeping - usually cannot be folded out. They may have an unusual circular or oval shape. They are placed in the middle of spacious living rooms for comfortable relaxation and zoning of the room.
  • Modular. They represent several modules that allow you to create various combinations or use them as separate interior items. Sometimes they are equipped with a sleeping place, but more often they are chosen for relaxation in studios or lofts.

There are also models equipped with ottomans. They are often called corner, but the difference lies in the presence of an additional element that creates an angle. They are good for small spaces and can serve as a bed.

Selection of transformation device

Creators of upholstered furniture offer products with various layout options. All of them are divided into three types:

  • Folding – “book”, “eurobook”, “click-clack”, “lit”;
  • Retractable – “telescope”, “tick-tock”, “dolphin”;
  • Reversible - all types of “folding beds”, “accordion”, as well as spacious models with rotary mechanics.

When choosing a model, it is necessary to take into account the technology of its disassembly. After all, the change in the space of the room and the functional qualities of the product depend on this.

“Book” and “Eurobook”

The first option is a timeless classic, simple and reliable in execution. You just need to slightly raise the seat, and the sofa transforms into a wide bed. But the design of the back requires that when laying out the product, it must be moved away from the wall, which may not be possible for a fragile woman or child.

“Eurobook” is a direct descendant of the first type of sofa, but more comfortable, since it does not need to be moved away from the wall. After lifting the seat, simply pull it forward and place the backrest on the resulting empty space.

“Click-clack” and “lit”

The first type also refers to improved varieties of books with a similar layout. But here you can adjust the positions by choosing comfortable ones: reclining or half-sitting. However, this option also has its drawbacks - the design becomes not very stable.

The “lit” type device works the same way as the “click-click” one, but here it is not the backrest and seat that folds out, but the armrests.


Roll-out models on wheels include three parts. To disassemble, pull the bottom of the seat, folding the backrest forward. The space that is created between them is filled with the inner part hidden under the seat.


The product consists of a seat and a folded backrest. The sofa dismantling device works on the accordion principle: when the seat is pulled out, the backrest parts lie horizontally in a single plane. For everyday use, it is worth choosing models with a frame base made of solid metal with wooden armor. They are more durable than just wooden ones on furniture hinges.


The collapsible device is also called a “pantograph”. He is a distant relative of the “Eurobook”. But here the seat moves forward through a spring system. Since the models are not equipped with wheels, the floor remains intact.


Two other names for this transformation mechanism are “microlift” and “kangaroo”. When unfolding, a platform is rolled out from under the seat and raised using a special “elevator”, creating a complete sleeping place. The more reliable the lifting device, the longer the sofa will last.

Different types of folding beds

“French” is a folding product with triple folding. During disassembly, the berth is turned forward and placed on the arches. The models are a bit harsh for daily sleep. But they are quite suitable for sheltering a guest for one or two nights.

The “American” type is a little more comfortable. The sleeping place is assembled from two halves, the elements with thicker filling, sometimes even with spring blocks. But instead of beds, “American women” are usually not used. The “Italian” variety involves double addition. The difference is that usually “Italian” ones are equipped with small niches for linen.

The “Belgian clamshell” type of disassembly may be similar to one of the previous types. The name here is given not due to the folding mechanism, but to the country of origin.

You can summarize all the features of sofa mechanisms in the table:

Transformation typeSofa shapeUse instead of a bedLinen nicheAdvantages of a sofaDisadvantages of upholstered furniture
"Book"StraightYesEatSimple and reliableRequires moving away from the wall when disassembling
"Eurobook"Straight and with ottomanYesEatThe backrest is replaced by pillows
"Click-clack"StraightNoEatYou can change the position of the back and main partNot very stable design
"Lit"StraightNoEatIt is possible to change the location of the armrests
"Telescope"Any except islandNoNot alwaysCompact when assembledThe sleeping area is low, the wheels scratch the floor
"Accordion"Straight and with ottomanNoEatRequires a lot of space when laying out, is not stable
"Tick-tock"Any, except island and cornerYesEatSimple and reliableThe backrest is replaced by pillows
"Dolphin"Any except islandYesEatRequires careful inspection of fittings and frame
"Folding bed" FrenchAny, except island and modularNoNoCompact when assembledShort service life of the folding mechanism
"Folding bed" ItalianStraightNoEatRequires careful inspection of fittings and frame
"Folding bed" BelgianStraight and angularNoNoShort service life of the folding mechanism
"Folding bed" AmericanAny, except island and modularNoNo

Before choosing a mechanism, pay attention to the purpose of the room in which you will place the selected model:

  • Simple and uncomplicated products with a flat sleeping area are more suitable for the bedroom. This is a “book”, “eurobook”, “tick-tock” or “dolphin”.
  • If the model is selected for a guest room, a roll-out option or a “folding bed” is a good choice.
  • For “television” gatherings, you should prefer a product with a “click-clack” or “lit” device.
  • It is best to put a sofa in the children’s room like “accordion”, “dolphin”, “Eurobook”. Other transforming devices are difficult to handle even for a teenager.

Checking the frame base and filler

The operating period depends on the quality of the base and the material from which it is made:

  • The metal frame structure is reliable and will last a long time.
  • Sofas with a base made of natural hardwood are good. But such models are sold at a high price.
  • Furniture costs less if the base is made of particle boards. They hold their shape well, but are qualitatively inferior to the previous options. To make this model last longer, choose a structure made of chipboard with a protective coating. The parts must be connected with bolts or in a tongue-and-groove pattern.

When evaluating the filler, consider what the upholstered furniture is intended for:

  • If the product will serve instead of a bed, it is better to choose a sofa with spring blocks. Such designs last a long time and have increased orthopedic properties.
  • The foam filling is non-allergenic and quite soft. But with everyday use it cakes quickly.
  • Latex foam is durable and does not sag over time, and has an orthopedic effect. Another plus is that the material is saturated with micropores, which allow it to “breathe”.

The ideal filling material takes the shape of the body of a sitting or lying person, but then returns to its original position.

Upholstery options

Leather upholstered furniture is the most expensive. This coating is resistant to friction, damage, stains, and is not afraid of moisture and ultraviolet radiation. Equally practical, but much more economical are sofas upholstered in eco-leather. Flock, chenille, and jacquard coverings are also good.

Comparison of the features of commonly used upholstery materials - in the table:

UpholsteryPositive characteristicsFlawsCleaning products
Eco leatherNot as cool and slippery as natural leather upholstery, not afraid of sunlight, and does not stretch.May crack over time if not treated with special impregnation.Soap solution, purchased skin care compositions.
FlockSoft and delicate material, not afraid of sunlight and moisture, easy to care for and durable.Absorbs odors. Over time, the upholstery appears stained due to the caking of lint. Almost any.
VeloursVery cozy fabric, looks rich.It gets dirty and wiped off easily and lasts for a maximum of seven years.Dry cleaning products.
JacquardIt looks stylish and elegant, and lasts a long time.Fades in direct sunlight, is harsh and cold.
ChenilleDelicate and soft, looks expensive, durable.Afraid of mechanical damage and moisture.
MatStrong, durable, looks beautiful in minimalist and eco-friendly interiors.Rough to the touch. Not suitable for cat lovers - animals will mistake the sofa for a giant scratching post. Almost any.

It is preferable if the same upholstery is used for the seat, back and armrests - this simplifies the care of the product.

Design Features

  • For an interior in high-tech or modern style, prefer a sofa with a rich color and clear geometry of shape.
  • Furniture without sharp corners and upholstery in neutral shades will elegantly fit into a classic-style living room.
  • For a Scandinavian-style room, choose models of simple shapes in calm shades - gray, blue, milky.
  • Provence will require floral patterns or delicate stripes.

If the room is eclectic, or you find it difficult to choose a sofa, then it is better to choose a model with a simple shape and a natural shade. It can always be “tailored” to the design of the space with the help of accessories - covers, bedspreads, pillows.

Sofa shapes

Types of sofas by shape:

  • straight;
  • corner;
  • with ottoman;
  • modular;
  • island.
  • Straight sofas are the most common and versatile option. You can choose the color and size of the product to suit any interior.
  • Straight sofas are most often installed near walls. The design may include built-in countertops, minibars and folding shelves. These models are also used for sleeping.

  • A model such as a corner sofa is also popular. When choosing this product, you should not confuse it with another design - a sofa with an ottoman (a wide soft ottoman). This is a separate element and usually has a niche for storage.
  • Sofas with an ottoman are usually installed as corner sofas. At the same time, there is a significant saving of space in the room. Such sofas are convenient to choose as a place for daily sleep.
  • A modular product is a combination of several blocks that are assembled into a single structure. The modules can also be used separately. A modular system may include a sleeping place, but usually their main purpose is to relax and complement the interior.
  • There are a large number of such sofas on the market with different types of designs. The model will be a good option for a small studio apartment.

  • In stores you can also find such a model as an island sofa. This furniture is chosen by special connoisseurs, as the products really look noble and chic. The shape of sofas can be round, semicircular, oval and rectangular. They are installed in living rooms as a relaxing place. The products should be positioned in such a way that they can be easily approached from all sides.

Deciding on the type of sofa

Based on their design features, sofas can be divided into three categories: non-folding, folding and modular.

Not folding

Non-folding sofa
The category of non-folding sofas is very diverse in the shapes and configurations of models: straight, corner, semicircular, round. The same can be said about the variety of styles.

In this category you can find lush sofas with carved decoration in the Baroque style, and dynamic designs made of chromed metal in a high-tech spirit.


Folding sofa
This group includes models of two configurations: straight and folding. They are equipped with transformation mechanisms that turn the sofa into a sleeping place.

It is not recommended to use this bed for everyday sleep. As a rule, a folding sofa is a spare bed in case guests or relatives arrive.


Modular sofa
A modular sofa consists of several parts, each of which is an independent functional unit. They can be used separately or assembled into a single composition in an angular or straight configuration.

Modular upholstered furniture allows you to easily transform the living room space depending on your needs.

Sofas of non-traditional shapes (semicircular, round) take up much more space than straight or corner counterparts. You need to remember this when choosing a suitable model for a small room. .

Sofa sizes

Before purchasing a product, you need to determine what size sofa you need. The model can be two- or three-seater. The first option can be chosen by those who live alone and rarely receive guests. The three-seater sofas are very spacious. They are purchased by families with children. The double model can be complemented with comfortable armchairs, as a result you will have a full-fledged place to relax.

Take measurements of the room in advance and determine where the sofa should go. There are often cases when the purchase was made thoughtlessly, and the product turned out to be too large for the room.

Which sofa is better to choose based on the transformation mechanism

Transformation mechanisms include sofa layout options. If you have never encountered the choice of upholstered furniture, at first it may be difficult to understand what complex names and descriptions of products mean. However, dealing with this issue is quite simple.

Which sofa mechanism to choose? There are three product options: folding, rolling out and unfolding. The first group includes sofas of the “book”, “eurobook” and “click-click” models. The second category includes models of the “telescope”, “tick-tock”, and dolphin types.” The last group includes “accordion” and “folding bed” sofas.

The most popular are rotary designs. Corner sofas are made on their basis: one part is rotated to the second, and the result is a solid surface.

Sofa mechanisms

The whole variety of sofas can be divided into two large groups: fixed and folding. The mechanism of a folding sofa determines the comfort of sleep and the durability of the furniture. Some are suitable for frequent use, others for occasional use.

  • The book sofa is a traditional transformation mechanism, known from old Soviet sofas. To unfold it, you need to raise the seat, after which the backrest lowers to a horizontal position. The mechanism itself is quite reliable and suitable for frequent use;
  • Eurobook - the seat is moved forward, after which the backrest is manually lowered. A very reliable mechanism that will last as long as the furniture itself. It can be found in both straight and single sofas;
  • accordion - the sleeping place consists of 3 parts: two form the back, and the third is the seat. To unfold the mechanism, you need to lift the seat and pull it towards you. It turns out to be a flat sleeping place with a large area. An accordion sofa is well suited for small-sized apartments, because when folded it takes up a little more space than a regular sofa book. Its downside is the small compartment for linen;
  • pantograph - very similar to a Eurobook. To unfold such a sofa, you need to pull the seat up and towards you at the same time, and then lower the backrest. It requires more physical effort when unfolding, but there is a compartment for linen, and parts of the sofa do not interact with the floor;
  • click-clack - allows you to fix the backrest in several positions: reclining, half-sitting, etc. A click-clack sofa is a good solution for living rooms and recreation rooms. However, such a mechanism should be handled with care;
  • dolphin is a popular transformation mechanism that can be found in corner sofas. To unfold the dolphin sofa, you need to pull out a special frame from under the seat, pull up the fabric tab and pull out the berth, which is installed at the level of the main part. Advantages of the dolphin sofa: when folded it is quite compact, and when unfolded it creates a spacious sleeping area that can comfortably accommodate 2 adults. Another nice feature of such models is the presence of a spacious storage box, which will fit all the bed linen along with pillows;
  • puma - to unfold such a sofa, you need to lift and pull the seat towards you - a sleeping place will appear from under it. Advantages: the unfolding process is almost silent, the legs only contact the floor vertically, so it does not scratch. Disadvantages: straight sofas with the “Puma” mechanism do not have a linen drawer, and in the corner ones there is only one and it is located under the ottoman (the long protruding part);
  • Eurosofa - this transformation mechanism provides for smooth folding. You need to press on the edge of the backrest from above, after which it will take a horizontal position;
  • caravan - when folded, two soft additional platforms are located under the seat. To unfold the sofa, you need to lift the seat up and pull it towards you. The advantage of such sofas is that when folded they are quite compact, and when unfolded they form a double bed. The design is very reliable. Disadvantage - no linen drawer;
  • French folding bed - a sleeping place is located in the accordion-folded seat. The sofa unfolds simply: the seat is raised and pulled forward by the legs. The main advantage is the compactness of the sofa when folded, the lightweight and durable design of the berth. Disadvantages: not suitable for daily use (takes a long time to unfold, does not have a linen drawer);
  • American folding bed ("reach" mechanism) - unlike the French one, the bed folds not 3 times, but 2 times. This is a very reliable transformation mechanism that is suitable for frequent use.

Which sofa color to choose

An important aspect of choosing upholstered furniture is the color of the product. When it comes to choosing the color of a sofa, expert advice will help you. Here are popular combinations of shades of furniture and the surrounding interior:

  • Monochrome. The upholstery fabric is the same color as the wall. But the shades should not be completely repeated. Use a darker tone for the sofa, for example green, then light green for the walls.
  • Neutral tones of the sofa in combination with any interior color. Sofa upholstery in neutral shades harmonizes perfectly with any color combinations in the interior. Often, designers use neutral-colored furniture to offset the brightness and richness of the walls.
  • A bright sofa combined with neutral tones in the interior. The contrasting color of the upholstery will act as a kind of accent in the room. The picture will be complemented by decorative items in the same shade.
  • Combined. If you don't know what color fabric to choose for your sofa, you can try the following design solution. Furniture is chosen in a color that is completely different from the overall composition in the interior. This makes the design look bright and stylish.

Which frame is better to choose for a sofa?

Before choosing a sofa, you need to decide on the material of the frame - the main part of the furniture, on which the quality of its functioning will depend. The main base options are made of wood, metal or chipboard.

  • The wooden frame is characterized by high strength and long service life. The cost of the final product will depend on the type of wood. Particularly high quality are sofas with frames made of beech, oak, walnut and ash. Any wood used in furniture production must be thoroughly dried. Otherwise, the furniture will soon begin to creak and deformations will appear.

  • The metal frame is characterized by high strength and reliability. These sofas look stylish and modern. To choose a truly high-quality model, review all connections and welds before purchasing. It is better to choose products with anti-corrosion or chrome coating.
  • The chipboard frame is not very durable. Such products do not last long, and after a couple of years you will have to go shopping for a sofa again.
  • Frameless sofas. Such models do not have a rigid base, so they easily take the shape of the body. The sofas are easy to care for and are completely safe and reliable. If you are thinking about which sofa to choose for installing in the nursery, this product can be a great option.

Transformation mechanism

It will be key for those who are going to constantly unfold the sofa. Before purchasing, right in the store, unfold and fold the product several times. If you did this without the slightest effort and did not hear any squeaks, feel free to make your purchase.

Photo: wellcome-home.com

Reliable mechanisms with a long service life are suitable for daily sleep:

  • puma;
  • Eurobook;
  • pantograph;
  • click-clack;
  • dolphin.

Which filler to choose for a sofa

All main elements of sofas (back, seat, armrests) have filling. The most popular are foam rubber and polyurethane foam. There is also latex and spring filling.

Products filled only with foam rubber are not reliable or durable. Sofas with solid foam padding perform a little better: they last longer, but after a few years they still sag.

The most popular filling option is polyurethane foam. It is similar in cost to the previous option, but is more durable.

Polyurethane foam filler can be block (sandwich) or cast. In the first option, the main parts of the sofa are glued together. Cast products are cast in factories using special molds.

Many people are concerned about the question of which sofa to choose so that it is both durable and environmentally friendly. We advise you to pay attention to sofas with latex filling. This material is highly elastic, follows the shape of the body and immediately restores its original position. The surface of the sofa is not electrified, mold does not form in it, and the material is hypoallergenic. Latex is the most popular type of padding for orthopedic products.

Spring filling makes the product comfortable, reliable and durable. However, this is only possible if the manufacturer used high-quality spring blocks.

Today, multi-layer filling of sofas is also popular. In this case, different elements are made with different filling densities. Basically, the lowest level is made the densest, then the density of the material decreases - and the surface of the product turns out to be soft and comfortable.

Availability of additional elements

Modern sofas are multifunctional designs; they can be equipped with:

  1. Linen drawer. A convenient addition that allows you to compactly store bed linen, demi-season items, and children's toys.
  2. Shelves and niches. The structures are designed to accommodate books, remote controls and other small things. In addition, they also perform a decorative function, allowing you to decorate the interior with candles, photographs, flower arrangements, and original figurines.
  3. Built-in coffee table. The folding design simplifies the process of drinking tea and allows you to sit comfortably on the sofa with a laptop.
  4. Minibar. This is also a built-in element of compact size, designed for short-term storage of bottles of alcohol, for example, while receiving guests.
  5. Backlit. It can be LED or spot, placed over the entire surface of the sofa. This additional element gives the structure an impressive appearance.

Some manufacturers offer sofas with a built-in aquarium - the result is original anti-stress furniture.

Most often, semicircular, corner and round sofas have additional elements. Despite all the advantages, not every user can afford such models, as they are quite expensive.

With minibar


With shelves

With linen drawers

With coffee table

With an aquarium

What upholstery to choose for a sofa

An equally important question is what fabric to choose for upholstering the sofa. Buyers are interested in ensuring that the surface of the product can maintain a presentable appearance for a long time. We can say that the durability of a particular sofa model directly depends on the quality of the upholstery material. Leather is considered the highest quality.

Modern manufacturers offer us other upholstery options, which, like leather, satisfy the buyer’s needs for durability and wear resistance. Let's try to figure out how to choose the right sofa upholstery material.

Experts recommend paying attention to the following fact: the presence of Teflon impregnation in the upholstery. This substance gives the sofa water-repellent properties. If you accidentally spill any liquid on the seat, it will not be absorbed into the fabric, but will simply flow down it. Teflon impregnation ensures the product's resistance to dust and dirt. Such sofas have an undeniable advantage - ease of care, which is practically not required.

There are also models with Teflon coating, which performs the same functions as the impregnation described above. But the spraying mechanism itself is simpler, so the final price of the sofa will be lower.

The next material is chenille. It is often equated to skin. Like leather covering, chenille is a very high-quality and valuable material. It is soft, comfortable and highly durable. Many experts recommend purchasing such sofas for installation in a nursery. The coating is stain resistant. If you prefer real luxury and nobility, you should choose leather sofas. Some manufacturers, in order to further increase the cost of the product, cover even the back elements of sofas with leather. It is worth paying attention to this fact in the store to protect yourself from unnecessary overpayment.

Famous companies issue a passport for each of their products. It usually describes the main properties of the model. Before choosing a sofa for your home, you should carefully check the described characteristics. The furniture must also be inspected from the outside. The leather covering should not contain visible scratches, damage or stains.

Another type of upholstery is microfiber. The material is considered modern, as it is not used in production for long. Microfiber is a reliable, wear-resistant fabric. The production of products includes Teflon treatment, which makes them resistant to any kind of contamination. Microfiber is a very durable material that is difficult to deform. Such sofas do not fade in the sun, and the fabric does not fade.

A popular type of furniture upholstery is flock. Just as in the previous version, it is used because of its high strength and wear resistance. This material is perfect if you keep animals in your home. The fabric is resistant to scratches and other deformations. The range is presented in various textures that will brighten up any interior. A flock sofa will harmonize with both classic and modern interior design. The only drawback of this upholstery is that it absorbs odors well. The sofa cannot be installed in the kitchen or dining room.

If you love colorful colorful pillows, consider chenille. The range includes materials with all sorts of textures and patterns. Chenille is an ideal upholstery fabric for pillows: the material is not magnetic, does not fade in the sun, is soft and pleasant to the touch.

Beautiful, noble fabric for furniture – velor. The material has a fleecy surface, which makes it look very elegant, while at the same time creating comfort and warmth. This is a high-quality fabric, as it does not shrink, does not stretch, and is highly durable. The disadvantage of the material is susceptibility to contamination.

Matting is a solid, noble fabric. Upholstered furniture made from matting looks very voluminous. This upholstery is durable and easy to care for. Thanks to the special texture of the fabric, small stains are practically invisible. Therefore, such furniture can be safely installed in the hallway or kitchen. If you are thinking about which sofa to choose if there is a pet in the house, it is better to pay attention to other models. Scratches cause the matting to tighten, and this damage is almost impossible to remove.

The most popular upholstery material is tapestry. It belongs to wear-resistant fabrics. Soft and comfortable, it is easy to care for: it can be washed and treated with chemical compounds. Tapestry sofas are chosen for installation in children's rooms or country houses. Manufacturers produce a huge range of colors and textures of this material.

Linen products are slightly less popular. The material is practical and environmentally friendly, but the appearance of linen fabric is not so attractive - it is nondescript and hard to the touch.

Frame, filling, upholstery

The frame of sofas is made of wooden beams or metal elements. The second option is more common in non-folding models of modern design.

The frame of sofas from the budget price category can be made of wood-based materials. Such structures are not very durable; frame fasteners quickly become loose under constant loads.

A common filler for inexpensive sofas is padding polyester. Its only advantage is its low price. The performance qualities of padding polyester do not stand up to criticism: it quickly loses its shape, wrinkles and becomes lumpy.

Fillings for mid-price products are polyurethane foam or artificial latex. These materials are elastic, hold their shape well, and easily return to their original state after deformation. The most expensive filling is natural latex. The service life of such a filler is tens of years.

The cost of upholstery materials can be 25-30% of the price of the sofa. The upholstery is made from natural and artificial leather, as well as fabrics made from natural and synthetic fibers.

  • Matting. Inexpensive upholstery made from linen and cotton fibers. This fabric meets all environmental requirements, but wears out quickly and is difficult to clean. There are more wear-resistant varieties of matting with the addition of acrylic or polyester threads.
  • Flock. A non-woven material that is widely used for upholstery of sofas. The composition of flock can be completely synthetic (polyamide, viscose) or mixed (polyamide, cotton and wool fibers). The fabric is durable, wear-resistant, and easy to care for.
  • Microfiber. Popular upholstery that resembles natural velor in appearance and tactile sensation. Microfiber is praised for its beautiful appearance, durability and ease of care: dirt can be easily removed with a damp sponge and a weak solution of liquid detergent.
  • Jacquard, scotchgard. Jacquard fabrics are used to make upholstery for mid- and high-price sofas. The fabric composition is mixed - cotton with the addition of synthetic threads. The strength and high wear resistance of the fabric is achieved through special weaving. Scotchgard is a type of jacquard fabric with dirt-repellent impregnation.
  • Chenille. Chenille on a wicker base is an expensive, beautiful upholstery with a long service life. There is also an economical version of chenille on a glued base. In appearance it is not inferior to expensive upholstery, but significantly loses to it in terms of wear resistance.
  • Leather. Sofa upholstery made of genuine leather is gradually losing popularity. The high price of the material and the influence of various animal welfare organizations also play a role here. Therefore, even in expensive sofa models, an artificial substitute is used as upholstery - eco-leather. It is made from synthetic raw materials, sometimes with the addition of plant components.

When choosing suitable upholstery, you need to take into account the operating conditions in a particular room. So, for the kitchen, moisture-resistant upholstery materials that do not absorb dirt, for example, eco-leather, are suitable. If there are pets in the house, then it is better to choose flock or chenille upholstery for the sofa in the living room.

How to choose a sofa for the living room, nursery and kitchen

  • Living room.

The most advantageous option for a living room is a corner sofa with high backs and armrests. It is better to choose soft and deep seats that clearly follow the shape of the body. Wood is suitable as a frame. Choose natural, breathable upholstery fabric. These are linen, cotton, a mixture of wool and synthetic fabric. Materials such as flock, velor, and velvet are also suitable.

Which sofa to choose for a seating area with a TV? A model for 2-3 seats is suitable. It is better to choose a metal frame, since such models are more compact. Choose the degree of softness of the seat and the height of the backrest at your discretion. It is better that the seat covering is resistant to stains, since many people like to eat in the living room. For example, it can be leather or leather substitutes, as well as polyester and acrylic.


  • Children's room.

The criteria for choosing a sofa for installation in a nursery are brightness, colorful upholstery, as well as safety and environmental friendliness of materials. Solid wood sofas are suitable. For upholstery, choose hypoallergenic, lint-free fabrics (linen, cotton, chenille). To choose a truly high-quality piece of furniture, it is better to immediately go to a good, reputable manufacturer. Don't skimp on children's furniture. The shape of the sofa should also be safe. Make sure that the product does not have sharp corners or hard edges.

  • Kitchen.

Manufacturers offer a huge range of corner sofas for the kitchen. It is better to choose models with high seats (50 cm from the floor) and medium-hard pillows. Give preference to sofas with a metal frame. Metal parts must be chrome-plated or painted or made of stainless materials. When purchasing wooden structures, you should understand that they require more complex maintenance. In this case, it is better to choose moisture-resistant models (oak, larch) - they are usually made to order.

If you are deciding which sofa to choose for small kitchens, it is better to purchase products with storage systems under the seats. It is convenient to store kitchen utensils, as well as cereals and some products.

When viewing sofa options in a store, carefully study the properties of the upholstery. The advantage is moisture-resistant fabrics that are stain-resistant. It is important that the surface of the kitchen sofa does not absorb odors. Good options would be eco-leather, microfiber, and synthetic materials. Linen or cotton materials are also suitable, but only if they are pre-treated with a water-repellent solution.

Sofa type

The range of sofas is extensive. From all the variety, choose a model that suits your needs. This can be a universal straight model for 2 or 3 people. Straight sofas easily fit into the design of any style. For a family with a large number of people, a sectional or modular sofa consisting of several functional parts is suitable.

If you plan to use the sofa as a sleeping place, feel free to choose a sofa bed of the right size. This is a great option for a small apartment or studio apartment, where every centimeter counts.

Where is it better to buy a sofa: in a regular or online store?

If you have already decided on the sofa model and are familiar with the properties of the designs and upholstery, you can order the product in the online store. Here you can quickly select the right option, since all models are before your eyes. In an offline store, in the halls, only a small part of all models is usually displayed. To see all the options, you will be offered catalogs, and you will learn about the characteristics of the sofas from the consultant’s story.

How to choose and buy a sofa in an online store? Internet services usually do not require upfront fees. After receiving delivery, you will have the opportunity to evaluate the product and, if it does not suit you, refuse to purchase. Before ordering, you can go to the store’s showroom, where you can better examine and monitor the quality of the models. If you don’t know what kind of sofa you need and want to inspect it, as well as find out the cost, you can visit a furniture center with furniture from leading manufacturers.

  • What marketing ploys should you not believe?

Some sellers offer favorable low prices for goods in an online store, but you will not find such a product in a real center. The consultant will inform you that this furniture is out of stock, and then try to lure you with another product, but at a higher price.

  • Do I need to require a guarantee and for how long?

According to the standard, the guarantee for upholstered furniture items is 18 months. However, what is important here is what the seller promises after this period. If the product was purchased from an intermediary, it is quite possible that if the sofa breaks down, they will refuse help and refer you to the manufacturer. It will be extremely difficult to get any action from the seller. Therefore, before purchasing a product, it is important to make sure that the store has its own service team, which will repair the sofa.

Breakage and damage to upholstered furniture is, unfortunately, a common problem. All sofas are assembled by hand and therefore have their own service life. Before choosing a sofa, you should make sure that the seller is ready to fulfill its obligations to correct defects.

Final tips on how to choose the right sofa

  • The first step is to understand where you want to install the sofa. It is necessary to take measurements of the room and the area where it will be installed. This will make it easier for you to correctly determine the required dimensions of the product.
  • The second step is to decide what you are buying a sofa for (for relaxing in the living room or as a main sleeping place). It is important to take into account the weight of the person for whom the model is being purchased (child or adult). These factors will help you choose the necessary transformation mechanism for the product.
  • When purchasing, you need to check the quality of the transforming mechanism. Metal elements must be thick enough (from 3 mm). Monitor the quality of all connections.
  • Before choosing a sofa, see if its density suits you. To do this, you can sit down or even lie down on it. The sofa should not creak - this indicates errors in the assembly of the frame.
  • All seams and staples must be straight. Also evaluate how well the back surface of the product is upholstered. This indicates the seller's integrity.

How to choose the right sofa: 5 recommendations from the designer

Diana Titova

Interior designer

The sofa should be beautiful, reliable and inexpensive. It is these criteria that most buyers prioritize when choosing a suitable model. But there are other qualities that must be taken into account when choosing a sofa.

  1. Dimensions. A sofa, regardless of its design, is quite bulky furniture. Before purchasing the model you like, it is worth assessing how much space it will take up in the room. To do this, you need to draw a plan of the room to scale. Then draw on paper and cut out the sofa itself. Now you can move it around the room plan and see if the selected model fits the size of the room. There are also various computer programs that allow you to build a virtual model of future furniture.
  2. Form. A corner sofa in a small room looks very massive. When choosing a suitable option for a small room, it is better to give preference to straight models with high legs.
  3. Color solutions. Upholstery with large bright prints has long gone out of fashion. Such models are not recommended even for a children's room. It is better to purchase a sofa with plain upholstery, and add color accents with decorative pillows in bright colors.
  4. Multifunctionality. Models with expanded functionality are becoming a thing of the past: pull-out supplies and tables built into the armrest. A modern furniture option is a composition of a sofa and an elegant coffee or tea table.
  5. Upholstery. The quality of the upholstery is one of the main factors in the durability of the sofa. Budget category fabrics such as matting, microfiber, thermal jacquard quickly lose their shape and are difficult to clean. Upholstery materials in the middle price segment are more resistant to dirt and deformation: flock, jacquard, artificial velor.

The sofa, as a rule, lasts for many years. Therefore, when purchasing it, you should focus on high-quality products in the middle and high price segment. A cheap sofa with stretched upholstery and bulging springs can hardly be considered an interior decoration.

HOW TO CHOOSE A SOFA? Top tips in 6 minutes

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