Layout of a plot of 4 acres with a house and a bathhouse

A well-chosen design is undoubtedly one of the key factors that the owner of any plot of land should rely on: both large and with an area of ​​4 acres.

Plot of 4 acres with a remote bathhouse Source

An equally important element that influences the location of objects: bathhouses, gazebos, ancillary buildings, are legislative rules. In particular:

  • SNiP 2.08.01-89 and SP 131.13330.2012 – development of the individual housing construction project.
  • SNiP 30-02-97 – location of objects and minimum indentations.
  • SP42.13330.2011 and SP 53.1333.2011 - are used for construction on plots of land of a category not related to individual housing construction (SNT, agricultural purposes).
  • Land use rules regulating the correct placement of buildings and green spaces.
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation No. 17, clause 7.4 - distance and height relative to neighboring buildings.
  • SanPiN – regulates the conditions necessary to comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards.
  • Fire distances from boundaries and neighboring buildings.

Greenery and water - style and elegance of a small area Source

Important! In Moscow, the rules of MSK-SGSN 1.01-99 apply, in the Moscow region - TSN 30-303-2000.

Due to the large list of regulatory documents, site planning is a very complex matter. For example, a bathhouse should be located at least 8 m from a residential building, and at least 1 m from the property line.

The nuances of building a house on land for gardening in SNT

Problems may arise at the stage of registering the building or attempting to register in such a house in the future. The Constitutional Court clarified back in 2021 that citizens can exercise their right to housing by registering permanently in a house built in gardening. But for this, two conditions must be met:

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If these rules are violated, neighbors have the right to present fair claims to the owner of the plot. To resolve the conflict, he will be obliged to eliminate its cause. If the violator is unwilling to comply with such a requirement, the dispute will be resolved in court. He may oblige the owner to move or even demolish a building that is disturbing the neighbors.

Expert advice on decorating a small space

Design of an area of ​​4 acres Source
When planning and designing a site of 4 acres, pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Try to “dissolve” the outer fence. It is best to hide it behind hanging plants or replace it with a hedge.
  • Give the view part of the yard maximum free space.
  • A geometrically correct shape, broken by diagonal flower beds and paths, looks much more impressive.
  • Place a pool, gazebo or playground in the corners. The main thing is that they do not remain empty.
  • Use a multi-level layout or vertical gardening method.
  • If possible, concentrate all non-residential buildings under one roof.
  • When creating flower beds and lawns, use a common color palette. Try to avoid massive trees and plantings.
  • Pay attention to the color shade: cold – visually expands, warm – adds coziness.
  • Try to ensure that the landscape design on 4 acres combines various materials and textures.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in landscaping work on sites.

Which design style to choose

Designers distinguish two main styles, including picturesque or landscape and geometric. The picturesque style is distinguished by the asymmetrical arrangement of objects, ponds and gardens of irregular shape, the presence of winding paths, hills and alpine slides. It is more suitable for a spacious area as it requires a lot of space.

For a compact area of ​​3-4 acres, a geometric landscape design with a rational arrangement of objects is suitable. This style is characterized by smooth and clear lines, straight paths and symmetrical arrangement of objects. You can often find trees and shrubs planted in square, rectangular or checkerboard patterns. Accents here are made with the help of color and bright details.

A narrow elongated area creates many problems. Do not place a path along the territory under any circumstances! An arch or hedge in the middle of the site can delimit the area and distract attention. In addition, a small pond or a round flower bed would look appropriate in the center. You will find a comfortable house for a narrow plot.

  • Geoplastics or the artificial creation of additional hills will help increase the area. Hills diversify the landscape and become a decoration of the site. In addition, you can plant flowers on them;
  • To save space, flowers are planted in a triangle. In addition, triangular flower beds look original;
  • Do not choose trees with too spreading branches for planting, otherwise they will provide shade over most of the area;
  • Today, the minimalist style, which is optimal for small areas, is gaining popularity. When creating compositions, one material and a minimum of details are used. Lines and shapes are clearly defined, and the landscaping is clear and simple;
  • Border and climbing plants, wicker garden furniture, baskets and containers with flowers, and gravel paths are suitable for decorating the landscape of a small area;
  • A suitable option would be hidden lighting (light bulbs in stairs, paths, trees). Then you won’t have to waste space installing lighting fixtures on the site and take up space;
  • Even in a small area you can arrange a small pond. A suitable place for it would be the center of the territory. It is convenient to lay out a winding gravel path around the pond;
  • In compact areas, a small, cozy open gazebo looks harmonious. It is better to install the gazebo in the shade of a tree;
  • Do not use fencing inside the site. It is better to use a hedge for demarcation.

A small plot will not allow you to create a large Japanese garden, use wide English lawns, or build a house for guests. But with proper planning, even on an area of ​​3-4 acres you can place a house, a gazebo and a bathhouse, a cozy garden and a pond. Here you can create a cozy and comfortable place to relax.

“MariSrub” masters will help you choose a landscape design and design a suitable house for your site. We carry out a full range of construction and finishing works. We guarantee quality work in a short time!

Landscape design in small areas is simply impossible without the skill and experience of specialists. They can offer various ways to decorate a small area in a unique way, which will ultimately appear in the form of a charming summer cottage with beautiful flowers located in the most unusual places.

Probably every owner of a small dacha plot of 4 acres became interested in an attractive and tempting offer. There is no need to delay conversations; you need to get down to business.

Landscaping on 4 acres is quite rare, since summer residents cannot imagine possible options for creating the beauty and attractiveness of a summer cottage. The whole point lies in spatial constraint, which prevents dreams from coming true.

So that the owners of small plots do not get upset, it is necessary to inspire them a little with various tricks and techniques in landscape design applied on a plot of 4 acres.

Competent zoning

A place for evening gatherings in a small garden Source
When zoning a plot of 4 acres, pay attention to the presence or absence of separate zones intended for different purposes:

  • The front door is a zone visible only to those who enter your site. No more than 10% of the territory is allocated to it; the main purpose is a decorative function. If space allows, organize a flower garden, otherwise, use climbing plants.
  • A recreation area is a place where family leisure time and meetings with friends will be spent.
  • Garden/vegetable garden – it is impossible to imagine a garden without greenery.
  • Household – ancillary buildings (bathhouse, garage, septic tank, well).
  • Playroom - an area intended for children's games.

Options for combining individual sections are not excluded. For example, a garage wall can be used as the wall of a gazebo or children's playground. The versatility of green spaces allows them to be used in any of the above zones.

Advice! At the first stage of zoning a plot of 4 acres, draw them on paper. This will allow you to combine or separate individual zones. By considering several options, you will get the one that is the best choice for your needs.

Lounge area of ​​a miniature country garden Source
High fences are not used in the zoning of a land plot of 4 acres. It is more functional to divide the territory into separate sections using hedges, a sidewalk, a small oblong flower bed, a decorative fence or border.

A place that anyone entering your yard can see Source

It is possible to visually increase the space of a miniature plot with a forged fence with openwork inserts. An alternative to it would be a wooden picket fence, a rare wattle fence - the main thing is that the fence is not continuous.

Landscape design project for a plot of 4 acres + photo examples

So, you have a tiny summer cottage with an area of ​​400 m2 - 4 acres. It would seem that there can be no question of a comfortable and eventful holiday on such a summer cottage. But that was not the case, the designers found a way out of the situation and provided a design project that shows that even a small summer cottage can have all the necessary outbuildings and recreation areas. Next, we will provide a design project for a plot of 4 acres, and also reveal the tricks of planning a tiny summer cottage.

Layout of a summer cottage plot of 4 acres

The layout of a dacha plot of 4 acres must satisfy the minimum needs for recreation in the garden, and must also include all the necessary household facilities for caring for the garden and creating decorative landscape design.

Based on this, a dacha plot of 4 acres should include the following objects:

It’s clear that there won’t be a vegetable garden or a flowering garden on such a summer cottage, but you can still take a break from city problems.

Design project for a summer cottage plot of 4 acres

We present to your attention the most simple and convenient design project for a summer cottage plot of 4 acres:

Design project for a summer cottage plot of 4 acres


1. Residential building, 2. Bathhouse, 3. Utility block, 4. Parking for a car, 5. Wooden arch, 6. Fireplace, 7. Pebbled paths, 8. Decorative pond, 9. Ornamental coniferous plants (dwarf pines, thuja ), 10. Alpine slide, 11. Lawn grass, 12. Inflatable pool, 13. Small flower garden, 14. Some garden greens, 15. Decorative tree, 16. Hedge fence.

Photo examples of landscape design for a 4-acre dacha plot

We present to your attention visual photo examples of how to fashionably plan a summer cottage plot of 4 acres:

Elements of landscape design for a plot of 4 acres Creating an illusion in a tiny garden: a door to a new garden Wall painting for decorating a small garden Photo of landscape design for a summer cottage plot of 4 acres

We draw your attention to the fact that to create the visual effect of enlarging a summer cottage, you can use a type of layout such as diagonal planning. Also, on a dacha plot of 4 acres, it is recommended to use an idea for a garden - an optical illusion.

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Which buildings (or areas) should not intersect or be passable?

Special attention concerns the territorial location and arrangement of some zones. For example, it is advisable to move the area intended for flower beds away from the area organized for active children's games. One wrong throw of the ball can ruin months of work on growing a particular plant.

Interior of a small garden Source

Decoration of a miniature garden Source

A similar situation concerns the barbecue area. Your child himself will not be delighted with playing in the smoke from the barbecue that is being cooked next door. It is recommended that the location of the septic tank and well be separated into a special space, fenced or zoned for safety.

Saturation of green spaces Source

Due to the small area, some areas will have to be made passable. Organize the layout in such a way as to minimize the listed recommendations and create an option that will be optimally convenient for you and your family.

Features of landscape design of a plot of 4 acres

Creating a holistic picture that brings warmth and comfort to the overall atmosphere is typical for both large and small plots of 4 acres. Landscaping can be done in such a small area in a variety of ways.

Arrangement of a place for a child with your own hands Source

Is it possible to build a country house on 4 acres

How many acres can you build a country house on? Quite small, for a family of two people. But it would have to have a kitchen, a bathhouse, a terrace and living space. My neighbor Petrovich, a former honored builder of the USSR, built such a house in our dacha community with his own hands. The entire process of building a two-story country house on its 4 acres took place before my eyes, so I can tell you about it in detail.

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The ceilings were covered with 60 mm thick boards. To do this, I welded a steel corner to the channels, on which I laid the boards. The master insulated the ceiling on the second floor quite simply. I made a mixture of cement, sawdust and clay and covered the entire area with this layer, 6-8 mm thick. Well, on top, for reliability, I also laid mineral wool.

East style

Landscape of the plot in the Japanese style Source
The Japanese atmosphere is ideally combined with small plots. Style means a minimum of excess and maximum value to any space. The beauty and originality of the East remain at the same level. The distinctive features of such a landscape are:

  • Dwarf trees, moss, evergreens.
  • Miniature ponds.
  • Rock garden.
  • Hedges.

Japan on four hundred square meters Source

Advice! It is recommended to emphasize the style by constructing a model of a pagoda or a Japanese lantern assembled from stone.

Palace style

A small garden decorated in a palace style Source
The opinion that the style of palace luxury is inherent only in large areas is erroneous. 4 acres is enough to create a harmonious and clear garden of a given direction. For this you will need:

  • Evenly trimmed lawns and bushes of the same type.
  • Flower beds in the form of geometrically regular figures.
  • Plantings growing from stone tubs.
  • Straight stone sidewalks.
  • Metal arches decorated with blooming roses.
  • 2-3 symmetrically located benches.

Important! Do not use rich colors and a lot of decorations.

Flowers and plants for a small area

To select plantings for a garden of 4 acres, you should adhere to the properties of the plants. Most of them should be fast-growing. This will allow you to fill the garden with greenery in the shortest possible time.

Fencing based on the principle of visually increasing space Source

Entrance group made in oriental style Source

It is advisable to distribute the benefits of plants according to the seasons. This will prevent the formation of gray “bald patches” in a small space. Also, they should not belong to an aggressive group, that is, they should not pretend to be “neighbors.” As an example, here are several representatives of the flora that fit the listed criteria:

  • Thuja occidentalis.
  • Barberry Thunberg.
  • Hydrangea paniculata.
  • Dwarf lilac.
  • Day-lily.
  • Dwarf spruces.
  • Climbing rose.
  • Chubushnik (garden jasmine).
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