Boiler in the kitchen - TOP-150 photos of modern design ideas. Instructions on how to install and hide the boiler yourself

Types of heating equipment installation

A separate room is generally allocated for the installation of boilers, but subject to certain safety requirements and operating rules, heating equipment can be mounted on the wall or on the floor of the kitchen room.

It is worth remembering that boilers operate under pressure and heat water up to 95 degrees. By carefully studying the photos of boilers in the kitchen provided on certain websites, you can choose the best option in accordance with your financial capabilities and desires.

Methods for discreet placement

We, as the owners of the apartment, have already purchased a wall-mounted gas boiler. The installation and installation has begun, a photo of the boiler in the kitchen shows us the whole detailed process, in detail.

Kitchens with a boiler on the wall are not uncommon these days; photos of gas boilers in the kitchen reveal to us this, in part, this creative, “magical” process.

Let's look at several ways to close the boiler from prying eyes and work out, in a new way, the design of a kitchen with a boiler on the wall?

The best thing is to install our boiler in a cabinet specially made for it, which we will disguise as an ordinary kitchen set.

Or, use plasterboard to sheathe a metal frame with it and place the boiler itself inside. For greater inconspicuousness, you can also hide it all with a kitchen door made to match the color and facade of your kitchen.

You could also paint the front of the boiler to match the colors of your kitchen.

Place a heat generator next to the boiler - this will also help your boiler become more invisible and fit into your kitchen interior with great ease.

It is important to remember that any decision should be made before installation and installation work begins! Also, you should carefully consider the issue of electrical wiring and gas pipes - this is also very important! We'll talk about this a little later.

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Let's now take a closer look at each of the ways to hide your boiler in the kitchen?

Installation of a geyser on the wall

Installing a heating unit in a kitchen is a rather troublesome and time-consuming process. Wall-mounted equipment cannot be mounted on the floor. When installing the device, you need to maintain a distance of 30 cm from the refrigerator, gas stove, microwave oven, oven.

Modern kitchens with a boiler on the wall are finished with non-flammable materials. The boiler on the wall can be a separate object or mounted in kitchen furniture.

Design solution

Depending on what interior style is chosen to decorate the room, the wall-mounted unit will stand out or, conversely, hide.

Interior of a white kitchen with a gas boiler on the wall

Open box for a gas boiler in the kitchen

Classic style

The classic style requires the absence of any household appliances, so placing equipment on the wall can significantly spoil the interior. In order not to disturb the harmony of the classics, the unit must be hidden from view. The most common and simplest way is to place it behind the facade of the kitchen unit. But here you need to follow some safety rules:

  • Provide free access to the boiler;
  • Create free air circulation for correct operation of the unit.

Installing the boiler on the floor

A floor-standing boiler in the kitchen is installed in a pencil case, box or lower racks of kitchen cabinets. Most often they are sold complete with the main unit. In the absence of a ready-made device, they create home-made structures from plasterboard, chipboard, plywood or other material, and protect the walls from heating with shielding inserts.

Decorate the door with a forged lattice or mesh in a frame. The boiler will look like a designer object if you decorate it to imitate a fireplace. Cover the surface of the casing with thermostatic paint, dry it and make the corresponding image.

In addition to applying design ideas during installation, it is necessary to take into account regulations, follow recommendations and rules that guarantee reliable operation.

Requirements for placement of equipment

The area of ​​the room where the heating device is to be installed must be at least 6 square meters, the ceilings are higher than 2.2 m. The presence of a window with a window and doors with a ventilation grille in the lower part is required in the kitchen. These conditions create natural air movement that provides ventilation.

When installing a gas boiler in the kitchen, it is necessary to check the correct exit of the chimney to the outside, the proper operation of the automation, which ensures independent operation of the devices and reliably protects in emergency cases.

Installation features

Installing a floor-standing gas boiler in the kitchen requires the same permits as a wall-mounted one. It is necessary to obtain permission, maintain minimum dimensions during installation, and arrange ventilation. A specialist must install the power supply. Then the piping is done. A specialist must not only set up the automation system, but also check the safety of the device.

A kitchen in a private house with a gas boiler must meet the requirements of SNiP, fire and sanitary standards. If the inspector finds violations, he has the right to shut off the gas supply and impose a fine. Below is a photo of a kitchen design with a gas boiler on the wall .

Decoration of heating equipment

Any equipment must be harmoniously integrated into the overall interior of the kitchen and beautifully decorated. It is possible to close the boiler in the kitchen with its open placement on the wall using the decoupage technique, choosing the appropriate pattern.


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An excellent solution would be to paste it with film or paint it in the desired color for metal. If desired, you can create a real art object from a device that is not very aesthetically pleasing by using acrylic painting or airbrush techniques.

Various methods of camouflage and decoration will help you create an original design for your kitchen boiler and maintain the desired style.

Boiler case

Another popular solution for concealment is a pencil case. Essentially it's just a tall cabinet-column.

This solution also provides a significant decorative advantage: all the pipes are hidden behind the furniture facades, so it is not possible to guess that a water heating column is used in the room.

If you don’t believe me, then try to guess for yourself in the next photo how the owners managed to hide the gas boiler in the kitchen and where in the unit it is located.

Disguising the boiler in kitchen furniture

It is possible to hide the boiler in the kitchen in wall cabinets, subject to strict safety standards. The furniture facades will cover the device along the front surface. Or create a homemade box from sheets of plasterboard, chipboard and paint it to match the color of the furniture. When hiding equipment from view, it is necessary to use non-flammable materials.

The most important thing for proper and safe operation of the boiler is ventilation. To circulate air in the upper and lower parts of the cabinet, make holes with a hacksaw or jigsaw. The camouflage cabinet must be well ventilated. Protect walls from overheating.

Kitchen design with boiler

A gas boiler in the kitchen of a private house or apartment must comply with the standards. Based on proper installation, you can think of a design that will help hide the unit. More often the device is hidden behind a curtain wall. Rules to follow:

  • the minimum distance to the walls of the box is 3 cm;
  • It is prohibited to install lower, upper and rear walls in the module;
  • provide individual ventilation.

Boilers with medium and minimum power can be placed on an adjacent wall. Then it is permissible to hide not only the boiler itself, but also the chimney facing the street. The grille on the door of the box will help provide ventilation. A simple way to hide a boiler in the kitchen, the photo of which is presented below.

Additional communications

To operate the heating system, in addition to the device itself, a chimney with access to the street, hoses, water and gas pipes are installed. It is strictly forbidden to wall these elements into the wall. They require clear access.

Panels and boxes are installed in such a way that they can be easily and quickly removed if necessary. When decorating a room in a loft style, communications for a gas boiler emphasize rather than disguise.

Photo of boilers in the kitchen

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