Lambrequins for the kitchen: TOP-180 photos of varieties of lambrequins for the kitchen. DIY installation and design instructions

What types of lambrequins are there?

When choosing a lambrequin for your kitchen window, you may be faced with a huge number of fabric options, but ultimately, everything will come down to only three specific types of this decorative element. Let's touch on each of them in more detail.

Important points when decorating a kitchen with lambrequins

When choosing lambrequins for your kitchen, you should take into account a lot of details: the size of the room, the shape of the window and the presence of a balcony door, choose the mounting method, choose the color and take into account the general style of the kitchen, and also take into account the height of the ceiling.

It is also important to understand that the kitchen is a place in which something is constantly being cooked and fried, which means that steam settles on the surfaces, odors are absorbed, etc. This means that the material of the lambrequins must be of high quality, wear-resistant, and not afraid of moisture and steam. Then the product will last a long time, even without frequent washing and cleaning.


When you come to the store, you may notice the absence of this design element. The thing is that a gang is also called a hard or rigid lambrequin, and its latter name, although less prosaic, is used much more often and can be more understandable and accessible to store consultants. We will stick to a similar name.

Rigid lambrequins, due to their texture, are capable of taking on any, even the most intricate, shapes. They are used when it is necessary to hide the cornice from the ceiling itself, because this model allows you to do this.

Having a rigid base under it, you can realize almost any shape conceived by the designer. These are all kinds of bows and folds of such a type that, looking at them, visitors to the room will involuntarily wonder “why the fabric so easily retains and does not lose its appearance.”

What is best to combine lambrequins with?

Thanks to the variety of textures, shapes and design solutions, lambrequins can be combined with anything. The most popular options should be considered:

  • Lambrequins and curtains in the “cafe” style - to create such a combination, it is best to use a soft lambrequin, falling in large folds;
  • Lambrequin and roller blinds - a soft, hard or combined lambrequin is perfect for this option;
  • Lambrequin and blinds - to create this combination, it is recommended to use a hard or soft lambrequin of a rectangular strict shape, without unnecessary decorative details;
  • Lambrequin and classic curtains - in this case, you can not limit the flight of fancy, and combine hard, soft, combined lambrequins with such curtains, using decorative elements such as fringe, braid, bows, etc.;
  • Lambrequins and tulle - light tulle will look most harmonious with a soft lambrequin made of translucent, easily draped fabric;
  • Lambrequin and Roman curtains - it is best to use a rigid lambrequin, decorated along the lower edge with braid; such a set can be designed in the same color scheme, or be contrasting.


But you need to understand that a rigid lambrequin for the kitchen, although unlimited in the choice of its shape, still has some drawbacks. If a certain amount of airiness and lightness is needed, then its soft version will fit perfectly here.

It is most often made from the same material as the curtain itself. And due to the absence of any foundation, it can cover almost a quarter of the window itself.

The main thing here is a competent and unobtrusive implementation that will not be noticeable. But as a housewife, you can easily solve this problem.

What is a lambrequin

The word “lambrequin” itself, meaning the drapery of the upper part of a window opening, is of French origin.

Drapery at the top of the window opening

Traditionally, it plays a decorative and practical role:

  • masking curtain fasteners;
  • masking the cornice;
  • decor that creates an attractive look for the room.

Decor that makes the room look attractive

Its qualities allow it to be used as a design element.

Design element

Complex designs look interesting, enliven the interior and highlight the window opening with an attractive frame.

There are lambrequins:



Thematic lambrequin to create coziness

Which option to choose based on the parameters of the kitchen itself? Does your kitchen have the correct shape of a square or rectangle, the window is located in the middle of the wall and the furnishings do not require adjustment using special techniques?

In this case, a symmetrical one will fit into the interior, emphasizing the harmony of the space.

Symmetrical lambrequin for your kitchen

Asymmetry represents a larger number of decorative frills and other elements on one side of the window. This approach to design will help smooth out the features of the layout or arrangement of furniture.

Asymmetry to adjust space

Depending on the rigidity of the structure, there are three types:




Choose your type

Soft – popular and easy to care for

For the kitchen, preference is most often given to a soft lambrequin. It is practical and adds lightness to the interior. The basis is beautifully stitched folds of the panel, which allow this decor to be cleaned.

Preference for soft

Hard - laconic

This design is considered practical. It is inherently hard, so it is used less often in the kitchen due to its difficulty in maintenance. It is made from the same material as the main curtain, but with a durable (rigid) base.

Practical lambrequin in a modern kitchen

Rigidity allows you to well camouflage the fastening system, and in some cases, the cornice itself. The selected composition will visually expand the window, and additional accessories in the form of cords will add elegance.

Masking the fastening system

Combined - original

The combination of hardness and softness will help create a more attractive interior. This option is suitable for a large kitchen that combines spaciousness with high ceilings.

Combined lambrequin for a large kitchen


The option of combining the two lambrequins listed above is not always and not always justified. It is extremely difficult to fit into the interior and sometimes an elegant design solution is required to do this.

In view of this, this type of lambrequin is not used so often, although when combined with a hard base with a weightless soft one, you can achieve absolutely amazing results. But we repeat, the main thing here is to implement this correctly.

Varieties of soft lambrequins

To make lambrequins more interesting and stylish, you should use decorative elements when creating them and give them a special shape:

  • Swag is a semicircle of soft fabric, draped in the form of folds or a shell, can be straight or asymmetrical, located horizontally;
  • A tie is a decorative element with folds, located vertically from top to bottom;
  • De jabot or jabot is a decorative element with a lower bevel, which can also be arranged in steps, giving verticality to the soft lambrequin;
  • The mold is a soft gather, flared in the center, which is most often located between two swags;
  • Festoons are complex elements for processing the edge of a lambrequin; they can be double, single, wide with a border, openwork, etc.;
  • Fringe - used exclusively for finishing heavy and expensive fabrics;
  • Braid - decorative tape for finishing the bottom edge of the product;
  • Puffs are lush gathers along the bottom edge of the fabric.

Let's start decorating

When choosing curtains for a kitchen with a lambrequin, you need to understand that they are distinguished by the type of folds formed. With the help of appropriate drapery, the window can visually appear larger or wider. But making a choice only based on appearance is not entirely correct.


Also consider the quality of the material, its possible reliability and wear resistance. Any fabric will have to be washed over time and it is important that the lambrequin does not lose its original luster.

Lambrequins: concept and relevance in the kitchen interior

In French, a lambrequin is a canopy. This translation accurately characterizes this element of kitchen decor. A lambrequin is a piece of fabric that frames a window opening.

It can be decorated with folds and textile elements.

This type of decor allows you not only to give the window completeness and the kitchen an aesthetic appeal, but also to hide defects in the window or wall.

This curtain has several key components. Among them are a swag (a horizontal element of a soft lambrequin), a frill (a side element), a tie (a frill element sewn into it), ruffles, a mold and other decorative elements.

Another possible part of the curtain could be throws - fabric that is thrown over the cornice in a random order.

The beautiful folds that are formed at the same time make the kitchen more comfortable.

Transfers do not involve the use of a large amount of decor. A simple braid is enough to complement your existing look.

Lambrequins have a number of advantages that distinguish them from curtains of different types. They are practical because such a curtain is less dirty and can be washed and ironed more quickly.

Lambrequin has good light conductivity (sun rays pass through light short fabrics better than through thick curtains). This is important for kitchens with poor lighting or short sunny days.

They are also aesthetically pleasing, which is why for some types of kitchens this option is the only option. This applies to small rooms and kitchens with a countertop under the window.

Advice! If the kitchen already has some kind of bright accent, then it is better to choose a classic type of lambrequin, and for an inexpressive room a bright original curtain will do.


These lambrequins resemble a sea shell and visually make the window larger and wider. The semicircle shape can be combined with absolutely any type of fold and number of repetitions. If you want to see straight folds on the windows - no problem, chaotic ones - this option is also possible.

They are performed as simply and clearly as possible. They are quickly installed, and in combination with various color schemes, a huge number of design options can be achieved.

One of the varieties of this type of lambrequin is the “mould” model. In fact, these are the same shells, only forming an angle in the middle.

What are lambrequins, what functions are they designed to perform?

From French, the word lambrequin is translated as drapery in the upper zone of the curtain, occupying the entire width of the window opening. Lambrequin curtains for kitchens are designed to perform several tasks at once:

  • window decoration;
  • protection from outside street views;
  • cover fastening hooks that are unsightly to the human eye;
  • cover part of the wall - from the window to the ceiling.

It turns out that these curtains can also be used to increase the space of the kitchen, albeit visually. The only caveat in favor of choosing it is that it should not occupy the entire space of the wall with the window.

The size of the lambrequin itself should not be more than ¼ of the total length of the curtains. It is a horizontal strip up to 20 cm wide; only an addition to it can fall lower.


Having received its name from an element of clothing, this lambrequin largely copies it, resembling an air collar. And as in the case of the already bygone era of royal palaces, this type of decor is not applicable everywhere, emphasizing the elitism of its origin.

This lambrequin needs a large window and light notes of elegance in the interior, since it is unlikely to look harmonious in a simple room.

What does a lambrequin consist of?

Each lambrequin consists of several elements - identical in cut and style or completely different:

  1. Swag can be considered the main part of any model. It is present in almost all existing varieties. It can be located in the center or shifted to one side. If the kitchen window opening is small, then you need to choose a model with one element. For windows with several sashes or combined with another room - several swags.

  2. Semi-swag. The clan is similar in modification to the previous element in terms of assembly. It resembles a non-solid, slightly elongated semicircle, and may have a free end. The dimensions of the half-swag can be any - covering part of the cornice with hooks and fasteners, or barely noticeable. Its task is to create a certain solemnity. It is often combined with swag.

  3. Jabot. A vertically positioned draped piece of fabric. Most often it is a continuation of a half-swag or swag. Usually located at the end, as if framing the edge of the curtain. Can be cut in a classic style, stepped or in the shape of a geometric figure. Can be complemented with tassels, beads or cascading warehouses. It can be paired or single (independent). A lambrequin with a jabot is suitable for giving the room pomp, wealth and chic.

These are the main decorative elements of lambrequins. In addition to them, there is a list of additional ones: a tie, puffs and others.

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Quite fashionable lambrequins that appeared relatively recently. This model allows you to use lace or special fabric. The distinctive feature of this lambrequin is that it allows you to combine even leather or other dense material.

Lambrequins hard

A rigid lambrequin, also called a bando, is a product made of dense fabric, inside of which there is a frame. The frame is made of light weight material, but strong enough for the entire structure to maintain its shape.

As a frame, you can use plywood, padding polyester, non-woven fabric, proklamin and other materials. The rigid type of lambrequin is often used to hide the cornice completely.

Bando is a decorative element, but not only it. If such a lambrequin is hung from the ceiling, the height of the window will visually increase.

The lower edge of a rigid lambrequin is usually decorated with fringe, tassels, flounces, beads and other decorative elements.

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Tips for choosing a lambrequin

If you decide to choose curtains with a lambrequin for the kitchen, it is necessary, as in any other matter, to take into account some facts that may influence your decision. We’ll talk about possible pitfalls now.

The smaller the area of ​​the room, the simpler the lambrequins you choose should be. Roughly speaking, if you settle on a complex design, you may encounter the fact that lambrequins will attract all your attention.

The larger the lambrequin, the more total area of ​​the room it requires and the more space it steals.

The more complex the pattern or shape of the lambrequin, the lower it makes a room with high walls.

You should also remember that almost any interior can be combined with a lambrequin, but when choosing, you should be guided by simple logic. If the design of the room is simple, then the material on the curtain should be simple and understandable. Its task is to emphasize the features of the interior, and not to draw attention to itself.

A lambrequin in a simple room should be noticeable only when the gaze of a visitor to the room falls on it and nothing else.

You can find patterns for lambrequins for the kitchen. The simplest options with throwing fabric over a curtain can be done by any housewife and does not require a lot of dexterity and skill. By giving free rein to your imagination, you can find a use for old curtains.

Since lambrequins will be used in the kitchen, remember the physical properties of the material. If there is an oven next to the window, or the room is small, you should think about the fact that the fabric will easily absorb odors and lose its color.

Take this into account when choosing material. Like curtains, the lambrequin must withstand washing and be equally evenly exposed to the physical effects of water and detergents.

It will be very unpleasant if the model you have chosen loses its color and gloss before the curtains do. Dull lambrequins will drag down the color of the curtains, making the overall picture dull.

Some types of woven fabric yield easily to physical stress, leaving unpleasantly protruding threads in place. If you have children or pets at home, you should consider making lambrequins less accessible.

Lambrequins and curtains: choosing the best combination

Good compatibility is an important requirement, compliance with which allows these interior elements to look organic, complementing each other.

The best combination is a lambrequin with curtains

Roman curtains

This type of curtain can be combined not only with lambrequins, but also with curtains. The laconicism of Roman blinds is especially in demand in small kitchens, as they do not protrude beyond the window level and look very neat.

The laconicism of Roman blinds is especially in demand in small kitchens

In this version, it should be just as laconic and restrained. Roman blinds go very well with rigid small lambrequins in the same color scheme as the curtains themselves.

Laconic and discreet


The classic interior allows you to use both soft and hard lambrequin designs in combination with fabric curtains. At the same time, simple in form, it favorably emphasizes the beautiful gathers on the curtains and their unobtrusive aesthetics.

Elegant aesthetics in curtain assembly

Soft varieties make it possible to enliven the appearance of curtains, adding a touch of romance to them.

Ideal curtain design for a bright kitchen

Roller blinds

This option is in demand on the first floors of houses and in those rooms that require shading from the bright sun. In combination with roller blinds, they perform an aesthetic function, softening the neutral look of the curtains.

The option is in demand on the first floors of houses

Colored curtains

Curtains on the windows can match the colors of the furniture, textiles and wall decoration or look much brighter. In this case, it should be in the same colors as the main curtain. Here it will look beautiful with a rigid base or with a combined model, especially with a large window size.

Curtains on the windows can match the colors of the furniture

Tulle and openwork

Tulle in the kitchen can easily drape due to its weightlessness. A lambrequin will help balance the upper part of the window with the interior, combining the entire composition into one.

Balanced composition on the kitchen window


Covering only the lower half of the window, they combine well with soft and hard structures. This appearance of the windows is suitable for the country style in the interior.

Country trends in the interior


The practicality of blinds allows them to be used not only in living rooms, but also in the kitchen. They create good protection from the sun, which makes them indispensable for southern windows. In this case, arched lambrequins will make an excellent combination with blinds.

Blinds to match the lambrequin

Photo of lambrequins for the kitchen

How to attach lambrequins for the kitchen

There are two ways to attach a lambrequin to a cornice structure:

  1. The fastest and easiest way is to “put” the so-called Velcro on the self-adhesive tape. To do this, one part of the Velcro is sewn to the textile, the second is glued to the cornice.
  2. If a tubular or forged type of cornice is installed in the kitchen, then preference should be given to models with eyelets.
  3. You can also attach it to hooks. You can buy them at any specialized store.

If a tubular or forged cornice is installed in the kitchen, then it is better to give preference to models with eyelets. If the lambrequin model is too heavy, then it is not recommended to attach it with Velcro, since it may begin to sag over time; it is better to attach it in another accessible way.

How to choose the right lambrequin for the kitchen

If someone thinks that the task of choosing a suitable lambrequin model for the kitchen is simple, then they are mistaken. You should choose taking into account some nuances:

  1. Textile. Give preference to those types that are well adjusted and ironed. Since curtains in this room get dirty very often, some types of fabrics cannot withstand exposure to high temperatures, steam or grease.
  2. Form. It is recommended to give preference to the simplest models. This requirement is connected not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a practical one. Complex shapes with frequent washing, cleaning, care and ironing will turn this procedure into a living hell.
  3. Type of lambrequin. It is recommended to choose soft models for kitchens of standard sizes. Hard ones look, of course, more luxurious and beautiful, but they can only be installed in large rooms, dining rooms connected to the living room. It will be impossible to put it in the washing machine; you will have to constantly wash it by hand. But if you do install it, in an ordinary kitchen, it will look ordinary, creating a cluttered effect.

It is very good if you can choose a lambrequin made from fabrics impregnated with fire-resistant and/or water-repellent impregnation. This is especially appropriate when the curtains are located near the hob or at the sink.

It is recommended to completely abandon bulky models, including corner ones - they will regularly absorb all the odors, steam and fat from cooking.

The most suitable fabrics for the kitchen are: cotton, viscose, silk and linen. You can also pay attention to models made of loose synthetics. That's all the key recommendations for choosing lambrequins for kitchens. All that remains is to weigh everything, discuss it, think it over and make your choice.

Types of lambrequins

Elegant lambrequins with openwork patterns differ in the manufacturing method:

  • modular or shaped products;
  • strip and strip lambrequins (with alternating identical patterns along the entire length).


Working with combined decorations can be difficult, but the finished curtain composition will impress with its beauty. Modular lambrequins differ from roll ones in that they are formed from individual elements that can be arranged in different ways.

Openwork modules are arranged in different ways:

  • horizontally (in the center of the composition, along the entire length of the cornice);
  • vertically (at the edges, mirror-symmetrical), in the middle (like a single tulle decoration).

Solid lambrequins with an expressive pattern are attached to small hooks of the cornice, like any other element of the curtain composition.


Tape or strip lambrequins cover the multi-level fastening of tulle and curtains. This decor is not complicated in design. It resembles a wallpaper border, but is much tougher and features a beautiful openwork pattern.


In some cases, a volumetric element in the center of the composition is appropriate on the cornice. You can create entire compositions from multi-colored parts. Volumetric appliqué also looks good in the corners if the curtains are positioned symmetrically.

Choosing the color of the drapery depending on the style of the kitchen

Based on the brightness of the color, the drapery is selected to match the overall color scheme of the room, depending on its role in the interior - accent or secondary. For example, black, rich red or green will attract attention when surrounded by achromatic white.

The combination of red and white in the kitchen set

Loft and minimalism do not accept massive designs with an abundance of folds, and classics do not combine with an openwork leather puff. In rustic interiors you can use embroidery and lace.

The smaller the area of ​​the room, the more concise the curtains and drapery should be. The more elaborate the set, the brighter the kitchen window should be.

Rigid shapes fit well into large kitchens combined with living and dining rooms. Such premises must be equipped with an exhaust hood.

Selecting a lambrequin that fits correctly into the kitchen interior is not an easy task. When choosing the right drapery, the requirements of the composition and the advice of designers should be taken into account. In the future, it is important that the curtain fits in organically and favorably emphasizes the advantages of the kitchen environment.

How to choose a lambrequin for a kitchen window

If the kitchen has a regular square or rectangular shape, the window is equally distant from the walls, and adjustment of the proportions of the room is not required, the lambrequins should be symmetrical. An asymmetrical design will allow you to achieve the necessary visual effect if there are certain imbalances.

Asymmetrical drapery curtains

Nuances to consider when choosing a lambrequin:

  1. If the ceiling height is less than 2.5 meters, it is better to abandon the lambrequin. Otherwise, you can use the method of vertical lines in the decor of the room or soft drapery with vertical folds.
  2. For low windows, non-massive simple models are better suited, located above the window and not overlooking the window opening, which will visually increase its height.
  3. For narrow windows, wide folded lambrequins covering the border with the wall are appropriate.
  4. Rigid views that add height to the windows will fit well into Khrushchev-type apartments.
  5. Kitchen balcony windows require drapery that does not interfere with the functioning of the door.
  6. Volumetric jabots or puffs will fit well into spacious rooms, and flat structures will fit into small kitchens.

The shape of the lambrequin is closely related to the type of room. In the kitchen they are used with a minimum number of folds.

PHOTO GALLERY: The brightest designs of curtains with lambrequins

When choosing a window design, designers advise focusing on the existing interior and approaching the issue wisely, combining attractiveness and performance properties. If you do not agree with the rating of the article, then simply give your ratings and justify them in the comments. Your opinion is very important to our readers. Thank you!


  • Any interior gains elegance and a classic look with a lambrequin.
  • Lambrequin can look very modern thanks to new materials and shapes. Rigid, fixed designs look elegant yet fresh


  • Lambrequin takes up a lot of space, visually reduces the space, and lowers the ceilings.
  • Do not forget that the lambrequin collects a lot of dust.

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Kitchen lambrequin design ideas

Unique models will allow you to decorate the window opening in an original way and emphasize the stylistic direction of the room.


A colourful, textured and accent element of the decor that acts as an exclusive complement to curtains. A carved lambrequin will add a bright personality to your kitchen design.

The photo shows a dining room with an openwork lambrequin on the window.


A window decorated with asymmetry on one side or decorative corner, oblique elements will change the standard composition of the room.


These decorative elements can add originality and sophistication to any kitchen. The fabric, assembled in a special way, resembles a braided braid. Puffs are used in large kitchens to emphasize the richness and exclusivity of the room.

With fringe

Swags or semi-swags decorated with fringe along the edges look very funny and at the same time elegant. Fringe is often used as a trim for velvet or taffeta fabrics.

The photo shows the interior of the kitchen and windows with lambrequins decorated with fringe.

With tassels

They carry energy that has a positive effect on the overall atmosphere of the kitchen. They can be with fancy tails and thereby add some life to the window composition.

They look like curtains tied with braid. Suitable for kitchens in rustic styles.


A practical option for the kitchen. Suitable for decorating small window openings and windows located near the stove or countertop with a sink.

Arch shaped

Homely and cozy. An equally convenient option that emphasizes the unusual style of the room.

The photo shows the kitchen interior and arch-shaped lambrequins on the windows.


The simplest lambrequins. They are often used together with classic curtains. They are easy to attach, do not collect dust and are very easy to clean.

With flowers

Quite a cute and playful design solution. Floral prints will bring warmth, comfort and a bit of sunny summer to the kitchen.

What parts does it consist of?

Lambrequin is considered a complex structure. It may consist of one or more parts. The specificity of the composition is determined by the design requirements.

Design requirements - design complexity


Swag A horizontally placed part, which may not necessarily be symmetrical.

A bright lambrequin with an asymmetrical swag in the kitchen
Jabot An element that is placed on the side and has a vertical orientation. The length depends on the height of the window and the intended design.

Frill element in the kitchen
Tie This is the part that is combined with the frill.

Lambrequin to match the kitchen
Throws Panels of material that are thrown over the cornice. The ends of the folds can hang freely, adding decorativeness to the design. Puffs Forming lush folds. This element adds volume to the window design and contributes to the perception of the room as brighter.

Puffs add volume to the window design.
Ruffles and other additional elements . Optional decor. Their appearance and availability depend on style requirements.

Appearance depends on style requirements

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