Design of a small bedroom - tips for choosing a style and features of its application. Photo ideas relevant for the new season

Choosing a general style

Before you start designing, decide on the general concept. What is closer to you: natural wood in warm yellow shades is country, and bleached or painted white plus delicate shades of lavender and cold blue is Provence, an abundance of textiles, roses, angels, ash gray and muted pink - shabby chic, raw brick, concrete, external wiring, brutal black lamps - loft, plenty of white in the interior with the addition of dark wood and bright textiles - Scandinavian style.

The choice of style for a small bedroom depends on personal preferences. It would hardly be appropriate to try to arrange a classic interior with a luxurious massive chandelier, stucco on the ceiling, paintings in gilded frames and a bed with a carved headboard made of precious wood in a bedroom of 9 square meters. m and a ceiling height of 2.7 m. And modern minimalism, which easily incorporates elements of other styles, will look organic even in small rooms.

Selecting furniture

A modern small bedroom is, above all, convenience and coziness. The modest size of the room limits the selection of furniture, but this does not mean that the owners should infringe on themselves.

First of all, a comfortable large bed. After all, the quality of sleep, and therefore the quality of life in general, depends on the size of the sleeping place, its softness or hardness, and the orthopedic properties of the mattress.

When choosing a bed, give preference to models with built-in drawers. These beds look quite massive, but you get additional storage space for bedding, which is important.

Furniture sets for small bedrooms may include bedside tables, a chest of drawers, a makeup table, and a wardrobe. Depending on the area of ​​the room and the location of the door and windows, you need to consider the need and possibility of placing these furnishings.

There are two ways to position the bed: in the center of the room, which allows you to approach it from both sides and install two bedside tables symmetrically, and close to the wall (less often to the window). In small spaces, the role of a makeup table is often played by an enlarged window sill. In other cases, it can also be used as a workplace.

Bedroom shape

When choosing a design and bedroom set for a small bedroom, you need to take into account the features and shape of the room. It is not an easy task to place furniture in a rectangular shaped bedroom.

For such rooms, the best option is a built-in bed with drawers. This will significantly save room space. You can place a desk or chair near a window.

In a square-shaped bedroom, you can arrange furniture in several ways:

  1. Place the bed with a headboard near the window, and place cabinets, drawers or shelves nearby for storing things.
  2. Place the bed near a blank wall, with a narrow wardrobe nearby.

Mirrors in the bedroom: pros and cons

To store things, sliding wardrobes are most often used, which occupy the entire space from floor to ceiling and do not require additional space to open the doors.

It is ideal when there is a niche in the bedroom in which you can install such a wardrobe so that it does not look bulky. In order to visually lighten large furniture, choose a glass or mirror coating for compartment door panels.

Undoubtedly, mirror surfaces visually increase space, but whether they should be used in the bedroom is a moot point. In any case, the bed will be reflected in the mirror surface of the closet; not everyone likes this, and the rules of Feng Shui do not recommend such a proximity.

Storage and other furniture

Yes, just a few years ago in every room we saw the famous wall with dishes and festive glasses, and in the bedroom there was a “dressing room” with a crossbar and shelves for clothes.

Nowadays, basically all furniture is made to order, built into niches or simply separated by 60 centimeters with a compartment door. More and more home owners prefer to equip a dressing room in the bedroom, because it can store not only clothes, but also household appliances, an ironing board, and jewelry.

A dressing room in a small bedroom is not always a feasible dream, but some people still manage to organize it there. For example, separating part of the room from wall to wall with plasterboard or a compartment door.

We install a bed or sofa close to the structure. This layout does not clutter up the necessary centimeters and looks stylish and functionally competent.

If, unfortunately, there is no space for a dressing room, drawers under the bed, mini walls in the bedroom and other designs convenient for the owners are used.

Bedside tables, a dressing table with a mirror and other furniture are arranged in accordance with the priorities of the owner of the bedroom. If a person needs, for example, a small table for a laptop or a dressing table with drawers for jewelry, and the closet can be placed in the hallway, then that’s what should be done.

Color: monochrome and accents

When creating the interior of a small bedroom, it is very important not to overload it with details and colors. A small space looks more spacious when light colors are used in the design: pure white, warm shades of milky white, cool shades of gray.

This monochrome can be diluted with one or two accent colors. These colors can be used when choosing curtains, decorative pillows, bedspreads, headboard or chair upholstery.

Plain curtains from ceiling to floor are a good solution for small rooms. The presence of some kind of pattern on the curtains attracts too much attention to them, in which case you will have to give up emphasizing other areas.

Ideas for decorating a small bedroom

In a small room, special attention should be paid to the correct arrangement of furniture so that it is cozy, but not cluttered.

The following recommendations will help you rationally arrange your bedroom set:

  • The passage should not be blocked;
  • It is more advisable to place a bed or sofa for sleeping along the wall opposite the front door;
  • The set should be light in color;
  • The linen closet should not be placed opposite the door;
  • Use a minimum of textiles;
  • Create sufficient lighting in the room.

An excellent solution for a small bedroom would be to install a folding bed, which you can make yourself.

Such a sleeping place will save space during the daytime. The sleeping area can also be positioned diagonally so that it can be approached from both sides.

Wallpaper: smooth or textured

When choosing wallpaper for a small bedroom, you can use different solutions when decorating the accent wall and the rest of the space.

As a rule, the wall behind the head of the bed stands out in color or texture. Often, photo wallpapers with a theme that matches the general style are used. Black and white images of skyscrapers, city streets, and bridges are suitable for a loft.

For minimalism - an abstract geometric pattern. Macro photography of flowers and leaves looks good in modern interiors. For the remaining walls, you should choose wallpaper of a neutral color, smooth or textured. The uneven surface of the latter, due to different refractions of light, slightly expands the space.

Little things that can make or break a concept

When developing the interior design of a small bedroom, do not forget to take care of the bedding. Colorful pillows can liven up the dullest room and draw attention away from its tiny size. And floral bed linen can ruin a carefully thought-out composition. When choosing textiles, give preference to plain natural fabrics.

Numerous photos of small bedroom design that can be found on the Internet allow you to find non-trivial solutions. A bedside rug made of natural sheepskin will not only protect you from the cold touch of the floor, but in combination with wooden wall panels will give you the feeling of being in a chalet or hunting lodge.

A colorful hand-woven rug imported from an Asian country will add color to your bedroom when you hang it above the head of your bed. And if you like to craft, decorate your wall with framed embroidery or a composition using the macrame technique, which is back in fashion.

Furnishing a small bedroom

It is very important for those who independently design a small bedroom to know that one of the important factors for successful design is the choice of furniture.

When choosing a bed, give preference to a model without legs, and it is better to choose a bunk bed for a child. This will help save room space and also visually increase it.

When choosing a wardrobe for a small bedroom, it is better to pay attention to the mirrored wardrobe.

Photo of a small bedroom

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