Functional tables for beds, advantages and disadvantages

Almost every woman dreamed of getting coffee in bed, and in this case it would be completely out of place if coffee got into her in the literal sense of the word. Therefore, many will agree that a table in bed in the household will be very useful. This type of furniture will also be indispensable for a sick person who has difficulty moving or needs to remain in bed.

On sale you can often find an option that combines these two functions; it can be used as a breakfast table, as well as a laptop stand. Since the bed table performs fewer functions, in this case you can save money and make it yourself. We will look at how to make such a table in this article.

Manufacturing materials

The bed table is made from a variety of materials, natural and artificial. Traditional products are made from wood: pine, maple, ash, oak, or more expensive species - cedar, mahogany. The surface of the models is coated with special compounds to prevent the absorption of odors and moisture. The tabletop is treated with varnish that is resistant to high temperatures. The main disadvantage is its massiveness and heavy weight. However, these disadvantages have a beneficial effect on the stability of structures.

The bedside table, made of painted or chromed metal, is resistant to mechanical damage and lasts a long time. In most cases, the products are laptop stands. The models have a simple design and affordable price.

Glass products look weightless and airy. Made from colored, transparent, tinted fabric. The material is durable, hygienic, easy to clean, and does not scratch. Plastic tables are lightweight and versatile; non-standard shapes are often used when creating them. Another advantage is the variety of colors. Most models are monolithic, do not require complex maintenance, and are easy to clean and disinfect.

A bedside table made of bamboo fits organically into any interior and is indispensable when creating an atmosphere in an oriental style. The light colors of the material look elegant; small straw rugs are used as decoration. The products are durable, reliable and lightweight. Models made of wicker or rattan look great. They are characterized by durability, but at the same time they are lightweight. The designs will complement eco and ethnic design.

The best table will be one that meets individual requirements and fits seamlessly into the interior. It is worth giving preference to environmentally friendly materials that are easy to clean from contamination. Thanks to the presence of heat-resistant varnish, there are no marks left on the surface from hot plates and cups.

Tables made from hevea are extremely popular. Such wood, even without the use of varnishes and paints, is not afraid of temperature changes and moisture.






There are several options for its modernization:

Cut additional holes for the tablet and cups

Glue a family photo made on a self-adhesive base to the surface

Use regular pallets and large nails as handles

Replace wood with glass with original ornaments

Decorate the structure with decorative elements in the form of carvings or other inserts

Assemble the surface from individual planks

Divide the surface into separate sectors

Of course, after this the man will have the question of how to make a portable table with such complex elements. However, upon closer examination of each model, it can be noted that this is not at all difficult.

After all, in order to attach the glass, you need to select the appropriate depth of the sides and cut suitable grooves for its placement. For a table with holes for a cup, you will need to choose a board of decent thickness. You can divide the surface into sectors using stripped slats or bars.

As decorative parts, you can use blanks of plaster, which are attached with glue. Bed tables decorated in this way look very original.

As you can see, little is needed to create such a convenient design. A man can make a comfortable bed table from ordinary available materials if he uses his imagination and ingenuity. As a result, this will bring joy not only to his wife, but also to himself.

Additional functionality

Many craftsmen make bed tables with their own hands. In the mornings, the products are used for breakfast, in the evenings they replace a full-fledged workplace and serve as a convenient stand for a laptop. Functionality can be very different, it all depends on individual preferences. Some options are complemented by drawers and niches for storing small items. Magazines and books are placed in the side baskets.

To make your breakfast table in bed as practical as possible, you can equip it with a fan to cool your computer. The device will work from USB. You can place a tray nearby for serving breakfast.

For comfortable work, the products are complemented with pillows that prevent hands from fogging, LED lighting, and a phone stand. Models with a specially designated place for the mouse are common, and it can be located on any side. Universal tables have compact dimensions and perform many practical functions.

Variety of table options for breakfast in bed

Many original ideas for creating a bed table can be taken from furniture manufacturers. This will help make your product more functional and original. To begin with, you can experiment with the countertop.

Tips for choosing

It is not at all necessary to create tables for breakfast in bed with your own hands; you can purchase a finished product. When choosing, you should pay attention to the parameters of the models. It is important that the surface of the countertop can accommodate all the necessary items. The structure must be strong and stable. The optimal height of the legs will be at which a person can sit freely or be in a reclining position. Many people prefer products with adjustable sizes. Models with handles are easy to use. They can be easily lifted or moved from one room to another.

When choosing a design, you should be guided by taste preferences and the style in which the bedroom is decorated. Provence is characterized by light colors and natural materials. Drawings on the tabletop made using the decoupage technique will be a suitable decor. High sides will imitate untreated wood.

For a classic interior, wooden products painted in pastel colors are suitable: beige, chocolate. If desired, you can leave the natural texture of the material. Tabletop decor is not used; carved edges can be used. Glass models with curved legs fit perfectly into a minimalist design.

The surface of the countertop should accommodate all the necessary items

The structure must be strong and stable

For ease of use, choose models with handles

When choosing a design, be guided by the personal taste and style of the room

Drawing of a bed table - an indispensable assistant for the master

To begin with, it is important to understand what basic elements the structure consists of. There are 2 types of legs: stationary and folding with a transverse leg. Depending on the dimensions of the table, the length of 4 blanks can be 25-30 cm.

To complete them you will need:

  • choose bars/boards 50 mm wide and 18 mm thick;
  • make a bevel of up to 1 cm at one end of each part;
  • drill holes (for fastening to the frame), which are located at a distance of 25 mm from the edge.

It is recommended to assemble the components of the structure using screws with M6 threads, which have a wide furniture head. Also use washers, screws, screws and nuts of the appropriate caliber.

The main structural element is the tabletop and drawer. They determine the design of the table, as well as its practicality.

The board can be given an original shape:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • abstract.

It is better to choose a top board of standard sizes - 60x40 cm with a thickness of 18-20 mm. The height of the connecting strip is up to 50 mm. These 2 parts are assembled using glue and fasteners. They are fixed with clamps for several hours.

For ease of use, sides are installed that are proportional to the workpiece, made of bars or slats. Their height should be optimal - up to 1 cm, because too high will interfere with a person’s ability to eat. Fasten the parts around the perimeter of the entire bed table using small nails.

In addition, some craftsmen mount original wooden handles to the tabletop, which are installed on the right and left sides, as shown in the diagram. Connect the halves with wood glue and nails (2 pieces for each corner).

Among other things, the original handles (embossed or metal) can be removed from ordinary old furniture. This will give the product a special charm.

How to increase your luck

For those who are trying to achieve better results in the game, increasing their luck is worth thinking about. It increases in several ways at once (in brackets we indicated the increase in luck):

  • Garden Gnomes (+0.2) located nearby the player;
  • Luck potions (+0.3). We talk about them in more detail a little further;
  • Interacting with a ladybug (Ladybug, +0.2) also increases luck for 12 minutes. And if you find a golden version of this creature, the bonus will receive double power. But when you kill (fishing also counts) a Ladybug, your luck will, on the contrary, decrease;
  • Torches of luck (+0.2). We talk about them a little further;
  • Lantern Night event (+0.3).

An example of what ladybugs look like (Ladybug)An example of what ladybugs look like (Ladybug) It is worth noting that the maximum player luck indicator cannot exceed 1 unit. The approximate number of this characteristic is suggested by the Wizard during dialogues. The better he speaks about your luck, the higher it is.

Another project

I also really liked this project and wanted to share it with you. This small table is suitable for creativity, games, family movies or drinking tea in bed.

It folds neatly and stows away when not in use. The handle can be used for hanging on a hook and convenient storage. Apply black tape from Ali Express so that you can use the tabletop as a chalkboard.

What you will need:

  • 3 meters of slats 1×2 cm;
  • plywood for the top;
  • 4 Eurobolts, 2 1/2” long, with washers and nuts;
  • you may also need a grip or hook to keep the assembled legs closed during transport;
  • pen (if desired).

Basic Instructions

Take all necessary precautions to operate safely and reliably. Work on a level surface free of imperfections or debris. Always use straight boards. Check the material after each step. Always drill holes before attaching screws. Use nail glue for a stronger hold. Wipe the surface of excess glue for models that will be painted, as dried glue will not stain.


  • Cut lumber.
  • I collected the legs.
  • I drilled a hole in the top of each leg.
  • Attached the legs to the frame.
  • At the top point, each leg was attached just below the top edge of the frame to allow for movement.

Detailed Guide:

Mark the location of the bolt holes every 21 inches (53 cm). Drill holes for bolts.

Take the 1x2 frame boards and create the shape. The frame can be nailed and glued, screwed, pocketed - it's your choice. The top part of the plywood will help support the structure.

Next, create two sets of legs and drill corresponding holes for the bolts at the top of the legs.

Tip: Cut the underside of the legs at a 15-degree angle to make the table more stable.

Then use bolts to attach the legs to the frame. Glue and nail the tabletop to the top.

Add a handle and personalize as desired:

  • print the desired name using any font in OfficeWord, size about 225;
  • print and place on the table;
  • using a ballpoint pen, trace the letters with a lot of pressure;
  • the pressure of the pen creates a mark on the wood, giving outlines for subsequent painting;
  • paint the resulting mark with acrylic paints;
  • fix the paint with varnish or other painting fixative.

Treat the product with wood varnish and let dry. If necessary, apply additional coating to the wood. Once the drying oil is completely dry, sand the piece in the direction of the wood grain using 120-grit sandpaper. Remove all sanding residue from work surfaces. Wipe the product with a clean damp cloth. It is always recommended to apply a test coat to a hidden area or scrap piece to ensure color uniformity and adhesion.

Color solutions

The ideal option would be for the color of the table for eating in bed to match the color scheme in the interior design of the room where it is used most often. In certain cases, the color of the dining table may differ significantly from the color of the bedroom. But in this case, the shade should intersect with any element of the room’s design and create a harmonious composition with it.

When choosing the color of a tray table, you need to decide exactly whether its design will be contrasting or, on the contrary, neutral.

In this case, the color of the table is chosen in contrasting shades: a black table and a pastel color of furniture, or vice versa. If you want to find a calm solution, then choose a breakfast table in the same colors as the general color scheme of the interior.

The color of the table is extremely important for creating the mood and has a direct impact on the appearance of appetite. Colors such as blue, all known shades of blue and green are calming, promote high-quality relaxation, but at the same time seriously reduce the desire to eat in any person. That is why tables of such colors are called not the best options.

A hungry person is unlikely to want to use a table in dark and gloomy colors. Sunny yellow or orange-orange, lemon or peach, all shades of ripe cherries, on the contrary, will directly contribute to the appearance and strengthening of appetite. Bright and rich sunny shades will quickly prepare the body for breakfast. lunch or dinner. By the way, many designers call all these tones the most optimistic, and always use them when decorating tabletops. The pale green hue or color of the first grass will also be associated with healthy and tasty food and stimulate your appetite.

Why is it better to do everything yourself?

Markets and furniture stores are full of bedside tables; it’s easy to choose a similar accessory for your home. Why do homemade products have more advantages?

  • Firstly, such a product is not cheap. Not every person can afford to unplannedly purchase a countertop for their home.

    The design of the bedside table is quite simple - a tabletop enclosed in a border around the edges and legs.

  • Secondly, a product made independently will bring more pleasure. Such a surprise will be remembered for a long time, and will be a special reason for pride.

    Not every person can boast of furniture made with their own hands.

Laminate table: step-by-step instructions

First, we make a tabletop from the flooring. For one countertop you need to take one strip of laminate. On one side of the strip, use a router to remove the film and divide the sheet in half. We remove one edge from the strip (remove the left edge on one half, the right one on the other half), and then connect both pieces along the edge. If there are irregularities somewhere along the side edges, you can sand them with sandpaper.

The table requires framing in a circle. To do this, you will need a wooden block, the dimensions of which should be 2 × 4 cm. Using a router, we make grooves into which the laminate will be inserted. If desired, the edges of the block can be rounded or some kind of pattern can be cut out - it depends on your imagination. The groove for the laminate must strictly correspond to the thickness of the laminate with an interval of approximately 1 mm. It should fit into the groove easily but tightly. The corners of the bars must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

To make the legs, prepare a wooden block 3 × 1.5 cm thick. Carefully process all sides. Use a pencil to mark the places where you will make the rounding of the legs. Such roundings are made on both sides of the bar. We drill blind holes in the legs 5 cm from the bottom so that round slats can then be inserted there. We connect the legs and install a rail between them. The assembled dimensions of the legs should correspond to the voids on the back side of the tabletop so that they can be easily and freely folded.

Reliable manufacturers

Today there is a huge selection of table models of various configurations, functionality, and purposes. Several manufacturers stand out with their positive characteristics:

  1. IKEA. A Swedish corporation specializing in the production of prefabricated furniture and home accessories. It stands out for its quality, ergonomics, and modern design. Popular models of laptop tables: portable stands for the sofa “Witsche”, “Svartosen”, a product for use in bed or on a trip “Brad”, stationary devices “Fjällbo”, “Norrosen”.
  2. UFT. The brand is registered in China. It is characterized by affordable, but fairly high-quality, modern products. Popular table models: wooden bedside table UFT T-25, transformer Sprinter T6, FreeTable-3, folding table UFT S3 Silver.
  3. Halmar. Polish manufacturer of modern furniture. Products are high quality, convenient, compact. Popular models: stand Halmar B-28, folding table Halmar B-19, stationary Halmar B-14.
  4. JYSK. Danish manufacturer of quality furniture and other household goods. Famous models: folding table JYSK MERN, bamboo JYSK THEM, stand Nejrup.

A laptop table in the bed is a convenient device that helps extend the life of your equipment. It ensures a comfortable position for a person while working. A huge range of products allows you to choose a model that meets the requirements and needs of the consumer.


Pine table: step-by-step instructions

To make a table from pine we will need:

  1. Treated plywood. It is recommended to use pine, as it has a beautiful structure and is considered durable (you can purchase it ready-made in a specialized store). The block should be of the following dimensions: 40 × 55 cm.
  2. Pine beams with a section of 20 × 60 mm.
  3. Water-based wood paint and stain.

To work you will need the following tools:

  • square;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • saw;
  • sandpaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • nails;
  • screws;
  • metal brush and brushes.

First of all, we cut all the blanks into the required size. It is important to immediately align the first edge of the workpiece. Next we will cut out the long sides of the table. To do this, apply the block to the workpiece and put a mark with a pencil. Then use a square to draw a line at an angle of 90 degrees. Using this marking we saw off the first part. We make the second long part in a similar way.

Next up are the short details of the table. To do this, we place long blanks on the table and use the same method to mark short blanks, after which we saw them off. The sides of the future table are ready.

Place them on the main cover to make sure everything is done correctly.

Next we make the legs for the table. It is enough to make the legs twenty centimeters long. Since the legs in the table are located at an angle, the workpiece must be cut at an angle of approximately 20 degrees. All preparations are ready. Now we carefully polish them with a grinding machine or sandpaper and remove dust.

Using glue, glue the side walls to the tabletop and fix them with nails. To prevent the dishes from sliding off the table, leave a small edge (about 5 mm). First, we drill small holes in the legs for self-tapping screws (so that the wood does not crack) and glue them to the back of the table with glue, and fix them with self-tapping screws. To give the table a beautiful look, we paint it with stain, which fills all the pores well. Let the table dry - an hour will be enough. For reliability, we cover the top of the product with gypsum paint. At your discretion, you can add handles, paint or cut out some kind of pattern.

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