Advantages and disadvantages of a plastic door at the entrance, types of glass and installation nuances

What it is?

Interior doors made of plastic are an excellent solution when the buyer especially values ​​the practicality, durability of the product and minimal maintenance.

There are a lot of prejudices against installing plastic in residential premises: people assume the possibility that plastic doors could be installed as entrance doors, or, at best, perform the usual functions of balcony doors.

Due to ingrained stereotypes, the imagination of most potential buyers who have not encountered the latest production technologies immediately pictures a glass door made of white metal-plastic, and nothing more.

However, due to the fact that modern production has made significant strides forward in recent years, there have long been developments of plastic structures of various types, intended exclusively for their installation in residential premises.

In appearance, they are almost no different from wooden doors or more familiar products made from particle boards and their analogues.

As for their environmental safety, if the manufacturing company is fully responsible for the quality of its product, such doors always have certificates. This means that the material has successfully passed safety tests and is completely ready for installation in a house or apartment.

In order to completely dispel the remnants of prejudice, it will also be important to know that the PVC from which plastic doors are made is initially subject to repeated recycling in order to remove all possible chemicals that can harm the human body.

During the processing process, the material acquires durable high-tech characteristics, and the door itself does not look cheap and ordinary.

The color of such doors has long been not only white with a glossy tint, you can choose any color that will ideally fit into the structure of the existing renovation and interior, or if you are just planning to renovate a house or apartment, you can decide in advance on the general tone of the room and select the color of the doors depending on the decision made.

If you look back at those harsh times when replacing doors in a residential area was a whole problem, now everything can be solved quickly, efficiently, and economically - plastic doors are much cheaper than their wooden counterparts and are sold everywhere.

There is always the opportunity to order a set of doors from a good manufacturer, and competent specialists will help you choose color, design and fittings.

Measurements and installation

It is also important to take correct measurements of the doorway, taking into account all the nuances. It is better to entrust this event to professionals. Companies that are official representatives of PVC door manufacturing companies must have measurement specialists on their staff. After all, the final result depends on the accuracy of measurements.

Correct installation work will allow you to maintain the basic properties of the door leaf, namely heat and sound insulation. The convenience and durability of further operation of interior doors depends on the quality of the whole complex of preliminary and installation work. And don’t forget about the doors’ compliance with safety requirements, which is no less important than their aesthetic appeal.

Having familiarized yourself with the above material, you can safely go in search of the option of interior doors you need, having previously decided on the color palette and configuration. As for the price of finished products, doors of this type are quite affordable for the widest segments of the population.


Interior plastic doors, like any other, differ from each other in how and where they open. This should also be known and taken into account when planning their installation.

  • Double-leaf swing doors are often installed outside as entrance doors, when, if necessary, to let a large number of people inside the room, you can open the second door at any time, or leave it closed depending on the traffic.
  • However, double-leaf structures can also be used for interior purposes. Double doors are installed when we are talking, for example, about large rooms in country mansions or government buildings, when the doorway is too large to install a standard single-leaf door that can open both outward and inward.

  • When planning the size of the doors, it is recommended to think through this issue in advance, since there are situations when it is simply impossible to do without installing double-leaf structures, and technically it will not be possible to save on this.
  • When installing swing double doors in the interior space, you need to immediately decide in which direction they will open: outward or into the interior space of the room. It happens that it is best to choose the option when the doors open inward, due to the fact that technically there may not be enough space in the corridor, although, willingly or unwillingly, the customer has a desire to leave as much free space in the room as possible.
  • Of course, wide doorways in large houses and large apartments present a challenge, but it can ultimately be solvable if all the pros and cons regarding the technical possibilities of planning and installation are weighed.

One of the most competent and technically feasible solutions in the case of non-standard and wide doorways is the installation of cassette-type interior doors.

Thanks to their unique design, these “sliding-sliding” doors can be installed inside the wall - with absolutely no damage to the room and with maximum space savings. In fact, cassette doors are the same sliding counterparts, the movement of which is carried out by using a roller mechanism. The difference between roller doors and cassette doors is the so-called frame.

It is this that is mounted into the wall and becomes the ideal place for the doors themselves and the very mechanism that ensures their movement.

For plastic doors and their analogues, this design is very suitable: since they have an enviable lightness, unlike their wooden and wooden “brothers”.

Being placed in such a cassette box, they move easily, almost silently, without the risk of distortions, falls and other problems that could theoretically arise when using heavier materials.

Cassette interior doors close very tightly, which provides additional sound insulation, and if they are installed in the kitchen, this prevents kitchen odors from penetrating into living rooms.

All cassette structures are made exclusively to order, so if you wish, you can install a single-leaf cassette door instead of a standard swing door, which will be an excellent solution to the problem in the case of small-sized rooms.

The only obstacle to installing cassette interior doors may be the high cost of such a mechanism and installation, but in some cases this option may be the only way out of the situation, especially when it comes to non-standard layouts inside individual rooms.

The easiest way, of course, is to plan the size and installation of the door if the opening is standard and provides for a simpler single-leaf design in the form of a regular swing door.

In this case, confusion when making a decision rarely arises, unless you also need to decide where the door will open - into the room or into the corridor, which depends on the size and area of ​​both the room itself and the space that adjoins it.

A plastic folding door in the shape of an accordion, despite its unusual and extravagant appearance, is a very practical invention of designers if the interior space is very small and installing a regular swing door is problematic. Also, with the help of an “accordion”, you can carry out the necessary zoning of space, separating one part of it from another.

This folding door is compact and takes up minimal usable space.

The accordion door leaves are connected to each other with special hinges, the number of which directly depends on how many parts of the accordion a particular door has. Much, as always, depends on the doorway, which most often has non-standard dimensions.

In the vast majority of cases, this type of door is installed precisely in such conditions, becoming a “saving” way out of the situation.

Such an “accordion” is attached to the upper and lower rail structures, and its doors move freely along the rails with the help of an additional mechanism that ensures the smoothest possible movement.

However, this option, given the features of its design, cannot be called completely silent, which should also be kept in mind when installing it.

An accordion door, like any other interior door, can be made of plastic or wood chips, however, when choosing a material, it is important to take into account that the folding type of door is an additional load on the entire sliding mechanism. It is best to use lightweight material in the form of plastic, without using laminate and heavy types of chipboard.

“Accordion”, like other types of doors, can have solid doors, or can have plastic or glass inserts that allow light to penetrate.


For quite some time now, the debate has not subsided which is better - veneer or plastic. Proponents of the first claim that wood is an environmentally friendly material. Supporters of the second turn this plus into a minus.

Indeed, precisely because of their natural origin, such products must be carefully looked after, treated annually against pests and painted.

But when using a colored PVC profile, you can achieve not only the desired result indoors, but also forget about painting like a bad dream. At the same time, the façade of the building can also be painted in any color. As a rule, if it is an apartment building, then a universal white profile is used.

In order to at least partially resolve this dispute, designers, together with manufacturers, recently presented a special version, which uses white plastic on the outside and MDF lamination on the inside.

This product is not afraid of either rain or ultraviolet radiation, and in the room you get the feeling that the door is made entirely of wood.

When the customer does not need to hide the room from prying eyes, he prefers all-glass plastic doors. Although they cost a little more, transparency is guaranteed.

In the opposite situation, experts recommend installing a technical product (with a complete replacement of glass with a sandwich panel). In this case, in addition to solving the problem, it is also possible to save money.

Remember that if careless installers are too lazy to tear off the special protective film after installing the plastic product, you need to do this yourself.

And preferably within a month, otherwise the film may completely ruin the appearance of the window or door. This is especially noticeable on large structures.

What are laminated doors made of?

The basis of laminated door products is plastic profile systems, on the surface of which a colored film is applied. Their structure is completely identical to ordinary plastic doors - they consist of a profile, double-glazed windows, fittings and additional accessories (handle, closer, etc.).

Lamination is possible for all types of plastic door structures that can be ordered from the company: entrance, interior, balcony, portal doors and accordion doors (books).

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An important component of any home and its face is the door at the entrance. It complements the style of the building and helps create the appearance of the façade. Plastic entrance doors for private homes are becoming increasingly popular: photos of which can be seen in this review. Initially, such structures decorated the facades of public buildings, but now metal-plastic structures are increasingly used in residential buildings.

Standard model made of plastic material


In the Soviet years, when constructing apartment buildings, they were guided by GOST. The state standard concerned not only building materials, but also ceiling heights, the number of windows in a particular series, and the presence or absence of balconies.

It is impossible to imagine that there would be problems with the door frame when hanging the doors or that the width of the window openings would not meet the standards. Such offenses were severely punished.

Today, when the construction of residential areas is given to private structures, houses are built according to special projects. Some have large windows, some have small ones. The same applies to balcony blocks and interior doors.

Standard typical microdistricts are slowly becoming a thing of the past. But if plastic bags are installed initially in new houses, then owners of secondary housing are out of luck in this regard. You will have to replace them at your own expense, but you can choose the color at your discretion.


The white plastic door is universal for any type of premises. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a kindergarten, a school or a small pavilion on the street. However, a significant disadvantage of white is that it is very easily soiled.

If you do not periodically wipe off the dust, it will eat into the surface of the plastic. It will be almost impossible to return the product to its original form.

As an alternative, dark shades can be recommended. If you look closely, the entrances of many stores are made in brown. And this was done for a reason. In addition to the fact that a brown door is easy to clean, it also suits the classic design of the room, where wooden furniture mainly predominates.

In recent years, interior doors made from solid wood have become widely popular in residential premises.

A PVC film with a wood pattern is applied on top of such a canvas. In part, such a door can also be considered plastic, because it is the film that protects the door from an aggressive environment.

The most popular colors in this segment are considered to be Milanese and Italian walnut.

The first is more suitable for light rooms, the second - for dark ones. But remember that these colors are not a panacea; you can always choose something to suit your taste or consult a specialist.

Installation of metal-plastic doors

Although metal-plastic doors have a similar design to plastic windows, they are manufactured in accordance with higher requirements.

The metal-plastic door consists of the following elements.

  1. Frame. To make the front door, a five-chamber profile is used, and to strengthen it, a reinforcing belt is used. Interior and balcony doors can also be made from a three-dimensional frame, however, the more chambers, the higher the strength, heat and sound insulation characteristics of the frame. The presence of an armored belt allows you to install reliable locking devices, as well as powerful hinges.
  2. Door leaf. As in the manufacture of the frame, only a five-chamber profile is used for entrance structures. To fill the canvas, metal sheets are used, between which insulation is laid. Metal sheets are not installed in balcony and interior doors, but they are also filled with insulation, which improves their heat and sound insulation characteristics. If a double-glazed window is required, armored glass is usually installed on the entrance doors, and tempered glass or triplex is installed on the interior and balcony doors.
  3. Locking devices. To ensure security, deadbolt locks are installed on the entrance doors, which lock the doors along its entire perimeter. Other, less reliable types of locks can be used for balcony and interior doors.
  4. Handles, hinges. There is a large selection of fittings, which differ not only in appearance, but also in workmanship. For entrance doors, three hinges are used, since the weight of their leaves is greater; in other cases there may be two hinges.
  5. Sealing elements. They provide high tightness of the structure.
  6. Threshold. For metal-plastic entrance doors, this element can be frame, steel or aluminum.
  7. Decor elements. There are many options that allow you to implement different design solutions. Plastic can be painted in different colors, so choosing such doors will not be difficult for any home. In addition, decorative processing can be performed on the surface of the structure, reminiscent of wood carving, so that an ordinary person will not be able to distinguish a canvas made of polymer from one made of natural solid wood.

If we talk about a metal-plastic entrance door, then a high-quality product must weigh at least 100 kg and have a profile thickness of at least 70 mm.

The main advantages of metal-plastic doors:

How to choose?

Interior doors with glass look very elegant and cozy. At first glance, serious doubts may arise about the fragility and impracticality of glass, but now this is far from the case.

Modern glass for plastic doors is highly durable and does not require particularly careful maintenance.

In a pinch, they are very easy to repair, and an experienced technician can easily replace any glass elements. Glass inserted into the door can be of different shapes and colors, depending on the range and personal wishes of the customer. Their surfaces can be glossy with shine or matte, and a special tinted film is often used as a coating.

Ordering doors with or without glass inserts is a matter of taste. Of course, this option will be much more expensive, and if the buyer has a limited budget, a blank door panel without glazing may be the best way out of the situation.

Such doors are often lightweight, and if you decorate the panels in warm colors, they will not look gloomy, and the design itself will perfectly complement the existing modest interior.

If the customer prefers door structures without a threshold, a sliding-type cassette-compartment ensemble is what he needs. Compact interior doors, clad in a cassette mechanism that can be built into the wall, will provide both heat retention and additional sound insulation.

It is only important to resolve the main technical issues: is it possible to install just such an option in a specific room or will you still have to limit yourself to simpler actions.

When it comes to installing many interior doors in a private house, which can be quite large, it is important to think about what type of doors and where it will be best to install.

Large private houses usually have basements, swimming pools and saunas. In order to provide these premises with the best care, you should install moisture-resistant metal-plastic doors that will not tolerate water, humidity, or dampness.

You also need to pay attention to the climate itself and the area in which the house is built, in order to draw conclusions based on this whether it is worth installing expensive wooden panels in it at all.

As for the residential sector of any private home, doors made of plastic with a tasteful laminated coating can be installed in any room.

Glass design in its different variants will be the most preferable: if you wish, you can even order stained glass for doors to the living room or bedroom. If the house has a large kitchen, it is again worth mentioning once again about cassette interior doors, which will significantly save space and prevent odors from the kitchen from freely penetrating into the living spaces.

The advantages of interior plastic doors, despite the prejudices that some consumers still have, are much greater than the disadvantages, so if you decide to install them, you should make sure that it is carried out professionally and efficiently.

Of course, the customer can take all the dimensions and install the structure himself, but this requires some experience.

If there is one, you don’t have to contact professional craftsmen, but if it is not enough, it is best to entrust the installation to those who are sure not to make mistakes either in the calculations or in the installation process itself.

Also, customer reviews indicate that it is better to entrust the installation to professional craftsmen, because during the entire process some non-standard situation may arise that an amateur craftsman may not be able to cope with. Of course, the temptation to save almost half is very great, but given the possible consequences, it is not worth taking such a risk.

Moreover, if installation is ordered from official manufacturers who have been working on the market for a long time, they bear full responsibility for the level and quality of the work performed.

Beautiful ideas

Any non-standard door attracts the eye, and the dissimilarity can be very different. For example, a door with hemispherical glass inserts is so unusual that it fascinates and invites you to plunge into a fairy tale with just its appearance. Just like the whole house, the entrance design is very often limited only by imagination

Using an unusual door configuration, you can draw attention not only to it, but also to the house as a whole. A strikingly beautiful technique of photo printing on glass inserts of plastic doors. Space, light, flight. Such a door beckons you to touch it and join in the beauty.

Such a door beckons you to touch it and join in the beauty.

The use of horizontal reinforced tabs in sandwich panels and small glass inserts is just what suits the modern style

A bright color accent will attract attention with its unusualness. An entrance door with a mirror is a new trend in the design of hallways. It is beautiful. This technically complex design is used to visually increase space.

If necessary, the mirror will be difficult to replace.

This technically complex design is used to visually increase space. If necessary, the mirror will be difficult to replace.

  • A mirrored door structure is a combination of plastic and glass coated with a reflective mirror film. From the inside you can see what is happening behind the door. From the street, the private life of the residents of the house is not visible, remaining private.
  • Completely unusual versions of mirror doors are made using the tinting technique. The spraying of several reflective layers creates fascinating patterns.

You can learn how to choose plastic entrance doors from the video below.

About the advantages of plastic doors

Plastic is practical and easy to use. These are the key advantages of PVC doors. The advantages include affordability and lightness of the material. Installation problems usually do not arise, but there are many nuances in this matter. Self-installation will require knowledge of the technology and features of working with door structures.

Any plastic model has its own technical parameters and advantages that deserve attention.

Let us highlight the general positive characteristics:

Moisture resistance

Aluminum and plastic do not corrode and are not afraid of moisture. PVC doors retain their decorative properties regardless of the level of humidity in the room. At the same time, they can withstand temperature changes and have excellent antibacterial characteristics.

Due to the characteristics of the material, bacteria and mold will never appear on such doors.

Easy to care for

You can get rid of dust and dirt on plastic interior doors using the most common detergents and rags. Smooth surfaces are easy to clean and wash; with careful care and use, they retain their attractiveness for a long time. There is no need to repaint, varnish or renew coatings. They do not lose their decorative properties, so there is no need to spend money on repairs.


A large assortment and rich color variety of interior door leaves make it possible to easily select the right model for any interior, regardless of the area and layout of the rooms. There are no restrictions in design. Any experiments with shapes, shades and textures are acceptable. You can find or order doors with double-glazed windows, the main thing is that the model matches the style of the adjacent rooms.

This rule always applies, no matter whether you chose an exclusive one or settled on a standard plain version. Doors should be in harmony with the finish of the floor, flow and walls.

Disadvantages of PVC doors

Despite the claims of some manufacturers that PVC doors have no disadvantages, there are disadvantages and this must be taken into account when choosing. A spontaneous and thoughtless purchase can surprise you with unpleasant surprises.

During operation, the following problems may occur:

  • Insufficient elasticity and impact resistance can lead to deformation of surfaces, dents and scratches.
  • The complete sealing of structures interferes with normal air circulation and complicates the ventilation of rooms.
  • Low fire resistance contributes to easy ignition and rapid burning of plastic.
  • Cheap, low-quality material is not able to provide reliable sound insulation.

Any of these problems can be solved, especially since plastic doors are classified as repairable structures. If you don’t have the time or desire to fix defects, use alternative options. Consider doors made of solid wood or MDF.

Our recommendations for choosing PVC doors

When choosing an interior door made of plastic, it is important not only to navigate the assortment. Each model has its own technical capabilities and requires careful handling. Violating the rules of use can significantly reduce the service life.

Much depends on how competently the installation of plastic interior doors was carried out.

  • Any imbalance of mechanisms affects ease of use. As for external defects on the canvas, their appearance may be due to the low quality of the material.
  • You can avoid the costs of reconstruction and repairs. To do this, it is necessary to evaluate not only the external attractiveness of the door and rely on visual preferences. Don’t rush to choose, study all the quality characteristics and follow our advice:
  • Refrain from buying plastic that is too cheap. Such material may be hazardous to health. Don't hesitate to ask for quality certificates. If they are not there, look for another seller.
  • Pay attention to the profile type and number of cameras. The quality of sound insulation will depend on this. Many people mistakenly believe that the more cameras in the door block, the better. This is not so; for high-quality noise absorption, a 3-4 chamber profile is enough.

Don’t overpay and trust trusted manufacturers. Among the best today are KBE, Thyssen, Rehau, Veka.

  • Check the functionality of the door hardware. Evaluate the quality of each element. Unreliable handles, locks, hinges, and closers can cause a lot of problems during operation.

Classification by opening type

Manufacturers of PVC products are able to supply interior fabrics of a wide variety of configurations and complete sets.

Plastic sliding doors are an ideal option for those apartments with limited space. In small apartments there is simply no space for freely opening a swing door. When installing a swing-type structure, secure a special rail.

Its location is not important. However, it is worth considering that the best option is to install the rails on both sides (top and bottom), since if the guide is fastened on one side, the doors can swing during a draft, making specific sounds. The only drawback of this design is the presence of a gap between the door leaf and the frame, as a result of which odors, sounds or light may enter the room.

Hinged doors are a classic option. This model is most popular among consumers because it is absolutely universal. Before purchasing a door leaf, you should consider which direction the doors will open. You need to take this issue seriously, since the selection of fittings and fasteners depends on this. It must be remembered that to open such a door model you need free space, which is not always possible to provide.

Pendulum doors are a leaf that opens in both directions. They are installed quite rarely in apartments. They can mainly be found in public places (supermarkets, train stations, etc.), where people are expected to have their hands full.

Folding doors have another name: “accordion”. A design feature of such doors is the presence of a certain number of leaves, which fold when the door is opened. The movement of the panels is carried out thanks to the mounted guide rail. In apartments with limited space, this door will be the only salvation and a way to divide the living space into separate rooms. However, it is worth considering that the sound and heat insulating properties of such doors are not of the best quality, and their service life depends on the reliability of the moving elements.

The number of door leaves can also be different, which allows us to distinguish several more subtypes of doors: single and double leaf. Moreover, each of the halves can also be divided into several parts, each of which has its own loops and even locks. Such door leaves are usually installed in utility rooms.

Usually PVC doors have a rectangular shape. However, you can also purchase an arched door that will last longer than a similar product made from other materials. This is due to the flexibility of the profile, which underlies the design.

The door leaf itself can be made entirely of PVC, or be partially glazed. Partial glazing looks much more comfortable in the interior. However, this is already a matter of taste preferences, so everyone decides for themselves what their future door will look like.


Modern doors made of metal-plastic are widely used both in administrative and commercial buildings, as well as in country and apartment buildings. There is a simple explanation for this - they are not only functional and practical, but also suitable for most design projects.

Plastic goes well with brick, concrete, stone and even wood. The main thing is to remember the color ratio.

White plastic in wooden structures looks unattractive. Accessories play an important role in the design of a room. Even if it is a small room, you can always decorate it correctly.

How to choose?

Interior doors with glass look very elegant and cozy. At first glance, serious doubts may arise about the fragility and impracticality of glass, but now this is far from the case.

Modern glass for plastic doors is highly durable and does not require particularly careful maintenance.

In a pinch, they are very easy to repair, and an experienced technician can easily replace any glass elements. Glass inserted into the door can be of different shapes and colors, depending on the range and personal wishes of the customer.

Their surfaces can be glossy with shine or matte, and a special tinted film is often used as a coating.

Ordering doors with or without glass inserts is a matter of taste. Of course, this option will be much more expensive, and if the buyer has a limited budget, a blank door panel without glazing may be the best way out of the situation.

Such doors are often lightweight, and if you decorate the panels in warm colors, they will not look gloomy, and the design itself will perfectly complement the existing modest interior.

If the customer prefers door structures without a threshold, a sliding-type cassette-compartment ensemble is what he needs. Compact interior doors, clad in a cassette mechanism that can be built into the wall, will provide both heat retention and additional sound insulation.

It is only important to resolve the main technical issues: is it possible to install just such an option in a specific room or will you still have to limit yourself to simpler actions.

When it comes to installing many interior doors in a private house, which can be quite large, it is important to think about what type of doors and where it will be best to install.

Large private houses usually have basements, swimming pools and saunas. In order to provide these premises with the best care, you should install moisture-resistant metal-plastic doors that will not tolerate water, humidity, or dampness.

You also need to pay attention to the climate itself and the area in which the house is built, in order to draw conclusions based on this whether it is worth installing expensive wooden panels in it at all.

As for the residential sector of any private home, doors made of plastic with a tasteful laminated coating can be installed in any room.

Glass design in its different variants will be the most preferable: if you wish, you can even order stained glass for doors to the living room or bedroom. If the house has a large kitchen, it is again worth mentioning once again about cassette interior doors, which will significantly save space and prevent odors from the kitchen from freely penetrating into the living spaces.

The advantages of interior plastic doors, despite the prejudices that some consumers still have, are much greater than the disadvantages, so if you decide to install them, you should make sure that it is carried out professionally and efficiently. Of course, the customer can take all the dimensions and install the structure himself, but this requires some experience.

If there is one, you don’t have to contact professional craftsmen, but if it is not enough, it is best to entrust the installation to those who are sure not to make mistakes either in the calculations or in the installation process itself.

Also, customer reviews indicate that it is better to entrust the installation to professional craftsmen, because during the entire process some non-standard situation may arise that an amateur craftsman may not be able to cope with. Of course, the temptation to save almost half is very great, but given the possible consequences, it is not worth taking such a risk.

Moreover, if installation is ordered from official manufacturers who have been working on the market for a long time, they bear full responsibility for the level and quality of the work performed.


Outdoor plastic doors can be either glazed or without glass. In glazed structures, the glass is often located in the upper part of the canvas, but products with full-height glass, which is divided in half using an impost for the stability of the structure, are becoming increasingly popular.

There are plastic entrance doors without glass separation by an impost, but such products cost much more due to the complexity of the technology. In addition, such doors have a high probability of warping over time. Glazed door structures with impost separation are more reliable and stable.

Depending on whether the plastic door will be the first or the second in the vestibule, the type of double-glazed window is selected.

Modern manufacturers of outdoor plastic doors offer the following types of double-glazed windows:

  • Energy saving. The surface of such glass is coated with silver ions, which reflect and conserve heat indoors;
  • Multifunctional packages are also coated with silver ions; the difference is that they cover not one surface, as in energy-saving products, but several. This technology allows you to maintain warmth inside the room during the cold season, and life-saving coolness in hot weather;
  • Double-glazed windows with noise protection. For such a product, a profile with chambers of different widths is used; a material 0.6 cm thick is installed as the first glass;
  • Triplex packages are made from several thin layers of glass glued together with a special polymer, which allows the glass to withstand increased mechanical stress, such as impacts. If such glass breaks, all fragments remain on the surface of the polymer film, which minimizes the possibility of cuts.

Glass for plastic doors can be frosted, mirrored, transparent, colored, patterned, corrugated or shaped like a stained glass window, which allows you to produce a product suitable for any interior. For those who care about personal and property safety, manufacturers offer equipment with armored double-glazed windows.

Plastic entrance doors are the best, practical option for a private home. You should not skimp on manufacturing materials and the services of professional installers, because they are a guarantee of high-quality operation for many years.

Care Tips

Let's look at this point in more detail. Many people probably remember how, as a child, they had to paint windows and interior doors every summer. And the paint in those years had a smell that was difficult to remove. It was necessary to update the appearance of the metal entrance door.

Plastic has recently come to replace metal and wood. But even over these two decades, the buyer has already appreciated the fact that nothing needs to be painted.

  • No, of course, a plastic door can be painted at home, if the need arises. Water-dispersion or acrylic paints are suitable for this. In this case, you can choose any color, as long as it matches the interior.
  • But in most cases, it is enough to simply remove dust from the surface or wash it. Plastic does not absorb moisture, so you can safely take a rag and use a cleaning agent.
  • There are brave souls who laminate plastic products at home. This is the process of applying film to windows or doors. In this case, you can choose a color film or a film with a pattern. But still, painting and lamination should be carried out in extreme cases.


Getting beautiful laminated doors in the right color is now easy. During the lamination process, parts of the product are covered with a durable polymer film. This thinnest film meets all the requirements:

practically merges with the surface, does not cause folds or tears;
resistant to temperature changes and various precipitation;
does not fade in the sun, does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
it can be washed using various soap solutions;
The film is environmentally friendly and has been certified according to European standards.

Laminated doors do not change color when exposed to sunlight, are resistant to precipitation and do not require special care

The lamination process is based on thermal activation technology. First, the PVC profile is heated and the film is coated with an adhesive composition. Then, using special pressure rollers, the film is pressed tightly against the side of the profile that should be colored. Smooth and reliable coating is ensured by careful adherence to technology. Lamination can be single-sided, double-sided or in bulk.

When laminating in bulk, the dye is added to the plastic from which the profile is made. The main advantage of this method is that the color of all door elements will be the same. When laminating with film, the inside of the door remains white.

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