Mattress podium - design advantages and operating features

Convenient solution

Elevation as an extraordinary element of the interior arouses stable interest among people of any age. It can become the highlight of the interior, while greatly saving useful space. Not every soft corner features such a multifunctional approach to business. Drawers allow you to store bedding and many other household items. They can be an excellent alternative to conventional chests of drawers or large cabinets.

Reference! This design is of particular interest to owners of small apartments.

A full double bed costs a lot. Installed in a small room with low ceilings, it looks cumbersome. A simple frame podium for a mattress with drawers can be an ideal solution to both problems in one move. This option is visually more compact than a regular bed. With the same dimensions, you get a horizontal built-in wardrobe as a bonus.

On a romantic note

If you have a great view from your apartment window, why not use the podium as an opportunity to create a romantic corner. With its help, the bed can be “raised” and placed closer to the window level. The battery can be replaced with a convector, which is installed near the base of the podium. With a little effort and opportunities to contemplate beauty, there will be more.

Important! This option is applicable only for apartments with high ceilings.

What types of podium beds are there?

First of all, it should be mentioned that the podium bed is an independent segment of cabinet furniture. It is strikingly different from all other pieces of furniture. The product is based on a special frame (usually made of wooden logs), on the basis of which the podium is built. There are practically no typical podiums. The very essence of the product lies in its adaptation to a specific room, taking into account the designer’s suggestions and the customer’s wishes.

Podium beds are conventionally divided into two main types.

With a berth located directly on the podium. This option allows you to equip additional drawers and niches for storing things inside the frame.

With a sleeping place located inside the podium and retractable from under the frame at night. The hill itself (platform) is used as a place for children's games, arranging a study, or in some other way. An interesting option for apartments with limited space. This podium has a rather complex design.

Reference! The height of the structure, as a rule, is at least 20 cm. In the finished version, the product resembles a multifunctional transformer structure. In the first option - a bed + secret storage systems. In the second there is a work or lounge area + a pull-out bed. And all this in one piece of furniture!

Design features and types of podium with bed

A platform bed is a wonderful addition to a functional interior. The design and performance properties directly depend on the design features of such furniture. The size of the podium is only slightly larger than the dimensions of a standard size double bed. Under the bed there are linen drawers, which can be used as a dressing room if desired.

Types of beds on a functional podium:

  • Elevation on a wooden frame. For covering, plywood or carpet is used, on top of which the mattress is laid. You can place this furniture near the wall or in the middle of the room.
  • Platform built into a niche. The design always includes drawers for linen. The dimensions of the sleeping place directly depend on the dimensions of the niche. Installing a soft headboard or using pillows allows you to use the bed as a sofa during the day. The design is suitable for balconies and any rooms with niches.
  • A sleeping place that travels on guides. Ideal for saving space. During the day, the mattress is hidden, and the podium can be used as an extension of the floor. This type of furniture is often used in children's rooms and studio apartments. The transformation mechanism is expensive, so this bed option is much more expensive.

To calculate the height of the future bed, it is additionally recommended to take into account the dimensions of the mattress. A low podium must become a perfectly flat base for placing a bed and installing drawers. Structural features have virtually no effect on the height of the elevation, which ranges from 20 to 50 cm.

Functional load

The choice of the type of podium bed, as a rule, depends on the tasks assigned to the design.

Sleeping place as a decorative element . It is arranged not to save space, but more like a non-standard bed. The purpose of such a podium is a sleeping place as an accent that attracts attention. This solution is especially relevant in cases where the irregular shape of a room needs to be turned into an advantage, the not entirely convenient architecture of the space needs to be used meaningfully, or the interior needs to be decorated in an oriental style. This design can be equipped with a bed lifting mechanism with an internal box for storing linen.

Technical podium . This type of podium has two purposes - decorative and technical. The site is set up like an orthopedic bed base, the internal space is used to the maximum - in order to hide communications and provide additional storage systems.

Multifunctional . Allows you to solve several problems at once - not to lose a centimeter of usable space (arrange a work office, lounge area or playground on the podium) and hide the sleeping area from prying eyes.

How convenient are such solutions?

The properties of such a sleeping place depend only on the wishes expressed by the customer. Often the mattress is placed directly on the platform. The device is created on a strong frame. Strengthenings are specially designed load-bearing elements.

The podium can be used as a floor covering if you remove the mattress. You should not install furniture that is too heavy, but the product will easily support the weight of 3-4 people.

It is convenient to place a mattress base made of slats on the podium, as in standard beds. This improves the orthopedic characteristics of the surface.

This technique is used in retractable models. This way provides a comfortable place to sleep. The disadvantage is that the platform with slats does not turn into a floor covering.

Pros and cons of a podium under a mattress

The advantages of a podium for a mattress are much greater than the disadvantages.

  • Space saving and functionality. Technical models can accommodate a large amount of clothing and bedding. And getting all this out is much easier than from the top shelves of the closet.
  • Relatively low price. The product may cost you less than purchasing a bed and wardrobe separately. At the same time, the form and functionality will take into account the characteristics of your room and the needs of your family.
  • Original appearance. This cannot be taken away from the podiums!

However, the product has one significant disadvantage or, more precisely, limitation. If the ceiling height in the apartment is less than 2.5 m, installing a high podium with a pull-out bed will be impractical. The most you will have to be content with is a low podium with a mattress located directly on it.

Existing types of podiums under the bed

Bed podiums can differ from each other not only in their appearance, but also in their design features, which must be taken into account when choosing the option that suits you. Let's consider them further.

Podium with a monolithic base

A monolithic base implies a podium made at the time when you just bought the apartment and were renovating it. So, at this time you will need:

  • determine the place where the podium bed will stand;
  • install wooden formwork there - the form of the future structure;
  • Fill the formwork with concrete and let it harden completely.

Another example of a monolithic podium, which was not made of cement and frame, but is still quite difficult to dismantle

The finished structure is subsequently covered with a floor covering, the same as on the rest of the floor surface.

Already on top of such a podium the mattress is placed and the remaining elements of the bed are installed, if any. If you ever change your mind and want to sleep in a different place, you can put a computer desk in this place, for example, and work on such an improvised hill.

This design, as usual, needs to identify the corresponding pros and cons:

  • the advantage will be its durability and strength (to dismantle the structure, you will need to try very hard);
  • The downside will be the really large weight of the structure.

Monolithic podium for bed

Speaking in more detail about the disadvantage of a monolithic type podium, it must be said that it is better not to install it in apartments with a weak interfloor ceiling, since it can simply break under its weight.

Frame type podium

A frame podium is a significantly lighter structure than a monolithic one. Its base is made of wooden or steel installations, which:

  • can be made by hand;
  • They are purchased disassembled and installed at home, in the place chosen for the bed.

The frame podium can be easily dismantled

Today, the vast majority of models sold on the market are made precisely according to this principle, since such a design is convenient:

  • how to install;
  • and dismantle it.

Of course, its durability cannot compete with the service life of monolithic options, however, it will not be able to break through the interfloor ceiling at any moment and fall on the neighbors’ heads. In addition, if you want total changes in the situation, you won’t have to be clever and adapt the podium for other purposes; it will be enough to simply dismantle the structure.

Frame podium

Podium with retractable base

The bed can be placed not only on the podium, but also in the podium. For example, this option is often used in children's rooms, especially those in which several children live together, and it is implied that space needs to be saved.

In addition, if you have, for example, a one-room apartment, pushing the bed into the podium during the daytime is not such a bad idea. By retracting the bed, you will free up a huge area, not to mention the fact that you can place various objects not only in the place of the removed beds, but also on the podium itself.

Podium bed with pull-out base

Quite often, a podium with a pull-out bed is turned into:

  • space for installing a desktop and computer;
  • dining room;
  • area for installing any equipment;
  • a place for children's toys and the like.

Despite the fact that beds with a pull-out base are quite rare, this functional solution is still very popular in use.

Podium with pull-out bed

How is the cost calculated?

If you want to know the approximate price of the finished product, before calling the company or craftsman, consider and write down the following parameters.

  1. Dimensions and architecture of the room in which the podium will be installed, ceiling height.
  2. What kind of mattress will be installed on the podium - single or double.
  3. What type of product will it be - decorative, technical, multifunctional?
  4. What will be the design of the storage system - the lifting mechanism of the bed and one solid “box” inside, drawers, etc.
  5. Room interior style, predominant color scheme
  6. Financial budget for the project.

Podium bed placement options

Let's look at the top examples for the location of the podium bed and the nuances of these solutions.

Studio apartment

A podium bed - technical or multifunctional - is an excellent solution for one-room apartments. Illumination along the bottom is a luxurious element that can create an atmosphere of romance in the evening.

Advice! In case of low ceilings, it is not worth raising the podium high.

The bedroom is the ideal place for a podium

A podium in the form of a low platform with a folding mechanism or drawers is a functional solution for a small bedroom.

A podium bed in a bay window area, raised to the level of a window with a beautiful view, is a great idea for a woman’s bedroom with high ceilings.

Oriental style interior is another relevant theme. Wallpaper with a Japanese or Chinese motif, themed textiles, a red floor lamp and... a low podium bed. This design will give the room originality.

Important! The size, height, and shape of the structure are important nuances that should be carefully considered. A non-standard shape will require a custom-made mattress for the podium.

Podium in the nursery

Many parents appreciated the possibilities of retractable podiums in not too spacious children's rooms. A pull-out bed allows you to free up useful space for games or create a student area “above the bed.”

To compactly arrange a nursery for two, use an already proven scheme. Two beds are made on roll-out mechanisms and are located on two sides of the room. During the daytime, they can be pushed into the frame and thereby free up space. Between the beds there are steps leading to the podium. A work area is set up on the podium itself. In order not to waste useful space, steps can also be additional niches for storing things.

Important! When arranging a multifunctional podium in the nursery, pay enough attention to arranging an increased security system!

Loggia as a place for a podium

A loggia that is glazed and combined with the main residence can be an excellent place for a podium bed. Place the podium close to the window. The heating system can be moved to the side (in the form of a floor convector). The recreation area or guest room is ready!

How about a round podium for the mattress?

The bed in the bedroom often plays a major role in creating the atmosphere of the interior. A round bed on a raised platform looks accentuated and impressive.

Important! The round bed has one caveat - the desired effect can only be achieved in a spacious bedroom, designed in a modern style.

Podium bed: is it convenient in practice?

Elevated sleeping area - what is it, a newfangled expensive unnecessary design or a functional design solution? Let's find out the opinion of experts.

Types of podium beds

The use of platforms on which beds are placed is widespread in Japan. The Europeans liked this approach. The Japanese version assumes the presence of a small elevation on which a narrow thin mattress with pillows and a bedspread is placed. Nothing superfluous, stingy, laconic rationalism. Subsequently, the podium beds were modified. A wide variety of designs are now available. Depending on the type of base, they are divided into the following types:

— Monolithic podiums. This option involves arranging an elevation already at the stage of building a house or major renovation of an apartment. In the bedroom, the place where the bed will be placed is selected and marked. A wooden formwork is created into which liquid concrete is poured. The composition is leveled and left to harden. The formwork is removed, the monolithic concrete base is smoothed, and the floor covering is glued onto it. Such a podium is essentially eternal, this is its main advantage. Its service life is comparable to the lifespan of a house or apartment. The disadvantages of this design include its heaviness. The concrete base places a lot of load on the load-bearing floors. Before installing a monolithic podium, you need to calculate the maximum weight of the structure, otherwise the house may crack. Another disadvantage of a concrete base is that it will be very difficult to get rid of it if you suddenly get tired of it.

— Frame elevations. Such podiums are durable structures made of steel rods or wooden beams. The floor covering is laid on the frame sheathing, and a solid, durable base is ready. You can make such a podium yourself from blanks or order a ready-made structure according to the required dimensions. Most bed elevations are frames, because such structures are durable, lightweight, comfortable, do not take much time to install and dismantle, and fit into almost any interior. But you cannot save on materials when making a podium. The frame must be strong, not bend or break.

— Retractable structures. They are a type of frame podium. A high frame is made with guide rails on a roller basis. A bed is installed on them, which extends and slides into the structure with a “light movement of the hand.” The upper surface of the frame is used as a study, play or relaxation area. Such podium beds are widespread in small apartments. Retractable structures help to zone the space, making the room spacious and functional.

Advantages of podium beds

Using a raised bed to place the bed has the following advantages:

— Practicality and functionality. You can hide anything in the podium - from protruding communication pipes to skateboards and bicycles. The large box contains drawers and shelves for storing linen, outerwear, and other accessories that do not fit in closets. If the ceiling height is sufficient, the elevation can even be used as a dressing room! If the podium is built in the living room, then the bed itself can be hidden in it to accommodate late guests. The top of the podium can be used to install a sofa, coffee table, or floor lamp.

- Versatility. Podium structures can be used in any apartment – ​​from wide, spacious studios to small “Khrushchev” apartments. Such beds easily fit into any interior - from discreet minimalism to cozy and homey shabby chic. In a spacious bedroom, the podium will look royal, especially if you create lighting around its perimeter. The bed will visually “float” in the air, turning into a royal bed. If there is a niche in the apartment, then the podium will easily fit there, and the sleeping place will look like a cozy nest, protected on three sides by walls.

— Zoning of space. The podium helps to highlight the sleeping area into a separate cozy corner. This approach is relevant in one-room small apartments. The bedroom and living room are visually separated from each other. If you hang curtains, place a screen or shelving next to the bed, then the one-room apartment turns into a comfortable two-room apartment. In a children's room, you can hide a bed, toys, and other things on the podium, freeing up space for studying and playing.

— Possibility of creating any designs. Podium beds are often made to order to the required dimensions. You can make a stationary, retractable, monolithic elevation. There is only one caveat: when choosing the dimensions of the podium for a structure above 40 cm, it is better to provide steps leading to the bed. And fence off the bed itself with sides so as not to accidentally roll off it in your sleep and hit the floor.

Disadvantages of podium structures

Podium beds would be ubiquitous if they didn’t have their drawbacks. These include the following disadvantages:

— Height limitation. A pull-out bed needs space. The height of a sleeping bed of this type must be at least 60 cm. The elevation must be located from the ceiling at such a distance that an adult can stand on the bed at full height. Such designs will fit only into rooms with high ceilings.

— Difficulty of use for elderly and sick people. The steps on the podium, even equipped with comfortable railings, can become an overwhelming obstacle for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the elderly and children. You can stumble, slide down from the hill and hit yourself painfully. When selecting a podium bed, you need to take into account the physical capabilities of the household.

- Expensive. The construction of podiums, especially monolithic ones, is an expensive undertaking. If you count all the expenses for arranging drawers for storage, beds, and other accessories, then it may turn out that “the game is not worth the candle.” It is impossible to save on the construction of the structure - it must be reliable, comfortable, and easily withstand the weight of adults or jumping children.

— Low height of the structure. A low sleeping place will not suit everyone. It is not so easy to get out of a bed in the morning that is only 30–40 cm from the floor. For older people suffering from high blood pressure and dizziness, this can become a serious problem. A doctor who comes to examine a patient lying on a low podium will also be very uncomfortable.

Expert advice

A podium with a bed in a bedroom or living room is always an accent point. It is important to design it correctly so that it fits harmoniously into the living space. You can use contrasting wallpaper, cover the raised area with a covering that is a tone darker or lighter than the floors in the room. If a frame structure is being constructed, the materials must be strong, wear-resistant, and environmentally friendly. It is better to make the steps low, but wide, so that they are comfortable and easy to climb.

The stationary structure usually represents an elevation on which the orthopedic mattress is located. Next to it you can put a lamp, a cup of tea or a glass of water, put a book. On a pull-out or folding bed you can only place a thin and light mattress. The design of such a bed should be as comfortable as possible so that a person can fully relax and get a good night's sleep.

Is it possible to make a podium with your own hands?

If you still decide to construct a podium for the mattress yourself, be sure to pay attention to the advice of our expert.

Complex designs

Making a technical or multifunctional podium for a mattress with your own hands is quite a difficult task. It's all about a complex structure that only carpenters or furniture craftsmen can assemble.

If we are talking about a product with a roll-out bed or the presence of roll-out drawers, you cannot do without special skills. Work on a project begins with drawing up a drawing with details drawn and the possibility of their transformation. Strength parameters are calculated. In addition, many little things are taken into account, such as the thickness of the sheathing material, the gap between the roll-out bed and the podium itself, and others.

Simple podium

Even a beginner can build a simple podium (in the form of an ordinary hill). If you intend to use a wooden frame, please note that the timber must be dry and durable. Otherwise, squeaks may appear over time (as on an old stage).

Note! Many craftsmen and designers who constantly deal with podiums recommend making a metal frame rather than a wooden one. Also, it is better to pour a concrete screed under the podium.

If you are determined to construct a podium with your own hands, but you do not have the proper experience, use ready-made drawings. Fortunately, the Internet allows you to find and download one of the standard options that most closely matches your criteria.

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