Comfortable bed: height, material and pleasant additions

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Sleep is an integral part of the life of any person, and its organization and comfort must be approached with full responsibility. To choose a sleeping place with optimal parameters, it is necessary to take into account a number of important aspects, which we will discuss in this review.

A comfortable bed is the key to healthy sleep for you and your loved ones

The height of the bed from the floor, the material and pleasant additions - everything about a comfortable bed

A bed is more than just a comfortable mattress and a warm blanket; it has many more parameters, which together create the desired comfort. We have already talked about how to choose the right size of bed in the first part of the article. Today we will introduce you to the rest of the important details that you should pay attention to when buying a bed.

General size table

In order not to get confused about the sizes of beds made in different countries, it is not necessary to remember all the nuances. You can use a special table to help you choose the best option. Below are the dimensions of single, one-and-a-half-size, double, and king-size models.

Pros and cons of three-tier beds, tips for selection and placement

Bed type US sizes European sizes Sizes in Asia (Japan, China, Thailand)
Single 0.97 x 1.9 Russia - 0.7–0.9 x 2;

Great Britain - 0.9 x 1.9;

other states - 0.9 x 2

1.06 x 1.88
One-and-a-half-bed 1.2 x 1.9 Russia - 1–1.4 x 1.9–2;

Great Britain - 1.2 x 1.9–2;

other states - 1.40 x 2

Not produced
Double 1.3 x 2 Russia - 1.5–1.7 x 1.9–2;

Great Britain - 1.35–1.7 x 19–2;

other states -1.4–1.8 x 1.9–2

1.52 x 1.88
King size 1.93 x 2.03 and 2 x 2 Russia - 2 x 2;

UK - 1.52 x 1.98;

other states - 1.5–1.6 x 2

1.82 x 21.2

The table does not take into account furniture of non-standard sizes. Its dimensions are determined when ordering products. Double designs and king size counterparts can also be made individually. Manufacturers make frames with a difference of 5 centimeters.

Bed height

There are three standards for bed height:

  • European - 50-60 cm from the floor
  • Eastern - 20-40 cm from the floor
  • American - 80-100 cm from the floor

A low bed can be chosen by those who like to sleep on the floor (we have prepared an excellent review for you in our article Bed vs Mattress on the Floor).

On the subject: How to make a room more spacious? Five Key Tips

The average height is considered classic - the bed is located at knee level. To determine whether the height of the bed is comfortable, sit down on it: your feet should be completely flat on the floor and your knees should be at right angles.

The tall one is usually chosen by older people to make it easier to get up in the morning. If you like to sleep higher, then pay attention to the loft bed.

How to choose the parameters of a double bed

When buying double furniture for sleeping, you need to take into account not only the size of the base for the mattress, but also some other dimensions. In this case, they rely on the area of ​​the room where this type of furniture will be used

Let's look at a few simple but extremely important points about the dimensions of this furniture that are important for the future owner to know.

Family beds are often considered double beds, so they are used in larger rooms

Calculating the length of a double bed

The length of the bed is necessarily oriented towards the height of the person. Ideally, 20-30 cm is added to it so that the sleeping position is comfortable. In this case, the person will not have to bend his knees. But for those who prefer to sleep on their back and are the owner of an unusually tall height, it is recommended to add another 10 cm to the already added units. The same accounting should be kept if lush and high pillows are used during sleep.

If you have any health problems, it is important to purchase a double bed with plenty of free space. A low bed will be a great idea in a loft interior

Traditionally, the length indicator is 1.9-2 m. Only in rare cases, some models can be supplied with a frame length of 1.95 m. If we talk about bamboo beds, their size will be 2 m 20 cm. However, for rooms in average apartments use such furniture will be uncomfortable. The rooms in modern apartments are quite small, but everyone plans, in addition to the bed, to install some kind of designer set.

Choosing the width of a double bed

A regular double bed has dimensions of 180x200 cm. They can be easily changed up or down according to customer wishes. In such situations, it is worth determining as accurately as possible who will use the furniture. After all, a young mother with a child will need much less space than a married couple of equally dense build.

Please note that for a comfortable and sound sleep, each of the vacationers must have another 20 free centimeters on the inside.

For people of average height, models with an average clearance between the bed and the floor are suitable

If you believe the standards and GOSTs, then the optimal width of a double bed is considered to be 160 cm. However, for people with a thin build, 150 cm will be enough for two. However, a model with the latest dimensions is ordered less often. Sometimes a double bed can have dimensions of 2000 × 2000 mm², that is, be a square.

In some cases, a double bed is chosen for one person

Consider the height of the double bed

A bed that has space above the floor is more suitable for Khrushchev's bedrooms. As a rule, this approach solves the problem of free space in the room. The higher the clearance, the more convenient it is to store various accessories in it. You can install drawers or a pull-out niche for bed linen there.

A bed with a low headboard or without it perfectly saves free space in the room.

Depending on the model, the height of the leg will vary. Furniture is produced as standard with the following parameters:

  • bed-podium - 45 cm;
  • classic - 50-65 cm;
  • antique - up to 90 cm.

It is necessary to make furniture according to individual measurements, taking into account some reserve

Typically, all models that are suitable for ordinary interior design have a height of no more than 50 cm. However, it is worth considering not only this parameter, but also the size of the backrest. The optimal value is 870 mm. Sometimes its length can be 1230 mm. This is true if this type of furniture is accompanied by an additional set in the same style.

What to do if you couldn’t choose the optimal size of a double bed

If you are tired of running around the shops looking for a suitable stock model, then why not give preference to a custom-made product. Of course, such a service will cost more, but the owner will subsequently be able to enjoy the comfort of his vacation.

An obstacle to comfortable sleep is a gap between the mattress and the bed of 1-2 cm. The smallest double bed is also suitable for children

In this case, you can individually specify not only the parameters of width, height and length, but also take care of the presence of bedside tables, built-in drawers and other useful additions. Many standard double beds have a headboard that is equipped with an outlet for bedside lamps and shelves for books. To make the design of your vacation spot more interesting, you can order cladding. Then you will have to slightly adjust the dimensions to purchase a future mattress.

Bed frame

A classic bed consists of a frame and a base (bottom) on which the mattress is placed. The frame usually consists of two supporting backs and side panels. If the backs are not supporting, then there will be either 4 drawers, or legs/wheels will be added to the structure.

The most reliable materials for a bed: solid wood, metal (solid or figured forging). Wicker frames and frames made of MDF or laminated chipboard will last quite a long time, but you can choose fiberboard only for temporary use.


The base together with the mattress provides proper support for the body while sleeping: even a good mattress placed on the floor can cause back pain over time.

At a minimum, the base should contain springs or a metal grid, but this option is considered outdated: it has worse orthopedic properties and there is a risk of squeaking over time. A modern solution is a frame with transverse flexible plates (lamellas): the more lamellas, the better.

Standard sizes of Euro beds

In Europe, standard refers to mattress sizes. As a rule, the furniture frames themselves are almost 10 cm larger.

King size200190


On the one hand, free space under the bed is good, since ventilation of the mattress is important. However, the space under the bed can be used for storage. It is most convenient if the bed has a lifting mechanism: all things will be in full view, it will be easier to get them out and keep them in order.

The second option is drawers. If you initially bought a bed without additional storage, you can always put regular boxes under it; You can make a platform for them on wheels - it will be more convenient.

Storage can be provided not only by under-bed space. Pay attention to the headboard, it can be deeper, forming a shelf on top, and have drawers. Then you can do without bedside tables.

On topic: 10 ways to make any room more comfortable

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