Curtains for a living room with a balcony door: 100 photos with the best options

To create the most comfortable and functional interior, you need to make profitable use of any space in the house. But sometimes layout features cause difficulties in choosing decorative elements. Today we will talk about the correct use of curtains for a kitchen with a balcony door.

Although such a layout is quite convenient from a practical point of view, in reality the selection of suitable textile materials turns into a complex and, at times, unsolvable task. The difficulty in choosing curtains in this case is due to the disproportionality of the opening, as well as the constant need to move between the kitchen and balcony areas. If you are lucky enough to have a balcony in your kitchen, and you don’t know how to properly decorate such an interior with curtains, we will help you sort out all the issues and create a stylish and practical design.

Curtains in a kitchen with a balcony: what are the advantages?

No one is forcing you to cover your balcony opening with massive fabrics or unusual materials. You can always refuse this method of decoration - and leave the balcony area without additional textile decorations.

But, since the kitchen is the calling card of any housewife, a cozy and stylish design must be thought out to the smallest detail. That is why the use of curtains or curtains of pleasant textures and shades becomes a necessity.

In fact, the benefits of using them in the kitchen are limitless, and they are associated not only with aesthetic, but also with practical possibilities:

Since the door to the balcony will open periodically, it is extremely important to choose curtains that will not impede free access to this area. The most common options are asymmetrical curtains (not covering the doorway), curtains and curtains with tiebacks, as well as lambrequins placed above the balcony door.

Practical beauty

In most apartments and houses, the design with a balcony door includes 2 or 3 windows. They are often the only source of sunlight in the room. In this case, curtains for a living room with a balcony should not be thick. You will only have to think about saving yourself from bright sunlight if the balcony is not glazed and the wide windows face the south side. It is better to choose curtains for a room with a balcony so that they can be adjusted, darkening or brightening the room.

Sometimes the loggia plays the role of a separate room: people rest on it, store things, and hang laundry. If this part of the apartment is used by each family member quite often, then it is worth taking care of the quality of the fabric. It is better to choose a wear-resistant one that can be easily washed. It’s even better to leave the entrance as free as possible, because the curtains will not last long if they are constantly touched by hands, thrown over the door, laid on the radiator, etc.

Textiles for a window with a balcony door are exposed to the sun almost all day, so the fabric runs the risk of quickly fading. This is especially true for natural fabrics, as well as cheap synthetics. Textiles that do not deteriorate due to temperature changes and can be easily cleaned on the spot or in a washing machine are especially necessary in a room with a balcony. Now there are many good artificial materials, such as nylon, acrylic, polyester, etc. A good option would be a combined fabric, when natural materials are mixed with synthetic ones. The same linen or cotton becomes more resistant to wear, exposure to sunlight and chemicals.

Balcony curtains: principles of use in the kitchen

In order for curtains or curtains to truly correspond to the functions we have indicated, maximum attention should be paid to their selection and proper use. When purchasing textiles for the kitchen, consider not only appearance, but also durability, practicality, ability to move, transparency and many other factors. A few more rules will help you make the best choice:

Remember! Since the curtains will have to be opened regularly, it is worth paying attention to the choice of fasteners and mechanisms for moving them. Curtains and curtains are hung taking into account the opening characteristics of the balcony door and windows.

Convenience of styles

It is important to understand that decorating such a window with curtains should remain practical and not complicate access to this small room. The aesthetic component also plays an equally important role, which is why the market today offers an endless number of options for decorating windows with curtains.

Strict blinds

Horizontal or vertical blinds for a balcony door and window, made from a variety of materials, occupy a minimum of space, are quite practical to use, easy to use and do not interfere with free passage.

In addition, at the customer’s request, the blinds are equipped with a special remote control and can be moved both from the inside and outside of the balcony. They make the room visually larger, but have a rather formal look and require additional decor if installed in a living space.

Roman and roller blinds

Roller or Roman blinds in a room with a balcony door are a fairly practical option. They are concise and easy to use. Rolled options have a huge number of different colors, can be adjusted using the control panel and meet all the requirements for the decor of a bedroom or living room.

At the same time, Roman and roller blinds on the balcony door and window, like blinds, have a slightly office look, and to complete the image of the opening, it is recommended to frame them with weightless tulle that does not block the exit from the room.

Therefore, when choosing roller blinds or Roman blinds for a balcony door or window, you need to be careful, thinking through all the options so as not to turn your own apartment into an office.

Traditional simplicity

To use traditional curtains in a living room with a balcony, there is a wide selection of design solutions for any type of interior. You can choose luxurious, elegant heavy curtains in a classical style, late baroque or materials with metallized threads for modern living.

Dense canvases that go well with delicate, airy, but opaque tulle will hide the shortcomings of the balcony opening and harmoniously combine the exit and window into a single composition.

If we are talking about choosing curtains for a bedroom with a balcony door, then you should pay attention to models with a minimum set of decorative elements so that they do not create a congestion in the space. At the same time, the material should be easy to handle and maintain. This type of curtain is perfectly complemented by stylish and at the same time practical magnetic tiebacks.

Today, curtains with grommets are coming back into fashion. They perfectly decorate any modern interior, especially when placed in a window opening with a balcony door, because they are very easy to move away.

When choosing fabric for tulle and curtains, you need to remember the length of the curtains in order to take into account the possibility of fully opening the sash without damaging the textiles with strong tension.

Of course, traditional curtains for a living room with a balcony are not as practical as blinds, but they harmoniously smooth out the obvious difference in the size of the door and windows. In addition, this decorative option helps to hide an unaesthetic radiator, which is unlikely to decorate the room.

If straight traditional curtains seem too casual, then you can take a closer look at asymmetrical curtains. You can balance the exit to the balcony, which is too large compared to the window opening, by using an asymmetrical lambrequin, where its elongated side will go down to the window, and the short side will cover the door.

The tulle for this option is made up of a couple of parts to make access to the balcony easier and protect the thin fabric from damage. This decor for a window with a balcony in the bedroom looks quite original, organic and attractive.

Tulle transparency

When the balcony is glazed and curtained, then the living room window can be perfectly decorated with organza or veil tulle, which will allow you to decorate the opening without darkening the room. It is important that two-piece tulle is not suitable here, only one-piece fabric.

When choosing a solid piece of tulle, you need to add about two meters to the width of the opening, then the material will gather in beautiful folds and allow you to open the balcony door without damaging the fabric.

Plastic or metal eyelets are suitable for attaching light curtains. It is important that the color of the tulle harmonizes well with the interior of the room, and it is not at all necessary to use the usual snow-white fabric.

Delicate muslin

Thread curtains (muslin) are considered a fashionable novelty this year . They look unusual, decorate the window effectively and in an original way. Thin flowing curtains can create an incredible play of light in the room. You can purchase a single-color version of such curtains or put together a composition of a pair or more colors.

In addition, the following muslin options are offered:

  • with beads,
  • flowers.
  • other decorative elements.

This option for decorating a window with a balcony is not only visually attractive, but also quite practical. You won’t have to constantly move the curtain aside to go out onto the balcony.

Japanese practicality

Modern Japanese curtains for a living room with a balcony are considered the most non-standard design method . They are ideal for interiors in oriental, minimalist or European style.

It is worth choosing such curtains for a window with a balcony door when this room is often used. The curtain fabric, fixed to the frame, moves smoothly along the guides, so it is almost impossible to damage it. In addition, the curtain material is impregnated with a specialized compound that effectively protects against dust and dirt.

Bamboo (oriental)

An exotic design option for a window opening with a balcony in the living room. They are an intricate weave of natural fibers , ideally complementing and decorating the expressive oriental interior of any home.

Choosing curtains

Since the number of different options for windows is limitless, we will focus on the most successful ones for the kitchen interior.

Lovers of simplicity and practicality prefer roller blinds: thanks to a special roller, even strips can be raised and lowered to the desired level, providing the required level of light in the room. The advantages of this type of curtain include low cost, a huge variety of shades, as well as the possibility of decorating with accessories or other textile elements.

A more standard and ordinary option for decorating a balcony in the kitchen is curtains. With the help of lightweight fabrics, you can visually enlarge a small kitchen space and let maximum sunlight into the interior. If the interior style involves the use of bright and massive curtains, place them on the side of the balcony opening, combining them with lighter textile options.

Roman blinds are the symbol of sophistication and rigor. Such curtains for a window in a kitchen with a balcony should be chosen taking into account the color scheme of the room, as well as the features of the balcony design. Among the main features of Roman blinds are the ability to adjust the height, variety of materials, and relatively low cost.

Attention! Roman blinds are attached to the window in a non-standard way: the cornice is mounted in the opening of the window or door, which allows you to save maximum space. That is why this option is suitable for kitchen interiors with small sizes.

Another type of strict and simple design on windows is Japanese curtains. Even if you didn’t follow an oriental theme when decorating your kitchen, these curtains will be a great addition to your interior. Japanese curtains are smooth textile fabrics made of linen, silk and other materials that allow light to pass through due to their translucent texture.

Wide vertical stripes in the balcony area of ​​your kitchen will provide unobstructed access to the doorway, and in appearance they will resemble a screen dividing the space. Easy to use, resistant to stains and quite durable, these types of curtains will look impressive in any color interpretation. Most often, light and bright curtains of this type are combined with each other.

Kitchens decorated in ancient styles such as classics or romanticism need to be decorated with more refined textile elements. In many photos of curtains for the kitchen with a balcony door, you can see a harmonious combination of French and Austrian curtains with other varieties . Such combinations are due to the fact that French and Austrian curtains themselves cannot be used to decorate a balcony door: they are quite massive and have a complex design, so they should not move along the cornice.

Due to voluminous folds, play of textiles, unusual shapes and patterns, such curtains allow you to emphasize the aristocracy of the kitchen interior. Therefore, rooms of this type require the use of stylized furniture or appropriate accessories.

Classic tulle and lambrequins are most often used to decorate bedroom or living room interiors. However, even in the kitchen such textile compositions can look quite successful: it is enough to correctly combine bright and light shades on the fabric.

Tip: when using massive and dark lambrequins in the kitchen, it is recommended to hang light and light fabric as curtains. The lightness and airiness of this design will be balanced by spectacular forms in the upper part of the balcony opening.

These are not all the ways to design balconies in the kitchen. Depending on the style of the interior, you can use curtains with eyelets, blinds, curtains made of bamboo and other natural materials, or combine several textile varieties at once. The success of decorating your kitchen will depend not only on the type of curtains chosen, but also on the right shades, so think in advance about the options for combining colors in the interior.

Types of curtains for the bedroom

The design of curtains for the bedroom is very diverse. There are several types of fabrics: classic, Japanese, Roman, roll, thread, curtains, roller blinds, blinds and regular tulle. Each of these types has its own characteristics and advantages; let’s consider them in more detail:

  • Classic curtains for a bedroom with a balcony - consist of tulle, heavy fabric, lambrequins and other accessories. In this case, the flight of fancy is quite high. The main thing to take into account is the use of tulle from two fabrics. This option gives free access to the balcony door and does not interfere with movement.

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  • Roman blinds are an ideal option for a small room. They are made from dense natural fabric, the canvases are fixed on a cornice with a lifting mechanism. Perfect for an interior in a minimalist style.

  • Roller blinds - this type of product is made from a special fabric that does not attract dust, which is very useful on balconies. For convenient use, you need to purchase two panels - separately for the door and windows.

  • Curtains made of threads will visually increase the space, and will also add a touch of neatness and elegance to the interior. They are attached to special panels, which move quite easily and do not create problems when going outside. Their main advantage is a large selection of textures and various shades.

  • Curtains will favorably emphasize the classic design style, while highlighting important details. The most commonly used fabrics for the bedroom are linen and silk taffeta. Heavy straight canvases look very beautiful and expensive. Delicate velor, embossed velvet, tapestry and tweed drape softly.

  • Japanese curtains in the interior are especially popular. They look beautiful and laconic in the bedroom, while giving the room some exoticism and originality. Their main advantages are their beautiful and elegant appearance, and the presence of a special curtain rod helps you quickly and easily move the curtains in any direction.

  • Roller blinds will be a great addition to a balcony door or the balcony itself. It is possible to adjust and set any height. The design looks like a box tightly attached to the top. A variety of shades allows you to choose the optimal solution for the interior. The production of such curtains is carried out on an individual order, so that the products will not only fit perfectly, but will also fit very tightly to the window.

  • Blinds are an excellent and convenient option for decorating a balcony. If the bedroom is located on the sunny side, and the morning rays are not always pleasing, we recommend choosing these curtains. On the modern market, these structures are presented in wood, plastic and metal. Main advantages: a wide range of colors, the ability to apply designs and photo prints, the ability to regulate light and ease of care.

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  • Tulle will also be an excellent option for a small bedroom. Plain tulle curtains in light shades look beautiful; they can be draped in different ways. Stylists offer a win-win option that consists of combining classic curtains with airy cotton tulle.

Color range of curtains

The color of curtains in the kitchen should be in harmony with the walls, pieces of furniture or accessories. If you decide to create bright textile accents (for example, hang red or orange curtains), repeat this shade in the form of wallpaper inserts, furniture, tablecloths, dishes or other design elements.

Remember! The color of the curtains affects the perception of the size of the room. To visually enlarge the kitchen, use curtains of light sizes and combine them with light wallpaper on the walls.

In a limited space, the pattern on the curtains plays a huge role. Small prints and ripples on textiles will make the room even smaller. In cramped kitchens, it is advisable to give preference to plain curtains or options with geometric and floral compositions in light shades. Vertical lines on the curtains raise the ceiling, horizontal lines expand the walls.

Curtains should also be in harmony with the kitchen furniture. When using dark wood furniture, it is advisable to choose light curtains that will maintain color balance. Light furniture will look harmonious with bright, dark, and delicate shades of curtains.

Symmetry and asymmetry

Heavy curtains combined with light tulle are considered a classic option for window decoration. Curtains are assembled with cords and other decorative elements, decorated with a lambrequin, and often have several levels. You shouldn’t give up such beauty just because of the presence of a door. Moreover, windows with balcony doors are usually very wide. Massive curtains in the Baroque or Art Nouveau style will come in handy here.

If the balcony is rarely used, then you can choose any curtains. The main thing is that they are in harmony with the interior design. For example, classic straight curtains are suitable for a living room with two windows. And if the windows are also small in size, then you can visually enlarge them with the help of dense plain tulle. It can even be stretched across three windows. If the balcony is not used, then the entire window opening turns into a single composition. When you need to free the door, simply choose curtains with grommets - they can be easily moved back and returned to their original position.

An excellent solution for windows with access to a balcony are asymmetrical curtains - they look original and free up the exit. This could be a swing tulle curtain under an asymmetrical lambrequin, which will open the entrance and protect the fabric. Or multi-layer curtains, hanging from one side to the floor, and gathered with a tie at the entrance.

You may also be interested in: Curtains for the living room - the right design for comfort and beauty

Some practical questions

When choosing curtains for the kitchen, also pay attention to their composition. Toxic textile materials are harmful to use in areas intended for food consumption. In addition, the curtains in the kitchen should not be too long, otherwise there is a risk of them falling onto the stove in the event of a draft. Give preference to textiles with fire-resistant properties.

Tip: to make good use of the window sill area, choose curtains of shorter sizes. Long curtains can be hung in part of the door, having thought in advance about the possibility of getting onto the balcony.

Regardless of the style direction chosen to decorate the kitchen, look for suitable accessories for curtains. For example, curtains in the balcony door area can be decorated with tiebacks, using ready-made devices, as well as ribbons, bows, decorative ropes or beads.

You can attach butterflies, flowers or other details to the curtains to highlight the spring atmosphere. But try not to overload the window area with an excessive number of accessories, especially when the curtains and curtains contain bright inserts or patterns.

Material selection

When choosing curtains, you should first decide on their functional purpose. To protect from sunlight, it is preferable to use dark curtains made of thick fabric, combined with translucent tulle in light colors.

If the bedroom is at the first stage, the best option is to use roller blinds along with thick curtains, which will allow you not to darken the room and close it from prying eyes.

A calm atmosphere and comfort in the bedroom is created by delicate cream, pink and beige tones. Blue, purple and green colors are also suitable for achieving harmony. If you decide to use several shades, you need to remember that they must be combined with all the details of the interior composition. Products made from natural fabric allow air to pass through much better, unlike synthetic ones, which also collect dust.

With the right and responsible approach, if you correctly combine all the elements with the overall design of the room, you can get a single ensemble with a feeling of real comfort and harmony. There is no doubt about the positive emotions and excellent mood that the bedroom will evoke.

All about curtains: advice from professionals (2 videos)

Curtain design for the bedroom (40 photos)

Choosing curtains for a window with a balcony door

What options for decorating a room with a balcony and window are now offered by interior designers? First of all, the selected curtains should not impede access to the balcony, be practical, but at the same time beautiful and match the taste of the owner. Therefore, you can choose the following designs:

  • Roller blinds for the balcony door. They fully correspond to the dimensions of the opening and look very neat. Models with a cassette mount are very easy to use and almost invisible when assembled. Most often, they are made of dust-repellent material, so caring for such canvases will not be difficult.
  • Vertical blinds for the balcony door. Very practical designs, simply ideal for the minimalist style. They look very original, while being comfortable and easy to use.
  • Traditional curtains are also not losing ground. Curtains for a room with a balcony can be made of expensive heavy fabrics, which will help bring the spirit of aristocracy and sophistication into the room. Such options will fit perfectly into a classic interior designed in Victorian or Baroque style. It is important to remember that when decorating a doorway, you should abandon the abundance of decor so as not to impede the passage.
  • Tulle. A great option for any room, be it a bedroom, living room or kitchen. They look light and airy, do not prevent the sun from entering the room, and among modern models there is a choice - tulle is now not necessarily white, you can find a variety of colors that create the necessary accents.
  • Bamboo models harmonize well with an oriental-style interior. These are very unusual curtains that will add originality to the room and help highlight the creative nature of the owner.

These are the main options for curtains that can be used when decorating a window with a balcony door.

Decorating curtains in a room with a balcony

Incorrectly chosen curtains for a living room or bedroom with a balcony will have a negative impact on the overall design of the room: a curtain that is too long will interfere, and a short one will simply spoil the overall picture of the room.

Each interior of the room should have its own zest , so let it be perfectly selected curtains that will favorably emphasize the advantages, hide errors and give a unique image to the room. Ideally, the material of the curtains should be in harmony with the fabric with which the furniture is upholstered and the decorative elements of the furnishings. The main thing is that the curtains should provide free access to the doors of the balcony or loggia .

When choosing a window decor option with a balcony door in the living room or bedroom, you need to consider the following factors:

  • The amount of daylight entering through curtains for a living room with a balcony door. It should be understood that even when the windows face the warm side, the glazed balcony will only be able to transmit part of the sunlight, so it is not recommended to place dark sealed curtains.
  • When the loggia is not glazed and the room’s windows are large enough, then, on the contrary, it is worth thinking about good protection from blinding sunlight and prying eyes.
  • The balcony is a fairly functional part of the home, because it is there that people usually dry clothes, store a lot of things, or have a good time. Therefore, when designing an opening, you need to take into account how often this room is visited. If household members travel between the balcony and the apartment all day, then the exit should be as functional as possible so that textile curtains do not need to be folded or specially removed.
  • It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of curtain material for a room with a balcony, taking into account the above factors.

Choosing curtains for the balcony door to the kitchen

To create a cozy room, you should consider a few key points:

  • The kitchen has a special microclimate, it is hot, often humid, and grease can accidentally get on the curtains, so you should choose a special material for them - non-staining, easy to clean.
  • An excellent option is modern fabrics with fire-resistant impregnation: if they accidentally get on the working surface of the stove, they will not ignite and will help to avoid a fire.
  • An abundance of decor, lambrequins, frills, draperies are inappropriate for a kitchen with a balcony.
  • The fabric should not fade in direct sunlight. Then it will last for a long time.
  • The color can be any, depending on the taste of the owner, but designers advise harmonizing the shade of the curtains with the facades of the furniture.

A very practical option for the kitchen is plastic blinds , which are very easy to keep clean. Horizontal blinds are most appropriate for the kitchen: they not only perform a decorative function, but also allow you to regulate the light supply. It’s easy to keep this design clean, and among the abundance of options and colors offered, you can easily choose the one that suits you best. Roman blinds are also good for balconies.

How to choose curtains for a balcony

When choosing suitable curtains for a balcony or loggia, pay attention to several parameters:

  • Color. If you need protection from the sun, choose dark ones. To visually increase the area, light ones are suitable.
  • Density. The thicker the canvas, the less light they transmit.
  • Functionality. Evaluate which type is more convenient for you to use and how well the materials suit the required interior of the balcony.


Our usual fabric or knitted curtains will fit well into the interior of a balcony or loggia. They are easy to choose as the market offers a variety of colors and textures. The undeniable advantage of classic curtains is that they do not require complex care. If the surface of the fabric becomes dirty, simply remove the curtains and wash. Fabric curtains do not heat up in hot weather and have good air permeability. So that the decor does not hide the space, choose the length as for the kitchen, so that only the window is closed.

Vertical or horizontal blinds

To avoid sacrificing space to escape the sun, hang blinds on your balcony. Today there are 2 types of them:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

Many apartment owners have a logical question about which blinds are best for the balcony. If the room is small, choose horizontal ones - they are attached to each window sash. In addition, with their help it is very convenient to regulate the light supply: if you want to add just a little lighting, just turn the lever - the sun will penetrate through the gaps between the plates, and when you need to increase the light supply, pull the string - the blinds will rise up. The decorative element can be plastic or aluminum, the structure is easy to care for, you just need to wipe the plates.

Vertical blinds can also be hung on the loggia. Their plates can be made of fabric, which will give comfort, and the cores will be made of plastic. Such designs are attached to the entire window, which creates the effect of classic curtains. They, like horizontal ones, can supply light with varying degrees of intensity. Vertical blinds are easy to clean because their slats are wider. They get less dirty: compared to other types (due to the vertical position), less dust settles on such blinds.

Pleated curtains

This type of curtain is very similar to horizontal blinds, but is made of fabric. In addition, they do not consist of individual plates, but of folds of a solid fabric. Pleats can be selected in a variety of shades for any interior. An important advantage of curtains is their ability to take the shape of any window, including a triangular one. The fabric for curtains of this type is treated with a special anti-dust solution, so they are less dirty.

Roman curtains

When lowered, Roman blinds are a single, flat fabric; when raised, they are grouped into an accordion. From the entire assortment of stores you can choose curtains of different textures, densities and colors. Each curtain covers one window sash, so it is very convenient to create unusual combinations in the interior of a balcony or loggia. They are suitable for window openings of any shape, so if the structures are round or have beveled corners, Roman blinds will be a suitable option.


Japanese curtains look beautiful on a window with a balcony door or French window openings. Their design resembles cabinet doors: they slide apart to the side. Due to the fact that they are made of stretched fabric, you can create an interesting modern design in the interior of the living room and balcony. Japanese curtains look impressive and relevant on large floor-length windows and do not take up space.


If you need to completely block the room from the penetration of sunlight, choose roller blinds for the balcony. The peculiarity of the design is the fabric wound on the roller. Roller blinds are easy to clean, you just need to wipe them with a damp cloth or napkin

When choosing curtains for a loggia or a large room, as well as a small balcony, pay attention to roller blinds

Curtains for the hall with a balcony door

The living room (or hall) is the face of any home, so it must be decorated with special care. Designing a doorway with beautiful and interesting curtains can create an additional accent. The most successful options are the following:

  • roller blinds;
  • blinds;
  • Roman curtains;
  • tulle;
  • Austrian curtains;
  • “duet” of curtains and pleated curtains.

The choice of colors depends entirely on the style of the room and the wishes of the owner, but you should remember that dark curtains should not be used in small rooms, they will make the room even smaller. Roman blinds for a balcony door are a very convenient option; they are easy to raise and lower if necessary.

Original ways

Vertical blinds

Their material may vary:

  • bamboo;
  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • textile.

Such blinds are conventionally classified as curtains. They are a fairly common design option for such a space. This is explained by obvious practicality, modernity and durability.

The optimal choice is a product that extends from the point of contact between the door and window. This solution can be supplemented with floor-length tulle. For a bedroom, a good choice is blinds with a lambrequin.

Roller blinds

Such products can be placed not only on the balcony door, but also on the balcony itself. The photo shows how advantageous it looks. These curtains look like a box fixed at the top. Lowering and fixing the product at the optimal height occurs due to the operation of the mechanism. Such models fit tightly to the window, as they are produced to a given size.

The fabric used here is special. It includes a composition that allows the curtains to be easily cleaned and not attract dust. To make it more convenient to use the balcony door, it is better to use two separate panels: for the door and the window. Roller blinds will go well with lambrequins and curtains.

Curtains for the bedroom with a balcony door

The bedroom is a very important room in any apartment or house; this is where people relax, recuperating before the next working day. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right curtains. They should look good and not irritate the eyes, which is why it is better to avoid bright, catchy colors, not allow light to pass through, and at the same time be non-staining.

The most suitable options are:

  • Vertical blinds. You can choose bamboo, plastic or wooden structures; they all look very stylish and will last for many years.
  • You can choose a complex option - hang tulle in the opening, and roller blinds on the windows of the glazed balcony. These are modern fabrics with dustproof impregnation, which is equipped with an opening and closing mechanism. Thanks to their dense texture, they do not allow the sun's rays to pass through, so in the morning nothing will disturb your sleep. If you need to let light into the bedroom, roller blinds are very easy to raise.
  • The duo of Roman blinds and Japanese panels made of harmonizing materials looks good.

Important! Light tulle with traces and draperies looks good in the bedroom, but all decor should be placed in such a way as not to interfere with the passage to the balcony. And to create conditions for ideal sleep, tulle should be supplemented with a pair of heavy curtains that do not allow light to pass through.

Don’t be afraid to take risks: asymmetry, layering, draperies - all this is appropriate in the main room of any home. But it is important to understand one thing - the balcony opening must remain freely accessible. Otherwise, the owner’s imagination is limited only by the style of the room and his wishes.

Roman blinds and roller blinds look good and can be easily combined with curtains to create a stylish interior. If necessary, such designs can be safely supplemented with lambrequins, folds, tiebacks and drapery.

Design features

To decorate such a window or door, you should not use voluminous folds, lush bows and other large elements that can cause discomfort when using the balcony door in the bedroom.

The choice of material for curtains plays a special role. After all, they will need to be moved frequently. Therefore, the fabric must be sufficiently durable and not quickly get dirty. And it’s really good if the design is such that the curtains can be easily removed. This will greatly simplify care.

Curtains, if necessary, can protect the bedroom space from the sun's rays, so in this case there will be no need to use curtains made of thick fabric. It is better to use something lighter, such as tulle.

Curtains for a room with a balcony door: some tips

  • Pay attention to the blinds.

Every owner of a room with a balcony, when choosing a window design option, can first of all pay attention to blinds: this is a universal way to protect the room from the penetration of excess light. At the same time, caring for blinds is very simple, and among the variety of models and colors, you can choose those that harmoniously fit into the style of the room. It is best to choose horizontal blinds for a window on a balcony, and vertical blinds for an opening.

  • Roller blinds - beautiful and practical

These are very easy-to-use compact models that can be easily retracted to the ceiling thanks to the cassette mechanism. They are great in the living room or bedroom. Creative people can choose roller curtains with photo printing, creating an amazing and memorable interior. When choosing this option, you should take accurate measurements of the window so as not to make a mistake in the size.

  • Roman models - for the most modern and successful.

Like roller blinds, Roman blinds for windows with balconies are often used in modern design. They are indispensable for the kitchen.

  • Determining the location.

Curtains and blinds can be positioned horizontally or vertically. Horizontal ones are convenient because they allow you to adjust the degree of illumination; it is best to place them in a balcony opening. Such options will look very harmonious in a room designed in a classic, Scandinavian style or in the spirit of a loft. Vertical blinds can be placed on balcony windows.

  • Style Boundaries.

To make the room look beautiful and harmonious, you should adhere to a certain style in its design. So, light tulle will fit perfectly into shabby chic or Provence style, and thicker colored tulle will fit into country style. Heavy curtains are perfect for living rooms in baroque or classic style.

  • Harmonious combinations.

When decorating a balcony opening, you can safely combine various fabrics and options, creating bold and functional solutions. Thus, light tulle harmonizes well with heavy curtains, bringing a little lightness and romance to an aristocratic setting.

Choosing a curtain rod

The cornice is the main component in the design of curtains. For a beautiful and attractive appearance of the balcony, this element must be selected based on the following points:

  • Initially, the height of the ceilings is measured, then the window, and only then the material, style and shade of the curtains are selected;
  • For simple curtains, a round type of cornice works well;
  • The use of multi-layer curtains implies the presence of a cornice with several rows. On such a cornice, curtains, tulle and lambrequin should be correctly placed;
  • The use of aluminum profiles is only permissible for Roman or Japanese blinds;
  • Do not forget about the color of the cornice; it should be combined with the overall color scheme of the room.

Related article: Ideas for creating and decorating a bright bedroom

How to hang tulle on the balcony

The simplest option is using a cornice; it can be of several types:

  • string;
  • rack and pinion;
  • profile.

And a special ribbon with loops , which will be hung on the hooks of the cornice. This is very easy to do, even with only an initial level of sewing training. If you need to attach tulle to a plastic double-glazed window, it is best to use double-sided Velcro - it is completely invisible and will not compromise the integrity of the window structure.

Decorating balcony openings and windows with curtains is a real art that requires not only imagination, but a sense of style. However, the resulting result will delight not only the owners, but also guests of the house for many years.

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