Photo wallpaper for the living room: modern, original, stylish and beautiful photo wallpaper for living rooms (95 photos + video)

Types of photo wallpaper

There are several types of photo wallpaper. The simplest and most affordable is paper photo wallpaper. They are notable for their low price, and the range of designs and sizes is very rich.

Their main disadvantages are their fragility. They fade from strong exposure to light, so it is better to glue them on a wall that is protected from sunlight.

In addition, they are quite thin, so the wall under them must be well prepared. Due to the lack of texture, any lack of coverage will be noticeable.

Vinyl photo wallpapers are highly durable and easy to apply. They do not fade and can be washed if necessary.

Thanks to their structure, they can hide small imperfections in the walls. The colors are bright and saturated. Their disadvantage is that they are not environmentally friendly.

Vinyl is a completely synthetic material that can release carcinogens into the air. Not recommended for families with allergies.

Textile photo wallpaper is a work of art. Eco-friendly, breathable, adding comfort and uniqueness to the living room interior.

The main disadvantages are the high price and difficulty of care. Water must not get on them. Also, when gluing, extreme care must be taken. The glue should not get on the surface; it will be very difficult to remove.

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Photo wallpaper in the living room - photo

As you can see, photo wallpapers are no longer just a beautiful decoration. This is a practical and functional material for wall decoration. Modern photo wallpapers are durable and will last a long time. With their help, you can adjust the dimensions of the room, give the interior an original appearance and emphasize the stylistic features of the interior.

Choosing a photo wallpaper design for the living room

Before you finally decide on the choice of design, you can familiarize yourself with photos of photo wallpaper in the living room. This will help determine the concept of the future interior, choose the right background, find out how certain furniture looks against the background, and choose the final design of the living room with photo wallpaper.

For small living rooms, paintings with perspective, roads stretching into the distance, city views that are not oversaturated with details, seascapes, and mountain landscapes are perfect.

If the room has low ceilings, photo wallpaper with a vertical pattern will help to visually increase them: tree trunks, bamboo stems, tall bouquets.

If the living room is spacious, then the choice is limited only by your imagination, with the only limitation - you should not choose photo wallpaper with a continuous pattern of small details, it may lose its attractiveness, and from a distance the picture may seem blurry.

As an option for a modern interior, you can consider 3D photo wallpaper for the living room. Most of them look very original and will add zest to any interior.

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To add airiness and lightness to the room, you can choose photo wallpaper with a floral pattern on a light background. Photo wallpaper with roses will add elegance to the living room.

New life of old photo wallpapers in the design of the living room

An interior with photo wallpaper is a unique opportunity to quickly and easily add charm and originality to your living room. At the same time, there is no need to invest a lot of money in the renovation and design of the premises. If previously you could find photo wallpapers on sale exclusively on a paper basis, now manufacturers offer fabric material.

Aged photo wallpaper "Flowers"

Textile photo wallpapers can withstand long-term use. They are practically not subject to modification, do not fade in the sun and are washed off from minor dirt.

Photo wallpaper can be made in the form of a bright collage of photographs

Using fabric photo wallpaper allows you to simply stick the material on without any additional finishing or leveling the walls. They ideally hide all irregularities, roughness and chips on the surface.

It is popular to use photo wallpaper with a view of the evening city in the living room.

The use of modern computer equipment helps to transfer any original image to photo wallpaper. These can be your personal photographs, drawings and much more. You can implement any of your original projects. In this case, you will get an original and unique image.

For relaxation after the bustle of the city, it is better to use photo wallpapers with forest landscapes

In order to extend the life of the photo wallpaper, the design is covered with a protective layer. Use regular clear varnish. The coating will allow you to treat the wallpaper with a mild cleaning agent. In addition, the varnish will protect the image from fading in the sun.

The main tone of the photo wallpaper can be matched to the color of the walls

How to choose a place for photo wallpaper?

First of all, it should be a free wall, not cluttered with large furniture. Photo wallpapers in the living room interior are the central part of the design, so the background for them is chosen to be calm, without frills.

It is not recommended to glue them to the wall on which the TV will be located, since both of them attract attention, which can cause overwork.

Most often it is advised to place a sofa or armchairs with a coffee table near the wall so as not to cover the main picture.

In addition, the wall with photo wallpaper should not be exposed to direct sunlight, especially if the wallpaper is paper or textile.

You can cover part of a wall, the entire wall, or make a corner with photo wallpaper. There are countless options to choose from. Manufacturers of this type of coating add new designs, textures and materials every year.

Thanks to this, everyone had the opportunity to make their living room unique and cozy. A place where you want to spend time with the whole family.

Using photo wallpaper in the design of a modern living room

It is worth considering in detail how to properly use photo wallpaper in the design of a guest room.

Artistic photo wallpaper

Paintings have always been considered a standard of taste and a sign of good form. This piece of art will create an intellectual atmosphere in the living room. Photo wallpapers imitating reproductions of famous paintings are made in the classical genre. They do not need additional decoration or bright colors. They can be pasted on one wall. The interior in this case does not have to be classic. Suitable for decorating a living room in Art Nouveau style.

Bright photo wallpaper with large floral patterns

Reproduction wallpaper can be used to decorate window and door openings. You will get a three-dimensional 3D image. It is popular to use triptych portrait wallpapers. This is a unique decoration for a living room in modern or classic style. Images on a dark background will fit perfectly into a bright room.

Photo wallpaper with a winter pattern in the interior of a bright living room

Black and white photo wallpaper

Black and white wallpaper is the latest fashion trend. Black and white are the two simplest colors. They can be easily combined with other bright shades. If you choose a vertical black and white pattern, it will visually elongate the room in height.

Photo wallpaper for the living room can be bright and depict a whole life

You can get a spectacular design using matte black wallpaper with a white pattern. In this case, dull and glossy furniture facades will be harmoniously combined.

A large pink peony on the photo wallpaper highlights the curtains and upholstery of the sofa in the living room

You can use photo wallpaper to cover a partition in the living room that zones the space. In this case, select a black and white image of a geographical map. This is an excellent backdrop for arranging bright accessories.

In a living room with dark floors, carpet and furniture, use wallpaper in the same color scheme

Colorful and bright photo wallpapers

Photo wallpaper will help make a bright accent in the room. Use bright vertical stripes. They will help combine rich colors on furniture with a white background. If you want to separate the seating area from the dining room, use photo wallpaper with abstract bright flowers.

In this interior, photo wallpapers helped create a color accent in a black and white living room.

Creative photo wallpaper

If there is a children's play area in the living room, then stick photo wallpaper on the wall that imitates movement and joy. You can use photo wallpaper with relief in the living room that resembles an ancient fresco. Photo wallpapers that imitate shelves with books or racks will fit original into the living room interior.

In a minimalist living room, photo wallpapers should be appropriate

You can create your own original photo collage of family images and transfer it to photo wallpaper. They are ideal for a living room in art deco, retro and vintage style.

Why has photo wallpaper returned to its former popularity?

In the last quarter of the twentieth century there was a real boom in such finishing materials. In an era of scarcity, it was a great success to simply buy photo wallpaper, regardless of what exactly was depicted on it.

Citizens wanted to beautifully furnish their own homes, but in the end they received an absurd combination with other elements of home decor. It’s a pity, but back then the words photo wallpaper and bad taste were practically synonymous.

As they say: something new is almost always something almost forgotten, absolutely old. It’s great that interior designers remembered such a simple way to decorate any room.

Photo wallpapers look equally good in both large and small rooms, provided that they are chosen correctly.

Less than half a century has passed since photo wallpapers in the interior of the living room and all other rooms have become popular again. Today, these are no longer the materials that did not fit together very carefully and burned out after just a few months of use.

The nature depicted on them was not particularly colorful, but modern photo wallpapers for the living room offer an incredibly large number of possible image options, of any size, on a good basis with very high-quality color rendition.

In any large hardware store you will find a huge assortment of colorful posters for walls. The difficult task will be to choose the best samples for your interior.

In modern interiors of city apartments, they become the most important element not only because of their elegance and beauty, but also because of their practicality and functionality.

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