Hard and soft water when growing plants
When starting the construction of monolithic concrete structures, you should familiarize yourself with all the rules for caring for them in advance.
Equipment for the production of concrete blocks KNAUER 129.AUEC.VORS
Technology and equipment for the production of foundation blocks
Bakelite plywood is moisture-resistant A feature of this type of plywood is impregnation with a special bakelite varnish, in the process
Rubber tiles: characteristics, advantages, application
Rubber tiles for laying sidewalk paths appeared relatively recently, but have already gained popularity
selection of cement in bags
Transportation of cement. Technology and equipment
Cement is one of the most popular materials in the construction market. It is an astringent
GOST 25459-82 (1987) Reinforced concrete supports for road signs. Specifications
Home › Power transmission line poles and components for poles › Reinforced concrete poles SV Our
Determination of concrete strength. Tear-off method. Chipping of a rib. Ultrasonic detection. Research with Kashkarov's hammer. Rebound method
Construction Materials. GOST 17624-87 - Concrete. Ultrasonic method for determining strength. OKS: Construction materials and
TR 114-01 Technical recommendations on the technology of installing laminate parquet flooring
Before designing a floor, you should familiarize yourself with a whole range of documents: GOST and SNiP During
Porcelain glue
Recipes for cements for gluing
For gluing earthenware or porcelain products, we recommend the following composition. Take 125 g of fresh, good
Home foundation inspection
Goals and objectives of conducting a foundation examination A set of works to collect information about the condition of the foundation
Mistakes when pouring concrete into formwork
Checking the formwork before concreting Checking the installed formwork is what you need to do first
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