Pros and cons of transformable children's beds, popular designs

The children's room should be equipped with reliable, safe furniture that is suitable for the child's age and convenient for relaxation, games, and study. The only difficulty is that high-quality products cannot be cheap, so their purchase has a significant impact on the family budget. An excellent solution could be to choose multifunctional, ergonomic designs, such as a transformable children's bed, available in a variety of designs. Universal furniture, combining up to 8 elements, helps solve several problems in one fell swoop. At the same time, it takes up no more free space than a traditional sleeping place.

Advantages and disadvantages of the design

Children's furniture should be beautiful, comfortable, and safe. When choosing, you need to focus on the functionality of the product, its quality, method of operation, and only then on the cost. In the “transformers” category there are beds for both babies and schoolchildren. The designs differ from standard berths, but are characterized by several significant advantages:

  1. Almost all models are equipped with length adjustment, which significantly extends their service life, because the child grows quickly.
  2. The products are as functional as possible - manufacturers provide additional drawers, shelves, and other storage systems.
  3. High level of safety - transformable children's beds are necessarily equipped with special sides that protect the little fidget from falling during sleep.
  4. Variability of the size range - furniture is produced not only with standard dimensions, but is also made to order according to the client’s individual measurements.
  5. With a variety of designs and a wide range of prices, choosing the right option that fully matches your interior features and financial capabilities is not difficult.

An additional advantage of some models may be: a built-in changing table, a pendulum mechanism that allows you to rock the baby without effort, and other useful functions. Like any furniture, children's beds with a transformation function are not without their drawbacks. First of all, they are quite large, so in small rooms they will create a cluttered effect. There is no possibility of adjusting the width - a 60 cm model, convenient for a one-year-old baby, is not suitable for a future schoolchild. In addition, you will need to periodically change the mattress, which will not increase in length along with the sleeping place. Some unscrupulous manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of products, use low-quality raw materials in the manufacture of transformers - the service life of such furniture is unlikely to be long.

Length adjustment

Maximum functionality

High level of security

Variability of size range

Variety of designs and wide price range

Construction of a transformable crib

The frame of the product consists of lower sides and a back. A bedside table or chest of drawers is fixed at the back level. The bottom consists of slats. At the bottom there is an orthopedic mattress. There are gratings on the sides. One grate goes down. The changing table is screwed to the nightstand.

When the child grows up, the chest of drawers and changing table transforms into a bedside table. The back headboard can be removed and the footboard can be extended. Thus, the sleeping space increases by 40-50 cm. The width remains the same.

There are models that extend by 200 cm. Special mattresses have been developed for them. They consist of additional blocks that are initially stored separately. When increasing the size of the sleeping bed, additional parts of the mattress are laid out on the bottom.

The increased size of the bed is suitable for a child from 4-5 years old to 10-12 years old, depending on the growth possibilities of the crib dimensions.

The remaining parts of the module will also find use in the children's room. In some models, a chest of drawers with a hinged lid easily turns into a desk top, and the side walls become a wall shelf for books. The shelf is fixed to the wall.

Classification of product types

All types of transformable children's beds differ in functionality, dimensions, shape, age restrictions, and folding mechanism. To avoid mistakes when purchasing, you need to familiarize yourself with all these nuances.

By functionality

A transforming bed differs from its conventional counterparts in its ability to transform into other pieces of furniture. It can simultaneously combine the functions of 2–8 products, such as:

  • sofa;
  • bed of other sizes;
  • playpen;
  • baby changing table;
  • shelves, cabinets;
  • drawers;
  • desk;
  • dresser.

2-in-1 designs most often look like a combination of a sofa with a bed and a chest of drawers. 3-in-1 models usually transform from a sleeping surface for a newborn to a table and bed for a schoolchild. In the 4 (5) in 1 options, additional elements include a cabinet, drawers or shelves for storing things. To the 6 (7) in 1 variations, a changing table, armchair or chairs are added. An 8 in 1 transformer can include all of the options listed.

The maximum configuration of a transformable bed for children is 12 in 1 . It includes 2 cradles, 3 beds, 2 sofas of different sizes, a changing table, a playpen, a table and 2 chairs.

2 in 1

3 in 1

6 in 1

8 in 1

10 in 1

12 in 1

According to the transformation mechanism

A children's bed, which can be transformed into other objects, can be equipped with various mechanisms responsible for the convenient unfolding of the structure. How the furniture is modified directly depends on their characteristics. The most common mechanisms:

  1. Roll-out - for transformation you need to pull a certain part of the furniture towards you and fix it.
  2. Reclining - involves lowering and raising the bed to a vertical position.
  3. For collapsible structures - here it is assumed that different elements can be dismantled to create a new piece of furniture.

Types of beds for newborns, product requirements

Roll-out mechanism


For collapsible structures
In addition, a separate group includes mechanisms used in the production of sofa beds:

  • “book” - you need to raise the seat until it clicks and lower it down;
  • “Eurobook” - the lower part extends to be placed in the backrest niche;
  • “dolphin” - to install an additional section you will need to lift the seat up and towards you;
  • “accordion” - the upper part rises and rolls forward;
  • “French clamshell” - folds out like an advertising, three-sided booklet.

Roll-out transforming children's beds with a table or other elements operate using rollers and guides. In folding, collapsible models and sofa beds, a spring mechanism or gas lift is installed. Budget options provide for a manual transformation method, that is, independent lifting of the product. The only advantage of this option is the cost.

If coil springs are installed in the transforming bed, they will take most of the load on themselves. Accordingly, even a child can turn the product into a sofa or table. But over time, this design begins to creak, which causes considerable inconvenience. The gas lift operates using shock absorbers: silent, durable, but expensive devices that provide easy and comfortable transformation.





"French folding bed"

Manual mechanism


Gas lift

To size

The standard sizes of transformable children's beds are shown in the table.

Product typeLengthWidthHeight
Bed for a schoolchild200 cm90 cmUp to 180 cm
"Attic"160 cm70 cm120 cm
Round model130 cm75 cm120 cm
Manege120 cm60 cm120 cm
Dresser bedUp to 180 cmUp to 80 cm120 cm

Not all manufacturers adhere to the specified dimensions. Considering the multi-component nature of the product, additional parts can increase both the length, width and height of the assembled furniture. For example, a 6 in 1 transformer will take up more space than a 2 in 1 children's bed.

Bed for a schoolchild


Round model


Dresser bed

According to the age

A children's transforming bed should be 20–30 cm larger than the child's height; this must be taken into account if the product is purchased for growth. The same rule applies to the width of furniture. Models of 60 cm will be optimal for children under 7 years old, but schoolchildren need a sleeping place of at least 80 cm. Therefore, when purchasing a multi-component, durable design designed for a child from 0 to 12 years old, you should give preference to the 80 cm model. Its length must be at least 180 cm.

For newborn children, special playpens, transformable children's beds with a pendulum and round structures are provided. If the child has already reached the age of three, having a playpen or changing table will be pointless. Furniture for schoolchildren and teenagers must be equipped with a table, a chest of drawers with wide drawers, and shelves.

The bed should be 20–30 cm larger than the child’s height

For newborn children, cribs with a pendulum are provided

The width of the universal model is at least 80 cm

By shape

Traditional rectangular designs have been and remain the most popular. They fit into any interior and are comfortable to use. There are many similar options on the furniture market.

Less common, but at the same time very convenient to use options, are round and oval beds. The latter, as a rule, is transformed from the first. Such forms are more mobile, compact, but are suitable only for children under 5 years old. Due to the absence of sharp corners, they are considered safer. Often available in the form of 8-in-1 transformers.

Characteristic features of a classic children's bed, decor options





There are several types of transformable children's beds, each of which has certain features.

Chest of drawers or wardrobe

Children's products with a chest of drawers are modular structures that combine two pieces of furniture.

Design Features:

  • a chest of drawers or a cabinet can be installed in different positions; it is usually installed on the right or left side;
  • the upper surface of the cabinet can be used as a changing table for storing children's essential hygiene products;
  • the closet has many built-in shelves on which you can easily put children's clothes and linen;
  • beautiful design - the type of upholstered modern furniture can be varied, these designs will look good in classic rooms. Such a wardrobe bed can become a real interior decoration.

Numerous photos show options for the location of this item for newborns and how to install it.

With a pendulum

Models with a pendulum are a useful design that allows you to lull a newborn right in the crib. In order to launch a product with a pendulum, you just need to move the sleeping bed and the work of the pendulum will go into full swing.

Product characteristics:

  • quick response - beds with a pendulum have a quick response to any rustle. The pendulum can be triggered by slight movement of the baby during sleep. Some products have the function of triggering a pendulum when a baby cries;
  • operating mechanism - products with a pendulum can have two mechanisms - on silent bearings and wooden slats. The first option is considered preferable. Beds with wood frames can squeak over time;
  • additional elements - the design includes a wardrobe or chest of drawers in which you can put your child’s things and linen. The upper part can be used as a changing structure;
  • the presence of pull-out shelves at the bottom. The modern, practical sleeping area can be equipped with a pull-out storage space. This place can be used to store toys and winter clothes for the child.

It is also worth noting that beds with a pendulum have locks on the legs, which, unlike conventional sleeping spaces, do not damage the floor covering. Be sure to look at the photos of beds with a pendulum; they show all the design features and methods of controlling these products.

Dresser and changing table

Cribs for newborns, which include a chest of drawers and a changing table, are multifunctional models. These products allow you to change your baby's clothes without leaving too far from the sleeping area.

Product Features:

  • beds with a changing table and a chest of drawers provide several items in one design. By purchasing this piece of furniture, many parents save themselves from purchasing other products - a wardrobe, a table;
  • The changing table may have a folding design that is attached to the headboard. Sometimes there are transforming models in which the table allows you to increase the length of the space for comfortable sleep;
  • The chest of drawers or closet has shelves on which you can put away all the children's accessories.

Many photos show options for the location of the changing table. Also in the photo you can see ways to lengthen these products.


A round crib is a comfortable place to sleep for newborns from 1 month to a child aged 5 years. At the same time, the round bed transforms as the child grows - a round cradle, an oval bed and a full-fledged bed for a 5-year-old child.

Product advantages:

  • the round bed has special wheels, thanks to which the sleeping bed can be easily moved;
  • has several transformation options - a cradle, an oval crib for a child from 6 months, a playpen, a sofa, a table;
  • the two-tier design allows you to adjust the installation of the structure while the child is small; it can be installed higher on the upper tier; as soon as the baby gets up on his feet, the product can be lowered to the lower tier;
  • The round, like the oval model, is highly safe for a small child. As a rule, this round crib does not have sharp corners that could injure the baby.

Be sure to look at the photos of round products, perhaps they will attract you with their design.


The two-tier design is suitable for older children. They can be used for children aged 3-5 years and older.

Product Features:

  • a bunk model of modern products can have one or two sleeping beds. A sleeping structure with one berth is called an attic;
  • transformable two-tier furniture is multifunctional, the lower tier can be converted into a table, sofa, wardrobe;
  • the presence of a large number of lockers will allow you to put away things, linen, and children’s belongings;
  • unusual design - a two-tier model may have unusual stylistic solutions and shapes. In terms of color, it can be decorated in different bright tones.

A two-tier model always causes difficulties when choosing, because it must correspond to the tastes and preferences of children.

It is advisable to first look at photos with different varieties of this product, since only a correctly chosen bunk bed will serve you for many years.

Popular designs

When choosing a transforming bed for a small apartment, you should decide on all the characteristics described above. In addition to the desired appearance, functionality and age of the child, you need to consider how much space the structure will take up when disassembled, whether it is intended for one or two children.

With playpen

A playpen bed is not only a multifunctional, but also a safe product for a baby. Depending on the design features, the furniture can be intended only for newborns or can also be used by older children. Configuration options:

  1. Chest of drawers designed for storing children's things.
  2. A large drawer where you can place not only clothes, but also care products.
  3. A pendulum mechanism that allows you to rock a baby.
  4. A changing table is indispensable for quickly changing a diaper and changing clothes.
  5. Sofa - when the child grows up, it will become a guest area, a place to relax.
  6. A desk is necessary for schoolchildren.

The advantages of such products: absence of sharp corners, mobility, simple operation, bottom height adjustment. High-quality models made from expensive materials have no drawbacks. Cheap furniture has the same features as expensive furniture, but it is less durable.

With a sofa

A transformable sofa bed is a convenient piece of furniture that serves not only for sleep and relaxation. During the day, you can gather with friends on it to watch a movie, play checkers, and more. The shape of such furniture can be the most unexpected, for example, in the form of a car or some kind of animal. In addition, the sofa can be straight or corner. The latter is much more compact, as it uses the corner of the room.

Beds combined with a sofa are ideal for small rooms. Many models are equipped with an orthopedic base, which is a plus. The only disadvantages include the need for daily assembly of the structure, which accelerates the wear of the fittings.


Another multifunctional children's option is a folding transforming bed. It can be combined with a chest of drawers, a wardrobe and/or a table. There are two types of such structures:

  • horizontal, which are attached to the side;
  • vertical, fixed in the headboard.

If there are two children in the family, you can choose a bunk folding bed, but in this case it will be horizontal. Additional niches and cabinets for storing all kinds of things are often built into such products. In addition to its versatility, children's furniture (transformable bed-table or wardrobe) takes up little space in the room. To eliminate the presence of shortcomings in the selected model, you need to give preference to products from reliable manufacturers.


This is the best option for two children when you need to save not only space, but also money. When folded, the structure consists of 2 beds placed one above the other at a minimum distance. Using a roll-out mechanism, the lower tier extends to form a sleeping area. The nesting doll is much lower and cheaper than conventional two-tier structures; it does not have a ladder. The only drawback is the relatively rapid wear of the fittings. To extend its service life, it is necessary to regularly clean the guides from dirt and dust.


Transformable bunk beds are indispensable for families with two children, when it is necessary to rationally arrange furniture in a small apartment. Here, two beds occupy an area intended for one. You can choose the best option from the following modifications:

  1. Composite - the legs of the upper bed are fixed on the back of the lower one.
  2. Folding, built into the cabinet, representing two separate horizontal products.
  3. Pull-out designs are the most compact, since one bed is located very low above the other. The latter moves forward if necessary.
  4. Sofa beds - easily converted into a place to sleep or relax during the day.
  5. Transformable bed-table. It can be in two versions: a stationary bed at the top + a folding table at the bottom or a pull-out bed that hides the table in the body.

Standard sizes of children's beds, rules for replacing furniture

Such designs are endowed with all the advantages inherent in any transformable furniture. But they still have a drawback. Even if there is a side, a child can fall from the second floor and get injured.

Making the bed from above is very inconvenient, so getting children to fully tidy the room can be difficult.




Sofa beds

Transformable bed-table

Oval transformable bed

Such designs are distinguished by elegance and style. Here are other advantages of an oval transformable crib:

  • compactness;
  • increased safety due to the absence of sharp corners;
  • ease of use;
  • functionality (can combine the functions of a cradle, playpen, bed, sofa, chair with a table).

Manufacturing materials

To produce transformers, be it a small sofa bed or a round multifunctional playpen, manufacturers use the following materials:

  1. Metal. It is considered a very strong, resistant to various mechanical damage, durable material. But it always remains cold and unpleasant for children, so all open areas of the frame must have a special cover.
  2. Tree. Despite the high cost, it is recommended for children due to its absolute safety. The best beds are made from unpainted cherry, oak, and birch. But upon contact with water, wood quickly deforms, so it must be coated with moisture-proof compounds.
  3. Chipboard. The best option for those who want to save a lot. Chipboard beds are quite practical and can last for several years. However, if the composition contains synthetic impurities, the material may pose a threat to the child's health.
  4. MDF. More reliable and durable than chipboard. Suitable for both newborns and older children due to its high degree of safety.

To ensure the proper quality of the material, you should ask the manufacturer for a certificate of conformity. In the case of chipboard, only class E1 is allowed. If the documents indicate the E2 marking, such furniture cannot be used even by adults.





Materials for cribs

Factories producing children's furniture have a large list of materials that are used in different designs. Moreover, each gives a different level of workmanship and influence on the child’s body.

  1. Tree. The body of newborns is exposed to allergens and external influences. Wood is perfect for such situations, as it is a natural ecological product with a low content of impurities and hypoallergenic properties. A wooden crib allows air to pass through well, which will not limit the delivery of oxygen to the baby. It is also distinguished by its external qualities - a wooden children's bed looks expensive and stylish if its design is made with high quality. Unpainted oak or cherry is of high quality; they also have high strength and healing properties.
  2. Plastic. The advantage is its low weight, which ensures simplified transportation. But the choice of furniture made from such material should be treated with extreme caution. Very often, careless manufacturers use toxic impurities in the material in order to save money. In the future, such a children's bed will begin to release harmful substances into the atmosphere, which contribute to poisoning of the body.
  3. Fiberboard and chipboard. If parents decide to save money, then they should opt for chipboard. This material is characterized by low cost combined with good stability. But this option has a significant disadvantage - in order to save money, manufacturers add unnatural materials to the composition, thereby increasing the risk of releasing harmful elements that can adversely affect the health of young children. Therefore, parents need to more carefully study the composition of the design.

Bed size 120*60cm.

The Transformer bed can be equipped with a linen drawer.

Design and color

A children's bed does not have to have strict geometric shapes. A boy over 3 years old will love a transformer in the form of a car, and most girls will definitely choose a design similar to a princess castle. For babies, simpler round or oval playpen beds are suitable. Rhinestones, ribbons, colored plastic are used as decoration, and for newborns - a canopy.

The design and color scheme of the furniture must be in complete harmony with the already created interior. Experts recommend choosing calm pastel colors. Universal colors:

  • white;
  • cream;
  • beige;
  • brown.

For a boy, you can choose a bed in soft blue, purple, or pistachio colors. Pink and peach shades are suitable for girls. Colored facades decorated with images of Teddy bears, Mi bunnies and other famous children's toys of our time are popular.

Colors that are too bright will irritate the child's nervous system.

And a few more tips

In addition to all the above advantages, a transformable crib can be harmoniously located in various interior directions.

The variety of design approaches to the manufacture of this type of furniture helps you choose a model for any interior style. And also assemble a modular type, finally giving completeness to the interior. An innovative option with smart storage systems will allow you to harmoniously distribute everything you need for your baby.

Equipped with a pendulum swing mechanism and natural wooden fencing.

Edged with plastic shockproof PVC edges, which will protect the edges of the lid from chips, and the baby’s body from scratches and cuts.

You can get lost in the variety of today's choices. So what criteria should you pay attention to when choosing new furniture, so as not to be disappointed in the quality and maintain your health?

  • The surface of the furniture should be free of defects and dirt.
  • It is necessary to check the serviceability of the design directly in the store.
  • All small parts, screws, fastenings must be inaccessible to the baby to avoid injury.
  • When purchasing a product in a store, new parents have the right to request an accompanying sheet, which indicates all the components used in production.
  • It is advisable that children's furniture be made in pastel colors, as bright colors can irritate the eyes and overly excite.

A spacious bedside table, the lid of which is fenced with sides for comfortable and safe changing of the baby.

Choosing a crib is an important and crucial moment in the life of every parent. It will ensure full growth of the child and promote healthy sleep. And, as you know, a child’s healthy sleep is the key to his good mood and peace of mind for his parents.

The baby bassinet is designed so that an older baby who is ready to sleep on a large bed will serve as an excellent desk.

Useful tips for choosing

When choosing a transformer, it is unreasonable to be guided by the cost and appearance of the furniture. It is recommended first of all to pay attention to the materials of manufacture: they must be of high quality and safe, because the bed will be used by a child. Experts advise:

  1. Consider the need for the presence of one or another element in the design. All components of a transformable bed should be equally significant - if there is no need for a built-in chest of drawers, due to the presence of a separate closet, purchasing just such a model is unlikely to be a rational decision.
  2. Assess the compliance of the furniture with the dimensions of the room - large rectangular structures can clutter up the area of ​​a small room.
  3. Give preference to natural, safe materials and reliable fittings so as not to think about purchasing new furniture for the next few years.

Transformable children's beds are much more practical than traditional sleeping places, and such a purchase is also more profitable financially. We are pleasantly pleased with the breadth of the range: some models are equipped with a table and chest of drawers necessary for a schoolchild, others are available with a pendulum mechanism, making it easier to rock a baby. For many years, such designs have been in high consumer demand, because they have many more advantages than disadvantages.

Consider the need for the presence of a particular element in the design

Assess the compliance of the furniture with the dimensions of the room

Give preference to natural, safe materials and reliable fittings

Disadvantages of "transformers"

Along with a huge number of advantages, there are also some disadvantages of transformable cribs. In order not to stumble over quality when chasing price, you need to take into account some criteria.

The cradle is removed, the bedside table is removed and becomes a bedside table, the lower berth becomes a cozy sleeping place for the child until he grows more than 165 cm.

The legs of this model are made of solid natural wood pine, beech or oak.

If the room space is very small, then a transformable crib will not “fit” well into the interior, because it will create clutter. In this case, it is better to choose a bed and a chest of drawers separately and place them in different corners.

The bottom drawers are roll-out on lower rollers, that is, they move along the floor.

The bottom of the crib is made of durable wooden slats, thanks to which the child’s bed will be constantly ventilated.

The width of the sleeping area in such models is not adjustable. And as the child grows, not only the length of the body increases, but also the total volume. The standard width of such a transforming crib is 0.6 meters. Such a sleeping place will be cramped for a growing body, even taking into account the increase in length.

The bedside table has 3 spacious drawers that slide out on roller guides.

The crib is made of solid Carpathian beech, drawers and cabinets are made of MDF.

Standard crib mattresses do not take into account the possibility of changing the length, so a regular one will be too short for an older child. In this case, if you change the length of the bed, you will need to purchase a new mattress of the appropriate length.

Features: 3 bottom positions, removable bar, cabinet, cradle, bed, pendulum mechanism.

The design may be damaged due to the baby’s hyperactivity. To adapt to the outside world, a child needs a periodic change of environment. He will quickly get tired of falling asleep in one crib for many years.

The bed uses high-quality fittings.

In this crib your baby will be able to sleep comfortably from birth to 10 years, the bed dimensions are 170cm x 70cm.

The low quality of the materials from which the transformable crib is made can shorten its service life.

A modern transformable children's bed is an ideal solution for forward-thinking parents.

The mattress base is equipped with beech slats.

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