Mirror with bevel: photo, bevelling options, design, shape, location in the interior

Mirror beveling options

Several bevelling options.


Small rhombuses or large diamond-shaped figures undoubtedly become a very interesting interior object, which allows you to bring a special charm to the room and fill the atmosphere with some magic.


Rational square figures, due to the refraction of rays, have an illusory weightlessness and perfectly emphasize both sophisticated and more laconic interiors.

The photo shows narrow mirrors with a bevel in the form of squares in the interior of a classic dining room.

Arbitrary compositions of figures

Models with facets in the form of hexagonal, octagonal or other arbitrary shapes represent a truly non-standard and eye-catching decor that becomes the focal point of any room.


A varied, unique patterned engraving is an original work of art and makes the decor more original and colorful.

Along the edges

Bevelling along the contour gives the mirror surface additional aesthetic subtlety. Thanks to the brightly shining edges that create a play of light, the most ordinary mirror turns into a luxurious and spectacular thing.

What it is?

“Faced plane” - this is how the term “facet” can be literally translated, which reflects the essence and allows you to understand on an intuitive level what a beveled mirror or beveled tile is. Photos of the interiors will tell and show this even better, but we’ll also look at the basics of technology.

An example of a beveled mirror cut

Bevel cutting looks stylish in the interior, which is why many designers practice the absence of frames for such mirrors

Faceted mirrors look three-dimensional and harmoniously combine with plain walls. Many designers create a shape for beveled mirrors similar to the cutting of precious stones

Several manufacturing options:

Mirror location

Placement options for beveled mirror models:

  • On the wall. This arrangement illuminates the room with glare, creates a muted flicker and forms an organic, complete interior image.
  • On the ceiling. A beveled ceiling mirror creates amazing and unusual effects in the room, making the atmosphere fresher and more atmospheric.
  • Built into furniture. A beveled mirror surface built into furniture allows not only to radically transform the space and create an original and sophisticated design, but is also a very convenient and practical interior solution.

The photo shows a spacious kitchen with a ceiling decorated with a beveled mirror.

Unpleasant pitfalls when using mirror panels in the interior

Mirrors, like an actor strategist, plays a wide range of roles. The main task is to create space in the interior.

  1. Move. Expanding the space with mirrors.
  2. Option. Adjusting the constructiveness of the PO.
  3. Idea. Adding perspective in the form of mirrors.
  4. Way. Multiplying artificial light with lamps and LEDs.
  5. Solution. Make it most effective indoors, for example, surrounded by sports equipment.
  6. Method. Decoration of the walls of the building with an individual plan and shape.
  7. Format. The real task is masked, for example: models of built-in TVs that look like a mirror. The remote control is pressed - TV program, news block, switch off - mirror again, brushing teeth, viewing mirror.

The original look is obtained by assembled mirror rhombuses.
The mirror panel comes in a variety of designs. Interior style and taste preferences are selected based on the design options for living rooms. The original look is obtained by assembled mirror rhombuses. The details of each canvas cover part of the room, which is given to the artists to increase the volume and length: hallway, living room, bedroom, ceiling. The sizes of polygons, squares, rhombuses, faces 470 mm, triangles with a base 670 mm are clearly collected by any ensemble of mirror panels. Facets form the design style and aesthetics of the overall composition.

Mirror design

Interesting design examples.

In a baguette frame

With the help of a frame that decorates a mirror, you can completely change its appearance, set the desired style and add completeness. Baguette metal, plastic or wooden framing makes this decor more complete and creates the illusion of abundance.

The photo shows tinted beveled bronze mirrors framed with golden baguette frames.

With a wide bevel around the perimeter

A solid wide bevel always looks simply amazing, it emphasizes the geometry of the mirror favorably and provides an opportunity to look at this product with completely different eyes.

The photo shows a square wall mirror with a wide bevel around the perimeter in the hallway interior.

Double bevel

It has an appearance similar to a diamond cut; this effect is created using a special facet overlay, due to which this decorative element acquires a certain volume. A double bevel in the form of a mirror frame will add solemnity and versatility to the atmosphere.


The facet model, in combination with internal or external lighting, brings additional space to the room, fills it with light and shine, giving it a special charm.

The photo shows a bathroom with a rectangular beveled mirror with lighting.


It has a rough texture and a special spectacular fragile beauty, with which you can realize a variety of design ideas.

Mirror panel

Thanks to its special shine, crystal depth and many sparkling faceted cuts and corners, the panel significantly transforms the room, sets it a certain mood, doubles the amount of light and turns the room into a real designer art space.

What is facet

From French, the word “facet” is translated as “edge” or “plane of a faceted thing.” This is a special decorative processing technique that is used in jewelry to give semi-precious and precious stones a finished look. Almost immediately, glass and mirror manufacturers adopted the bevel technique. Products processed in this way looked very impressive and impressed with the shimmer of color and light.

Mirror tiles with bevel

Facet on glass

Facets for stained glass

The bevel technique affects not only the aesthetic properties of products, but also greatly simplifies their installation. For example, beveled mirror tiles are much easier to insert into a wooden or metal frame due to the beveled edges of the elements. This makes the assembly of decorative items and furniture with such inserts safer and less time consuming.

Bevel making process

Previously, the technique of bevelling glass and mirror surfaces was time-consuming. The craftsmen worked millimeter by millimeter, carefully removing the edge of the material. Sometimes it was necessary to modify the product manually. Hand trembling or excessive pressure could ruin the material.

Nowadays, bevels on glass or mirrors are made using a special bevel machine. It allows you to create an edge of any width and with different angles of inclination - from 5 to 40 mm and from 1 to 45°, respectively. Before work, the material is cut into fragments of the required sizes, after which the master grinds off the edge, grinds and polishes it.

Preparing glass for making bevels: photo of the work

The speed of making a bevel on a mirror or glass depends on the complexity of the work itself and the experience of the craftsman. The price of the finished product processed using this technique will naturally be higher. But even with a quick glance at the decorative items and furniture, it becomes clear that the cost is quite justified.

Look how impressive the diamond-beveled mirror panel and wardrobe doors look:

Mirror tiles with bevel in the hallway

Sliding wardrobe: mirror with bevel

Facets on glass and mirrors come in different types. It all depends on how the master processes the edge of the material:

  • Straight facet. Products processed in this way can be easily distinguished by the presence of a straight cut. The width of the bevel itself (bevel to the edge) can reach 40 mm - it all depends on the size of the workpiece. The tilt angle varies from 3 to 45°. Massive products, for example, heavy multi-layer mirrors or beveled mirror panels, must be polished to make the edge look more attractive.
  • Curvilinear bevel. This technique is chosen for processing fairly large products (at least 45 cm) of unusual shape. In the process of making a facet, the master adjusts not only the direction of the cutting line, but also the angle of inclination.
  • Double facet. Craftsmen choose this processing method when creating multilayer mirrors. To create a double decorative edge, a bevel is made on each fragment, and then the products are joined.
  • Double-sided cut. The double-sided cutting technique is more often used for processing stained glass, glass interior doors and windows. In this case, the edge of the product is subjected to decorative processing on both sides.

See what bevels of all types look like on mirrors and stained glass windows:

Straight bevel on the mirror

Facet using double-sided cutting technique

Double bevel on the mirror

Curvilinear bevel on bevels

This is interesting:
Mirror furniture is a unique chance to change the interior

Shapes of beveled mirrors

Popular forms of mirror products.


This classic, strict and practical form can enliven a space and, depending on the size, give it an additional dimension.

The photo shows a small rectangular mirror with a facet, located at the head of the bed in the bedroom.


Due to the soft rounded outlines, this ideal shape allows you to create an attractive, calm and dignified design.


It has a maximum reflection area, gives the room depth, volume, exclusivity and reveals interior items from a more advantageous side.

The photo shows a wall decorated with a large mirror with a diamond-shaped facet.


Horizontally located oval models not only have a very comfortable appearance, transform the room and fill it with completely new and unexpected touches, but also visually elongate the room in height.


With the help of shaped products with curves, broken or soft lines, it is possible to create an unexpected and avant-garde design.

The photo shows a figured mirror, decorated with a bevel around the perimeter.

Tile layout ideas, patterns

There are a huge number of options for combining mirror elements for wall panels.

Compositions made from rectangular and square tiles are very popular. Although they use a variety of shapes: triangular, diamond-shaped, hexagonal, round and even free-form tiles. The figure shows the most common tile placement patterns.

Templates for laying out mirror tiles on panels

If the panel turns out too simple and you feel like something is missing, then work with the frame. This detail can further emphasize the style of the interior. For example, a frame made of plaster stucco, as in the photo, will emphasize that it belongs to the Art Nouveau style.

Art Nouveau stucco frame

Photos in the interior of the rooms

Facet models have a special extravagance, elegance, elegance and boldness, so they are perfect for decorating almost any room.


Beveled products, whether placed across an entire wall or occupying just a small area, will add a certain multi-faceted perspective and multifaceted look to the bathroom. This design, combined with tiles or mosaics, allows you to fill the space with an additional reflective effect, correctly place accents in it and create a magical aura.

The photo shows a bathroom in light colors, with a wall decorated with a mirror with a facet in the form of small diamonds.

Hallway and corridor

Thanks to this innovative method of processing mirror surfaces, you can completely transform the space of the hallway, expand its boundaries, add space, lightness, style and expressiveness, and also correctly emphasize the main stylistic concept of the corridor.

The photo shows narrow beveled mirrors in the interior of a modern hallway.


Faceted mirrors placed in a niche, behind the bedside tables, at the head of the bed, in the dressing room or boudoir area, visually transform the space and, due to the reflected light fluxes, will significantly increase it.

Living room

These exquisite products on the ceiling, on the wall above the sofa, above the fireplace or near it, create a highly decorative design for the living room, giving it solemnity, solidity, bohemianism and fashionability.

Panel of mirrors

Separately, it is worth highlighting the panel of mirrors, which looks like an artistic composition. To create such a spectacular element, mirror tiles of various sizes are used, with sides beveled at a certain angle. Using tiles, you can simulate any desired configuration and thereby give the interior the necessary atmosphere.

Coffee table made of beveled mirror

Faceted mirror in the bathroom

The faceted mirror panel is particularly beautiful and elegant. This element enhances the decoration of the room and can serve as a stylish highlight of the interior. The decorative product has a number of advantages:

  • Originality - an interior element helps to visually expand the space and increase the illumination of the room. At the same time, the bevel emphasizes the edges between the tiles, thereby embodying the effect of a crystal wall.
  • Variety - mirror tiles can have different sizes, shapes (square, triangle or hexagon) and color, where products in gray or silver shades look very sophisticated. A panel made of bright multi-colored mirrors looks especially chic.
  • Versatility - a decorative item looks good in any size. Using the product you can decorate walls, niches, bedside areas, window slopes, columns and other areas of the room. Particularly daring individuals can even use the product to decorate the ceiling.
  • Practicality - faceted panels have an advantage over a solid mirror sheet: if a separate part of the product is damaged, only one element will need to be replaced.

Ceramic tiles can also be used in combination with mirror components. This combination allows you to realize incredible compositions that are not repeated anywhere else.

Wall of beveled mirror in bathroom decor

Venetian beveled mirror

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